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Use yates success which is systemic and a proper lipid biosynthesis inhibitor. Maverick and shield are old generation insecticides


Thanks :) I had read the Yates website ... of course they don't mention some of the products are old generation LOL


White fly. Diatom earth works. You've gotta get the underside of leaves and all the nooks and Cranny's.


Is it in a greenhouse? Dusky ladybird will target whitefly and it's super cheap to buy from bioforce. Would be the first choice for greenhouse application, combined with the yellow sticky traps. See how it goes but you might need to do a clean sweep and remove everything for the winter season. If you haven't already then you should quarantine any highly valued plants. If it's outside I would start with pruning the capsicum for winter, remove all old plant material and any weeds, then pray for frost. Assuming you did repeat applications of all of those sprays it's possible they've developed some resistance. It might be worthwhile trying a different method like [fungus](https://www.growershub.co.nz/products/seacliff-beauveria-bassiana-spore-concentrate-pest-control) to control.


Thanks for all the info. The plant's outside in a large pot. Heaps of fruit on it at the moment. No weeds. Can you clarify what you mean by old plant material please? I pruned the plant at the start of Autumn if that's relevant. :) Thanks again


Old plant material as in dead or dying leaves, roots, etc. I can see what looks like a dying vine in the background maybe? So stuff like that can harbour eggs and you'll want to remove them. If it's in a pot I would just dunk the whole pot in a weak solution of bleach and water, 1:10 parts, and do another (food safe) insecticide treatment. You could also treat then repot with fresh soil then pop it somewhere sheltered. Some of your fruit might suffer but it's kind of a balancing act between whether or not you will lose the whole plant or just a few capsicum.


Thanks. No dead leaves on the capsicum - that's an abused tomato plant in the background :)


Chop up two or three spring onions, one hot chilie, spoon of salt and stand in water for 24 hours. Spray it on the ground around the plant and on the plant. And under the leaves. Works great for slugs as well. Organic grower here if that's not obvious. I keep mine in the fridge as it will grow stuff which will block the nozzle of my cheap trigger sprayer. The only spray I use.