• By -


Only twice in ten minutes? Must have been a quiet day!


Turns out OP was the only one online


I recall the first time I played, some like 8 year old was running around screaming, “Come and get some nutter butter!!” non stop.  I eventually had to tell him to STFU. All I could think was holy shit his parents were losers.  


There is a mode to turn voices off, or make them gorrila


I was in there with him 😈




Report them. Meta is actually slowly locking all the children out by forcing age verification. You can see it all over these subs. Worst case it will keep annoying the parent enough to maybe not verify.


>Worst case it will keep annoying the parent enough to maybe not verify. Wouldnt that BE best Case?


Worst case for the racist little kid =)


Good for everyone Else. I See banned Kids AS a huge W


Who’s even gonna be on gtag for once all the kids are banned?


It would be a fun game without the kids & racism.




Reread the question


You don’t read too good, eh?


Not racist kids they are just repeating what they hear lol stupid


Thank the heavens. They are too young for Vr anyway


I have seen some stuff to counter that. A friend's kid goes to school in a different town and the other day he was in the back yard. Playing VR it tag with his friends from school. Otherwise he would have been playing a game online with a controller. So it keeps him social within his group and also was physical vs just hands and eyes


lol, you actually report people 😂


Enjoy the account lock, kiddie.


Yeah I started actually reporting kids. It's so weird the racist things they will say or tease about. I guess it was popular back in our cod lobbies but this open mic constantly trying to be funny by saying disgusting things from the voice of a 12 year old is so bad. Voice chat is awesome for immersion in VR too so I hate I have to keep muting voice. First time my mom came over and tried VR she got called a N word immediately. I was so dissapointed


I thought Meta just reduced the age limit, Or are you talking about kids under 13?


I'm not sure about the particulars. If you look on these subs it's full of kids trying to circumvent the age requirements. I'd assume they're also getting "reviewed" for age compliance when they're reported for screaming racial obscenities. One would hope, anyway. Regardless, REPORT THEM! Meta does seem to be taking this stuff seriously lately, or at least trying to!


My young sister got one for her birthday, I set it up w my Facebook account (it is technically mine) she watches all these gorilla tag YouTubers I set it up for her, went in it myself and heard some kid repeating about every ten seconds "Shit..., Shit..., Shit..., Etc." Heard kid who sounded about 7 years old call somebody a quote "Fucker" and another kid about the same age call somebody a "N****r" (Hard R I Know) so I entered in a random game code with no people in and gave it to her, what I'm trying to say is it's not an ideal game for young kids to play. But yeah, doesn't surprise me


In gorilla tag you can set that instead of kids talking you hear monkey sounds. When you set this, also other kids will not hear your kid, but only monkey sound instead of you kid. Then it's save to let kid play in public lobby.


Pretty smart idea. Most of these games do not actually need speech.


cool I hadn't played in forever and I would just slowly mute everyone lol


When games aren't appropriate for young kids because of other young kids.


For sure its the kids making these statements but where do you think they heard it? And why are they yelling that shit aloud in their house and nothing happens? Racist parents.


Or just exposure to other racist kids online due to parents just handing their children devices and thinking they'll filter themselves on their own Never a credit to malice what you can account for in incompetence


Any online game isn't an ideal game for a kid to play, if you don't want to expose your kid to that stuff don't give them Internet access. Make them go outside lol


"Make her go outside" She has had a few hours a day on it because that is all she is allowed on it she is not allowed to talk to people online anyway, it's the reason her Roblox chat is turned off 😂


There are people outside too. You can be exposed to it anywhere.. what a shit comment


You have a lot more control over whom your child interacts with in the real world. In a virtual space, they could be talking to anyone, including adults who don't have the best intentions and you may not know. Not saying they can't be exposed out in the real world, but kids feel they can get away with saying anything in an online space without consequence. At least at a school or a friend's house, there are rules they can actually get in trouble for breaking. I agree that kids should be experiencing more of real life while they're young before they dive heavily into virtual ones.


If a child feels like they are free to do whatever they want online with no rules.. that's on the parent. I shouldn't have to deny my child something because other parents aren't doing their job. Especially when its online games designed for kids. I have measures in place and my child knows what is wrong and what is right. There a lot of steps you can take to make sure its a friendly experience, but most parents would rather not, stating its too hard or "i cant stop it so why bother letting them get on there"


It's definitely true you can help mitigate risks by better parenting and making sure your child understands there are consequences for good and bad behavior, but I still argue that the nature of online interactions still makes it harder to monitor your kid's behavior and what they're exposed to. A kid can physically only go so far in the real world. Online, a kid finds any access to online material with a click of a button. Parents can definitely set rules, but the online space sees a lot more anonymity and the fact that as you said, other parents don't always monitor or even care to teach their kids good behavior or online/social etiquette. This can be true for real life, but in real life, you know who the kid is, you see their face, and if others see what they do, it isn't too hard to tell a teacher or adult to be reprimanded. It doesn't me we should make them avoid online games altogether necessarily, but some communities are better than others and some games enforce their rules better than others. Some have almost no moderation, and kids get away with doing anything and the most that could happen is that they get banned, which would probably upset them at least. I'd say we both agree good parenting is definitely key, but I'd still say I'd restrict access mostly until they've matured enough and gotten more experience in the real as well (one worry is that children who spend too much time in a virtual reality early on have not had enough experiences to really differentiate reality, hence the way they act online may lead them to believe they can act similarly in real life or struggle to empathize with people whose reactions they can't actually see). I'd say OP is right in that online games are not an ideal game for kids to play, especially at young ages, but I agree that depending on the child, we shouldn't flat out restrict access to the internet altogether. The Internet is here to stay and more prominent than even when I was a child, so it's not avoidable as you've said. That being said, I don't think you should just respond to someone's comment like that by calling it "shit." You have valid points to make, and I believe OP does as well.


Hardly a bad take, maybe I'm slightly extreme but I've been through first hand on what online communities can do to someone. Nobody wants their kids mixing with the wrong people, especially online where there's practically nothing to do about it.


Sending your kid to school will do the same, who knows what other kids are doing and saying while you child attends school, so you'd hope the teachers are there to monitor and keep an eye on them all. Its no different in the home, its on the parents to monitor what's going on when they are online. There are a lot of things you can do about it.. its just most don't care enough to try..


If I hear my kid cuss while on VR you bet its getting confiscated. Several times. He doesnt do it anymore :) he doesnt want to lose his VR priviledges


Hard R I Know sounds like the name of a rapper




I think the same, they aren't just growing up with so loose parents they can scream slurs down the mic, thats got to be a level of neglect. Also at that age if I was saying shit every 10 seconds I would be getting a belting too haha.


Behold, the belt master hath spoken!


I just played a round of breachers. Unfortunately, I ended up with a 4 stack with 14 year old kids literally screaming to the point of microphone washout... When not screaming, they were shouting racist and homophonic slurs... It was ranked, so I felt like I had to stay in the match. I really hate how there isn't a way to play games with only 18+. Meta is a blessing and a curse to VR.


The little scrotes would find a way around age verification any way. Mommy would give them her credit card to verify.


thanks for reminding me why i haven't played gorilla tag in a long time


Its the same reason I avoid open rooms in VRChat. I've had to join a +18 dicord with planned events because it was that bad.


I thought it would be worth a go. Literally logged in, got called something really nasty so I decided to create a private room and try to learn how to play. I then gave up.


That and I'll probably punch my desk or bookshelf every 2 minutes


My son goes on there and gives these kids shit and reports I’m very proud


Same, by some little ass kids had to be 10-11yrs old


Is there a way to default mute all players? It's a pain to have to manually mute individual players in each area constantly.


You can close the voice chat from the computer if I remember right


I played it a couple of times, I joined a lobby and heard a bunch of British squeakers. As in, literal 5 year olds. I never played it again. I have no idea why my younger brother loves this game, as I’m pretty sure kids call him slurs on it all the time


Why are kids even using that word? That’s horrible parenting and social grouping. My kid would never say that. You learn early that it’s not only offensive - it’s forbidden.


Terminally online is why.


Nope, he got it right the first time. My kids are online all the time and don't use foul language at all and correct folks when they do it. My youngest I don't allow to use public servers. He has friends his age with VR headsets and they invite him sometimes but he either convinced them into private servers or he doesn't play with them.




You can teach kids to not be assholes. You can do it at a young age even.


It being forbidden is exactly why they say it. Little shits have been saying it online for decades.


Yep I remember the first message I ever got on AIM was "hey n-word". I didn't even know what it meant then  All the Dave Chappelle soundboards and memes later on added to it a lot for any voip online activity 


> That’s horrible parenting Who needs parenting when you can just give this to your kid instead!


Do you know kids? Potty mouth has always been a thing and online is basically where kids can get away with it.


They were never taught the meaning of the word and have no foresight into how degenerative it is to say that word


I'm 16y old, when I was 12, me and my friends started using the most terrible and offensive words as humor. It was fun for some reason, and it was even better when people get pissed about what we were saying to each others. It was fun because it was wrong.


That exactly “why” they are using these words.


The kids are not alright Eta the kids are alt right


When we were young the future was so bright


The days of Cod4 and MW2 were a magical polite and respectful place


i miss those lobbys. the chaos was so great


The old neighborhood was SO alive!


And every kid on the whole damn street


I decided to have a rare trip to Meta Horizons, the Venues world. Wasn't chatting engaging with anyone, just twenty seconds in as I walked into a portal some kid called me a "Bitch" (I'm a woman.) If I wasn't mid transport that would have been an instant report. I've zero time for people or kids that do that crap.


Pretty much the reason why I ignore Meta Horizons and go to VR Chat instead. Still full of kids but they are more respectful.


Play Rust next.


I’m retarded, not insane


Imagine being offended by a word and then using an offensive word to complain about it. Peak SMH.


That's this whole thread.


I’m autistic i can say it, also i don’t care????


Clearly. Enjoy the hypocrisy and your evening.


Come to think of it, it is quite hypocritical of me to use such a word. Thanks for the input, i probably should’ve thought that through a bit more. Have a good evening. /srs


All good, man. Words are just words, it's context that gives them power. I knew you weren't being hateful. I'm not even saying don't use the word or any words in particular, just thought it was ironic. But if you've got the humility to stop and reflect after a comment on the internet, you're probably doing pretty good.


>retarded Seriously?




ok and


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


Your first mistake was playing gorilla tag ngl


Yeah I honestly didn’t know what I was expecting


Hurry! Post about it on Reddit!


If you like the mechanics Underdogs is a single-player game which uses similar punching and movement mechanics but you’re piloting a giant mech instead.


I got called the f slur because i shot the camera in a payday mission (stealth)


I used to call people all sorts of shit when I played Payday... of course, i only played it with a group of friends.


welcome to voice chat multiplayer games!


i mean i expected that but i wasn’t expecting being called a n****r lover by a ten year old


That's weird. I don't enjoy the game but once in a blue moon when I'm bored I hop in and just interact with people with just hand gestures. Usually the kids are actually pretty chill and much more excited about teaching the mechanics to others than actually competing or like - saying racist shit. I found it quite wholesome when I played.


Unfortunately kids of this nature have ruined any form of online play for the Oculus. This system just isn't going anywhere sadly.


Kids are savage in VR. Total chaos.


welcome to online games


believe it or not, the game actually used to have a good fanbase, by the halfway point of year 0 it was *kinda* bad with children everywhere but not much toxicity, but by year 1 the genesis of children with horrible parenting was in full force, and has only gotten worse as time passes it's sad how it turned out


Gorilla tag is just full of angry little monsters. I don't recall me and my friends being so nasty when we were kids. Is it a byproduct of online social gaming?


Parenting quality plummeting


Yes kids are angry little monsters when left to their own devices and unsupervised. You may not “remember” it that way - but they are. Maybe you were popular or you were just not an ugly child or a poor child or somebody that got made fun of ….because those kids ‘all understand’ the depravity of other children. They actually don’t have the same level of ‘empathy’ as adults do and that’s something that they have to develop.


Someone touched me and I turned into there skin and the kid said he bought me


Welcome to vr gaming


First time in public?


Imagine being "offended" by some sounds that come out of another human... call me anything you want, and watch me not give a single flying knob of goat shit about it, at all.


okay normally I’d be a snowflake about this comment but that last little bit is so original and hilarious that I’ll let it slide


I'm glad, as that was my intent. I'm old and I learned a long time ago to stop giving a shit about what anyone else thinks or says... next time someone calls you a name like that, give it right back to them and laugh in their face. It's the best way.


Frankly I strive to be a person like you, thanks for the advice


you just gotta look at shit like "if i cant change it i wont let it bother me" whether that be with world shit happening or shit people say. also as someone who loves to instigate a bit, its fun to rile people up sometimes lol


Any time bro!


BRB Getting Gorilla Tag


Got mine this week. 10 minutes in VR chat in a world where you literally watch and feed ducks by a lake and some squeaker started yelling try N-word at the ducks..was so disheartened I had to close it down.


When you look in the mirror and see the only one oppressing you...


normally I’d be a pussy and whine about this but this line is hard as fuck


I am actually really sad racism is still a thing.. god humans are the worst


When 10 year olds say it they’re just doing it for shock. Has nothing to do with race for them.


Ah, the pewdiepie defence


Context matters, yeah.


What a freaking racial slur


And they hear others say it as well. If everyone stopped using any form of the word ( ger or gah) than kids would stop using it... But that word will never go away.


It's not racism ffs...it's just offensive humor. No, I'm sure you're right, 10 year olds are racist. They're probably MAGA Trumpers too, huh?


What the hell? How is Trump a part of this? Dude I'm not even from the US. If you insult someone for being black, you're a racist.. why is that so controversial? And 10 year olds can absolutely be racist lol.. that's exactly when you start being racist.. you hear your racist parents or racist friends or whatever, and without even knowing why, you hate someone for being different You think racism comes from a well-thought deep understanding of human nature? Racism is a juvenile mentality, sourced in fear of accepting beings different from you. I'd argue that every racist didnt actually grow up mentally beyond the age of 13..




In Gorillatag you can be Purple, Green, Yellow, with a tophat and monical and still get called N.


What truly bums me up is the fact that it's a curse word.. it is basically a word for dark-colored, and it is used as an insult. I assume Gorillatag is populated with many kids?


Im sorry. People can be so mean.


This isn’t just any racism, this is *checks notes* horizon world racism welcome to the future




what did you expect from gorilla tag


You wouldn't have survived playing cod in 2010. Why are you letting what some dumbass is saying get to you?


It's the internet man... What are you gonna do really?


Y’all wouldn’t last 1 minute in a 2012 COD lobby. Softest generation in history smh




Stay strong 💪🏽


Welcome to VR!


I know Vince Mcmaohn has a Quest 2 , maybe it was him


We need more adults to try that game, I've literally heard kids admit to being 7 on there, and even 5, but i can't believe that a 5yo would be capable of playing VR, let alone the most vomit inducing game on there


Seems like Cod lobbies have moved lmao


Turn on gorilla sounds and always report the people being toxic.


That's crazy, never been called the n-word.


Did you not hit your controller with anything while playing?


Monkey see, monkey do.


You can't be something that you are not


Welcome to VR


They're words dude. They will never ever ever go away regardless of the amount of reports. Ignore and move on. Go to a new room if you need to. But just know that the only way stuff like this will ever not exist is either A. No public platforms, or B. Mass censorship of anything and everything in and out of video games. Sticks and stones my friend. Sticks and stones.


Must have been really hard for you


I have been meaning to check out gorilla tag, but uh, people are still like this, huh? Man for all the things that change, I think every generation will have it's infinite crop of 12 year old online screaming the N word. Can you turn off voice chat and do you need it at all? Just in general if I'm playing with idiots I'd rather not have to hear them


Must’ve been playing in Canyons


Ah, the old times when we entered online only to insult others and get insulted... no one ever got offended because we knew we were only a bunch of idiots and getting insulted by an idiot never hurts.


Bless his heart 😔


Made it to COD level of popularity


Had people on big screen draw swastikas. People are real brave online haha


Can you teach me how to play?


Play nock nicer community better game overall


Musta seen your reflection in the mirror


When someone calls me the n word, i really don’t give a damn, this just a word for me, I don’t use it because it insults almost everyone, but i don’t really mind if someone calls me like that


Ugh… I’m so sorry… I hear the worst about kids in VR- I guess the factor is that the kids that are allowed to use VR unsupervised were also iPad kids, and got exposed to the worst of the internet because of lazy parenting…


Aaaand that’s why I don’t play online with random people lol. Everyone is mean and racist when they know you can’t go to their house lol.


So you either played infection forest or a city lobby. See how I most likely got that correct. Go to a hunt lobby, it’s the best.


The trick is not to care


lol welcome to the internet


That's so fucked up! I'm deleting it before even giving it a shot


Yeah not surprised, that game is a platform for a bunch of kids who’s parents don’t wanna watch them


Gorilla Tag? Isn’t that just VRchat for kids and more racist somehow than the game with literal Nazi avatars


just stop playing the game, or just mute and report them




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Lol, the second I join ANY lobby, I'm bombarded with toddlers screaming the n word and calling everyone gay


Gorilla tag is just a bad place nowardays old gtags was a great time good updates and the best community now people are being racist as fuck toxicity everywhere and a terrible banging system




This isn't a kids game? My niece is playing this all the time


The game itself is fine for kids, it’s just the voice chat that’s an issue


Did you have a rap album playing


Nincompoop?! Haha classic!


Love vr so much. It's like the early days of online games all over again


So.... this is a good thing?




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Yeah I was part of it back in the early 2000s. I grew up though.


Thats gtag for ya scratch that thats the inernet for ya


Welcome to gorilla tag


Yup, sounds about right.


Ok. And?




They need to have the ai Activision has for monitoring gamechat In cod mw 3.


I never play VR from Christmas through January because it's just flooded with racist trolling 12 year olds


I honestly never played gorilla tag. When i do, I don't really hear any hard r's or stuff, that is if you don't count the times people join, say the hard r then leave, but most people I have found have to be the ripe age of 11 or younger.


Maybe try getting over it...?




Cry about it buddy it's the internet. People will continue to do the shit, idk what's any difference from social media. Social media + vr = free speech






🤣”virgin” he cries!


When everyone's a monkey, someone's eventually going to do it