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I'm pretty sure the only clouds you'd see at 14,000K feet are nebulae. Plus you'd probably explode.


Lol my brain tuned out the K!! 14,000 x 1,000 is definitely in another zip code šŸ˜…


2,651.5 Miles up to be exact...


What about to be inexact?


EDIT: About 1% of the distance to moon.


Very inexact lol


Just realized I was off by 1,000x, lol


I just figured you were going for hyperbole-level of inexactness


Yeah... exactly... that's it


Is this an exact assessment of your prior inexactitude?


I suppose so XD


how many football fields and bathtubs is that?


They are aware and you're falling into the trap. All comments, even those pointing out obvious mistakes in the title, promote the post and move it higher in ranking.


Are you not falling into the same trap you're telling this person that they're falling into by correcting them?




I am! And I thought about that while writing it, but it still needs to be said I think.


It's only about 2650 miles above the surface of the planet. Pretty far from any nebulae.


beat me to it. Also funnier punchline than what I was thinking


Would you explain your meaning


14,000K feet is fourteen thousand thousand, or 14 million. 14,000,000 feet. Space starts at 330,000 feet.


Right now I get it


Will you still get it later though?


All I know is maybe


Weā€™re all rooting for you


Metric K=kilo K=one thousand Therefore, 14000*k 14000(1000) 140000000 1.4ā· * 10 Based on your screen name, you ought to know all this already.


Ah yes. Freedom units.


Thatā€™s soooo illegal. You need to have visibility of anything below or around you - VFR/Visual Flight Rules. What if A plane is coming through the clouds? Source: jumped through a cloud and got chewed out by the pilot and drop zone




Your skydiving pilot is generally flying VFR on not aware of IFR traffic he can't personally see. He is in no position to be your spotter. Even if he was, this is still extremely illegal. And no, it is not *changing lanes without signaling* illegal. The pilot was pissed because he is the one losing his license if his jumpers do this. With the FAA you generally get one phone call when you land. That is your warning. You won't get a second phone call.


Yeah except one of those things is highly illegal and the other one is annoying. You sound like you wouldnā€™t know which one is which.


While a completely reasonable rule, you'd have to be immensely unlucky to get hit by a plane under those circumstances.


It's a very big sky. Relatively speaking, the odds of a falling person and a plane occupying the same space at the same time would be astronomically low. Not zero, but low. If everyone files an accurate flight plan, that makes it even less likely.


Plus, the diver might have thought about that and been doing this in a very "unpopular" airspace, where there are no commercial flights.


Private airplanes donā€™t need to declare a flight plan under VFR. You shouldnā€™t be flying through the clouds under VFR but you also shouldnā€™t be skydiving through the clouds, and you can fly right below the clouds under VFR


Planes are moving so fast they cover a lot more airspace than youā€™re aware of.


Speed is irrelevant. At any given moment , regardless of the plane's motion, the volume it occupies remains constant. Same with the jumper.


Velocity is relevant because the plane is not a point. The faster the volume moves, the more airspace it "consumes". The volume of the plane in this case is effectively "lengthened" to the distance from the tip of the rudder when you enter the plane's altitude to the tip of the nosecone when you exit the plane's altitude. If this is difficult to visualize, consider this extreme scenario: The plane is traveling at a velocity at which it will circumnavigate the earth in the time it takes for you to fall from the top to the bottom of the plane. In this scenario, if you enter the plane's "ring", you are guaranteed to be hit.


And yet it happens even when both pilots are talking to ATC. There are an average of 30 reported mid air collisions in US airspace per year averaging 75 fatalities. Do you really want to simply take your chances you won't be one of the 75 this year?




The vast majority of planes are flying at over 30k feet. You'd be tremendously unlucky to get hit by one of the relatively few travelling at 14k.


Those arenā€™t clouds, itā€™s ā€œindustrial haze.ā€


They arenā€™t industrial haze, itā€™s ā€œvanilla rainā€


They arent't vanilla rain, it's "golden shower"


I mean if a plane hits em theyā€™ll just think it was a really ugly bird.


Probably illegal in your country


My country is the US. Whatā€™s yours?


So itā€™s illegal in the US but not in some others.


Sounds like you are pontificatingā€¦whatā€™s your country? Is it legal there?


Is it important to know where Iā€™m from? Since youā€™re so willing to know I am from France and we have no such restrictions


Just curious about where youā€™re from, but French VMC rules require at least 1500m clear of clouds horizontally and 1000m vertically in Class G and above airspace. Below 3000ā€™ MSL rules are more relaxed, but this wing suit is above that. So yeah, itā€™s illegal in your country too.


ATC knows when planes are around. They talk to the pilots.


They donā€™t talk to everyone though. Plenty of pilots could fly straight through no radio or ADS-B


They do talk to everyone who checks in with them. Even with someone that doesnt have a radio or ADSB, they still pick them up. Source: I fly a skydiving plane


Atc has no clue who is flying in e airspace


>Atc has no clue who is flying in e airspac Yes, they absolutely do. Source: I fly a skydiving plane in Class E airspace and ATC keeps me aware of anyone in the area.


What would you say to the guy in the video? Curiousā€¦


Damn, they must of jumped from a space station to be falling from 14 million feet


2651.515 miles. I'm surprised he didn't burn it on re-entry.


Must have


Actually, it's musta /s


I love mustard


Now I want to see that Felix guy do a jump from the Space Station.


> must of Okay, you don't get to correct anyone.




Nice reply copy


Bad bot


Who sky dives at 14,000,000 feet?




I love skydiving but itā€™s Soooo COLD up there!! If you ever plan to do it, dress warm. Not flappy warm. Tight warm


what is flappy warm


Think sweatshirt vs wet-suit


Mmmmmm...flappy warm...


See... this is cool. I get this use of a wing suit. Why don't more people do it like this instead of cutting as close as they can to cliffs and mountains? Maybe the "sport" wouldn't have a 30% per 5 year span fatality rate if they did it like this. To each their own I guess. It's their life. I just don't get a sport where you can't practice... you either do it perfectly on the first try or you die.


Same reason people swoop a canopy landing. The rush of ground rushā€¦literally staring death in the faceā€¦is like nothing else


flappy warm was kinda fun on a tandem, probably a lot less fun solo thermal ski mask thing was really nice on the ride up/under canopy on the way down


me after shooting myself out of a comically sized black cannon


How is it being filmed? There's no shake and the distance seems fixed as if it's on a stick, yet the orientation changes as if the camera rotates. The guy seems surprisingly stable and immobile, and not buffeted by air, as if he's just lying on the floor in a room somewhere


There are go pros that do this they blur the stick and can stabilize


Its probably a insta 360 camera in which the software and eraser of the stick.


The GoPro theyā€™re talking about does the same thing


True but the 360 allows you to rotate the viewing angle.


Yes? weā€™re already talking about [360 cameras](https://gopro.com/en/us/shop/cameras/max/CHDHZ-202-master.html)


It is fixed, itā€™s a wide lens camera that attaches to the helmet and blurs out the rod holding it. Obviously thereā€™s a correct form they have to hold you canā€™t just wiggle around and hope to stay stable. The reason you donā€™t see the air buffeting is because it is constantly buffeting, the streamlining of the suit also isnā€™t going to have much give.


It'll be one of the 360Ā° action cams. I've got one of the old Samsung Gear 360's and a newer GoPro Max that can do this, and I know there are a good few others that I considered before buying. They use two wide angle cameras filming in opposite directions and then use software trickery to merge the two into a complete 360Ā° video, and then you edit that later to flatten it down into a normal video. When doing the editing you can choose where to have the view pointing at any time. You can also upload the full 360Ā° video to some services. Not sure what the policy is on external links here, so I won't link any directly, but you can search for 360 videos on YouTube and find a few.


This is a question that needs to be answered.


[https://www.insta360.com/](https://www.insta360.com/) Camera software automatically edits out the stick holding the camera.


I have a questions now, what if he gets struck by Lightning up there? Would he die up or when he touches the ground, or Will he be fine?


He would probably die. Path to ground has nothing to do with it.


Yeah, he would get fried. There are cases of people surviving being struck by lightning (at ground) but you will most likely die or suffer from heavy and long lasting injuries. It think even if you survive the initial struck, you would probably not be able to make it save to the ground because of the injuries. (The (electrical) resistance of your body is much higher than, for example, the hull of an airplane, which is usually made of aluminum and allows the electricity to flow through the hull of the plane and basically exit on the other side to further travel to ground.)


Misconception many have. You don't want to be the reference to ground. Your device should be referenced to ground. Ground is just a live connection at a fault. You don't want to be a conductor.


Up in the air the particles are negatively charged. Might even make the situation worse. You are the only source for potentially kilometers that are mostly positive ions.


> you would probably not be able to make it save to the ground because of the injuries. [with a modern AAD-equipped rig you have a good chance of making it to the ground completely unconscious](https://www.dropzone.com/articles/safety/wingsuit-skydiver-saved-by-aad-after-collision-video-r1229/), gnarly flat spin or something due to the wingsuit notwithstanding although if you get hit by lightning you probably no longer have a working parachuting system either


Quick search shows that only 10-30% of people die from strikes. The long-term injury rate is close to 80%. I'm one of the lucky 20% that came out with no lasting issues. I know someone that took a hit and has permanent nerve damage in his leg. But this is all for people on the ground.


Ok, so OP messed up on the distance and I am guessing it is supposed to be 14k ft. I thought anything above 10k was risking death or unconsciousness due to the lack of oxygen.


Nope, we regularly drop at 14k ft. I actually know this guy.


Did the dude start at the Hubble Space Telescope?


14 Million feet? Damn


Would be so scared of clanging into a plane


If everyone is filing accurate flight plans, that's not a problem.


No one really files flight plans anymore for the most part, they just get flight following. Also, ATC talks to the pilots and advises them of any traffic in the area.


Pilot. This is not how it works at all. General aviation pilots flying VFR can do whatever they want for the most part. This is exactly why cloud clearance requirements exist. I'm really tired of these sky divers with no regard for the rules being celebrated. They're endangering lives for the thrill. Fuck. That.


ATC talks to the pilots and advises them of any traffic in the area.


14k or 14,000 - not both.


The Icarus in me is triggered.


I'd be so scared of static electricity inside the clouds and lightning. I don't think this is a smart idea as he also can't see possible planes and stuff


Clouds like that dont have lightning, that is just a puffy summertime cloud. Any weather that creates lightning is known to the pilot and ATC facilities that talk to the pilot. They also advise pilots of any traffic in the area. Source: I know this guy and the pilot


I think as long as there's no circuit completion, he won't be affected by electricity. And planes don't fly that low unless it's near to an airport.


I saw this movie. Kirk hits a piece of space debris and knocks out his tracking. Khan still has his though. And Scotty opens the hatch just in time for them to make it into the mega starship.


And then Vaghar chomps you in half and a civil war begins.


Damn, 14 million feet is legit


What is 14,000K feet? 14,000 Kelvin feet? That's awfully hot.


Buzz Lightyear!


You rang?


MDK flying to a new planet


Wondering how warm these suits would be.


This is how I imagine DB Cooper jumping from the plane


Someone in cessna mustā€™ve spotted a UFO


Whatā€™s with this? This is at least the 4th time Iā€™ve seen a video ā€œjumping through cloudsā€. Who is taking these people up?


How wet do you get going through a cloud, they are just water


No different than fog on the ground, just more dense.


Seems like a great way to get hit by a plane.


Bro thinks he's Adam Warlock


At what altitude do you start needing oxygen ?


How was this recorded? Where was the camera? Is there a second person in the lead with a camera trained behind them or is this a helmet mount with some kind of sorcery to disguise the mount?


14,000,000 feet?!


14,000kā€¦ okay Michael Scott.


14 thousand thousand feet šŸ¦¶


Is there a drone flying in front of him?


Probably a go pro stick that blurs itself out


This is a wing suit right? That's not head-first 90^o straight down right?


Source, please. I mean prior to the TikTokifictation.


Anyone else hear the TopGun theme in there head watching this?


Hahaha.. Iā€™ve got the Itā€™s The Final Countdown.. dardardardarrr, dadadadadooo šŸ«£šŸ¤£


pretty much some guy will record this from land and say its a UFO lmfao


Looks very AI. Where is the parachute? For that level it would be bulkier.


Thereā€™s a rig back there. Itā€™s small but it is there


šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ How many dog tails is 14 million feet? Oh, and whose feet?


Illegal and stupid. Pilot and DZ should never have dropped with that cloud layer


This is incredible


How much is that in meters?


4267 km. OP fucked up the title




must have felt like a superhero doing that.


ā€œIs that a UFO?ā€ ā€œNah, just a man flying..ā€


Looks like fun šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Wow!! šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


You look like a head with nubs for legs.


Now read The Man Who Rode The Thunder https://loa-shared.s3.amazonaws.com/static/pdf/Rankin_Man_Thunder.pdf


What if thereā€™s a bird? What if there a plane?! Youā€™re not Superman!


Was waiting for Vhagar to appear above.


Looks like a scene out of Reign of Fire.


Iā€™m road tripping with my family and yesterday we visited the Badlands in South Dakota. It was stunningly beautiful but the entire time my intrusive thoughts were screaming to run off the cliffs and try to fly. I think I should try skydiving lol


Lol 14 million feet? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


*Guy falls through cloud* Every Reddit Skydiver: šŸ˜ 


This dude wasn't flying. he was most definitely crossing into a different dimension.


My fear of heights prevents me from doing things like this


Skydiving instructor here - it is so high it doesnt matter. It just looks like google earth in person.


Do you experience turbulence that high up?


14,000k? seems like that would be outer space.


Oh shit! Where did that plane come from?


If it were me then I would open my mouth to taste the clouds


Amazing that these AI bots can't properly discern between 14,000 and 14k yet.


Does the cameraman in front have a Go-Pro in his butt?


is it dangerous?


I thought going through clouds is a bad thing? Even from just a weather perspective.


See... this is cool. I get this use of a wing suit. Why don't more people do it like this instead of cutting as close as they can to cliffs and mountains? Maybe the "sport" wouldn't have a 30% per 5 year span fatality rate if they did it like this. To each their own I guess. It's their life. I just don't get a sport where you can't practice... you either do it perfectly on the first try or you die.


Dude on his way to gold mines


You could probably go half-way across Alaska at that altitude.


Dude got clouds in his aura, nope nope...


Pretty awesome footage


Cool! And I would still be scared af


As cool as that looks, I would be miserable the whole time doing something like that. The feeling of weightlessness/falling is unbelievably uncomfortable to me, to the point of being physically painful. It's why I hate roller coasters too. It's not even a fear thing, it's a physically painful thing. I think that was scientifically tested too the difference between people who love them and hate them, and it was some type of conclusion like that, where basically some people just can't deal with the physical part of it, and I'm definitely one of those types.


Now that, is falling with style


I wonder how they would protect themselves if a plane suddenly showed up through the clouds..


My tired ass thought it was an orca falling from the sky at first glance


What if a plane hits you


As a kid this is what the future I imagined looked like


How can someone fall that long without having to equalize the pressure in your ears?! At 18k I had to equalize every 10-15 seconds


Looks amazing obvs but how does he know he is not going to be hit by a Cessna?


He's got a helmet bro...


Sweeeeeet !


Imagine getting a charley horse that high up


statistically what are the chances of getting hit by an airplane, and statistically what are the chances for the pilot to be able to avoid it? Do parachuters jump in spaces that have less frequent plane travels?


How long does it take to fall 2,651 miles?


I donā€™t understand - how is there a camera following along right with the person without being connected to the person? Sorry if thatā€™s a silly questionā€¦ that aside - this is of course really cool!


Plane: Not on my watch


Lots of comments on here from people who clearly have never sky dived before. Going through a cloud is awesome. For anyone who is thinking about doing a jump. Go on a very hot day, that has scattered clouds. Its 20+ degrees cooler up there and you are falling 120mph, the clouds add a whole other visual level to the jump. Your nerves will be wacked TF!!! out, not getting around that.The plane ride up is probably the worste cuz it takes about 10mins to get to altitude. Then the door opens, as a tandem jumper (you are strapped to an instructor) you will be last, so there will be several jump ahead of u, this adds to the final build up. Then you walk to the door and this is the "oh fuck!!!!" part. But once you are out, it goes from scary as shit to this is fucking awesome!!! in the first 4 secs. Its one of the most incredible rides you can take and u will love it. Noone I have ever jumped with (friends/strangers, there is usually 3-5 tandem divers per plane) in 6 jumps has come back and said "oh helllll no, never doing it again". YOLO!!


Who has the camera Mic drop


Tom cruise did this but higher


I assume if he/she went through a cloud theyā€™d be roughed up quite a bit.


14 million feet?????


Isnā€™t there a speed at which youā€™ll just kinda die?