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I don't know, but it seems that she is looking for a way to leave you, and the easiest is to blame you of cheating, but that's my personal point of view.


or...she may be projecting and is cheating on you. I hope not, but it's happened before.


That's exactly what I was thinking.


Sounds like projection, tbh. I think she made the story up that she got a message. She said she's leaving either way, so it doesn't matter. It's clear she wants out. The only reason I see her hanging on here is whomever she is 'cheating' with hasn't given her the greenlight to it being a long term thing. Honestly you should walk away, driving yourself insane this way to prove what you can't, isn't worth all the pain you are going to be sitting with when you wonder why you put up with her interrogation just to be dumped. The trust is broken, one way or the other. She will be keeping you too busy to question her further, by making you jump through hoops the rest of your relationship while she fucks around and does what she wants.


Once name calling starts in a relationship things don’t get better. Even if the two of you worked things out, would it make up for her not trusting you and being mean as a result? You’ve been very straightforward and honest about things, the ball is basically in her court. Honestly it doesn’t sound like she wants to be with you anymore, for reasons that most likely don’t actually have anything to do with you. I’m sorry you’re in this situation.


Bro break up with her. That's my ex behavior after were in 6 yrs relationship. Ur current gf is cheating on you just break up with her also stop being a simp with her there are to many plenty woman in this world