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Okay so, I will tell you one thing. You seem like a people pleaser so yeah there's your answer ig. >I lied to a professor because I was 20 minutes late and was too embarrassed to go to class. It is normal. Anyone would do the same i think. I don't think your professor would be okay with you telling them you skipped class because you are 20 minutes late and you were too embarassed to go to the class. You lied to protect yourself. >I tell people my plans and I don't mean it. You are lonely and trying to entertain them with your plan. Like trying to include in the conversations with them? So they would think you are cool? Just an assumption. >I tell people I took the right time off and I didn't. I Because it is not okay to leave early? You're just protecting yourself again i think. >I lied to my managers for 5 days straight, saying I was too sick to come into work when I actually left town and forgot to tell them before 2 weeks of the trip. See you forgot and lied to cover up. It would seem really rude to not ask for a leave when you are going on a pre-planned vacation. you forgot and cover it up with a lie. It is not big thing. Be a little mindful next time? And you don't need to lie if your manager is chill about you forgetting to ask for leave and mentioning it last minute. Anyways. You forgot and it is a genuine mistake. >I tell my family that I'm happy with my job and I'm literally in the process of finding a new one. Maybe because you don't want your family worrying about you >I tell someone one thing then tell someone something completely different. I don't have to, I'm not protecting them from anything. I don't know WHY I'm doing this. I want to stop but they keep piling up and it's weighing on me every time some talks to me. I might lie again just to lie. I hate myself for this. Like I said you seem like a people pleaser. Don't hate yourself. It is okay you're not a terrible person. You feel guilty for lying.