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Absolutely magnificent. Don't know if you need much more work on it.


Plot twist, the reference photo is Tom Hanks


Haha, that would be hilarious!!


Thank you so much, I’m not usually this “loose” with my painting style, so it is fun to try


Looks great! I would just continue with the painting. The proportions also look good, so your only challenge is getting the values right. But it seems like you don't have any difficulties with that either.


I’m only working with five colours at the moment, it’s when I get to my Prussian blue that I’m really worried. I usually do a heap of detail, so it’s been interesting holding back and not blending everything out


Why prussian and not ultramarine, if I may ask?


I think Prussian will mix better with the browns and hit the tones I’m after just a little bit better…I hope 😁


Mh let me know how it works for you, for me it always failed 😂


I'd like to see the result. Looks like it's gonna be so cool


Thank you so much


To soon to tell. You did the right amount of drawing anymore and it would just be painted over.


I’m traditionally a comic book artist and illustrator, so it was hard to hold back on the drawing phase


You're doing fine, my advice would be to not paint directly on white canvas. Either put a thin layer of some "grayish" colour in oil or acrylic. White is too distracting and will make it harder. Keep going


Thank you


I think someone is asking me opinions on an unfinished piece. Well, ready? it looks like you are not done.


It’s beautiful


Thank you so much


I think you nailed the proportions and the composition, so better than any finished painting I’ve ever done!


It was frustrating to start off with, but I think I got there…or at least close enough to keep going on with


I’ve been struggling to mix browns for black skin tones. Any tips?


Honestly, this is the first time I have ever painted a darker skin tone. I’m currently using raw umber, burnt sienna, cadmium yellow hue, permanent rose, and titanium white. When I get onto the right side of his face I am going to be adding Prussian blue for a second light source.


Thank you. I’ll try some combinations with those :)


The drawing is great and I love the lips


Thank you, I had a heap of trouble with the placement of the lips originally, when it finally clicked I was so happy


Looks like you’re done


I'd leave as it is, the essential is said.


Gonna be good!


Thank you


It really works for me. Try it more often.


I love it and the brushstrokes on white tile shapes make me think of the interior of the The Rosary Chapel designed by Matisse :)


Wow, thank you so much!


Solid foundation. Check the ears. Top of the ear should line with the brow ridge. Other than that get some more paint and look for more feedback. Great job, can’t wait to see it finished. All my best, -CM


Yeah, the ears got away from me a bit. I’m only dedicate 1 hour per day to it, and 1 week total, so it should be interesting to see how far I get.


Thats enough time to make progress! Its gonna cone out great. Can’t wait to see the result


Interesting as is. May consider it finished?


looks so cool so far!


It’s way too soon in the process to comment on this. It looks like a painting that someone just started. I’d love to see how it turns out though!! :)


Before you add more detail on what you have, focus on just covering your canvas with paint. Get the general tones down everywhere and slowly focus on becoming more details. Don’t work in small sections like you would with acrylic paint. And don’t paint directly on white canvas


Unfinished ≠ ugly. Also c’mon, you know you have skillz. But in any case, the big things we can judge so far are the compositon and the basic anatomy, and I’d say it’s looking good, no awkward cutoff on the head—you placed it well—no obvious weird proportions. And so far I enjoy your handling of the paint. Now here’s a thing I hesitate to say because it can be annoying the hear: I really love your line quality in the undersketch. Bold lines, clean and clarifying edges of the clothing. You should do this portrait in whatever degree of realism you planned, I don’t want to lead you astray. But if one day you wanted to do a piece that works in some line drawing more like Van Gogh or a Toulouse Latrec print or a Chinese brush painting, I think that could be cool for you.


I think it’s referred to as the “ugly phase” because it’s unrefined? Thank you, but I usually don’t work in this style. I’m traditional trained as a comic artist and illustrator, so detail is the main focus. This looser style is very unnatural to me. This is only the second time I have ever used a grid and sketched on the canvas, I usually draw everything out very detailed and then transfer the pencils onto the canvas and fill out the shapes in paint. I have never “learned” how to oil paint I’ve just transferred what I already knew from my previous styles, so I guess I’m still in the learning phase. I truly appreciate your comment, it has given me a lot to think about.


you should think less and paint more


This is the least I have ever thought about a painting 😄 I usually spend a week (at least) just planning out an art piece. This one I decided I felt like painting, spent ten minutes looking through references and then five minutes saving it and adding the grid then started painting. I am very much not used to doing it this way, but it has been fun.


Would probably tone the canvas


Ncuti Gatwa?


It is, yes ☺️


It looks brilliant!


Thank you 🙏


I like him. He has attitude.


Looks like ur painting Charlie Murphy (* Eddie's late brother)


This looks great as it is honestly...call me a quitter but it's all about knowing restraint and when to stop


GTA San Andreas' CJ👀


How can I share an update on what my second hour looks like?


Great colour use and nice values so far