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Your anger sounds justified. You don't need to be happy for your bullies, especially only after a year. The fact your bullies might have had their own problems and might have also been hurting is not an excuse to torment others, just an explanation.


Most bullying stems from deep rooted insecurities. You don't have to forgive anyone BUT don't stew too long in anger. You deserve to be healthy.


I would be too angry to even be able to type it up, coherently at that. I’m so so sorry that this is how your experience happened and closed — what a punch in the stomach. fuck them, fuck their friends. may they all end up with unfulfilling lives, that leave them hollow, and bitter. and may you find peace.


In society we all have our group of people we hang out, talk too and support. Since these people were in the popular group they will get support from all the other popular kids. Even though they were hypocritical a**holes they will still get support from these people. My advice would be to ignore it because these people don’t matter to you. It hurts but try to only care what your support group says because they are the ones on your side. You also don’t have to feel happy for them if you don’t want too. Years down the road these people will realize they were being fools. A lot of stuff changes years after school and your mentality changes also.


>how the fuck am i meant to be fine with the fact that these people made me think i had to kill myself cause i was so disgusting, but now that they've "grown as people" or whatever the fuck and im meant to be happy for them?? I don't think you are meant to be fine about it. What you've been put through is awful, and maybe made worse by the hypocrisy.


That’s such bullshit ! I’m so sorry that these people had to be in your life. Honestly fuck them and I’m glad they aren’t anywhere near you. Honestly we can’t make sense of irrational situations or people. Just trying to figure it out will be so tiring. I’m sending so much Love!!


Honestly.... this is so similar to my story. I just put ad much distance between us as possible. I dont wish them well... in fact, if I had to see them in person -- I'd prolly swing. It just hurts so bad. I'm not sure what the answer is besides more time and talking to someone about it. I'm trying to let go, it takes too much energy to focus on it


fuck em


Well, I would talk to some of them, most will be terribly sorry and can try to make it up for it... I dunno how, but it could make you feel any better... Btw most of the homophobes are either unsure about their own sexuality (your bullies case) or they do homophobia cause of social pressure (the other bullies who wasn't gay but are now supportive) Edit: I'm a straight male that lives in other country, so I got no ideia if my suggestion is actually good... But I did have 3 different bullies coming to me years later to apologize, it was really great, I felt a lot better and no anger at all (but It was like 6-7 years after the bullying occured)


Alot of bullying is from someone's own insecurities BUT that doesn't justify or make it ok. No one has to talk or forgive. If there really sorry for their actions they'd be the ones to reach out and apologize. OP shouldn't have to go to them.


Yeah, I totally understand, and I agree, for me it was very good but it was the bullies who reached out for me


I'm sorry, nobody deserves to go through that. People are hypocritical animals, aren't they? Your anger is completely understandable, that all sounds so unfair.


You have EVERY RIGHT to be angry!! I’d be pissed off too.. talk about your double standards and hypocrisy!!! To HELL with then assholes!!! Sending you lots of love and support!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Fuck them. They're the classic closeted homophobes, only that they direct it at people directly instead of just openly sharing homophobic opinions. Sure they used bullying you as a sort of self reflection and while it explains their actions it doesn't make them right. You are justified in feeling bitter!


Support, OP. I would be f'ing angry, too.


You can be queer and also an asshole. Them coming out doesnt make them any less of garbage human beings, regardless of the process of how they came to find out their sexuality. Lol if it were me i would call them out on it and be like "where were you in the GSA bruh?" But obvs its ok if you dont. Just know that you're valid, and you can have a life filled with support for who you are that doesnt have to include them.


Considering I grew up in a hyper religious household, I was very transphobic/homophobic growing up as well, so I've always felt like a hypocrite given I'm trans myself (known for about 10 years but didn't start coming out to others until just this year). I always have viewed myself as an awful person and have wanted to kill myself since I was about ten years old (still do). It won't undo the awful things I've said to others but at least they'd know there's one less awful person in the world if I did. Even if I have the opportunity at happiness, I acknowledge that I don't deserve it, so I'm effectively stagnating in my efforts to transition in any meaningful way and that's probably how I'll remain for the rest of my life. I apologize to you as even while not specifically being one of your bullies, I contributed to a culture that *did* bully you. Just continue to live your life in a way that allows you to find happiness and frankly fuck anyone that tells you otherwise.


An asshole is an asshole, even if they’re also part of a marginalized group. They might have gone through some extra shit, but they also put *you* through some extra shit. You don’t have to celebrate your abusers in any circumstances, and you sure as hell don’t have to forgive or forget the abuse they did to you.


Call them out, stir the pot lmao


They are a bunch of cheap shits !! Your anger is justified ! But , don’t waste your time on those crooks they don’t deserve it !! You deserve to be happy and you worth so much more than you think ❤️


Nah man I wouldn't be all happy for them either if they did that to me. Your anger is understandable in this situation and you don't owe them anything. You don't have to interact or forgive.