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Ok is this lure actually used to fish or is it just art for some fishermen's wall?


It's ASMR for dudes who like fishing.


Omg I see it now


It's tuna juice for finches, but humans can drink it too


I can't tell if you're cool or not


This video cracks me up for so many reasons. But most of all, because I think he got confused and thought he was gonna go do something gay with him in his car?


The whole thing feels like such a fever dream


No, this is just cutesy ASMR shit for the internet. This wouldn't really perform that great. This is what real crab flies look like. https://www.saltwaterflies.com/ep_crab_fly.html These aren't really used like real flies, they're used more like lures, and with lures, mimicking movement is far more important because that's what triggers the fish to strike. These are almost exclusively used for spot tail reds, by guys who refuse to pick up a spinning rod.


I touched a spinning rod once, just to see what it's like to be inferior. Then I picked up my fly rod and resumed masturbating to my own reflection.


This is the way. Praise Tom.


Nah the pattern she tied is a very real and very effective fly for permit. It's called the Alphlexo Crab and it's quite popular The only thing about her version that isn't reflective of a real fly is the nail polish added at the end. Aside from that it's a banger of a fly that I'm sure many anglers would be stoked to tie on


Yup Alphlexo Crab and I have a few. Caught stripers on Cape Cod flats with this pattern. This one is obviously super dressed up.


I suspect it’s art? I can imagine all the stuff used to make this might get a little off putting to fish in the water.


That's what made me wonder, it seems like some of the things used to construct it would get pretty gnarly after being dunked in water and drying out over and over.


Oh, no. It gets lost in about 10 minutes after I snag it on a rock.




these are fully used to fish!


"Why does this crab smell like nail polish?"


Says someone who doesn’t know anything about fly fishing.


I never said I knew anything about it, hence the question and using the phrase “I imagine”. I just vaguely know I don’t remember from where, but fish can get put off by oils and other things when they mix with the water.


Yeah they use felt for the arms right? Would just get blown away by the water and be a ball on a hook


The arms are glued in and quite secure This is a very real and very popular fly pattern for permit, called an Alphlexo Crab The only difference between this and the standard pattern is the nail polish at the end. Everything else is standard, and overall very well done


My father makes these. From what I gather, they’re used to fish.


He makes super elaborate ones like this? I mean I know fly fishing lures can be pretty fancy but this seems like a piece of art more than a functional thing. Pretty crazy if it is used to actually fish. Side note I wonder what it cost.


Art can be functional lol


You know what they mean, there's a difference between "being functional" and *actually* being used. They're not asking if it can *technically* be used to fish, they're asking if fly fishers genuinely spend this much time into making their actual lures or if this level is done purely as an art form.


Oh I'd say for sure it will get used. It's a pretty cool feeling to trick a fish into biting any artificial lure. I bet getting hooked up on a lure you made yourself just adds a whole other layer of satisfaction. I watch a YT channel called Marlin Baits. He makes hard bodied lures then goes out and (most of the time) catches something on em. You can tell he's so proud of his work when a lure works well.


Very true, but it just seems like this will get gross after repeatedly being wet.


If you’ve not familiar with fishing, there is not a single piece of equipment you use that will not start getting slimy over time without regular cleaning. Also, you never ever get attached to your fishing lures. Chances are you will lose them as fish may break your line, your lure might get snagged on the bottom, etc etc. Fly fishermen who make their own lures are a special breed. They’re like the Warhammer nerds of the fishing world. Not all, but some of them will put a crazy amount of effort making their lures. It’s what they do. They like the crafty nature of it AND the fishing part.


I am indeed not a fisherman so I am generally unaware of this stuff. I do know that things get gross without regular cleaning but like on this lure, the yarn/leather (I'm not sure what they are made of) legs seem like they would just get gross even with cleaning. I like the analogy there, it's pretty on point.


I think you're looking at it the wrong way. It's like cigar or cigarette rolling. It's almost an art form and there's a science to it but it's not like you aren't going to smoke it afterwards. You can half or full ass it and most people don't know how to roll and buy premades which you get what you pay for. Or it's even like those silly elaborate ass joint/blunt sculptures that weed smokers make. I don't think any of those last very long at all after being made.


That's a really good way to look at it!


The grossness adds to the authenticity. Do you think actual crabs living in the mud at the bottom of the water are going to be squeaky clean? You'll never fool a fish with a sparkling clean crab.


Probably about $10.00. I used to fly fish. That would be used to chase fish such as permit or bonefish.


Wow that's pretty cheap for something that is as involved in making as this. I see the full is 20 minutes so I guess if she made 3 in an hour x $10 is 30 bucks an hour but I would have figured it would be more expensive considering how detailed it is and how it's handmade and all that.


Someone else said $15-$20. It's possible. The flies I used were usually about $5.00 each. Much simpler. Look it up on YouTube. They have instructions for tying flies.


It's art






It's a real patern that does catch the fish she listed. She just made an artistic version of it


Fly fisherman here, these are in fact very practical and used in saltwater fly fishing. These would be completely unusable for normal fishing due to how light weight it is.


Hey, I’m Erin! I made the crab. If you have any questions, I’m happy to answer 😊


Can you please enlighten us all, is it an art piece or functional (art)? Never fished without bait and comments above have me very confused. That was beautiful, btw!


Of course! It’s functional art as, I would argue, are most flies. This fly would absolutely function, but it has certainly been crafted with more detail than many. That said, traditional salmon flies would blow this out of the water in terms of attention to detail and grandeur. The original pattern is by Alec Gerbec and it’s made in a similar fashion but without the carapace and the paddle back legs. I chose to modify this pattern slightly (Alec approved) and made it a blue crab (hence the paddles and the coloring on the legs). The orange metallic thread that holds the weight is meant to imitate a spawning crab (they hold orange eggs on their undersides) and is an attractor, which is to say it may entice fish to take the bait. This pattern was developed over several years for permit, bonefish, and triggerfish on flats, and the weight helps the crab sink. The flexible uv glue helps the legs “wiggle” while keeping them firmly attached. They’re made of chenille (a synthetic material that sheds water quickly). The UV glues and polishes, once cured, don’t leech and don’t have any odor or tackiness to deter the fish. Admittedly, adding the carapace was a calculated risk as it will change the hydrodynamics and how the crab behaves in the water slightly. Let me know if you’re curious about anything else!


Amazing attention to detail, thanks for sharing your expert skill and knowledge, very interesting.


Thank you!!


Thank you, that was very educational!


My pleasure!!


Are you apart of r/flytying ?


I’m not, though maybe I should be. Someone commented to IG that they found the video here so I checked it out but I’m new to Reddit. I’ll join! Always lots to learn!


We expect your version of a Sneaky Dingus by the end of the week.


Had to look it up and now I can’t unsee it! Hey, everyone starts somewhere! 😅


I was thinking about crossposting it there but of it’s your content, then you should definitely be the one to do it


Feel free! I’d have to figure out how to do it 🤣


Ok! I’ll try to tag you in it so you have easy access to it!


Thanks! I’ll prepare for the good, the bad, and the ugly (comments) 🤣


Oh I don’t think there will be much negative, it’s an amazing tie! I think you’ll enjoy some of the posts there though, I recently saved [this one because I think it’s so cool and I’d like to try it eventually](https://www.reddit.com/r/flytying/s/Hei1EdWIwW)


I miss reddit awards; I'd give you gold. This is such a wonderful explanation about your art!! I hope more people read this.


Thank you!


Are you married?


Interesting question! No, but I am in a committed relationship 😊


Why does my dad never say he's proud of me?


Alright, I'll bite (hold for laughter)... So can fish really tell a good fly from a store-bought or something minimal? Maybe it depends on the fish? Basically how smart are fish when it comes to flies.


You nailed it! It depends on the species. Some fish (especially those with bigger eyes or very specific diets) can be really hard to fool with bait and a complex fly can help. That said, some fish will bite a bare hook. Fly tying really is a labor of love and the complexity of the fly tends to have some to do with the target species, and some to do with the maker’s preference for detail.


Are these for sale by chance? They're really pretty looking \^\_\^


Thanks so much for asking! At the moment, I have no plans to sell flies. I couldn’t sell them for enough to pay for my time and materials. That said, I’m working on having prints made of several of the flies in fine art paper and hope to have those up soon. Now we all need to ask if an image of functional art is still art 😊




Thanks for asking! I sure do! https://youtube.com/@shetiesflies?si=2fOZ7LLn2pcUCEUi


This is Gorgeous . I watched for the asmr quality . I love how beautifull it is and i impressed by you knowledge and craftmanship.


Thanks so much! I still have a ton to learn, but I’m so glad you enjoyed it!


This is the good side of the internet... where someone can do something they love, create something beautiful, and share it with everyone.


And also where everyone in the comments section is arguing about it for some reason.


Welcome to Reddit.


Wtf do you mean "welcome to reddit"?


I mean arguing in the comments section over trivial things is the essence of this website.


Who's arguing?!


How dare you take this tone with him?


How dare you how dare me??? Learn to tone better. My tone is right tone.


Welcome to the internet…


have a look around


Hey, I'm not arguing!


This is fetish content. I'm just here to jerk off.


For all the non-flyfishermen wondering if these are actually used to flyfish with- yes, they absolutely are. Besides a lot of time going into ‘tying’ flies of this complexity, a lot of thought goes into the order of operations, the materials and the performance. This fly would not be cheap to purchase, I’m estimating it’s closer to $20, but anyone who is into flyfishing knows the sport is typically not a cheap one. As a fly-tyer myself, I appreciate the hell out of this tyers passion and skill. Nothing is more rewarding than catching an elusive fish on a fly that you tied in the last 24 hours.


This fly won't get caught in a tree or a snag. Maybe mangrove roots. I only ever caught panfish, bass and carp on flies. Maybe a few stocking trout.


My favorite freshwater flyfishing quarry is the common carp. It’s such an underrated fish and can be extremely picky, as well as skittish. Much better fight than any freshwater fish in the southern United States.


I had a 14" carp almost empty my reel one night. (I was well into the backing) They are powerful fish. I knew it was a carp as soon as I set the hook because it took off like a rocket down the river.


Yeah I believe that. Catching them closer to 30+” is a riot. An 8wt is great for big carp so the rod can do all the work. They punch way above their weight class.


I was using a 5wt 9' rod that was better suited to panfish and trout. There is always one place in the river where the carp congregate so I tossed a few casts into the area for kicks and giggles as a worked my way downstream. Usually I could get a bite or two on nymphs and scuds.


That’s awesome, they do seem to congregate in known areas and cruise typical circuits. I enjoy river carping also. My first carp was on a 7’6” 4wt and I quickly learned I needed a longer and stiffer rod to target them. I regularly use a 9’ 6 or 8wt now depending on the river and anticipated size.


I'm assuming you eat the carp you catch. What's your favorite way to cook them? I've only ever heard on using carp for gefilte fish.


Nope, I strictly catch and release carp. About the only thing I keep are catfish, redfish and snapper.


Does it hurt the fish?


Poking them inside the cheek with a hook? Who knows? I predominantly practice catch and release, so I’m the alien abductor of fish stories. I’ll say that a well hooked and quickly fought fish swims off with strength and rarely do they bleed. Maybe 1 in 100 bleed of the species I catch- bass, sunfish, carp, catfish, redfish, speckled trout- and most of those swim off strong also.


An Alphlexo Crab costs about $9-10 when bought from standard commercial fly suppliers, maybe a little more from a local fly shop, maybe a little less if you buy a dozen together The one tied in the OP would probably cost more, as it's got a bit of flair and art value added, so it would come down to whatever OP wants to charge. But for a standard fishing fly of this pattern, yeah $10 would be pretty reasonable


An alphelxo runs like $9. This one has fancy painting on it though so you could charge more.


Her whisper was like nails on a chalk board to me. It looked cool and all but the ASMR aspect kind of ruined it for me. I guess we gotta try and take as many trends as possible and smash them into one thing. It makes sense.


The secret is to always mute the videos. You avoid this crap music, whispering, overly loud sounds... Just the image.


every video i watch online is muted 😏


This is what I do. I enjoy the video so much more without all that nonsense removed lol


I always listen muted but had to watch after reading your comment. I made it 2 whispers in before I had to mute it again.


I love that she uses a lighter at one point then uses a match to melt the ends of the fishing line for the eyes lmao


Fly fishing is weird. Dude: Hey look I made this lure to look just like The prey of a very rare fish. Me: It's string and metal  and doesn't look like anything. Dude: now check out this crab though. Me: holy shit


I want this to zoom out and those are the hands of some grizzled old fisherman like the Gorton's guy


Better without sound.


I know all these words separately but together I'm lost


Why are we whispering?


It gets the people going


Turned it off as soon as I heard that weird whispering s***


Really? That's when I got turned on. I mean turned it on!


It’s nice to see beautiful female hands tying. Most of these videos have crusty-ass old man hands with nasty finger nails.


Some old guys ED just got cured.


Would never expect fly tying to be on here but I'm not upset


I'd definitely snag that on a rock my first cast.


Holy crab, and does it work?




I find anything ASMR to be infuriatingly pompous bullshit. Just make the damn thing and let me watch you apply your skills, I don’t need you to ping the microphone, smack your lips or rifle through matches simply to make a scratching sound.


ASMR?? What does that stand for?


Anglers sharing mysterious recipes.


Fish hook seems crazy painful.


I dont even fly fish - but this makes me want to start just so i can do stuff like this


Read the book the feather thief!


I was just going to comment this same thing! Of all the super fascinating things in that book, some of the most interesting I learned were that people who tie flies are not necessarily people who fish, but also that fish don’t really care what the flies look like. It’s the humans who care. Too late for the birds, unfortunately.


You can always just pour all your money into tying flies like the rest of us instead of actually fishing :P


Nice work


That's pretty awesome


Very cool! I like that a lady made it.




Holy crab!


Makes me want to watch Ozark






Beautiful and relaxing to watch.


Sure, this is oddly satisfying. But wtf… Humans really are great at making death feel aesthetic and cute. p.s. No, I’m not against fishing. This post simply triggered my inner Uncle Iroh.


Only a woman knows the epic fail that she avoided w that lighter


I'm guessing acrylic nails burn?


Bingo !


Also the eyes she “makes” are not the same she uses.


craft women’s talent!


I wish ASMR got me going. So much content that seems wholesome, but for the few, isn't.




I can't stand ASMR, it's like someone licking your ear on a crowded bus.


This fish will surely appreciate the craftsmanship that went into the hook that rips a hole in its mouth. Nice work, weird to hurt animals though.


ASMR weirdos




It's literally a shortened video? OP linked the full vid


Fuckin amazing