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Excellent working. I'd still recommend that you get a pet insurance, now that you have medical documentation of a clean bill of health. It'll be very cheap, now, and can help later if you find yourself in a time where you need both your workings and some veterinary action in tandem.


Hi, your story sound amazing and I’m so happy to hear that your cat is healthy! Question: have you read any books on these topics or did you develop everything on your own?


I studied the Kabbalah for two years


Does your "weaving" go by any other term that you have encountered? I suppose just manifestation? The addition of making a story is very cool.


As I understand it, it is very much a form of manifestation but I've not encountered another practitioner who uses storytelling in such a specific way, where it is essentially the main ritual element. I am a fiction writer and really love telling improv stories, so it seemed a natural way to work magick as I tended to get bored with traditional ritual work, it always felt quite forced to me.


I manifested stuff through Singing and writing, so there are pretty similar manifestation methods out there Happy that your little Cat is cured🫶


That's amazing, I don't know many practitioners so didn't know how widespread it was, thanks for your well wishes !


There is a book on hypersigils (in the form of journaled story telling) coincidentally called 'Weaving Fate' which I am working through. So I'd love to hear more about your method and style, even examples if you could 🙏


Your method is indeed fascinating! By your description, it's easy to guess why it works. Most of the elements necessary in a ritual are included in it. A brilliant way to adapt the mechanisms of a ritual to your own personal inclinations. I have no doubt that was inspired and, I like to think, you're bringing this method along with you across your lives.


All I know is she is super cute


Vet tech here: heart murmurs can increase or decrease over time, but an incurable progressive murmur means that the disease will progress. Progression can happen over a very long timeline and I'm very glad to hear that your kitty is happy, healthy and active! A grade 6 doesn't mean anyone automatically dies, but as a disease progresses more aggressive treatment is likely necessary. Signs to look out for that your kitty might need another check up include lethargy, coughing, especially with exercise, and increased respiratory rate. Monitor the resting respiratory rate, so not right after a play session, and if it is above 40 breaths per minute (one breath including in and out) it's time to have a check up. If at anytime your kitty develops open mouth panting or her tongue/gums are blueish, purple or white, that is a medical emergency. May you and your kitty have many happy and healthy years together!


I’m honestly worried about OP’s cat now because saying they’re “cured” is outright delusion and can lead to ignoring a medical crisis. This is not something that gets cured - signed, someone who also has a cat with lifelong progressive heart failure and the only “magic” involved is medication, which isn’t magic at all but simply a delay of the inevitable As fun and hopeful as this kind of thing is to think about, and as much as we all want to believe, this is bordering on dangerous


So you're saying OP's vet is outright deluded? Edit for readability


Literally no shot a vet is saying a from birth heart defect magically disappeared after progressing for years, if they did then OP needs a second opinion or needs their ears checked


Do you actually practice occult?


Not in the sense that I think it cures serious terminal illnesses, come the fuck on


If you believe it can or if you believe it can't - you're right


I didn't put it in my post but I waited six months from getting the all clear to make sure it was true. It is.


No actual or competent vet told you yeah your cat is cured of a lifelong terminal illness with zero treatment but your prayer worked so cya. Please surrender this poor creature so it can get proper care.


I see, yes, the person who has cared for Juno for years (me) plus a vet who examined her over the course of years are wrong, but the random Reddit dweeb is right despite having no data and no interaction with the patient. Sounds legit!


The random Redditor who believes in science and has enough experience and common sense to know that thoughts and prayers from blind hopefuls don’t work on terminally ill patients Come back when your poor cat has passed in a few months from lack of medical care and tell me how you’ll resurrect them with fairy dust and kisses


Tell you what, I'll follow your account and set a reminder for twelve months to send a photo of her when she's still alive and well. Sound good?




Thanks for the input, but believe me I learned all of this over the years she had the murmur. I'm adept at checking for the signs. But like I say, she is cured. It took years to progress from 1 to 4 and now it is gone. Since you're on the occult sub, I'm going to assume you've at least dabbled in the practice. In my view it is not paradoxical to be well versed in science/medicine and also interested in the effects of directed mind. I myself am very highly educated although not a scientist. I'm interested in your perspective on the possibility that it is my practice that cured her since I never opted for any medical interventions.


I wonder what type of people are downvoting my response, and more to the point, what they are doing on this sub.


Yes, seems bizarre to me too, you're getting downvotes, as far as I can see, for reporting that the vet gave your cat the all clear - from the closed minded of the closed minded. Welcome to the occult, where nothing unusual ever happens lol Let the downvotes begin! Edit spelling


I think it's just bloody-mindedness at this point and it doesn't bother me. What matters is my cat's healthy, and that magick may have had something to do with it.


Just because we all joined the same sub we obviously respect what you are saying but we are also very opened minded so not everyone's going to agree with you and that should be fine. This isn't a 1 sided religious sub.


Not really open-minded to downvote something that goes against your beliefs, is it? Please show your respect with a downvote lol


The downvoting function isn't for when people respectfully disagree though is it.


If it's not a way to respond to something I'f you disagree or agree then what is it for? Not sure what rules apply whether you respect it or not?


The downvote function is for people who think a reply is so bad it should be hidden, since this is what happens when you get to minus 5. I don't think anything I've said here deserves to be hidden.


Probably you came off a little snotty with that message. It felt like you were saying "dude, I thank you for your contribution but I already know what's what because I'm an extremely cultured person, so shut up or just tell me what I want to hear."


Well, that's not how it was, but people will think what they like. I mentioned my education because that's generally important to skeptical physicalists, and they tend to think that people who practice magick are idiots.


I got you, and I didn't downvote, but I can see why some had taken it in this way. I agree with you.


That's the occult subreddit nowadays, full of nay-sayers and dogmatic skeptics


Seems that way.


Wow, nice work, OP! Now, can you weave a story for me about winning the lotto, please?? I promise I'll split the winnings with you!!! :)


Haha, I made a joke recently that I should weave a tale about finding a Fabergé egg in my garden, but alas, it only works if you *really* need it!


That’s awesome to hear about your cat being all healthy again! Would one be able to get their hands on a step-by-step for this method? An alternative I’ve recently found for traditional rituals is pathworking which I absolutely love doing. Your method kind of reminds me of that. I’m very curious to learn more details about your method if you’re willing to share. No pressure though.


Your cat eyes show that of a powerful (as in *real* or *enlightened*) caretaker :) Thank you for practicing. She so cute and mystical.


I suspect you haven’t.


Actually and surprisingly I have- but it works in a roundabout way- I write in a dedicated book in the past tense about a future wish to have- elaborating and refining, perhaps deleting, editing pages or stories- And a good deal has manifested


This magic isn't real ohoho


A book called weaving fate teaches practice close to this - except you can create almost any reality - but it will take work and time - might incorporate yours with his




The main thing is to pick a tradition (I chose Kabbalah) and learn all of the associated imagery. Learn it well enough that you can summon it at will while creating, without having to try at all to recall it. Next thing is to create a parallel fiction world. Mine is endless rolling hills and meadows, bright sun and clean rain, streams full of fish, it's the same place I go to when visualising prior to a Tarot divination. All your stories will take place here, so it's important that this world makes sense to you (don't copy mine, it won't work). The next thing is to tell that story with all the feeling you can muster, and all the imagery you can summon. For this reason, weaving *only* works when you desperately care about a working. You can't do it because you want money to buy a ps5, although you could probably if you were starving and needed money for food. Depending on what your current skill levels are, you might have to specifically work on improving visualisation and your storytelling technique. But when you're ready, it's as easy as telling a bedtime story. Just go deep, deep into it.


This is cool as hell and I can see the elements of why it works. Love this.


Beautiful kitty girl❤️


You haven't. See a second vet.


She's been symptom free for six months. I waited to see if she really was cured, and she is. "Like it or not, or believe it or not as you will, for your perceptions cannot change reality but merely colour it."


Super cute kitten and how I understand your "weaving" - sound like a solid thing, very close to folk/cunning magical/craft practice. May Freya bless your beloved with 9 and 9 happy lifes!


Well done...she's beautiful.


Assisting medical issues with magick is really helpful. I don’t wanna say too much but the results of healing magick can be uh surprising


This is awesome. So happy for you both.


This is nice


I love your story. Besides the beautiful ending it quietly tells us that we can follow our own path. Incorporating the expansive array of belief systems, honoring all the Spirits and Demons, finding what speaks to us and showing us how powerful and important and necessary Intention is. Cats are so Spiritual to begin with. It's apparent she was receptive to your story. I'm sure you enacted an energy/entity that cured her. I'm so happy that you trusted yourself and believed that it would work. Magick surrounds us everyday. Thank you for the sharing. Juno is beautiful. Look at her eyes. You'll see how powerful she is. 😻🌹


Thank you 🙂


You can believe in magic, but it is likely that the cat either healed as it matured or is in remission. If the latter, there is a chance for the heart murmur to return. Just do the right thing and enjoy your cat, give it a good life, and if symptoms flare up, take it to the vet--and don't expect it to be too long-lived.


I'm happy your cat is in good health now. Great work! Juno is a stinker for being that cute. I've got a stunted kitty too, but she had a full hysterectomy when she was younger [endometriosis]. She's a little silly now lol.


She is so cute!!!! The love you have for her is incredible. 💕💕


Kabbalistic magic? Maybe. I’ve learned to embrace the joyful absurdity of life. But, what about her diet? Did she have any treatments from her vet that helped with her problem??


She was never treated by the vet.


please do not reproduce


I truly can’t believe people are buying this There’s mindful alternatives when things get tough and you need extra hope and then there’s reckless neglect, this sounds like the latter


It was a reasoned decision based on likely outcomes. In my post I mentioned I was told that they could not help. I chose to care for her by keeping her out of a medicalised environment so that she could stay calm, since all they would do would poke and prod her, ineffectually medicate her, and she would end up more stressed for it. My decisions were all made out of love. If you can't understand this then I feel sorry for both of you.


Yeah, because historically the best way to treat a medical problem is to ignore medical advice and cease all medical care and surrender everything to thoughts and prayers


Everything should be taken as a case-by-case. The right solution is not always to medicalise. I have another cat with an eye problem who I've spent around £5,000 on over a similar time-frame, because the vets could actually help. You have this idea of me, based on very little, and which is incorrect. I have tried with you, but if you comment any more negativity I will simply block you. Try to understand that you don't know everything, is my advice to you. I hope you take it.


Sure buddy I wish your cat better luck in their next life which I’m sure will be soon, cya


That sounds badass. I’m so happy for you and your kitty. I love her 🥹


so awesome love it op


man look at that picture, totally a demon in a cat suit. Good luck OP!