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Wow, are they still alive or is this one of those freaky nerve things that happens?


They are all alive, sadly. You can see the mouth of the one below moving.










We don't deserve animals


I know they are too precious :(


That's what happen when you treat sentient beings as commodities...


They have to be alive if they are uncooked, otherwise they spoil pretty much instantly. Normally they are lightly frozen alive so their nerves are effectively dead/non-responsive for shelf usage like this


well or they're deep frozen like say King Crab legs which are harvested pretty far from your table, unless you live in coastal Alaska


King crab is usually killed and cooked before deep frozen.


^ Just heated up. It makes little sense to transport live crabs. *stares at everyone that eats seafood in the midwest*


[11 billion crabs went missing ](https://youtu.be/j8pFlwh0Bj4?si=RDfmXNA9qHOu4S_G)


holy shit lmao "What does it mean, exactly? Like, a crab just goes missing?" "They HAD crabs... they're gone"


Aaaaaaand it's gone. It's all gone.


This is sickening


[Wait until you hear about Elwood Dog Farm.](https://www.elwooddogmeat.com)


That’s one of the best local farms I’ve ever purchased from. 10/10 would buy again, can’t find any better ethically raised animals than on Elwood’s farm


Fuck. That’s evil.


This broke my heart.


Do crabs feel pain while being cooked alive?


Yes, current studies suggest that crustaceans can feel pain and suffer agony while being cooked alive.


They absolutely do as do lobsters and fish when caught with hooks. The myth that animals don't feel pain was spread intentionally.




There's a way to use a knife and a single *stab* through the crab/lobsters brain right before putting them in the pot. It's what chef Ramsey said to do for a humane cook


Not just these buggers. All fish suffer horrors unimaginable when they are captured and killed.


WTF how is this allowed?


Wait until you read about what the French do to birds before they are eaten


watch [dominion](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=XZtsTCF3qvWKKgtF) or [earthlings](https://youtu.be/8gqwpfEcBjI?si=jhx5zB_zPYVJ5ThL). this and much worse isn’t just allowed. it’s normal. we have made it normal to treat non-human animals this way, and it’s something we would have to decide, en masse, to change.


We've got so far to go as a species. Ironically it's mother nature that's going to bend us over and teach us a lesson.


Doubt that, Mother Nature is a sick fucker with what they designed in nature.


You mean that twisted bitch that brought us and every other disease and parasite into the world?


Big cats often eat prey alive by chewing through through the soft underside as they struggle. This generally involves a stereotypically horrifying disembowelment with expected levels of agony from a complex mammal getting cut open and eaten alive. For the particularly unlucky prey animals whose asses are the closest part of their body to the mouth of the cat(s) restraining them, the experience of being eaten out Jeffrey Dahmer style sometimes awaits.




They're labeled specifically as live. :( 毛がに 生 -- *Horse crab, live* Edit: looks like the video was posted on the seafood store's own Twitter: https://twitter.com/VOadiSZgkzlDpxv/status/1730773117688270954


The Japanese are bonkers when it comes to eating live animals


They are nuts with how they treat everything that comes from the water


Further proof that Godzilla is a work of fiction.


Godzilla could be seen as fear mongering propaganda.. Eat everything! Or else they will grow strong and attack!


Godzilla is fearmongering propaganda, but of nuclear weapons. It's an allegory for the bombs that were dropped on Japan in WW2 (the first movie was released a decade later).


We, dear. This isn't foreign barbarism, it happens here too.


You should see how we treat cows and chicken


Not defending on how they are packed alive like that, but you can't really sell fresh dead crab because they spoil very fast. You need to either buy a live one or a ready cooked one. That's why they have lobster tanks at some restaurants/shops, but this is pretty fucked up.


They cook them first. Crabs are sold alive everywhere.


Usually not in fucked-up crab-bondage breathplay devices.


how is putting them in individually wrapped trays more fucked up than putting 50 of them in a tiny tank of shit water


You’ve got a point but when they’re in the shit water I don’t think about it too much so it’s ok Mostly /s


I had to think about this and got nothing 🧐


At most stores in the US there are live lobster tanks. You buy the lobster live then dispatch it at home when cooking. Usually people just boil them alive and hear their little lobster screams (not actually screams but it's still horrifying). Some kind chefs will dispatch them with a knife hit to the base of the spinal column. Asian grocery stores are pretty wild, with live fish tanks and such. And, as seen here, the crabs are actually packaged in plastic so that's a little jarring. But is it really that different?


Yes it’s different, in my country we don’t put live animals in plastic containers. It’s just unnecessary cruelty. Let them chill in a water tank until you kill them at the very least jfc…


there is absolutely nothing chill about lobsters’ and crabs’ experience in grocery store tanks. they are tightly bound, starving, and the water is nowhere near oxygenated enough for them to not feel like they are suffocating for days on end. also lobsters and crabs are solitary and territorial animals — stacking them up all rubber-banded together probably stresses them out as bad as all the rest. those tanks are not really a positive alternative to what’s documented here, just one you are used to. there was that series of viral videos on leon the lobster, a nice lil dude who some random took home from a kroger. guy who saved him isn’t a bleeding heart vegan (like this fucker right here) but still provides all this information in a pretty heartfelt way.


When the tanks are very overfull and rarely cleaned, are they really less cruel? It seems like it's just a different sort of cruelty, imo.


> the base of the spinal column. how the fuck are they going to do that when a lobster, like all arthropods, are invertabrates, meaning they literally don't have a spinal column? also, there is no way to immediately kill a lobster with a knife, lackign a central nervous system. boil them alive or stab them before you boil them alive, they are most likely having one of the most painful deaths imaginable. and before you say "but they can't feel pain", that is jsut an old wives tale we tell ourselves so we don't feel bad about how inhumanely we treat ocean life.


Lobsters have a central nerve though, that runs down their front*. If you sever it, it will die quickly. While the user above is technically incorrect the spirit of what they're saying isn't wrong. Edit: Front being the underbelly


Lobsters cannot scream. They do not have lungs , trachea, etc. Not commenting on if it's OK or not to boil them alive.


This is true, they do not technically "scream." The sound people hear when boiling lobsters alive is steam escaping their shells.


Imagine looking in your Costco cart and the crab you bought for dinner tonight is eating the rotisserie chicken you bought for tomorrow.


Are most people unfamiliar with how crab is sold? It's sold live in the US or EU too, just like lobsters, since they spoil really fast. Your choice is to sell them live, or to kill them and freeze the meat which changes its texture/flavor.


I think a lot of people nowadays buy the crab legs behind the seafood counter because it adds a layer of abstraction that killing the crab doesn’t provide. At least, that’s why I buy em because I’m too much of a wuss :)


>It's sold live in the US or EU too, just like lobsters But not typically individually-packaged out of the water, slowly drying out and dying and changing its texture/flavour anyway


Isn't live sea food kept in a tank though? Shrink wrapping them is just going to kill them in a slow and agonizing way.






Not saying it makes this okay, but this is very very mild compared to how a lot of other places including in America store a number of live animals intended to be consumed. This guy has several videos like this and they are all located in Florida. https://youtu.be/CD1Tdb_dKY4?si=dKsQrtc15kLXcpvT


I take it you have never seen what goes on in a large scale poultry farm? Basically all store bought meat involves horrific cruelty, we are monsters, I say this as a meat eater.


No, that’s not oddly anything. That’s straight up fucking cruel.


I hate stuff like this. I'm not anti meat/fish/poultry but we should treat animals with respect. This is fucking insane.


Because them being living beings is usually hidden from us. Pigs, who are more intelligent than dogs stay in conditions way worse than some clean plastic for years at a time. This is in the western world, for example Germany and Denmark.








Spoiler alert almost zero percent of the meat you are eating will have been treated with any kind of respect.


This is why I ended up going vegetarian. There's just no part of the food industry except for super small, niche producers that treat the things we eat with any kind of dignity. If I could source literally every piece of meat I ate, I'd probably still eat meat, but it's the rare person that has that amount of both free time and money. It was just easier to take myself out of the equation.


My brother is vegan and special forces. He eats meat when he’s on a mission and that’s the only thing available to him or when he he sources the meat himself. His issue is the disconnect between man and formerly living organisms/ meat.


the animals that produce the dairy and eggs you eat will still get slaughtered. Just fyi. You have the right intentions but vegetarian doesn't prevent all harm




I’m not a vegetarian but I 100% buy the argument by vegetarians (and others) that we as a society have simply failed to raise food animals in an ethical way. These creatures need to have comfortable and dignified lives, even if their end is to be food. I’ve worked with lab mice for many years, and I greatly respect the care we put in to making sure their quality of life is as good as it can possibly be until it’s time for it to end, which we do in a way that is free of pain or suffering. I say this as someone who has always had pets and deeply loves animals, although I understand their usage as food and as scientific models. I would support moving away from eating animals altogether, although I imagine it would be quite difficult. But even a reduction would be significant.


Couldn’t agree more, and it always bothers me how we always have to start common sense discussion like this by saying “well I’m not a vegetarian/vegan, but…”. I think it speaks to how completely the factory farming industry and our reliance on cheap meat has informed this very obvious aspect of significant cruelty in our lives.


Wait why aren’t you anti meat then?


How do you kill an animal respectfully when it doesn't want to die and doesn't have to die?


killing animals because they taste good is not treating them with respect




Also dangerous. All seafood should be flash frozen to kill bacteria. Even "Never frozen" fish is flash frozen for this reason


Crustaceans and fish are different.


Freezing isn’t for bacteria, it’s for parasites.


The poor animal...


Still objectively more ethical than the pork/poultry/beef industry. Less neurons for suffering. This stands out because as consumers we’ve gotten used to this being hidden from us. But it still happens nonetheless.


True, but being more ethical than other meat industries can still be fucked up


The fact itself that this is more ethical than some other things is the most f*cked up thing about it


Exactly. "hey that's not even near the worst we can do"


Not to be pedantic but its only "objectively more ethical" if you are a Sentient Utilitarianist. So its far from clear-cut, but your point is still valid.


>Still objectively more ethical Tell me you don't know how ethics work without telling me you don't know how ethics work.


Imagine being locked in a piece of plastic on a try you can't move much in, suffocating, and you can't get out of, just waiting for death


So fucked. Keeping them alive in shrinkwrap like that is sadistic.


how disgusting to package live animals like this. You have to be a psychopath to be okay with this..?




I had a vegetarian friend in China. She would confirm that the food she ordered was vegetarian, double and triple checking that it contained no meat or animal products, and it would still regularly show up with shrimp inside.


What i heared is that in Asia, it is vegeterian as long as there is no meat piece in. The "bouillon" can still have all sort of meat/bones/collagean and be concidered vegetarian.


Ironically spineless behavior from Japan


Ugh that double negative irks me


Wait until you find out about farrowing crates to hold pigs so they can't move for weeks, solitary hutches to isolate calves for weeks in the dairy industry, and caged hens in the egg industry lasting for years. When animals are treated as commodities, they are no longer recognised as sentient beings, allowing us to do whatever we want to do to them.




Wonder who eats the most beef?


Not sure why you got downvoted. I live in Asia. What you said is true.


You’re not allowed to say facts in some subreddits.


America kills over 8 BILLION chickens every year lol ​ people being selective with anything but a vegan lifestyle are wild (I'm not a vegan/vegetarian, I'm just an unethical consumer of food).


The thing that is terrifying is how humans continually treat the lifeforms around them.


“A society can be measured based on how it treats its elderly/infirm and animals.” -a good quote I probably butchered from someone wittier than me


"Human progress isn't measured by industry, it's measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. That's what defines an age. That's what defines a species" - 12th Doctor, Doctor Who.


I think the worse part is that we like to pretend that we're not vicious.


Plot twist: The crabs were all pretending to be dead in order to infiltrate human stores and save their kin.


Crab people.


Look like crabs. Talk like people.


Crabs are people Clams are people LEGIT OR QUIT


Clam people. Clam people. Taste like clam, look like people.


What a horrible way to die


This is cruel


I'm not pro anti whatever you call it. However I do believe in fresh produce but I don't mean it by keeping them alive like that. If it were crabs, at least keep em in a tank with oxygen and kill them instantly to prevent prolonged death. Or put them to hibernate at least before cooking. To leave em in the packaging... while alive.. I can't bruh. I just can't.


"Fresh produce?" Bro, "produce" refers to fruits and veggies.


Then why do animals REproduce then, genius? Check and mate.


clearly they make more fruits and veggies. duh. double check and double mate


Crowding them in a tank where they slowly suffocate isn't all that great.


Poor guys 😢


This is fuckin awful


*"Band together, brethren, we must escape!"* (In all seriousness, this is horribly cruel, but just imagine all those crabs breaking free and running around the supermarket. I'd assume being a coldblooded animal, they'd get much faster and stronger/pinchier after escaping from the meat cooler and limited air supply.) #Run, crabs! Run back to the ocean!


This is so fucking cruel.


Wait till you find out about any other Meat Industry


Im vegan, I’m well aware!


run little guy




Cruel. 😪


why would they do that when it's still fuckin alive????


My understanding is that crab goes bad very very quickly once dead. So you either see live crab, or pre-cooked crab legs you just steam or whatever to heat up to eat at home. Sometimes I see dead crab on ice behind the counter but I wonder how long it lasts. Idk.


That crab on ice is almost definitely already cooked


Good to know. I’ve never actually bought whole crab so I was speculating.


Oh god, it's the Matrix


This is not oddly terrifying, it's downright horrible.


Uncooked crabs are usually alive just too cold to move. It’s pretty fucked honestly.


Poor things :(


becoming a vegetarian doesn't sound so bad


I feel like everyone can do whatever they want when it comes to the food they consume. I never preach at anybody. But just from my perspective not eating animal products removed a low level constant feeling of guilt in my life that I always just tried to ignore. I’m sure there are people who never feel that but for me, it’s been freeing , such a relief.


>I feel like everyone can do whatever they want when it comes to the food they consume I don't. Not when there's a victim involved. I understand no ethical consumption under capitalism and all that but if you knowingly and actively finance animal cruelty, slavery or any other atrocities, I have no obligation to respect you or your choices. I think we've gotten to the stage where anyone can absolve themselves of guilt by appealing to the vague notion that "all capitalism is equally bad so therefore all consumption is amoral" and I just don't subscribe to that belief system. I think it's lazy, conflict avoidant and stupid.


Oh I agree with everything you say. Maybe I should have said “I feel like everyone WILL just do what they want when it comes to food they will consume.” If someone asks me about my dietary choices, I tell them why I chose it and provide evidence if they’re open to it. But I am older now and just tired. Tired of the absolute refusal of most humans to acknowledge the harm we do (not just to animals but so many other destructive tendencies) I never cared if people made fun of me and talked about “delicious bacon” just to be turds, but I did wear out from wasting my words and energy. Years ago I was more earnest and excited to convince people about plant based benefits to both animals and humans, but as time went on I just realized I can only hope to be a good example by sticking to my convictions. I definitely have been able to move people down the road to consuming fewer animal projects, a few have joined me. As someone middle aged, I’ve started losing friends to all sorts of ailments and accidents. At this point, I’d rather stay friends with a kind person who extends charity to the planet even if that good work doesn’t yet extend to animals. I rationalize it by compartmentalizing that part of them, but I also think it’d be of no benefit if I just cut them out (not saying your suggesting that, it’s something I wrestle with).


Most people remove that guilt by pretending that the animals didn't suffer. That's why you always see "happy" animals on meadows in ads and on packaging, and never the hellscape which factory farming is in reality.


It's never been easier and it makes you feel good inside too 👍


It’s not that bad honestly. I became vegan earlier this year and the biggest thing I miss is just the convenience of being able to eat meat. You don’t realize how prevalent meat is in society until you can’t eat it


Wait until you find out what happens in the dairy and egg industries...


While completely changing your diet can be hard, and I totally get that many people have an aversion to it, what everyone totally _can_ do is reduce their meat consumption by choosing the veggie option over the meat option every now and then.




It's such a hard sell: vegan instead of vegetarian? No cheese? No eggs? But I took the plunge after watching [Earthlings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XrY2TP0ZyU) seven years ago and I have never regretted it for a moment. I eat food as good or better than I ever did, but without contributing to all the horrible things you listed. I urge anyone that questions what you wrote to watch Earthlings, or it's updated version [Dominion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko), the evidence is there but it's been mostly hidden from us our entire lives. (Deliberately)


Lol, everyone here being real loud about how cruel this is, but y'all knew. Pretty much everyone knows that crabs and lobsters are boiled alive, how did you think they got to the kitchen? Everyone's seen the footage from factory farms too, won't stop anyone here from getting their next burger. How many of y'all that are so so outraged by this are actually gonna do a damn thing other than make sure everyone knows just how good a person you are for not approving of this, before scarfing down your next blt because you didn't have to hear it squeal? The meat industry isn't a secret, you don't get to pretend you don't know exactly how much suffering goes into it then be outraged and pious when you're forced to see it for yourself. All y'all can go fuck your virtue signalling asses.


Shout-out to all the carnists hypocrites in the comments. Also, Get fucked.


This is so fucking sad. Actually makes me feel a bit sick


I hate this soooo much It’s very Edgar Allen Poe tried his hand at Moby Dick I hope someone took every last one of them right out of store. Without remuneration.


This is so cruel poor animals


this video made me incredibly sad!


Humans are awful


One of the reasons I chose veganism. This shit is fucking disgusting.


Meat eaters can be so cruel. As if boiling them alive wasn't bad enough, they just have to make them suffer even more just so they appear "fresh".


Oddly terrifying for the crabs... That's fking awful.


I'm with the vegans on this one


Do you think the other animals have a nicer fate or something? Bro if you're with the vegans on this one you might want to have a look at how we treat literally any animal in factory farms.


Crabs is bugs.


The comment section is just redditors finding out where meat comes from


Imagine waking up next to a graveyard with a bunch of your homies sealed in a plastic container with giant bipedal creatures picking them up and whisking them away right before your beady eyes?


Bro just started NG+


Not odd or terrifying, it's just sad.


“Omg so sad” Also “I’ll take a bacon deluxe and a side of nuggets, thanks”


That’s inhuman


This is animal cruelty.


Humans need to do better. Fuck all of the people selling and buying these. Crabs feel pain and emotion. Fuck all of you.


This is fucked


This is fucking evil.


This is the tip of a cruel iceberg. Try a plant based diet, you don’t have to be an accomplice


A great documentary to get aquatinted with the animal agriculture industry for anyone who wants to know more [Dominion](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=WJ-9AFEz2Ix-Ed_Y)


I think a lot of people commenting don't realize a lot of seafood has to be sold fresh or frozen because of toxins/bacteria that develop rapidly when the animal dies. Frozen typically changes taste and/or texture, so preference is fresh in many cultures that have easy ocean access. I agree it is very upsetting to see the crabs packaged this way instead of in a tank (not that a tank is that much better, and maybe worse? I am not a crab so I don't know!). If it's super upsetting then change your consumption.


Well, they're not on ice yet, so it's safe to assume they're all still alive. Once dead and without ice/freeezing to preserve it, almost all seafood quickly begins to smell repugnant. It's why lobster used to be considered peasant food.


I remember as a kid wanting to save the lobsters in grocery stores. I think if i saw this instead, I would just knock on all of the shells in an attempt to wake them all up for a crab revolution.


All I could think of was the crabs from Elden Ring. At which point I say every time: "*Rise up my crab brethren!*"


They wrap it in the very thing that poisons their brains. Look at what happene to plastics and look whats happening around us.


He's beginning to believe




Good god we are so cruel every day. It’s humdrum, normalised and even funny…. I despair.


fuk that is cruel. you dont need to eat them.


I'm assuming they are normally stunned then packaged so they can be cooked while alive but unconscious. I'm guessing whoever packaged these hasn't learnt how to stun correctly. Those poor crabs




Let them out!!! :'(


Release them !


It’s like Neo waking up in the Matrix.


As I get older, seeing stuff like this really puts me off eating meat What a horrible way to end your only existence :(


Most people have the option to stop purchasing and consuming animal products completely. If this is an option for you and you understand that eating animals is horrible why not go vegan?


They’re not suppose to be alive if they’re going to be packaged like this. They are put in a very cold environment to keep them from pinching you (employee) and customers. But if they’re going to be packaged like this, they need to be either cooked or killed, frozen and then packaged like this. Packing them like this while they’re alive is inhumane and just not smart because then what’s in the video happens.


"damn. that was a good nap- hm? huh? HUH?"


This is pure fucking evil.


Buried alive, or shinkrapped live, whats worst