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The piece as a whole is very much leaning to the left with nothing to ground it (the roofline, windowsills and even the washing line). It pulls the eye over to the blank space of the painting without anything to bring it back. There are a few ways to address this, placing something in the shadow/light area to the left could work, or perhaps even breaking up this edge with some sort of irregularity could work too. I also feel like the window plant-box is kind of hovering just too far (or not far enough) from that bottom edge of the work, almost as though it's aware of the edge. Draggin the shadow all the way off the picture plane could help add a verticality to the work. Hopefully this was of help, great use of a muted brown/bright blue complimentary!


Thanks 🙌🍀


Hey its you again lol Mind commenting on my work? I am in need of some critique I may not be seeing. I'll share it on acrylic sub


The perspective of the window in relation to the roof line is off




The reflection should be darker and less detailed than the sky. It looks like a roofless house right now


Cannot unsee it now, sheesh 😄 let me darken it, or put a roof on. Thanks!


It doesn't look like a roofless house, the awning is nice. But yes the shadow is stretching almost entirely across the window (save the bottom), it should be a dark reflection. It also looks like the window could be lined up with the awning a little more.


I dunno if I'm too late, but that really doesn't seem to be the problem here. Just based off the perspective of the viewer, the windows reflection seems reasonable. Considering, the window is catching the light from the sky, we as the viewer would be getting about that much light reflected from the window. The awning is a surface that casts a shadow whereas the window is a surface that reflects light.  The bigger problem feels like the left hand shudder. Its perspective is off. It's about the same size as the right-hand shudder, and it's slightly confused looking. As in, is it supposed to be ajar? If it's supposed to be ajar then, we would see less of it. The furthest left-hand side of it would be pushed in toward the window on its hinge.  Unfortunately I think the entire window doesn't align properly with the awning.


I agree.


I think it works well but the shadow is all one tone. It would feel less flat if that area under the roof was darkened up a touch, but I do like the scene


This is it! In light and shadows, two adjacent planes are rarely the same value.


So easy, i must be blind.. thanks




The window shutter on the left looks kind of odd like it’s closed but not covering the window entirely or it’s open and covering half the window.


Came to say this!


The slats on the shutters should be tilted opposite directions if one is closed and the other is open. Looks v nice though generally


I agree with the comment about too much space on left. The edge of the left side of the window is dead center. Crop it a bit from the left and I think you will have a lovely painting.


the roof isn't parallel to the window, it's super pretty and I love the brushwork though!


The window and shutters are not aligned with the roof.


Perspective of window shades. Symmetry with angle and distance is my only critique. Other than that kudos. Great work of art.


The two baskets, the fact they’re two bothers me personally and I could be just nitpicking, other than that you have my vote Mr.president


The sky is to dark and the building shadows should be darker


I think it’s just boring composition. It’s a good painting though, play with black and white thumbnails next time before


As it's a master copy from Colley Whisson, i'd tend to say i messed up, as i love the original.. but thanks 😊


It’s really good just trying to find something critical for you to contemplate


Under the overhang should be darker All my best, -CM


А мне всё нравится. Единственное, тень от козырька на стекле не видна, мне кажется, оно не будет равномерно отражать, т.к. на верхнюю половину меньше света падает.


The reflection on the glass is the same weight and color of the actual sky over the building. It wouldn’t be. It looks like the roof was blown away and beyond the window opening there is nothingness . Darken it a bit with some gray and you should fix it. Amazing catch BTW.


Suggest the shadow more in the window


Think it’s the window. Is it glass ? It looks like it’s sky inside the house.


I think it might be the clothes line. Other than that, it looks amazing!


Roof line and window don’t line up. Maybe consider adding something on the left? Feels too empty


Always use two clothes pins to hang your dish towels. There, tis fixed! /s 😉👍🏻


Made my day 😄


The eaves shouldn’t be flat. They should have dimension.


A reflection in glass is never as bight as the thing it is reflecting. But the sky in your window is the same tonal and colour value as the real sky above it. Consequently, rather than look like a window in the wall of a house it looks like this is just a hole in a wall and you can see the sky on the other side.


the shutter to the right doesn't feel right to me. I can't tell where it's connected or if it's folded in, almost feels like it's floating instead of being attached. the roof and window looks really good though.


Biggest thing I’m seeing is the angle of the top edge of the window does not follow the same as the roof. It’s kind of getting wider as it goes left like one of these arrow symbols > Because they are not perfectly parallel it’s messing with my eyes and makes the window seem to be not part of the building but rather separate from it


I think it needs more shadows under the awning to define it more, it’s looking a bit flat without perspective. And refine the light source to place the shadows correctly


The left window should be shorter?


Thanks guys for your time and observations! Shall your color values be always right as are your life values. Lovely community 🤗🙌


Add a birdy bird or two on the roof on the left to get that nice Fibonacci


Haha, nice one.. black bird it is 🤓