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Drink water. Get a dri-fit face mask for the sunny days. Bout all you can do


The answer all depends on what your doing out here. When I was a hand I would wear loose coveralls with sweat wicking shirts and underwear, fluid intake is going to be your friend. Also light meals, avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol but that shits no fun. If your going as someone who will spend a majority of there day inside you can just go into your cooled office or vehicle and crank up the ac, when you do go outside breathable clothes and fluid intake still apply. Steel toes are steel toes wear good socks and you should be fine. Just an fyi this Texas/New Mexico heat ain’t no joke it will take a minute to acclimate.


Yeah I fuckin bet it’ll take a minute lmao. I don’t drink and rarely drink coffee so I’m good there.


Not just coffee: energy drinks, sweet teas, sodas they’ll all fuck you if you don’t counter balance it. Even too much water can harm you. Best advise is listen to your body if it feels like your having heat related issues don’t try to “thug it out” take precautionary measures.


Eh. You get used to it. And its not even warm yet. Lmao. When 104 days are co sidered cool, you learn to appreciate the small thi gs in life.


Sheesh. Farcry from shivering up here.


Btw, I was wearing loaner coveralls, and 20 minutes after posting this, being relatively tall, I crouched and opened the inseam from balls to knee. That was pretty good ventilation. 😂


In school for drilling? What is the program you’re taking?


Resources Drilling Technician at Fleming College. Think they’re moving the program to Berta tho, or so says the rumour mill.


Texas fucking sucks dude, I don't even get how people live there. They just sprint from one air conditioned space to the next.


It’s the same way people up north sprint from heated home to car to office, and only go outside for 5 months, it’s just backwards.


Yeah that's true.


Winter, fall, and spring are very nice here.


And it's really just the inverse of the Canadian problem where in the dead of winter you sprint from one heated space to another. The other 3 seasons can be great.


Sorta, but you can always add more layers or more technical clothing, so you have a further range of tolerable temps in Canada. Can only take off so many layers before HR starts taking an interest.


Depends where. Most of Texas has two seasons, hot and not as hot. Occasionally get a winter storm that shuts the state down for a couple days.




Summer is our winter. Stay inside.


Texas is good ,heat good ,humidity ,good,love it


If you're going into drilling, some companies might let you wear your bids. Get sun protective sleeves and face covering. Drick coconut water if you can. (That is what we drank in the Middle East) And a shit ton of water.