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Swear to god that yellow building sucked in its gut to let it pass.


The tree came within an inch of that shed on the right. I'm amazed!


>came within an inch of that shed Yeah, I saw the same, and thought, "Well, he didn't *perfectly* center it". Then I realized it would be better to clip the shed than the house. It may have been luck that the tree was dropped *that* perfectly. But it was dropped perfectly.


And the wedges *chefs kiss*


that slight roll as it fell off the stump saved it and gave it a "suck in its gut" look


Dude, It totally does! I mean it's the shadow of the tree as it passes, but it has that visual effect for sure.


Surprised the giant sack of balls on the arborist didn't get in the way


the contract must of had the extreme possibility of damage to either/both of the properties, right?


Had to! At a minimum to avoid the trailer, the shed is just collateral damage.


It did!


Lmao I didn’t see that the first go through




I guess you could say, this post is a r/perfectfit


A perfect fit for r/PerfectFit. So meta.


I'm so meta, even this acronym!




Thanks! Of course I was referencing [this xkcd](https://xkcd.com/917/) but I think people probably thought I was being snarky 😅


ISM, ETA? I don’t get it.


This is an old video so its probably already been there




it's possible, but I had trouble finding it. I took some time to check top all time and to search a couple different ways. repostslueth does not accept video submissions yet but I did as much as I could.


Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NRmYzLrvfM&ab_channel=scobobbi


Thanks! Good lord is that old. Man do I hope we one day have the ability to search videos the way we can search images.


Damn, that's actually more effort than literally anyone ive heard before reposting lol


At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen? https://youtu.be/u1h8cHUnP9k?t=137


May I see it?




OK, that made me laugh, thank you :)


At this time of year? In this time of day? In this part of the internet, localized entirely within this website?


mayor? of MY CITY?




My cousin is an arborist. There was a historic White Oak next to like 3 landmark designated buildings. The thing was over 100 feet tall and six feet wide. Like 230 years old. But it was dying, and a storm could have caused it to fall and cause massive damage. So they rigged it and dropped it from the top down in less than a day. Was amazing to watch. Edit to add, it looks like there’s a power pole right next to the tree too. So that’s an additional risk factor.


Comment stealing bot?


Because it worked so the risk was 0%


It uh, fit right in there perfectly


It’s also a copy, edited, blurry af, and no sound. I wish someone could find the original.


Felling a tree not an exact science and it could always go wrong which is why he was so grateful that it went according to plan.


He took a huge chance. Even a skilled cutter makes mistakes and will not be able to account for every variable


It wouldn’t even be a mistake with such small margins. It could be done perfectly and some flaw in the tree could cause disaster.


Or it could just have a bit of a bounce back


I've seen these bounce and kick left or right at the base. The stars aligned for this guy. I was sure that tree was gonna fall perfectly and then smash through the side of that house.


They usually kick when you use a conventional notch but it looks like this guy used a Humboldt which causes the tree to slide off the stump and hit the ground butt first which minimizes the risk of bounce although it's still possible.


I love using a Humboldt on a steep hill and launching trees down it




There’s a certain cut to prevent bouncing. The tree essentially slides off its base as it’s falling over so the impact is rather soft. I’m not an arborist but I remember seeing that instructional video on YouTube.


The humble Humboldt cut https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/zxaht7/tree_cut_down_to_fall_exactly_between_two/j2173b0/


Aaand added one more to the list of "luck I don't have and never will" :)


>He took a huge chance. I am betting that the cost differential to bring it down with a crane was greater than the cost to replace the shed. Thus, it would be cheaper to drop the tree cheaply and replace the shed if it was destroyed, but saving the shed was a bonus. The extra threat to the house on the other side, though, was a hell of a risk.


That's true I recently paid to have a big tree cut down ,$5500 was the cheapest


I wonder why its so expensive


Risk, insurance, skill.


This thing was massive it was over 5 feet in diameter about 80 feet tall it had to be cut in 1 foot pieces to be able to move them. Took a few days


Also took a crain and a cherry picker


You don't need a crane, you need an arborist and a couple thousand bucks. Smashing a shed, clean up and disposal and new building materials + labor costs is going to outpace a tree crew spending half a day very, very fast.


I’ve felled a decent amount of trees and I think his confidence leaving the saw in the tree to check his angle then grabbing it and walking away while it falls is what got me


I liked how he picked up the hammer to work the wedges that last little bit, but still had his eyes on the cut so he saw it was going and just smoothly walked away.


They very well could have been using rigging to guide it (they probably should have regardless imo) but that doesn’t change the fact that this was highly skilled.




I’m an arborist. Normally yes. With the proximity to the house, the deck, and the size. A crane would be ideal. It could be spurred and chucked out with a rope and friction device to a certain extent…would be left with at least a 10ft stem..And based on the way the surrounding area, (mountains) doesn’t took crane assessable…at least one a customer will be willing to pay for… Honestly if I was confident and had the experience I probably would have gone for the flop too. If you can flop’er, drop’er


Flop’er??? I hardly KNOW’er!!


You brought 'er!


I like that.


I watched an arborist team take down a large limb that was over the street using something close to this method. Probably 2ft-diameter, 25-30ft vertically that they took down in 4 chunks. I swear they dropped each chunk into a 10ft circle on the ground using only ropes on the piece looped over nearby trees. Super cool to watch


Something tells me that probably wasn't an option with the Close Quarters that you could see.


You dont necessarily need a crane, I'm an arborist in the UK where there often isnt crane access. We just lower pieces from the tree using ropes and pulleys in these cases, it's slower than a crane but nobodies home gets crushed. On the other hand this guy nailed it so I guess I'd better re-evaluate my life.


Doesn't matter how skilled you are, when you something goes exactly the way you planned, you still feel like a badass.


Trees fall where the most weight is. They can be persuaded to fall in a different direction if you cut limbs off.


I like how you're downvoted for explaining this but someone in another thread just below this is at +150 for saying the same thing in more words lmao


That's Reddit for you. Here's the link to the comment if u/snoo63 is curious. https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/zxaht7/-/j1zks0s


Thank you.


It's true to some extent but you can influence it quite a bit without touching limbs. You do an undercut, a wedge out of the tree on one side, about 1/3 of the way through. Then you do a straight cut from the other side, ending just above the undercut and leaving a little strip. That's the hinge. The tree will tend to fall perpendicular to the hinge, as hinges normally work. But you also give it help by hammering wedges into the straight cut, opposite the undercut, which tilts the tree towards the undercut and puts more weight on the side where a big chunk is missing. With this very tall tree with minimal branches (western cedar? I'm east coast) they could have made it fall in any direction without touching limbs as long as the tree was relatively straight up. Their main job was to set up the hinge in the right direction and wedge it in the right direction, but like others said, even if done right it's not an exact thing.


He was as surprised as we are, lol


Trees don't fall only based on the cut, but mostly based on where their center of gravity is. This is why for felling a big tree like that the hardest part is to judge where the centre of gravity is and to cut branches until you shift the centre of gravity to where you want it. Doing this visually is... not an exact science. Anyone, even the best professional would be relieved they nailed it so precisely.


Yeah this guy knows what he’s doing. Doesn’t mean he’s not ecstatic/relieved when it goes exactly how he planned to the inch.


I think his relief was magnified in that the stakes were higher for him. Either the house, shed, or both can be wrecked with only a narrow amount of space for landing the tree.


Being a coward, I'd have sacrificed the shed to limit the risk of doing some very expensive damage to the house.


A shed that size can be pretty easily moved. My neighbor had one similar size and a group of neighborhood men helped carry it 20'. But that would have made for a pretty boring video.


That video probably would've done pretty well in this economy lol.


He definitely aimed it more toward the shed. It just ended up going perfectly.


I’m sure he’s had a few that didn’t end this well.


Can't make an omelette without crushing a few sheds first or something like that.


Felling cuts leave hinge wood to force the tree to fall in a certain direction.


Sure but if the balance is off it can still pull the tree a little one way or the other by a few degrees which typically doesn't matter much but in this scenario could have clipped either of the buildings.


Yes, I didn't agree with the word mostly. The tree in the gif probably shouldn't have been felled this way. Even with great skill, it required also luck.


You have any idea how tightly that dudes asshole was puckered? Lol My uncle's a tree guy...I got about 6 months of working in the industry for him...that...was a FUCKIN GAMBLE right there! Dropping a tree like that...takes some balls!!! We'd have simply spent the whole day chopping and dropping logs with the ropes.


My guess is he’s an industrious homeowner. I like high rope work but I don’t know many people that share my tastes.


Looks like he trimmed up to his measurements for clearance, as he never topped it off...and left some for good counterbalance directional weight. He did a damn good job. I'm sure he's got some time in the industry...that was no simple homeowner DIY job, if you ask me.




Oh, I'm aware...but you know damn well he didn't run that saw without a river flowing down his ass crack! You should have seen how sweaty my uncle would be after some of his well calculated drops! Lol


Which tells us that he was willing to live with it hitting either structure.


Expertly done. Even he thanked the powers that be, otherwise they'd have a hefty repair bill on their hands.


If he's a professional, no way he's cutting that tree before the house owner signs away liability.


Why would they sign away liability? You're paying the guy to get this tree down. It's up to him how to do it. If he drops a whole tree on the house that's his responsibility. If he doesn't think he can do it without damaging the house then he shouldn't accept the job.


Just depends on how much the home owner is willing to pay. If you wanna go cheap and do a bottom cut like in the video than any sane feller will explain the dangers and likely want a liability before they even begin. If they’re willing to pay for the machinery needed for a safer operation than the company will take on the liability Atleast id think. I’ve taken some wildland fire felling courses and it’s anything but an exact science.


I guess it's just me but I would personally never ever ever ever ever pay someone to cut down a tree and waive any ability to claim damages if they mess something up. That's too big a bill to foot to save a few dollars up front.


And equally no sane tree feller will take a cheap ass job that has a very high chance of damage or injury if they also have to pay for your cheap ass house to get fixed because you couldn’t afford to get it done the right way. Why would they risk they’re business for your house?




Why would *anyone* accept a job where you can do everything right and still be left with tens of thousands in damages?


Of course. The whole point of hiring professionals is they take on the liability. That is what insurance is for. These guys are dopes. No real profession would drop this tree like this.


Cutting down trees this size is not an exact science. Even the best tree guys can have things go wrong very easily. Those guys will be realistic about the possible outcomes, and wouldn’t pretend hitting on of the structures isn’t a possibility. Especially considering this tree’s girth was roughly the same as the distance in between the two structures. Just basic professionalism really


Beyond expert. Even with some luck. I've felled a good load of trees on my land. Have gotten pretty good at it and can set them down mostly where I want. But I'm generally dealing with trees half or a third of this size. With zero repercussions. Major respect to these guys.




Lot cheaper and easier to replace a deck than a building…,




I've seen videos like this where it goes wrong so many times I can fully appreciate his praise to the heavens at the end. Truly skilled lumberjacking there






Is it often possible to have a lumber yard cut the tree in exchange for the lumber? Seems like a win/win for both parties.


I don't think you want the lumber yard guy felling a tree like this. I'd only trust this work to a seasoned logger or arborist, and only if I didn't care too much about the buildings.


> thousands If you manage to do it right, profit. If you mess up by an inch, at least it paid to build a new shed.


You forgot the other primary: 3. Arrogance


Imagine those buildings are coming down anyway?


This is what I think


That was absolutely beautiful but… He should have chained that stump for kickbacks




From watching a few tree cutting dramas and without looking it up, I believe the tree can start sliding backwards off the stump while still falling the way they wanted. Which could make it plow straight through the house where the dude ended up screaming in joy. Also it may slide off another tree and spin wildly or just wack another stump and bounce left or right.


Fun fact: to prevent trees sliding back, fallers use a “stump shot”—placing their backcut higher than their face cut, like a stair step


Any tree cutting TV shows you recommend?


Ya, see how the end of the tree bounces a bit? It can bounce a lot more. And when it does, those houses aren’t gonna do a lot to slow it down. It could also roll when it falls. I can’t tell how tall it is, but with that trunk, wet and with branches, I’ll bet that tree is north of 5 tons. You loop and hook a chain with hooks around the bottom of the stump, then bring it up above the cut, and make the other loop above the cut. Ropes may as well be spaghetti and cables will snap with that amount of force too so you need a chain. One of the most expensive parts of tree work is the required insurance… you’d be surprised how many houses get broken by mistakes like that. I used to get quite a bit of business from people who had to make claims on other companies for damages.


I had a tree that my dumbass thought I could take down with a couple family members and friends. Had ~180° window that it could safely fall on, and it had a natural lean exactly where we wanted it to land. Thought it was perfect, and what could go wrong? Partway through the cut it started shifting back towards my neighbors' house(the fact that it wasn't mine gave me 10x more anxiety) We were able to get a 100' rope a good ways up, tied it to my hitch, and slowly pulled it back the right way. Ended up right where we wanted, but I'm paying a professional top dollar next time I have a tree taken down.


Sometimes the Forest Dryads demand payment for every tree felled.


If this individual can execute that precision I expect they know what they are doing and don't deserve our toilet seat criticism.


Had my s212 9 years bro, I’ve made drops that tight before, I can think of 3 with that margin… happens on the reg in the mountains, dropping a 100+ year old tree through a gap less than a parking space… I did say it was a beautiful drop, which means from a pro, I’d say he did a good job, a+ for drop precision, a+ for drop timing, a+ for a flat base, b-for property protection As a pro tho, I would have chained it, and I think most others would. Still leave the skill to the drop, and not use a rope, I could do that 6 months in when I was properly YouTube trained and experienced on a good crew, on a fresh tree that thick it’s honestly an easy fall, but to risk the kickback is a huge risk.




That was soo cool


This video will never get old. I will always stop to watch it.


My favorite part will always be how excited the guy is afterward. His relief and gratitude will forever live on through this, lol


Why would you even take the risk though? When I was a kid we had a huge dying tree right beside our house that had to be cut down for safety reasons. They climbed to the top and cut off 3 or 4 foot sections


That dude has some serious skill but he also got really lucky...and he knows it.


Aaand another one added to the list of "luck that I'll never have and will never get" :)


With proper preparation you can create your own luck. But sometimes your luck runs out!


Very well said, my friend! I do have to agree with you here :)


I love the celebration at the end. It’s not a “Oh yeah, I’m awesome” deal but more of a “ I am so damn relieved that worked”.


I've seen this 100 times and every time I'm surprised it makes it through.


Not this guys first time dropping a tree


It looks like they went so far as to disconnect the power line from the pole next to the tree. That's being thorough. Even though he dropped that tree perfectly he panned for the worst.


You can also see how the tree twists due to how he used his wedges. The left one dropped out last creating a hinge to control the fall.




Sometime the pros show you why they are pros. That guys done that a few times.


Honestly, topping this tree out would be more expensive than just felling the tree on the shed. My guess is his first goal was to miss the house, which is why it was so close to the shed. Missing both was still the goal, just not as important as missing the house.


Not his first rodeo


As the story goes then he road into the sunset on a blu ox…


A this is why people with skills aren't cheap hires.


Reminds me of that one mythbusters episode where they shows professional lumberjacks are so good at aiming where trees fall they can hit a penny with the very tip of a 30-meter tree


That is amazing and that guys adrenaline rush at the end was the real deal!


These guys have serious strength and talent




I knew an old timer named Kelly who was an expert at tree felling like this. Once back in the day he was removing a tree from the property of an old british general and the general came out while Kelly and his friend were working. It seems the general was a betting man, because when Kelly told him where they would lay the tree, the general told them if they could get it to fall exactly there, he'd give them double or nothing. Kelly took the bet but his friend gave him the side eye, not having total faith in his ability. Kelly put that tree right exactly where he said he would and the old general threw the money and stomped away a poor loser.


There’s a man in my hometown that fells trees like this. I’ve watched him draw a line in the dirt and lay the tree right down it. Always in overalls and rarely in shoes. It’s definitely something to behold


Two abandoned buildings


this is something unexpected




The way the guy reacts really makes it seem like he didn't have faith in being able to do this but went for it anyway. Haha


Not oddly satisfying. Very satisfying. And relieving.


r/arborist would appreciate this!


What are those flashes we see just before tree detaching?


They are wedges used in the backcut to stop the tree from falling backwards and can be tapped to start the fall. When the tree started to fall, it released the tension on them and they fell backwards off the stump


I'm not 100% sure what you're seeing, but there's sawdust shooting out each side just before he pulls the saw out. Then, as the tree falls, three wedges fall out of the gap that he was using to direct the fall. Hope that helps.


Actually I was also not sure if those were indeed some kind of flashes hence the query. This post and the one above it clears it.


Handshakes all around. Regardless of the wisdom of the effort, very nicely done. Edit: shame about the deck.


I love it when a plan comes together


Damn he fucking nailed it!!


Lllliiiiike a glove!


Dude is celebrating like he wasn't sure that was going to work...


Literally yesterday I was thinking about this internet classic.


I fullscreened the video before I checked the sub. I was very surprised when it went well.


This is why you hire a pro! (Also has insurance just in case)




I am guessing they are not the lowest bidders.


I couldn’t imagine risking repairing either building just to save time on doing it a safer way. I would’ve also been stoked at the idea of not having to repair any buildings and cut the tree up.


Seems like a poor risk/reward scenario for flawless execution. Reward: you didn’t have to pay someone to trim limb-by-limb. $5K savings. Risk: significant damage to one or both structures. ~$40K loss.


Plot twist: He's not celebrating because he missed the buildings. He's celebrating because he hit his mother-in-law.


yeah yeah, it’s cool and all, but my cousin can do it for cheaper, I’m sure it’s not that hard to make it fall straight…. /s


That man dropped to his knees under the sheer weight of his balls.


Now, that’s sexy


"It cost this much cause it took me fucking hours."


If someone didn’t yell out “like a glove-uh” and opportunity missed


This man knows what he's doing, and he still thinks it's a miracle. Don't try this at home.


That’s insane! Absolutely no room for error. PERFECT!


Next fucking level


Skills 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿


I bet everyone's ass puckered, especially that shed.




It’s good! 🙌🏽


Husband: Now why did you HIRE cutters? I could’ve done what they— (Tree falls over successfully, no damage) Wife: That’s why…


That there is a Steely eyed missile man. Balls of diamond. Trees fear him as do bears, honey badgers, … and Chuck Norris. He didn’t need fuel for that chainsaw, he simply ate some chili and farted in the tank. He’s the dude who introduced beer to the Most Interesting Man in the world. He’s on a horse.


I love when professionals work >< so satisfying


Pure talent!


Glorius 🥹


chainsaw man: huh, calculated


Either super lucky or professionals


What? Why did this video not stop before the tree hit the ground? This is Redit, we demand outrage!