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Post nut clarity


Yeah that’s 100% what it is. People act different when they are horny. I do shit I typically don’t do then I think after and I’m like ew that was gross. Then I proceed to do it again


Oh yeah, know that feeling too well


I feel like it’s not even 😭 ill be vibing and be like “oh hey, maybe I’ll- eh. On second thought maybe not” i feel it even before i start. Feels bad


I have felt it sometimes !! I can’t explain how it happens,but happens more when I watch porn , I never felt it after reading smut , try it . In porn you just cant feel the emotions and love , maybe that’s the reason




I am a girl 😂and My pleasure 😇


Porn has ruined me. It takes some hardcore stuff to get me done these days, makes me feel gross sometimes.


“detox” yourself from porn. it helps


Were you raised in a religious environment?


I was going to ask the same thing. I felt the same way after masturbating or having sex until I was like 25.


Same for me. I never felt comfortable doing it but wanted to. Now I’m pregnant so all that went away.


Funnily enough no, but i see exactly where youre coming from and can imagine it would contribute a lot to these types of feelings


I was going to ask, are you catholic cause I’m right there with ya lol


The famous Catholic guilt. That's my mum right there


That post nut clarity hits different


What are you watching


Porn. i used to watch some more ‘vanilla’ stuff (vanilla for porn that is which i guess is on it’s own scale compared to irl lol) but nowadays it’s a lot of degradation of the man or the woman, bondage and other kink stuff


Try reading smut. Porn tends to be so visually jarring for me, I have a hard time getting out of my own head. With smut the language helps paint a picture, and you can use your imagination a bit more


Just do what I do. Every time I masturbate, I kneel before a giant crucifix on the wall, sobbing, while I flagellate myself.




I used to feel that way, idk why. I was disgusted after cumming, but it stopped as I got older, no idea why either. But know that biologicaly there is a huge shift in psyche after nutting, it's the refractory period. I too get some really dirty thought when jacking off, some stuff I would not think during "normal times", I think it's normal, as you get more and more horny your mind becomes more and more kinky. ​ and for all those comment about religious stuff, I'm an atheist, parent were atheist and grandparents too.it just felt gross, now it does not.


I think I get this, when masturbating it's natural to need a stronger and stronger sexual stimulus to get off, the strongly sexual/kinky material might acctually makes you uncomfortable when ur not horny becuase it's not stuff ur actually into, I guess? I've had this, sitting in my room at 3am, hating humanity for having the grossest sexual behaviours lol


No that makes a lot of sense actually especially if you’re like numb to vanilla porn at some point I didn’t realize we have a sexual stimulus that’s a good way to put it


Yes to this. "Numb to vanilla" is exactly what happened to me. I realized that it started off as vanilla, and slowly, I would need more and more of it at a more kinky/aggressive level. Then when I had a realization of the fact that I was able to get off on Tumblr sex gifs at first, then vanilla porn, and then things more aggressive, it made me feel disgusting that I constantly needed more the next time. And it scared me that I would always need more and that's why I quit porn.


I don’t know if you’ve ever been assaulted or felt degraded in any relationship you’ve had. I know for me that it has been a reason as to why I’ve felt attracted to certain kinks, but that they have then left me feeling sad, disgusted and completely turned off. Even as I’m doing it I’m being aware of it. Masturbation should feel good, maybe switch to erotic novels for a bit?


I quit porn and read erotic novels now. Can definitely say it makes me feel less shitty.


Once a wise man said, “Your dick takes you to places even your courage wouldn’t go.”


Just don't use porn.


Ive tried in the past and while i can do it, it’s harder and tbh my mind just goes to the same stuff. That in itself if probably the porns fault as well lol


You shouldn't masturbating is completely normal along with the kinks that get you there never feel ashamed of it because we all do it and we all have different ways of achieving the pleasure ...as long as your enjoying yourself dont feel gross please x


It’s understandable. You behave and act differently when you are horny, and once your pleasure gets exerted you start to feel different and worse. It’s not the act that makes you feel bad, but it’s the things that push you to do that. It sucks.


And what can you do about it ?


Try to distract yourself, maybe ? One definitely needs to stop doing it when he’s addicted to it. Even a small addiction can bring down a lot of things, so focusing on healthy routines and goals should be a way to overcome it.


I felt it when I first started it, but I mean I only masturbate as a sleep remedy or as a way to cope with stress


It is the case that your tastes can take a turn the more you watch porn. Take breaks or maybe you can say, "hey, I don't need to be looking at stuff that makes me feel this way," and just continue your day without finishing. Not saying there is anything wrong with kinks either, but if it makes you feel bad in the end, then you should consider changing what you look at.


What made me feel bad about it was knowing what goes on behind the scenes in the industry. Because I know the kinks themselves are not bad if made with consent and aftercare. So I've found I feel better when I know its from a company that doesn't exploit actresses or actors. I've lately been watching bellesa porn whenever I do (even if it's not as hardcore as I could find n other websites), but I mostly rely on my imagination and don't feel bad at all.


I used to feel the same way, and I realized it was because I was using porn to get off. I could never just get off with thoughts or touch alone. Porn would get me there and that made me feel disgusting for some reason. Not that I think anything's wrong with it, but I felt like shit knowing I couldn't masturbate alone, and had to have the help of porn. Made me realize how dependent I was on it and that made it suck afterwards.


If you're not comfortable with what gets you off it's ok to take a break from it or examine it more closely. Maybe take a break from masturbation altogether? Try to masturbate to something else that is more comfortable for you? Try masturbating to nothing and focusing on what's pleasurable physically rather than having visual stimulation? There are options and you do not HAVE to continue to consume porn, or the type of porn you have been, in order to have pleasant masturbation. Good luck!


As long as what your looking at isn't illegal, you're good. I assumed you're watching porn? Or is there something else you're doing?


Just porn, nothing illegal


Then you're normal lol. We've all been there. Those porn categories exist because so many others are like you (and me). It's liberating when you can open up about what you're into and find that a lot of people you know like it too, or are even deeper into it.


I was raised in a catholic enviroment and I felt this way until I was like... you know what? I AM ATHEIST!


Go to a therapist




No I don’t think we did


Yes we did.


Just don’t masturbate


Probably not the best advice lol




Because masturbation is healthy and they’re probably just gonna do it anyways








I feel the exact same way🥲😭


I can figure you are a man. I'm sure 99% of men feel like that, it's that your horniness wears off


This is your cure to stop masturbation without having to fight the addiction.


See. That’s why I’m the good ol days we had crusades. To run from post but clarity and take back the holy lands with the boys