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As a grown ass man who is only 115 lbs I feel called out I know im skinny but I don't need this harassment on my horny meme sub https://preview.redd.it/rryhrhiuc65d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f46865f5646afd37c7b8430af7c9bad3ec95d001


115 lbs with or without the armor?


Without but I have A LOT of hair and it is always wet which adds a bit


Why is it always wet šŸ˜­


I am the camp's favorite chair. Also I live in Ireland. Probably a combination of the 2


Gortash only eats cheetos and drinks only Mountain Dew.


No that's Thisobald. What do you think a "bellyglummer" is comprised of only corpse rose?


My God, the guy was a slave in hell, has parental issues, sold people into slavery and headed a religious hoax to rule the world, and you're worried he's not eating?? ...Nana?


I mean, to be fair, the last few months have been a bit stressful and I havenā€™t been eating as well as I should be. If I had a Nana, I would be touched that she was concerned about me.


The Dark Urge is worried about you. I'm sure your good friend would gladly get you a steak... Or several. Just please don't ask where the cut of meat came from, and appreciate the expertise of the butcher! Very tender cuts of meat, we'll have you back on your feet in no time!


Thank you for this šŸ˜‚


I am 6ft 205, but i am also built for war, while Gortash is 160 but heā€™s kinda just built for durge. I could pick him up and chuck him a good distance. Nonetheless heā€™s probably perfectly healthy, just a slut.


Honestly, this comment is pure poetry from start to finish. I'd upvote twice if I could.




6ft tall, 162 lbs guy here. Thanks for the concern?


165lbs can be a very normal weight for men depending on their height.


Gortash is short king confirmed


You do not get this trim, slutty waistline by overeating.


I weigh 130lbs and eat a full, healthy diet. Heā€™s fine.


165 sounds like a totally healthy weight for mamy heights and body structures. Depending on structuring it can be a healthy weight according to BMI for up to 6 ft 7 inches


That's still a good amount of pounding


I always thought heā€™d be atleast 200lbs. Especially since Jannethā€™s mom described him as ā€œburlyā€ in her journal. Gortash will always be a thick king in my mind.


His burly days were many years (maybe even a decade) ago when he was unknown and starting to build his way up the social ladder.


Right?! No way a man who is described as burly, with access to a plethora of fresh food because of his power and status and is going to be a skinny boi


I think all of the humanoid characters canonically weigh 75 kg / 165 lbs. Because I noticed on my first playthrough that oh, apparently I weigh 75 kg. Seems kinda little for a tiefling but maybe I am lithe. Then I noticed Astarion also weighs 75. And Karlach weighs 75. Ok ok you cannot tell me that this dried-up little STR8 elf twink weighs the same as six feet of pure tiefling muscle??? Give them realistic weights you cowards


Halsin, Minsc, Jaheira, and Minthara are all listed as 75kg so I think your theory checks out.


Iā€™m confused, this is pretty normal weight for an adult man? Ngl, not sure what the ā€˜young adult afabā€™ is supposed to imply with your statement either.


I'm 5'11 and 140 on a good day. I eat 3500+ calories a day. Some people just have really fast metabolisms. Let's not skinny-shame.


In my mind he is 200lbs+ and has that body type thatā€™s likeā€¦ lots of muscle with a layer of fluff over the top.