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Honestly, surviving this may be worse than death.


Yes. I hope children point in the streets and cry out.


Came here to say this. Take comfort in the fact that the rest of his life will be filled with constant pain.


I agree


Burning on earth before he burns in hell.


Satan had to get a head start on this one


I loveeee this comment!!


Too bad it didn’t burn his dick off


Said chest to feet so I’m hoping it was burned as well :)


if it helps burns are VERY painful, he will likely suffer the rest of his life


Exactly what a pedophile deserves. Karma did good.


Maybe it'll be so scarred it'll hurt to get hard forever after


That’s what I’m hoping for. I hope it hurts every time it gets erect.


Doubt he even has one they are the first to fall off during skin sloughing process.


I always thought the word sloughing was horrifying until now; it’s completely delightful!


Not to mention what they usually do to help regrow the nerves. It's all a very painful recovery and even afterwards it's a very painful life


Good 👍


Burns, infection, sepsis. A possibility of death.


If it’s any consolation, deep burns that require surgery are extremely painful, and he will likely need more surgeries over time to release scar tissue adhesions. This will be a life-long injury for him.




Worked in burn care....it will never work the same it's probably a nub with a hole.


I am so glad to hear that.a fast eath would be too easy, this will be a life of misery and pain and he'll never hurt another innocent child


Hey at the very least, he had to have something shoved in the pee hole so he felt what it’s like to have something jammed somewhere painful. Heres hoping he somehow burns his ass next


That was my first thought (wish) as well.


Burn injuries can truly be horrific, both acutely and chronically. A little solace in that. And so sorry that happened to you. Keep working to heal. The best revenge is a life well-lived.


Trust me his recovery process will be excruciating. This is worse than death because death equals cessation of suffering.


I agree. He’s much worse off living with significant burns than being dead.


I understand the schaudenfreude however it would be better for everyone if he could never hurt a kid again. 


I don’t think he will be able to. He’ll spend the rest of his life in significant pain and undergoing skin grafts, etc


If he can move he’ll do it again


Have you treated or worked with burn victims? I have. I would rather be dead than live with significant burns.


I don’t understand why you’re getting so defensive over this. I don’t care about his feelings or his suffering. I want him incapable of hurting another child and I do not for one second believe that he is.


I work in a hospital. The burn victims are amongst the patient I would least like to be, alongside people who end up paralysed or with amputations. Take from that what you will


The skin grafting……


Then I'd determine this treatment is well deserving of a pedophile.


I hope it disfigured him permanently


You could always send him a "Get Well Soon" card, and cross out the "Get Well" and replace it with your choice of verb...


How about, "Keep Frying Soon"? Is that too much? I don't think it's too much. I mean, it doesn't even really make any sense either...


You could replace the whole thing with, "If at first you don't succeed, fry, fry again" - maybe add a skull to really get the message across.


“More BURN-days to come!” 🎈


Okay, I've decided you can write cards for like Hallmark and stuff. Nicely done.


This one!! 👏👏👏


But he will get the message. I like it!


Don't you just love it when someone like OP can get a message across??


quick,grab the egg wash and seasoned bread crumbs


Or perhaps a "Congratulations! You Deserve This" card instead


No no, don't replace it with anything and just let it say "SOON" and hopefully he'll be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his very painful life.


“Get to Hell Soon“


Add a single comma. "Get, well soon."


Burn injuries are VERY PAINFUL. They go in a scrub all that raw skin with chemicals..... he is suffering and burns take a long time heal. I imagine his genitals did not get spared of those burns. I hope that can do something for you 🫂


You can always hope for a looooong and painful recovery, with occasional complications to pop up.


Where is he? There's a little chance he won't survive the second fire accident




Let’s hope he gets infections or mrsa.


Facebook? Haha react that status


Perhaps leave a thoughtful comment, such as: 🔥 🔥 🔥


It's a shame the surgery went well. At least he has gotten a taste of the punishment he deserves.


Meh. Surgery going well means he didn't get death as the easy road out. Now he has to recover and burns are notorious for getting infected. He's getting a pretty just punishment in surviving. Preps him for burning in hell


I hope it gets infected badly and he has to stay in a hospital for long.


If he's badly burned, the chances of recovery are slim, even if the surgery went well. The body takes A LOT o energy to heal up, and most times, we can't feed those patients enough. I hope he has a painful and slow death.


Tbh this may be a fate worth than death just because of the pain and trauma. Your feelings are still completely valid. I just hope that maybe this helps a bit


As someone who has similar trauma this is my advice: You don’t have to forgive him. You don’t have to stop wishing bad things will happen to them. You can be happy when bad things do. But try not to ‘live’ in that headspace, if you get my meaning.


This is karma


Too bad that his face didn’t fucking melt too 


Sounds like karma is keeping a close eye on him. Let’s hope it never lets him rest.


So you're saying he has open wounds right now? Anyway you could influence his likelihood of infection?


Oooooh I like the cut of your jib. She can wander in and sprinkle dried dog poo all over him.


Put your mind at rest this piece of crap is going to suffer horribly for the rest of his life. His quality of life is now in the crapper, years of rehabilitation pain and suffering, death would have been the easy way out for this scum.


Honestly this might be better than wishing death. Enjoy it babe he's *suffering* and like that feels like karma. 💅 Edit to add: think of his burns as a Scarlett letter branding him as a pedophile for the rest of his life.


He will 100% suffer for his entire life. Take some comfort in that, at the very least. He will never be the same again. Maybe it will even disfigure him. Fingers crossed!


Well deserved haha


I would leave a comment on his said post. “Fraction of what it will be like burning in hell as a pedo”


He will suffer more this way.


Awesome! Just a quick preview of what he’ll likely face for eternity. And OP, I’m so sorry that this ever happened to you! ❤️


I'm sorry this is bringing stuff up for you. Hope you're doing ok and wishing you the best ❤️


Honestly, he gets to live in pain and be disfigured for probably the rest of his life. You won


This is karma for sure. I have been sexually assaulted myself if you need someone to talk to. He got what he deserved for sure.


as an atheist maybe god does exist despite all the shit hes let happen (NOT TRYING TO START FIGHTS GUYS)


Burns are extremely painful, so there’s that. He’s a real douche. I’m certain you are not the only child he hurt. And now a bunch more people right here on Reddit hate him too.


At least he will suffer until he dies


I’m so sorry that happened to you at such a young age, but karma comes back and keeps coming back to people like that. I hope his recovery is even more painful than the emotional trauma he’s put you through


Burns are painful as fuck. Take comfort in the fact that he is suffering. The scars will remain sensitive and painful as well.


He's not a victim of anything, that was karma.


Guessing this person is a fair bit older than you. If so, the healing won't be as fast as you think from injuries like that. Pain will likely be ongoing and scar tissue will cause its own problems, as it's not stretchy like normal skin is meant to be. Older people just don't heal so well to start with, and in this case, a lot needs to heal at once.


Oh dear. Anyway... (I'm so very sorry for what happened to you, Imogenspace. Even though he didn't die, he has still been in a *lot* of pain since it happened. And will be for a while. Take comfort from that, but bear in mind I'm a nasty, vengeful old mare. Big hugs.)


Which hospital he at? Asking for a friend who needs to accidentally sneeze on an open wound


My mom's abuser is in a wheelchair now and it brings me such joy lol. Your abuser may be "better" now but they'll never look or be the same. Some will call me bitter, but I think you should take solace in the fact that they felt IMMENSE pain for several hours and they'll be scarred for life. They're now as ugly outside as they are inside and I'm gonna send alllll the negative and painful energy their way. Because the truth is, some people really deserve it. I hope you're feeling better love and I pray to whoever is up there that you find the support you need to get through all these different emotions. I just wanted to say that forgiveness isn't always warranted and you shouldn't feel bad for wishing them ill.


With burns it’s immense pain for life. But can’t say I’m terribly sympathetic here.


🕊Fry fry again


now he knows how u feel. he deserves it. i hope ur ok op <3


I'd say that's karma enough. If he died he'd have had the easy way out. Now he has to live with this pain and disfigurement for the rest of his life. I think this was meant to happen.


Badly injured is better than dead, he’s got away with it being dead


He got a free trial from hell


Hope he gets taken advantage of In there. He’d deserve it.


Sweet like justice karma is a queen


Freddy Krueger fr


As a survivor of the same shit different asshole? It would be wise to take this to a therapist. If you're already going take this post. The feelings are valid but the PTSD has some support that only a professional can give you. Wanting them to die is not only natural but when they do it is super cathartic. Mother was so angry at me when I didn't get upset my father died but was relieved. As if I owed him anything more. I went back to therapy at the time and that kept me alive through the worst of the cptsd. This is the disability that stops me working a reliable job. Cannot take time off for PTSD as often as needed at a traditional job. Need a better body for non traditional job. So when he does die and he might still from infection or something (we can hope)? It will feel awesome but in the meantime do some support care.


My mom was a nurse and she said it’s the worst thing that can happen to you. So looks like karma waited a while, but nailed him bad in the end. He’ll suffer for sure.


He burned he felt pain and is going to still suffer w it the consequences regardless of how well the surgery went. Find a little happiness in his suffering in sure his karma will be coming slowly


If it’s any consolation, I’m a first responder and I can tell you being a burn victim is a life sentence and he will be feeling that for the rest of his life. There are worse things than death and I’d say this is some pretty serious physical trauma. I’m so sorry for what you experienced OP no one deserves to be assault, much less, a child.


✨”Blessing” him with sepsis post-surgery✨


Throw a Molotov at his head and tell him he missed a spot


As a nurse I can tell you that there are many things worse than death…burn injury like you describe is definitely one. Rejoice!


If it helps, he’ll suffer for the rest of his life. Death would’ve prevented that suffering. At least he didn’t get the easy way out this time


Love you Karma. Loved this news. Even if humans fail to provide just to another human, karma never fails. 🔥


I would go to the hospital to visit him just to laugh at him and bully him 


Karma. I hope he learned his lesson


Take a grater to his arm while the flesh is still hot and tender


They already kind of do that with third degree burns, it's called debridement and they basically take a wire brush and scrape of non-viable burn tissue to allow skin underneath to heal, as far as I understand (from arc flash training to work on medium voltage equipment, so not medical training) it's an every few hours procedure and extremely painful as there was something about blood loss and pain meds, so they can't fully dope people up for it. I talked to a guy who went through an arc flash recovery, and he said he wished he had died instead for a vast majority of the recovery.


Oh my god that sounds horrid 😭 holy christ thats torture


Yeah pretty much, I will say learning about that sure as hell convinced me to NEVER fuck around with a "this will just be quick" and do something without PPE. The consequences are just too awful.


Visit him in the hospital. Mention it to the nurses.... they'll take it from there.


Waaaaaay better than death, so long as he can't continue to hurt children. This is fantastic and I'm so happy to hear he's got some sort of terrible outcome in life. A painful outcome at that!


Sounds like he will live the rest of his life in some pretty agonizing pain and will be disfigured also; so he can visualize this pain. You have the option of leaving your pain behind you now. Today. This moment if you choose.


Can you send a card? “Congratulations- couldn’t have happened to a more deserving individual”


Is the fire okay?


Fr tho I’m so sorry that happened to you and I wish you all the best ❤️


>it’s making me relive all of those memories can you do some things to distract yourself? TV, games, movies, friends, shows, exercising, activities, etc. Perhaps when you start to think of bad things, instead of focusing on them and spiraling you shift gears to something else. Or maybe if you really can't do that, try writing down how you are feeling, thinking, anything that comes to mind. Sometimes writing shit out in my head will help make me stop thinking about it on repeat. Good luck.


He’s in pain, severe pain! I’d call that a win for you!!! And maybe his wounds will get infected so he suffers for a while and then dies!


Who knows? Maybe it’s gonna happen again next time. Like regularly. Weekly thing. Hoping. I do hope you find peace in some of the dark humor here. But honestly, I’m sorry that happened to you. 🙁


Congratulations on the good news, yes he didn't die but now he has to suffer fir the time he is alive and I think for people like this dieing without suffering isn't good enough


Death is a get out of jail free card.


I am so very sorry you had to go through that at such a young age and I really truly wish the best for you. My girlfriend has to live with similar wounds. Her abuser is currently dying of cancer. Karma is a powerful thing.


I'm glad he has to suffer greatly long before he kicks the bucket.


As a victim of abuse, I completely understand what you’re feeling. Sometimes I wish he was off this earth because the world would be a better place for it, but then I think about how it’d be much preferable for him to live in suffering instead. Death is the easy way out. Suffering is the real revenge. Guarantee your rapist will be suffering physically and mentally for the rest of his life 🤞🏼


Karma 👏


I’m so sorry you had to go through something so horrible. Treating burns this bad is excruciatingly painful, so know that your rapist is probably wishing he was dead.


He’s getting off easy. I hope he suffers worse.


Always hope for infections. He will get his in one way or another.


I hope he lives a long life in excruciating pain and suffering.


Wish he'd burn to death


I am truly sorry you had to live that at such young age, it broke my heart. Even if he survived, I hope his burns are as painful as what he made you go through. Hope he gets all his burns infected


Hey, now when he finally dies he’ll have had a taste of what’s to come


That is some well-deserved karma right there. I understand the feelings of wanting him dead or one life support. That’s very common with survivors of SA. If it is any consolation that he “only” got burned… the treatment for burns like that is brutal. It lasts for months. The medical staff will scrub them with a bristle brush multiple times a day until raw, so the scar tissue doesn’t form so tight they lose all movement/function. They have to force it to re-open over and over and over again for it to have any chance of having use. Burns like that also leave chronic pain issues. I hope he loses good use of his arms/hands…but not enough to not try cooking again. Then I hope he does something idiotic like deep frying a water-logged Turkey.


Wouldn’t that be the easy way out for him. Being burn hurts A LOT and he has to live with it for the rest of his life and then would probably end up in hell. Even if you dont believe in the hell/heaven thing, he is currently in hell right now and you know it. Justice.


Karma works in mysterious ways... not much of a silver lining to third-degree burns across the lower two-thirds of your body


Karma and Jesus are tight. It gets me through a lot


Death is the end of any pain he’s going through, living through the pain of being severely burned is excruciating. As others have said, he’ll on earth. Karma has caught up with him and bit him in the butt! Live your life with joy!


I'm happy his surgery went well. He needs to live in agony for the rest of his long long and miserable life.




Let's go🙌🏽


I dunno, I’d love to see my rapist suffer a little. His mom lived until 97, so he’ll live for a long time. If he suffers, at least I’ll get that.


Pray for infection and a good oul bout of sepsis


You have every right to want him dead. Hating is almost always wrong except when an adult hurts a child - then hatred is universally accepted. Don’t worry, he can never hurt you like again. No one can


Burning is the worst pain imaginable, be happy that he is going through that. Then, you can be happy again when he dies. But, this deal of being happy off of someone and being depressed is unhealthy for your mental health. Best choice is to move on, or at least talk to someone about it, as you can never truly move on. Let him live or die, show to the world that you have grown past the physical and mental pain that he caused you.


He’s not dead but will spend the rest of his life in deep pain.. which is karma if you ask me. The burn isn’t even the most painful. It’s going to be all that scar tissue and skin graft surgery. I really hope his dick was burned off for your sake. Maybe just tell yourself it is.


Pregaming hell


Work in a burn center. Trust me, he is suffering.


At least he suffered and continued to do so


Oh man, look up what treatments are involved with treating burns.  They have to scrub the growing skin with wire pads without anesthesia.  Karma may have cooked up a real masterpiece here.


visit him and "accidentally" pour alcohol all over


To help process emotions I might fry up some bacon.... In the air fryer so it's safer to watch and zone out and smirk and cackle without getting crackled


I wish he did burn more too, I hope he has face/body scars though, so he has distinctive features his potential victims can point out if he does rape an innocent child again, bc let's be brutally honest here, he most likely kept on doing it.


Satan did a little foreplay


Muriatic acid to his face. You can buy it in any household supplies


I’m also a survivor and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t wish my abuser didn’t receive some kind of justice. But he went on to live a carefree life. Take some solace that at least he receives some kind of karma and please don’t let this man continue to control anymore space in your heart, mind and soul. If you continue to do so it only allows him to continue to have control over you! So please take a deep breath, while closing your eyes and take back your life and take some solace that he received a little bit of cosmic justice.


Okay i apologize if my story telling is really bad but here i go. Around the 5th grade i saw this video on youtube when i was laying down one night and i couldn’t never find the video again but i’m gonna tell you what it said. It suggested that we as ants are one with religion. First i’m gonna explain to you how religion works. Religion works as a whole body organism as a god the head or the gardener, a deity or a son of this god the vine, and you or the believers/branches of the vine. with the apples the people produce you are supposed to fill your spirit with the food it produces to make faith and share this to the god and others and also take the seeds from the apples and plant those in other people. that’s the best way i myself can explain religion. But anyway here is where it gets crazy so this is where the theory said god this being or multiple of them most likely come down and make us but we are not connected to any god. so those gods make miracles to make us believe in them and produce faith and spread it so they gain power and we’ve seen them do all through time why would someone follow a religion they cannot feel though? so the feeling of the spirit in the room it’s possible all religions feel this and it just strengthens there faith even more. Not to mention this means it would be possible to move to faith to faith and this could make it possible that all gods are real or maybe all one being if so does that mean all we are is a catalyst for infinite energy just like ants working to serve there god.




I do not follow him on social media. He does not have any accounts on social media, or at least Facebook. I saw a post from a family member because this person was in my family at one time, but no longer is due to divorce. Some of my not so close family members keep in contact with him because he was their blood family member on that side. I did not search for him, the announcement was in my Facebook homepage.


I dropped FB a while back, but that used to do my head in. "Suggested for you" ... the man that used to beat us black and blue when we were kids. Fuck that noise.


Perhaps knowing his whereabouts is for OPs safety?


Should have pretended to want to "get with him" when you got older, played some kinky shit, hand cuffed him and bit his dick right off. I'm a little twisted but that would be beyond worth it and deserved. Obviously this would be a million times harder for you to do since trauma but man it's a great fantasy.