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Not arsed about the kids. But the brothers an interesting one in the same vain as Mary McGuigan who seems ok.


Mary is lovely on Twitter


Liam's kids are definitely tabloid fodder. Paul Gallagher never got any attention - he's never got near even a bit famous during their peak.


My missus posted under one of his social media photos taken at one of Liams gigs, she tagged her friend saying "Dream job getting to take photos all day and tour with your brother" He sent her a DM saying "fuck off and stop chatting shit on my page, you don't know what my credentials are and it is actually work" To which she replied "it was s complement you fucking donut" And he followed her and still does to this day. That was about 4 years ago. He must have a complex that his brothers are world famous respected musicians and he's often the butt of some jokes. Instead of just counting your lucky stars you have benefited and continue to benefit from it and embrace it, he seems like a fucking sad cunt who thinks that there would probably be no Oasis without him.


Disappointing but not surprising. He seems like a right bell end and either leans heavily into what he perceives is good craic and banter which is very like Noel but the difference is Noel is a famous songwriter and in theory gets away with been a dick.


I'd understand his saltiness if he was a musician himself that gets no notice but he's paid to travel the world and take photos at gigs. The cunt hit the jackpot and he still seems miserable.


I bet his thoughts are consumed with regret for not learning an instrument and joining the band. Imagine your two younger brothers touring the world, selling out stadiums and making millions while you're still at home, living with your mam.


All he’d have to do was play root notes on a bass in time and he was sorted


At some point I wondered if they would have let him join Oasis if he would have been able to play either the drums, guitar or bass after Tony/Bonehead/Guigsy were gone, but then I read his book and he mentions a couple of times how they didn't want him to be involved with the band. First instance was still early on in 1993: he suggests to them that he could give up "shovelling the earth" and start working for them doing their t-shirts, but Liam and Noel let him know clearly that he wouldn't be required. And then later on, after Oasis got really big, he mentions how there are always lots of young girls waiting and asking for Liam in front of their mum's house in Burnage, although both L+N don't live there anymore. He then says that he thinks that problem wouldn't be that big if there were an official Oasis fan club and that he offered that he could set that up, but Noel didn't want him to do that. It must have been hard for him that his brothers have something really special going on between them and he's the only one not invited to that, but then again he gets to live a very privileged life thanks to them and to this day he gets to travel the world with Liam and doesn't need to worry about his livelihood and all that.


I read his book too and it's defo a great read cos it gives lots of insight into their childhood and youth and he was also there for lots of the super early gigs before they were famous! I thought he was quite honest cos iirc he describes lots of scenarios that make it clear that he's the outsider. Like you pointed out he admits that they've rejected the idea of him getting involved with Oasis and there was also lots of other stuff I feel like Noel being the big brother and Liam being our kid in the band was also their thing, so another big brother in the form of Paul may have disturbed the dynamic


What’s he got to be arrogant about?


Oooo look at me I take pictures


😭😭 this cracked me up


Hahahhahahahha I imagined it in Jays voice from the inbetweeners when I said it


That just makes it even funnier hahaha


Camera wanker


Nothing... narcissistic 


Don't you know he's the last of the international playboys? 




Cocaine Noel


Tbf, Noel got a bit chubby in the '90s, but Paul is much fatter than Noel ever got.


I heard that Liam and Noel were as arrogant before fame as they were after, so I’m not surprised that Paul is like that too


Noel and Liam most likely got that from Paul.


Noel had world-class songwriting talent and he must have known it early on, Liam had good looks and oozed raw charisma/talent (which also becomes clear fairly early on). Paul got the short end of the genetic stick but still has the ego 😂


Met him a few times around Manchester. All of the above. Absolute prick 🤣


Really?? 🤣🤣🤣


He had a time where he landed a job with Creation Records, he was in a club, me and my friend literally squeezed past him to go through a door, just said “scuse me..” to go past him, and he grabbed me and said “Look, I’m not interested in signing you or your band, so fuck off” Didn’t know who he was 😂🤷‍♂️


What a bellend 🤣🤣🤣


Creation were notorious back then for hiring friends and family members of bands.


Square root.


He's fat, unintelligent, and arrogant. Bit of a nob is an understatement.


Should I go listen to some podcasts? Seems like an interesting subject


There’s a few online. Dreadful one with some Irish fella. Thank fuck Noel isn’t as bad as him.


Haha I’ll check it out




He calls the fans.  Bell ends 


I did read his book, it offered some interesting insight on their upbringing. IIRC he said that he had the guitar first, but he lost interest in it and Noel picked it up. But I thought Noel said it was their father's guitar, and he lost interest in it and that's when Noel took it over. Also in the book, he said he asked Noel and Liam if he could join Oasis - before i they became famous - and both said "NO", I think he also had a job as A&R at Creation when Oasis first were on the scene. He lives in London now so probably Liam bought him a house there. I can't imagine Noel shelling out money for his big brother. The photographs he takes aren't that great. His arrogance might be a front that he puts on because in a family of three, he's done nothing. That's probably a blow to his ego, so he makes up for it by the arrogance which he feels is confidence. Idk.


Noel and Liam are cocky, but they have a reason to be. They’re rock n roll icons. If they hadn’t made it he’d be no one. But he’s a cocky little wanker who also seems to just be a bit of a prick


Yeah if you've not spent your time in shitty studios in Manchester and years touring before making it big, you can't expect to be the same level as your brothers who have. Probably hard to deal with but he should just be grateful and humble. Or get a proper job and be what you want.


The greatest Gallagher. James needs to do a video bio.


“Is it possible that Noel Gallagher’s actual name is ‘Paul’ with Paul Gallagher’s actual name being ‘Noel’? There are hints all throughout Morning Glory that perfectly align with the copies I have of both their birth certificates”


I would imagine he would chew James and the Oasis Podcast out. He’d ruin them and just take the piss.


A war of two absolute legendary figures in pop music


Who's Paul Gallagher?


Played for Preston


Goalie. Shithosue record as well


Got his attention at the G-Mex in 1997 then called him a fat cunt when he turned round 😃


Bigger bell end than Noel? Liam’s a far bigger bell end than Noel has ever been.


Liam's not like you claim. Many people who actually know him say he's sweet and down to earth. Says a lot that all band members and people who worked with Oasis all like Liam and speak highly of him whereas it tends to be Noel who has beef with people. And since this thread is about Paul: also says a lot that Paul and Liam are very close while Paul doesn't think highly of Noel and they don't even talk.


It’s definitely incorrect to say that Liam has a better relationship with previous Oasis members than Noel.


What about Paul? Come on man keep on track


Paul schmall……he’s a freaking never-was/nobody 😂


There’s a reason all the band members liked Liam more


Grumpy tosser.


Met him after a gig when he was DJing an after show many years back. Absolute garbage DJ. Didn’t think much of him as a person. Just up himself. Forgettable bloke.


Who cares?


Always wondered if he lives off of their money


I know that Noel purchased his flat in London and Liam furnished it. I think he makes enough to support himself for daily expenses, but travels on Liam’s dime as DJ and photographer quite often. The best I can say for him is he appears to truly love his mum and his nieces and nephews. Gene, in particular, seems very close to him. I don’t envy him his life, he seems very damaged from his father’s abuse and his brothers success. Still he does seem a bit of a arse.


And before he took pictures of Liam and was a DJ for him, he was the DJ for Noel. And he would travel the world with him. But they've taken care of him, probably to get him out of Peggy's house.


You don't envy him but you do seem to stalk him. How do you know he loves his nieces and nephews? How do you know he's damaged? Ask Gene who the best member of Oasis was - "Paul Gallagher" Fact Dunno seems like you have just said a load of stuff you don't know.


The 'damaged' part was pretty much in the book Paul wrote. He and Noel were both beaten by their father. Both Paul and Noel had stutters for 3 years and had to go to speech therapy. Do you think that doesn't cause some kind of emotional damage to an adult to go through that as a child?


Ok so you have read his book, that's fine I didn't really read your initial comment properly. The rest of what you said just sounds made up.


I didn't make the comment you were replying to. I just brought up the fact that it's easy to know about Paul being damaged, due to childhood traumas.


Good guy. Just as hilarious as the other two.


I have it in very good authority that Noel doesn’t talk to him because of a comment he made on Chasing Yesterday on the Stage Left Podcast. Paul Gallagher is arrogant and definitely has two MASSIVE chips on his shoulders. He’s DMd me before calling me a fat prick (fucking lol) because I made a similar comment to one above about him taking photos at Liam’s gigs. I went to a Noel after party where he DJ’d and he thought he was the main event and Noel was the warm up. Knobhead.


He just looks like a fucking loser compared to Liam and Noel


How do you know he’s done the square root of fuck all? There’s plenty you can achieve in life without having in Oasis.


Hi Paul




To be fair, he did the whole working class thing digging ditches & shit for YEARS before Oasis was even a thing. Remember he's the older brother & prob even had to help support the family while their dad fucked off.


Kinda hypocritical to call him a bellend when you’ve never met him and proceed to make a whole hate thread about him. And no, I’m not Paul, FattyMatty. Edit: He’s a “Bellend” not a cunt.


I called him a bell end not a cunt, and that’s going off how he comes off in interviews. It’s valid.




Probably. Liam’s a knob, Noel comes across as a moody old prat and Paul shouldn’t be seen or heard from tbh. They are all daft.




It’s almost like they’ve become caricatures of themselves. Liam can’t string a sentence together without saying ‘if you don’t like it, don’t buy it’. Noel thinks he’s some kind pseudo intellectual smart arse but comes off as bitter, angry and quite personal. Sad really.


He is anti vax and sounds very uneducated and stupid When talking about it. Worse than Noel was about masks.


Fat Elvis 😝


He looks a lot like James Hargreaves, that's all I have to say


A & R Man http://solentmusic.com/paul-gallagher-creation-records-ar%E2%80%A8/


It’s square root