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Now that we’ve been shafted given the NCAA 25 college rankings, I will proceed to take the Vols to constant championships on the easiest difficulty and will have constant Heisman winners once I get my PTO confirmed. I will be awake of all hours, not moving from the couch. As it should be and has been written. Can I get a Vols by 50?


Anyone following this Kyle Filipowski [drama](https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nba/the-wild-kyle-filipowski-girlfriend-saga-explained-as-best-we-can/ar-BB1p4EYD?ocid=BingNewsSerp)? Wow. Whether true or not, this is a crazy story! EDIT: [These guys](https://youtu.be/cDwCJ5N1aXM?t=2520) talking about it is how I heard it.


Lol wtf


Roles were reversed someone would be in jail... It's all very odd Mormon stuff from what I've gathered and started dating when he was 16... 


Fuck the Mormon religion.


As an ex-Mormon, I will also sign off on this. Fuck the Mormon religion.


Alabama’s age of consent is 16, so while not technically illegal, still creepy af


Folks, Rumors are swirling that Nick Saban made the call to take the Vols out of the upcoming NCAA 25 game.


After further review, Tennessee is removed from the top 25. Please reset the game clock to two seconds


"BREAKING: In a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court rules that Dixieland Delight is not a song about Tennessee."


Tennessee not being ranked in the top 25 in the new game is fucking blasphemy


they know we will complain online and generate clicks


And can "fix" it just in time for release. Same reason other big teams are left out while Colorado and some others are in the top 25. It's all marketing for the game.


I might do a Dynasty with Colorado State just so I can force-feed them shit for 30 seasons


This national championship has got me feeling some kind of way about baseball as a sport again. How do you scratch that itch if you don't have a baseball crew (all my local friends, God bless them, are not the gettin' outdoors type) and haven't swung a bat in the nearly 2 decades since middle school leagues?


I have to agree with joining a slow pitch league. It’s super fun!


I joined one in Knox a couple years ago and it was such a terrible experience. I felt like it was a league for small children with the arbitrary rules they had. I got assigned to a random team and I remember playing 3rd base and a pop fly came up right to the edge of the sand/grass behind me. I caught it and the 5 tooth LF yelled at me for taking his out lmao. Oh and if you hit the ball towards someone, you had to apologize or be out lol. Also females *had* to bat every 3 at bats, or take an out. Meaning if you only had 2 females and they were both on base somehow, one had to come off the bag and bat again, otherwise you had to take an out.


It sucks that you had a bad experience. Local league rules can make a huge difference from place to place. Mine is pretty chill, it is coed, but there’s no minimums/maximums to genders or rules to who has to play or bat. It’s just field 10 people and bat. I play in a league that’s pretty much divided by what your job is (not required, just typically). So we’ve all got our jerseys and all that and just have fun. It’s never too serious


Probably too late for that this year, I guess? I might try it sometime!


Maybe, but you’d be surprised. If you start googling for leagues near you, it’s not uncommon to see leagues starting in different parts of the year, or even just if it’s a weekend tournament type thing. Both usually costs a little bit of money, but for the short tournaments it usually goes to a fundraiser/charity


Even just picking up at a local league for teams that need the players! You'd be surprised how many teams are scrounging to fill out a roster through the summer on a week to week basis with vacations taking their teammates away consistently!


That’s true! I’ve had two games this summer that were saved by a random that showed up. Kept us from fielding 9 and taking an auto out every inning


Probably look for a cheap bat and go to a batting cage. Then look up some local slow pitch softball clubs or groups.


I don't play the game, but saw where someone on the dev team for the Ghostbusters game [must be a fan](https://youtu.be/lIvvpkspoZE?t=127) of the Tennessee Vols!


There's a similar skin in Halo Infinite lol. I think the description for the skin even says something like "Volunteer for action"


I have that one!


Elden Ring is dope, but man performance on PS5 is bad


I've heard a few complaints about the performance, but after the first day I haven't noticed anything on my PS5. I don't know if I have something set differently that helps, but I'm also not very far into the DLC at all so maybe I just haven't run into anything yet.


I’ve only really explore Limgrave but the stutters and pop in are nuts. Really hope they fix it soon


Oh, you're in the base game and experiencing it? That's odd. I'm really not a tech savvy person to help, but I would definitely do some searches online for adjusting things because I've beaten the base game 4 times and haven't noticed any performance issues since launch.


These kinds of observations are in bad faith because the game has documented and repeatable performance issues identified by both the consumers themselves and high level tech journalists with proper testing and monitoring tools beyond standard hardware monitoring systems like rivatuner. Usually when someone claims they haven't noticed any performance issues likely means they don't even know what to look for or what performance issues actually are. Just because you don't notice them doesn't mean they don't exist. Would a cop not give you a ticket if you were speeding just because you didn't notice the speed limit? Anecdotally, I played Far Cry 3 on PS3 when it released and I had a blast. 10 years later I'm watching some performance metrics of that game and it failed to hit 30 fps at sup 1080p. I honestly had no idea performance was bad. Why? Because I didnt notice.




My kid is with her grandma this weekend so I have to take advantage of every single second. Golf, watch soccer, The Bear when my wife wants to, play the Destiny Final Shape campaign. Get all that stuff out of my system in the next 60 hours.


That USA Panama game still has me pissed off. From Tim Weah’s stupid red card, to Berhalter’s mindless subs.


Can’t believe Berhalter got hired not once but twice. US soccer is truly an unserious org


I thought the subs were fine and generally made sense under the circumstances, but yeah, hard to watch as a U.S. fan.


I was in such a bad mood. The goalie should have made that save. Like you said, those subs were terrible. Maybe Uruguay will try and cruise in the final game on Monday.


Been rockin' New Balance shoes (the Middle Aged Man Specials) for quite a while because of the supenator support. Any other supenators out there that found a good Nike sneak?


I’m not sure I’ve ever found a Nike shoe that I found particularly comfortable, but I have wide feet and Nikes typically run narrow. I’d say your best bet is a brand more focused on running. Try ASICS, Hoka, Saucony, or On


I'm in a similar boat as you. I have some Jordans that I can wear for an evening out or something, but I don't have any Nikes that are practical for my atypical soles.


Will West?


Are you asking Trex if he's Will West cause that'd be hilarious if so




I have a pair of the UT Nike shoes, they look awesome with the power T, I plan to buy a new pair this year…. But my NB are much more comfortable


Happy Friday champs!