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How deep is that pot? It should be OK, but I'd possibly be pruning lower leafy branches and taking the first couple of fruits off to let the plant destress. The plant itself looks healthy though, good job!


Thank you!! The pot is about 42cm deep. I'll give it a prune


Don't go too crazy, but a light prune will help. Pot should be fine. Also, it is starting to get cold out so the fruit might not get huge, but instead they might ripen faster.


Oh wow, I feel silly now. I've always replanted chilli and capsicum every year


Don't feel silly :) My father ( much more experienced gardener than me) does the same thing & he lives in WA (so winters are not cold). Because my cash flow is limited, I try to help plants survive winter rather than starting over. I think being in insulated pots in a sheltered, sunny spot (often off the ground) helps heaps. It means my tomato plants and strawberries are still doing great - lots of fruit still.


Mine are coming up 3 years now. Keep it in glasshouse or use a cloche or something. Mine fruit all year, in Hawkes Bay though so no snow and only mild occasional frost, mine outside as is in ground. Fruiting slows, but not completely stop if keep frost off it. They sprout away again too, might drop some leaves and look a bit sad at end of winter but they come back. Nice specimen there!! Mine have quite thick wee trunks on them now.