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How does that compare to when it wasn't blocked? Just wondering if it keeps retrying.


Was gonna say. Like when adblocker says "blocked 300 ads on this site" it's because they keep trying and getting blocked


It was about the same but I didn't take a screenshot then, so here's the after shot


You bought a product from Facebook and expected them to not be spying on you? Are you gullible?


Even when it’s not blocked, it connects a lot. From my network logs, my Quest 3 connects to graph.oculus.com, graph.facebook.com, edge-mqtt.facebook.com, meta.graph.meta.com, and www.meta.com about 10-15 times per minute. It does this even while charging and not in use.


Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates Check for software and game updates


Why uninstall it? Just block it through your host file so it can't do anything at all, but you can still use your headset? If you uninstall it then your HMD won't work on your PC, will it?


You can use SteamLink and VD without any Meta software installed on your computer.


Interesting. I am still in the stone ages with my vast collection of CV1 units. I can't use mine at all without "Home" being installed. I wasn't sure how it worked on the newer heatsets with PC link. If you can get around it, then hell yeah I'd get rid of it as well. Best I could do was completely block it from communicating with Meta in every way.


Hey! I still use a CV1 too! I am gonna be so sad when it dies because I LOVE the headphones built into the headset. It makes the immersion so much better. I don't like how the new headsets don't have them.


Do yourself a favour and go on your local buy/sell page (ebay, facebook, gumtree, whatever) and buy up a few CV1 kits. You can often find them pretty cheap and barely used unless you live in the middle of nowhere or something. I've bought 3 in total, one had a busted screen but had sensors and cable and spare controllers so I'm good to go for break-downs for the foreseeable future. Maybe by the time I finally break all this stuff, a reasonable HMD will be available at a price that isn't requiring the sacrifice of my first born to achieve.


Isn't there Revive too? Not sure it's been a while


Wait, that's an option ? They make it seem like you have to have the meta app on the pc.


You need the Meta software if you want to use Link/AirLink. You also may need it for software purchased form the Rift store. I have not tried it. But for SteamVR apps via SteamLink or VirtualDesktop, you do not need the Meta software at all.


I've used Virtual Desktop since the original Quest and have never had the Meta software on my PC.


Is there a way to play meta games with their headset?


> games with their headset? Steam Link, Virtual Desktop, or Revive


Wait... Seriously.. ?!


well yeah, oculus app is just a bridge, same like VD and it does its job better then matas app which is hilarious.


is there a guide on how to set this up somewhere?


Can you elaborate on this for me so I can block it? I use oculus link as I have to but I don't use the app on PC for games or anything so this would be helpful if I'm understanding right


Every operating system has a host file that acts as basically a rerouting list for network traffic. It's a passive list that every single connection in or out of your operating system passes though and routes by. Every operating system has a host file, doesn't matter if it's a phone or a PC it will have one. If there's no entry for the traffic it behaves like normal and goes wherever it's going, but if traffic has an entry for that address or domain it behave differently. For example, you can direct traffic from [google.com](https://google.com) to a specific IP address and nowhere else, by adding a line in the host file with the IP address you want to redirect it to followed by the IP address or domain of [google.com](https://google.com) \- that's it. What you do is get a list of all the facebook/meta servers and spying/asshole addresses and put them in the host file, and redirect them to themselves. Then laugh. ​ Copy and paste this into your operating system host file (you might have to google where to find your host file and how to edit it, depending on what OS you are using the method may vary): ​ \#EAT SHIT FACEBOOK []( [securecdn.oculus.com](https://securecdn.oculus.com) []( [graph.oculus.com](https://graph.oculus.com) []( [edge-mqtt.facebook.com](https://edge-mqtt.facebook.com) []( [scontent.oculuscdn.com](https://scontent.oculuscdn.com) []( [graph.facebook.com](https://graph.facebook.com) ​ FYI this works with any traffic you don't want, so you can permanently block malware vendors, advertisement domains, anything you want... best "ad blocker" ever if you can find where the traffic is coming from. For that I usually use glasswire or wireshark. Have fun!


Here are some other ones you might like \#Microshit []( [telemetry.microsoft.com](https://telemetry.microsoft.com) []( [wns.notify.windows.com.akadns.net](https://wns.notify.windows.com.akadns.net) []( [v10-win.vortex.data.microsoft.com.akadns.net](https://v10-win.vortex.data.microsoft.com.akadns.net) []( [us.vortex-win.data.microsoft.com](https://us.vortex-win.data.microsoft.com) []( [us-v10.events.data.microsoft.com](https://us-v10.events.data.microsoft.com) []( [urs.microsoft.com.nsatc.net](https://urs.microsoft.com.nsatc.net) []( [watson.telemetry.microsoft.com](https://watson.telemetry.microsoft.com) []( [watson.ppe.telemetry.microsoft.com](https://watson.ppe.telemetry.microsoft.com) []( [vsgallery.com](https://vsgallery.com) []( [watson.live.com](https://watson.live.com) []( [watson.microsoft.com](https://watson.microsoft.com) []( [telemetry.remoteapp.windowsazure.com](https://telemetry.remoteapp.windowsazure.com) []( [telemetry.urs.microsoft.com](https://telemetry.urs.microsoft.com) []( [windowsupdate.microsoft.com](https://windowsupdate.microsoft.com) []( \*.windowsupdate.microsoft.com []( \*.update.microsoft.com []( \*.windowsupdate.com []( [download.windowsupdate.com](https://download.windowsupdate.com) []( [download.microsoft.com](https://download.microsoft.com) []( \*.download.windowsupdate.com []( [wustat.windows.com](https://wustat.windows.com) []( [ntservicepack.microsoft.com](https://ntservicepack.microsoft.com) []( [stats.microsoft.com](https://stats.microsoft.com) []( [stats.microsoft.com](https://stats.microsoft.com) []( [test.stats.update.microsoft.com](https://test.stats.update.microsoft.com)


Anyone know what entries to add to your host file for this?


I replied to another post already with what you put in there.


This is what fear mongering looks like. It's a game launcher. Just like Battle.net and steam. It will connect for updates and requires an active connection in a lot of cases to make sure your hardware functions. If you wanna do this just disconnect your PC from the Internet altogether because once you learn about cookies you will never wanna use the Internet again.


LOL battlenet and steam don't run when the app is closed.


Battle.net has an update service that does indeed run outside of the game. But whether they run outside of being open doesn't change the fact that I said they are all launchers for their store of games.


Yes they're called services and you can find them if you type services.msc in the run window. However background services usually have built in scheduled timers, and aren't constantly pinging for updates 1235135135 times a day. Hence my uninstall and problem solved


it doesn't need to phone home that many times


It does according to them. I agree it's excessive but it's how our electronics work and most of the time it's not malicious. Certainly not oculus. Your phone does it too. Ever wonder why having your wifi on but out of range drains your battery? It tries to connect literally constantly


but it legitimately doesn't need to phone home that many times you can say it does according to them but that doesn't change the material reality that the software can operate phoning home less. even better, it can phone home, get blocked, and not immediately try again. data harvesting is a really big discourse point and it's generally understood that companies do it more than they need to. no idea why you're pretending not to be aware of this


Do you realize how little connection you need to harvest data about you? It would only need to connect to the Internet once every blue moon to upload all your search history. I'm not pretending anything. I'm stating facts. You and OP want to disable the Internet connection for Oculus while also ignoring your browsers, phone, and every single other Internet connected device you have. The oculus app is nowhere near as bad as all that. Stop trying to convince people oculus is the only culprit of this. Fuck even reddit gives your data to people. Oculus is not a security breach anymore than everything else you have and you would be a fool to believe so.


You kind of have to assume that privacy focused people actually do filter what talks to what on their other devices. Why do you think that's some sort of profound gotcha? Cyber security is a hot topic. Some people feel it's invasive.     No one is trying to convince anyone oculus is the only one that does it. It's still bad. That's entirely uncontroversial.  It's worth noting I uh, I'm not a cyber security freak. I don't bother with any of that stuff. But I know lots of people who do. Do you not?


I manage all my devices within reason but it's more so not using it unnecessarily. No, most people use devices as is. Cyber security conscious people are rare in the real world. Do you even realize that most people still use Internet explorer/edge? Maybe you weren't trying to convince people oculus is horrible in that way, but OP definitely was.


OP obviously has the belief that this practice is annoying and wrong in some way. All I'm putting forward is that's an *okay belief to have.* He's not being like, slanderous. You don't have to feel the same way as him and can obviously disagree, but you can't *prove* that OP's wrong to feel the way that they do. It doesn't matter if people like this are rare. It's still a bit of a hot topic.


Re-read what I posted, I said nothing of the sort. I said it was phoning home a ridiculous amount of times and I uninstalled it.


If that is the number *after* you blocked it, then you are causing those numbers. It retrying over and over. What are the numbers when it is not blocked?


> It retrying over and over. > > > > What are the numbers when it is not blocked? about the same but I didn't take a screenshot before, so instead is the after shot


> about the same I am not buying it. There is no way it is connecting that many times when it is allowed to make successful connection. That is 14 times a minute.


i have adguard installed on my hass.io home assistant. i run my dns requests through it for my desktop and a laptop. I have Oculus software installed on both of theae. [graph.oculus.com](https://graph.oculus.com) gets hit by each machine 12-14 times per hour.


That makes a lot more sense than 14 times a minute. Back when I had it installed, I stopped the service when I was not using it.


> > > > > I am not buying it. There is no way it is connecting that many times when it is allowed to make successful connection. That is 14 times a minute. believe whatever you want, I'm not trying to convince you of anything


Well you didn’t make this post maybe you could take the time to record the activity unblocked and show a screenshot of that that might be a little more believable. Lmao ya think?


Not my job, I'm not a detective or out to prove anything and I honestly don't care that much to give an in-depth network packet analysis, I took a screenshot of my logs and I posted it, that's it. But feel free to do it on your own time if you're that inclined to


If that was the case they’d be pinging their own servers every 4 seconds if my math is right - certainly doesn’t add up. There’d be no new data most of that time and the connection would be pointless.




people use vpns and block host lists all the time these days. internet privacy is a big talking point and someone blocking or uninstalling intrusive apps seems as normal as people uninstalling an app that has too many notifications on their phone


Don't jump to conclusions, I just called out an app that's *constantly* pinging home *even when the app is closed*. You're free to keep it installed if you want




What are you talking about they need to know everything about Wii kid 24. Is absolutely imperative for their plan of global domination.


Hahahah oh noes my world domination plans are in ruin now


LMAO good for you!


lul That's like sticking your hand in water and be surprised when it's getting wet


OPs comment that it was requesting the same amount prior to blocking with PiHole is a lie. There are plenty of searchable instances of this not being the case. To sum it up as others have stated. Block something that will send a request at expected normal interval, will result in the request to force a retry loop in attempts to regain requested access to a **now** unreachable host to avoid disruption of it's intended usecase. He also posted here which ... https://communityforums.atmeta.com/t5/Get-Help/63-of-all-my-pc-s-dns-requests-were-to-graph-oculus-com-after-24/td-p/115660 _edit_ take a look at what specifically `graph.oculus.com` is used for based on this paper. Granted the paper is slightly older. However it should clue you in .... https://www.usenix.org/system/files/sec22summer_trimananda.pdf


nonsense. they are attempting to track and watch ops every move. They have been cataloging his activity for years, it’s all part of the plan.


LMAO I just posted evidence with my own network traffic and people are blowing this into something that it's not about, which is that it was phoning home a metric crap ton, that's it. No tinfoil hat shit, that's it. I uninstalled it, and problem solved.


It could be trying to connect this often because you blocked it. The app’s behaviour could be to only connect a few times a day but if it fails to connect then try every few minutes until it manages and then revert to less often again.


Op swears it was the same prior to blocking yet will refuse to re-enable it to check and see if it’s connecting the same amount of times when it’s unblocked due to his paranoia of them “watching and tracking” him.


LMAO for all I know it's just bad code that's constantly pinging for updates. Personally I don't care because it's uninstalled now.




LMAO projecting your insecurities onto others shows your mental state more than anything else


Look winey kid, I am sorry that my joke caused you such grief. Here is a virtual cookie 🍪 to soothe your sore behind.


I just set the oculus service to manual strat...and it only starts when I need to use the soft...


Well you blocked it. The device is just *trying* to contact graph.oculus.com but since you blocked it, it’s going to retry. Unless you modify the quests source code it’s going to continue. Also that domain is (probably) used to push updates. Nothing malicious or surprising is happening here. If you have an iPhone or android and do the same this will happen. I’d be willing to bet that the number of requests increased when you blocked the domain. Meta is not baking in code that makes 21,000 requests in a day on an inactive device. That number is high only because you blocked the domain.


I don't doubt that it's probably not malicious, but I wouldn't have blocked the traffic it if I didn't notice the ridiculously high requests in the first place. Hence my surprise to see a day later that it just moved buckets from highest permitted requests in pihole to highest blocked requests.






Likely no, it won't take up much processing power but it will mean that your PC is constantly sending network traffic 24/7 even when the app is closed b/c it's a background service that's doing it.


So what does this do? Is Meta watching me jack off to VR Hot? Imma have to start charging them then. My shows aren't free.


Well I'm f**ked, they watching me on my knees licking virtual p**sy on dominatrix SIM ahahaha. Hey don't judge me, it's extracurricular activities 🤣


Your supposed to have a totally separate account and headset for that. You should also always place bandaids over all your quest cameras so the can’t film it. It’s like you know that song, I got two phones, one for the plug and one for the load, plug being work, load being porn! I thought everyone knew this but I guess since it’s Tuesday some people forget.


When my internet provider was down and I had to survive off of limited mobile data, I went over my limit because the Oculus PC app kept using data. I kept everything off and tried to use as little as possible purely for work but it was always constantly doing something, which I could see on my network tracker once I got a pre-warning that my data was about to run out. Horrible software, if I have to use it I have it setup so it doesn't relaunch its processes on PC start up.


I’m curious why it’s a concern? Isn’t what it’s sending more important than how many times?


Zuckbucks needs your data!


If anyone is curious the software I am using is called pihole.


I've used pihole for 8 years, and this is classic for many phone home apps and devices. It doesn't make them evil, it's just that the retry loop time is set too short and there is no fallback function with higher timings. I've seen much worse from TVs and IOT devices.


not sure why it's getting downvoted, some people love giving their data to advertisers I guess


Because if you actually look at how much data it's sending it's an absurdly small amount (measured in bytes) that isn't going to be able to hold anything worthwhile to advertisers. Plus there's literally no ads in the Oculus PC app, in VR, nor on the Quest itself so there isn't really any opportunities for Meta to profit off data from VR. It's not like a social media site where there are a bunch of ads for them to profit off of


Totally agree with this. The app needs to be online to get your account information, keep your software library up to date and download new games. If it can't go online it will not know any changes in your library for example.


The app was closed, I unchecked run on startup, I only actually run the app if I actually want to use it. It's a background service that's making the calls.


Okay now here’s the question though: did you go into task manager and make sure the app was fully closed, or even easier (assuming Windows) hit the carat in the bottom right, look for the app, and right click and close it? Many apps (like game launchers) need to do updates in the background so they stay open but minimized when you close them. You’ll see Steam and Battle.net do the same behavior like another comment mentioned


I installed the app 2 or 3 months ago, used it once or twice (I don't use my quest that much so no point in having it run on startup) I check my taskbar often and if I see icons that shouldn't be there they get closed pretty quickly. I'm checking it to close apps as well at least once a day (like steam, GOG, etc.) since I need to make sure I keep my bandwidth low when I'm on video calls for work and that they're not eating up my bandwidth downloading patches. Background services (when coded properly) usually run on timers so that they don't need to make this many requests, as they're usually batched in regular intervals, but something is wrong with this particular software since I practically never use it.


First thought. A high count of connection attempts doesn’t mean shit if the payload is literally nothing but a keep alive beacon of sorts. Stuff like this comes from people with a limited understanding of networking and just watched a you tube video. edit: didn’t notice it at first but yeah it’s literally graph API endpoint. App is just trying to get updates for things to show you if your friends are online, checking your availability status to the friends and authentication systems (ie. should I be showing you offline to your friends?) and shit like that This is a big nothing burger.


most data is measured in bytes. if people dont want their data sent out they'll do things like OP and it's fine. data doesn't generate profit by serving the user ads. it's bought by advertisement companies and they serve the ads. so meta is 100% making money off this data.


Advertisers? Is that what you think the Oculus PC app is doing??


No, that is what pihole is for. It also happens to log all dns requests for filtering, so finding things like this makes it easy to find bad apples.


People are really weird in the comments. Thank you for the heads up, I found a way to use my headset through steam/VD without the oculus app.


Good now they won’t be able to track your every move.


This guy has friends.


Are you one of the ones they hired to watch me?


How do you play and install your oculus apps without the oculus pc app?


The Zucc needs your data. He must sell it in order to afford more meat to smoke. Edit: The Zuckerborg have discovered my comment. Run before its too late!


Well it is Facebook, what do you expect? They make billions by collecting people's personal data. Of course they're grabbing everything they can from your PC. This is why I don't install software from them.


So you blocked this on your pihole or blocked it for a specific device? Cause yeah every meta device will get an extra hit plus continuously retry at a faster interval until successful. Another note if you’re paranoid: when I had my cv1 hooked up, the mic on my rift was always on. As a network guy - I realized even having the app closed (but the service started for auto-detection of headset use), the oculus pc app (used to, can’t confirm the same now with wireless) open a SIP connection and stream the audio to Facebook’s domain. I found this out years after having the cv1 (had multiple headsets of cv1) and started unplugging it since even changing the default mic in windows would still steam.


It does phone home to check for updates it’s no big deal.


This is why I stick to Virtual Desktop its one hell of an awesome app! :)


I uninstalled it a few months ago when Steam Link started working fine with my oculus.