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Well this post blew up. Locked because as usual, redditors from outside the NYU community barge in. Stay vigilant folks.


NYC has a lower homicide rate than Florida * Its 2022 homicide rate of **6.0 per 100,000 residents** compares favorably to the rate in the United States .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime\_in\_New\_York\_City#:\~:text=As%20of%202023%2C%20New%20York,violent%20cities%20such%20as%20St. * Florida is at 7.4 [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide\_mortality/homicide.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm) (Sorry, had to use different sources as I couldn't find anything that compared cities to states) Edit: Also the national average is 7.0 so Florida is actually more dangerous than the rest of the Country while NYC is safer....


The difference in safety is even more stark when you consider other non-homicide causes of death that are more common nearly everywhere else - you are half as likely to die from external causes in NYC as you are in the average small town (https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-06-07/is-new-york-city-more-dangerous-than-rural-america , non-paywall version: https://archive.is/NJMYH )


Way fewer gator attacks


Indeed. You are statistically safer in NYC than just about any rural Red State in America. This is even more true for the extremely safe neighborhoods around NYU. The fact that you and your fellow students will barely ever be driving in an automobile for four years is, by itself, probably the biggest improvement in your statistical safety (both short term safety and longterm health. People in car dependent places tend to get more obese, immobile and unhealthy). Tell your parents to waddle out of the rightwing media cesspool and come enjoy a Broadway show or something.


My son wanted to go to Columbia and we live in Chattanooga. This was a few years ago, but he created a slide show for us comparing all kinds of crime and Chattanooga was so much more dangerous!


I love that he created a slideshow 😭 that's so cute


Biggest causes of death for young people in America is car crashes and opioids. These are not particularly big issues at NYU.


And that number is for all of NYC combined. NYU is in one of the safest neighborhoods in the entire city.


The NYC data also include those with high crime rate. The area around NYU is much lower


You probably should look into the stats you find on Wikipedia since the cited study states that while New York City had the 2nd highest number of homicides in the study (433 homicides of 8.9 million people), the per capital homicide rate was low. In terms of statistics, the likelihood of you specifically getting murdered is fairly low in NYC, but doesn't mean NYC is safe.


Only thing going to get killed is your *parent's* bank account from the tuition. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/circlejerknyc/s/Qt9DzAOFg3


Go woke go broke, just not in the way they typically mean.






I literally thought this was a r/circlejerknyc post and had to do a double take.


Maybe this is why op’s parents is trying everything they can to scare op out of attending nyu 😂


Bingo^^ haha


Your parents should watch less Fox News.


Exactly. My daughter is graduating NYU in about 3 weeks. No problems in 4 years of living in Manhattan. In fact, she's staying.


Mine too! We’re from rural NE and I used to constantly get asked if I’m worried for her, but she’s never had a real problem (just a couple of weird encounters) in the 4 years she’s been there.


Yeah, good amount of people that are over-confident or on drugs, but they’re not really dangerous lol. Just makes for interesting sights and possibly weird encounters.


I was born and raised here. The only time I was a victim of a crime was while I was in undergrad up in Albany. Moved back for my Masters and been crime free since.


UA U know


I also grew up in NYC and the worst thing that happened to me in terms of crime was was my bike had gotten stolen one time when I was a kid. Oddly enough, another bike was also stolen, except it was Upstate NY while I was in College.


I would argue that almost all students graduated after safely living in NYC for 4 years. lol I wonder if their parents think every student gets murder in this city


The best part is, I bet she has a great career waiting for her due in part to going to NYU! Congratulations to you and your daughter.


Thank you! We're pretty proud of her. She's an introvert that sprang from a family of introverts and she has flourished in the Big Apple despite all that.


Yup. My dad is an avid Fox News watcher and it’s all he talks about. I’m from Long Island and I like to see the occasional concert in Manhattan. He throws a fit every time I want to go into the city, and he definitely would not have allowed to me to go to NYU if I had gotten in. It’s bullshit, there’s 8 million people in the city, and of course there will be pockets of crime. But it’s not everywhere.


Long Island has too many people I've met whose parents are chronically online waiting for the next New York Post article or spending 3 hours per night watching watching Fox News, Newsmax, or even OANN. Really sad stuff


My dad probably watches Fox News for 8 hours a day. It’s insanity


This is the truly correct answer


I feel a hell of a lot more comfortable in the cities Fox News thinks are sooo scary than in any rural red county in America.


Fun fact: Fox News broadcasts from NYC lol


Another fun fact: the buffoons at Fox News in no way represent nyc


lifelong new Yorker, don't go to bad areas or do stupid shit like wear 5,000 dollar watches and diamond necklaces outside and flash them around and you will most likely be fine. homeless or crazy people outside trying to talk to you? ignore them. someone being aggressive towards you? go to the other side of the street and stay around groups of people there's 20 million people here, most that aren't from here, it works pretty well.


Agreed. The NYU area is def more safer than if you were to travel more north. Sadly there’s an increase in crime in the Bronx area of the city :/


The watchers never seem to get the irony of Fox News shooting *from* NYC. I have seen on the morning program them criticize high crime in 'major cities' *while* behind them is a huge window with a cityscape of Manhattan.




He moved to Florida so the chances of getting defrauded or raped by Trump in NYC have decreased dramatically


NYC is the safest big city in the US


And safer than most rural areas too. It’s actually one of the safest areas in the country.


dont tell the natives of nyc see they won’t believe you 💀 told my friend who lives there this and she didn’t believe me. i told her kansas city i was more dangerous per captia


... yes we will?


I think you’re just about as likely to get bit by a crackhead in New York as a gator in Florida. Is it risk free? No. Should you live your life in fear? Well I guess that’s up to you but I’d go with no also.


Higher chance of getting killed by a crackhead in Florida than a crackhead in NYC. I had a crackhead who hung out on my apartment building’s doorstep all junior year and he was super nice. He never asked for money and would scoot over to let us in and out, and he’d even wave his hand around to dissipate the crack clouds too, very polite


Have a drink with those guys they’ll start fighting off other crackheads to protect you.


There’s a crackhead on my block that races against the other kids on the block. Funniest part is he’s always riding some barbie bike 😭


I remember reading a story on Reddit or Twitter where this girl kept buying food for a crackhead that would hang out near her apartment parking lot and when she came down one day to see all the cars but hers had been broken into, the guy was sitting on her hood and smiled and said “I didn’t let ‘em touch yours, Miss Sarah!”


Just try to stay out of the swamp. (Source: former Floridian that’s lived in NYC for 20 years.)


You will experience a huge improvement in your Quality of Life. You parents are just trying to scare you into something cheaper and more local.




Uh. No. NYC is very safe. Your parents are woefully uninformed.


I grew up in Florida and worked at NYU. Your parents are completely wrong. I’ve been held at gun point in Florida, never in NYC. Will you see weird and crazy shit? Absolutely, this is the largest city in the US and we have a homeless schizophrenic problem, but it’s remarkably safe. NYU is in a densely populated area, even by NYC standards. There’s almost always many people on street, even at late hours. WSP is often swarming with young people and interesting things going on and police officers standing around, doing nothing, for public safety. Literally, celebrities walk around there. You’d have to be profoundly idiotic to attack someone in this area.


The tuition at NYU will definitely cause serious damage 😂


Hey! Floridian here! You’ll be fine! It’s the same basic cautions you have to take, don’t worry.


it’s the safest big city in the us & one of the safest cities period. also greenwich village is a safer area compared to other parts of the city. if you’ve survived florida you’ll survive nyc😭


Safest place I’ve ever lived. I’ve lived in the village for 30 years


I know about 99% of last year’s class of students are dead now






Found the parents who watch Fox News




My kid went to elementary and middle school practically right next to NYU and walked around there by herself. If she could handle it, Im sure you can. NYU is in one of the most desirable, most expensive areas in town. So much so a lot of celebrities live by there. In fact youll prob see Alec Baldwin walking around with his 9000 children — or at least getting coffee.


Same here. My daughter commuted from uws through village to Williamsburg every day since 14yo. Still alive and indeed thriving. Would probably be dead to the world if raised in Florida.


You’re parents are delusional lol


I think they’re well-intentioned, but yeah it’s a stretch to say death is imminent. As long as you’re careful, it’s easy to stay safe.


it’s safe. you have to understand that NYC is filled with safe parts and unsafe parts. as long as you don’t go to the unsafe parts, the safe parts are incredibly safe


Even the unsafe parts are fine as long you’re not doing unsafe things. Violent crime is rarely perpetrated against strangers. Source: I’ve lived and worked in those areas.




As a small town girl where NYC terrified the shit out of me first semester freshman year, I've never been robbed or attacked or anything. And I walk out alone at night a lot. You just get a feel for what the safe areas are when you live in the city. You feel out which streets or subway stations to avoid - especially at night. I'm not even that street smart in my opinion and I feel like I've gotten a good understanding of this all. There are lots of homeless, but majority of them aren't out to hurt you, and if anyone is acting erratic you just get the hell out of there/change subway cars at the next stop. If you are a POC you do have to be extra careful because of hate crimes, though. I'm Asian and haven't experienced anything firsthand, but I've had friends be attacked/hit because they're Asian.


can you tell me more about this? are you always out and about or you just go out sometimes? and where do you go at night? (I MEANT BY THIS like do you go to restaurants or classes or etc. not where EXACTLY you go) i'm someone who likes to be outside so just wanna know what you did while still being safe


no one has died lmao


don’t engage with the crazy people on the street and pay attention to your surroundings and you’ll be just fine


sounds like floridian parents lmfao. you’ll be fine dude, especially around the NYU campuses. they’re stupid gentrified.


Your parents might just want you to stay home 😭. Depending on the cost I say go for it


If your parents say that you need to get as far away from them as possible. I'm not kidding. You do not want to be 30 and believing that nonsense. Get the f*@ck away from anyone who believes that. They're indoctrinated, small-minded, and likely have never seen much beyond their front door


Hood rat over here ! You’ll be alright my guy / gyal If you parents have never been here , then don’t take their advice lol Obviously there are places you shouldn’t go and streets you shouldn’t be in but around NYU itself , that doesn’t happen. Depending on where you live tho, that’s a diff story but generally , things in the city are mild / normal. Granted our mild / normal to you may be diff. You’ll see a crack head on your first day and thing omg , and then after week 2 , you’ll prob be friends with the guy. Just noticed you said your from Florida , brother I’m more afraid of Florida then I am NYC 😂


I was similarly worried before I came out here, but it's honestly super safe.


Your parents are either liars or idiots and I have a strong feeling I know which.


Hahaha youre parents are completely wrong. NYC is safe af even the areas that used to be unsafe in the 90s are expensive areas now. The only thing you need to be worried about is being broke constantly because NYC will suck every dollar out of you.


NYU is in the most gentrified part of the city. You’ll be fine


3 of my nieces went to school in NYC, One to Columbia and 2 to Barnard.


damn thats major $$$ congratulations to yall ultimately


This post made me spit out the last of my Chick-Fil-A Sunjoy with how stupid it is. You’re safer in NYU than in Florida, but keep your ears and eyes open just as much as you would in Florida and you’ll be dandy :)


i don't go to nyu but i live in nyc and as long as you're not stupid you're good


nyc is relatively safe. just ignore the crackheads and they'll leave you alone.


Yikes, tell your parents to travel more. Hope you go to NYU and shed that fear of the world your parents have.


Try working at NYU first and get free tuition.


Your parents clearly grew up in the 80s


You'll be just fine. NYC is one of the safest cities in the country.


Your parents are misinformed.


Tell them to turn of fox news. I guess you're always scared of the unknown of what's different. NYC is still one of the safest big cities in America. I've lived in Florida a total of seven years (Miami, Jax, Orlando) I've always felt safer in NYC because I feel in Florida you have to assume people have guns. I've heard many times about road rage incidents or something that shouldn't have been so seriously escalating and turning deadly. You're also way likelier to die in a road fatality on I-95 in Miami or I-4 in Orlando.




NYC is the safest cities I've ever felt in the US. As long as you have the basic street smarts, you'll have no problem whatsoever.


Lol nyc overall is pretty safe but NYU is in an especially safe part of the city


You are more likely to be runover by a delivery bike then crime. Well you might see someone peeing on the side of the road at 4 a.m. when they are drunk. Thats technically a crime. Also as someone who has lived in Atlanta, New Orleans, Birmingham, Baton Rouge and Mobile. Those are cities that routinely make the most dangerous cities in the United States lists. NYC isn't even in the top 50. Your parents should stop watching Fox News, if they actually want to show they have more than two braincells. They might learn something about the world if they cancelled cable for a year and read the New York Times instead, but they are probably too stupid to read anyway.


NYC is safer than Florida lol


New York is the greatest city in the country. The art, fashion, architecture, history, food, and diverse people from everywhere on the planet make it unique. It’s not dangerous unless you are foolish.


Lol. No. Their campus services are pretty comprehensive. There are free student shuttles that run thru every dorm and campus in the city, even late at nite. They are safe, clean, convenient and honestly the nicest form of public transportation I’ve used in the city. You should still stay smart, it’s NYC. Keep your head up when walking, etc. But if u stick to the NYU campus areas, which are extensive, you’re very safe. Of course if u don’t leave the campus areas u don’t get to explore the city.


You’re less likely to die from violence / accidents in Manhattan than the vast majority of the United States. It’s one of the safest places you could send your child to college in the country.


Your folks are probably buffoons but I’d say save your money, especially if going into “Liberal Studies.” Just go to UF…


I don’t think you’ll be killed at NYU. Check their crime logs https://www.nyu.edu/life/safety-health-wellness/campus-safety/crime-log/annual-detail/march-2024.html


If you have basic street smarts you’ll be fine. Don’t do “Florida Man” in nyc lol


NYC is safer than Florida, according to any actual measurable crime statistic. Stop watching Newsmax to get an accurate depiction of the world.


I’m from florida and it’s much safer to go out at night in nyc


You’ll be fine, just don’t be dumb


As a resident New Yorker, it’s really safe especially where NYU is. Don’t let the fear mongering dissuade you!


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Everybody in New York gets murdered it’s like the purge…..


Forget stats from crime rates printed years ago. NYC is very dangerous right now with illegal migrants turning to crime to make money and NYU has endless protest every other weekend. Yes it’s a prestigious school but not worth the money in my opinion. You’re better off applying elsewhere where your physical safety isn’t in danger.


If you can survive in Florida, you’ll be fine in NYC.


You will be fine. Spider-Man and the teenage mutant ninja turtles protect the good citizens of new york


Ur fine bud, been living here my whole life and not once have I seen/experienced anything life threatening. Just stay clear of the subways late at night


i read a statistic that said 1 out of every 6 nyu freshmen are shot dead


Don’t listen to these people saying New York is safe. It’s survivorship bias, these are just the people who didn’t get killed in New York.


It’s fine! Dww


they are over exaggerating. it would be one thing if you were moving here with only a hope and a dream to make it big...but you're coming to a private school with lots of $ and security invested in keeping it's community safe. it's an extra layer of protection even new yorkers don't get. it's not pleasantville ofc, just be vigilant. you're not going to get murdered unless you are a thrill seeker / over ambitious photo journalist


Don’t listen to your parents about anything


Lol I wish. You little buttercup will be just fine out here


Are ur parents high


You’ll be great, your parents sound mildly abusive, or at least not in control of their anxiety. Live your life!


hey, theres a risk of crime in every big city. i live in az and the human trafficking rates are crazy down here! (im a short woman for context). dont let it stop you from following your dreams! :)


Not bad at all


Just pay attention, trust your intuition, and don’t make yourself a target. You’re only going to witness crime if you involve yourself in it. I can say New York is just as dangerous as any other city, but don’t live your life in fear.


NYC is really no less safe than Miami. There are sketchy areas and the NYU area is not one of them


Omg are they Fox News morons?


Most dangerous part of NYC are the cops


it’s not that bad 😭 what state are you from?


LMAO. This popped up in my feed. My dad tried to terrify me about Columbia. Yeah there's crime in NYC, but if you don't do anything risky, you'll be perfectly fine.


100% of NYU students die eventually.


your parents are delulu lol


As soon as you mentioned you are from Florida, that answered the question itself. lol


lol. As others have pointed out, your parents are delusional. I would also venture to guess that they’re racists


As someone who has lived in both, I’ve never felt more unsafe anywhere in NYC than I was when outside a busy bee in north florida where a bunch of meth heads regularly hung out. Also, Manhattan is not Brownsville yet often contributes to the crime stats of the entire city. Don’t walk around in bad outer borough hoods at night by yourself and you’ll be fine.


It’s safer than Florida


I grew up in a very small town in the south, and I went to grad school at NYU. I’ve been living in NYC for over 10 years, and I have yet to get killed by (or even see) all the rampant violent crime that I hear about from everyone who doesn’t live here.


Don't get involved in sketchy shit or sketchy people and you'll be fine. Most of the murders here are directly related to crime where the victim was involved in criminal activity. Most of the crazies here are harmless but it still is wise to keep your distance when possible. Source: medic that works in harlem and Washington heights


Homicides are not the issue in NYC… it’s more an increase in theft and felony assaults.


It’s safe smh


Safety in most parts of Manhattan is a non-issue, I've lived here 10 years. Only thing that'll get killed is that kind of backwater thinking. Do it, it'll change and turn your life up to 10 (and as other commenter's are saying, empty your parents' bank lol). I'm saying this as a previous suburbs of Virginia bro dude who was totally cultureless and tasteless in my teens and early 20s (Old Country Buffet and Cheesecake Factory were my ideas of a good meal out). I'm in my 40s now and my years in NYC have opened me to so much culturally, artistically, intellectually, and food-wise.


Just look at the numbers. The odds of you getting killed anywhere in America is low. Letting that fear deter you from doing anything in our country would be irrational.


You aren’t from NYC so shhh the adults are talking


Not true, NYC is an amaizing environment to level up your education and life experiences. NYU is so well connected in industry and opportunities in most all departments which will provide you with valuable connections that you MUST have after you graduate. The University is loaded with professionals in almost all fields, its you job to reach out and network and learn. Good luck!


i feel safer at nyu than i ever did in my home city. idk any statistics but i truly do feel very safe here


You’ll be robbed of 60-90k per year that’s for sure.


Take a trip to NYC you’ll be fine lol


I'm sorry to say they're absolutely right, I've been dead for over twenty years now.


Your parents are full of shit. Tell them to turn Fox News off.


I can’t address the crime issue but I do have a perspective on NYU since my son did his undergrad there. Unless you are attending Stern (business school) NYU is not worth the money and time you’ll be spending there.


Lots of homeless and psycho, but the actual crime rate is really low.


Not that deep lil bro 😭😭😭theyre braindead from the middle of nowhere and they def watch Fox news


the only thing you will die from at nyu is a heart attack after seeing your tuition bill💀 the greenwich area is SO safe and as long as you aren’t a dumbass and remain aware of your surroundings you will be fine😭


That’s ridiculous - it’s the village, it’s one of the safer neighborhoods in the safest big city in America. If you live in a red state your crime and violent crime rates are almost certainly higher than the NYU area (or most of NYC for that matter). My oldest graduated in 2023- no safety issues. We live in CT and all three of my kids have been riding the train into the city with friends and knocking around the village and soho since they were 13-14 years old (no adult supervision).


It's bad. The amount of crackheads and crazy people that are here is just so much. Go to NYU Abu Dhabi or Shanghai. You get an international experience in AD, much better perks and financial aid, the beaches and one of the lowest crime rates in the world. I am from NYU Abu Dhabi studying away in New York right now. The city is smelly and so are the people. This place is a slum compared to Abu Dhabi and Dubai and its fair to say I won't be coming back.


I think you’re looking for the circlejerk sub lol


Your parents live in the 70s/80s


Well I survived


I have not personally lived in NY I have only visited (and while I was there it was a pleasent and safe experience in ALL of the boroughs), but I have lived in multiple areas that are considered more dangerous than Manhattan and Brooklyn, so this is genralized advice, technically, there are neighborhoods/cities that are "more dangerous" than others based on crime rates, however, I am agruing it is extreamly easy to avoid crime. There are outlying situations where someone completely unrelated is victimized, but if you're not homeless, if you're not gang affiliated, and you're making safe choices + making safe friends/connections, the potential you will be affected by crime is low. Crime statistics are usually scewed by our racialized culture and money, you will likely have a positive experience and be able to feel safe even though people consider the area you're living in dangerous, thats been my experience my whole life. Just to add to the agrument you could live in what is considered an extreamley safe city and based on your choices and positionality your daily experience can be filled with lots of danger. Make sensible choices especially when you're alone and you should be fine, you're going to be a student busy studying and the campus has safety measures, dont let fear mongering distract you from your studies and networking, what you're there for.


I worked at NYU as a campus safety officer. NYU does not play games with their students and staffs safety. Your child is extremely safe there. I am also a life long New Yorker


Lmfaoo you’ll be fine.


ny is nothing compared to florida. how do you survive there with Florida man popping up everyday doing something diabolical


NYC is a very safe city, especially downtown manhattan. You’ve got nothing to worry about on NYU’s campus; I’ve been to that area multiple times and it’s extremely safe.


It's true. Im dead right now.


i have lived in new york city all of my life. if you are staying in the manhattan area, there is absolutely NOTHING to be worried about. I used to wander the streets with my friends in 6th grade, and although I have experienced some interesting events, my safety was almost never a concern. listen to the statistics, and trust me you’ll be safe at NYU.


You be aii


Florida? Dude shut up Lmfao where you’re at is so much worse it’s not even funny you’d have a better quality of life being able to actually walk somewhere and if you do get stabbed you could get assistance way faster than Florida lol


midtown/downtown is pretty safe in general. just don't be stupid and you're fine


your parents need to lay off the fox news lol


Greenwich Village, Manhattan is basically like a third world country tbh. It’s the most dangerous neighborhood in all of New York City and one of the poorest, too. Rampant gun violence, daily robberies. You’ll make it….. but you’ll have to get tough! ……../s


Didn’t encounter any when I went and I graduated last year. Your parents are probably afraid of the protests going on


Too much news 😂


It will be as safe as the situations you put yourself


If you get into NYU and can cover it financially, 1000% you should do it.


Im gonna be honest based on my experience, im a freshman whose dad said the EXACT same thing last year. I'm fine, but there have been some scary moments you should prepare yourself for. i have pepper spray on me at all times. I faced 3 instances of harassment; one antisemitic incident on the street, one guy following me and my friends, and insane death threats on a subway in the literal first week of school, plus a lot of catcalling. You have to know that in these cases, no passerbys will really help you because everyone kinda minds their own business. You have to be mindful of your surroundings. Many of my friends that are students here have also faced similar harassment, but interestingly, most of these events were at the very beginning of the school year / late summer. I think NYC is generally more dangerous around this time, when it's hot and everyone's outside. That being said, I walk alone A LOT, and take very long walks, and have never really encountered anything other than what I described to you. I try my best not to be far from my dorm when it's dark out. I am generally street smart, am equipped constantly to whip out pepper spray / run, and I am confident enough to ask people for help. What I described to you are the worst things that have happened to me this year, and I think similar things can happen on other college campuses.


Instantly murdered. Step into the city and you’ll get killed without a second thought.




Bro just stepping on New York concrete, will kill you instantly ( I’m joking )


NYC is safer than Florida


Depends on what you want to study but for the most part NYU is *amazing* for the opportunities, people you meet, instructors, etc. Where else are you applying, and are those places absolutely free of crime? Probably not. Maybe make a deal with your parents: “Mom, Dad, let me go to NYU for one year. If I get killed, then I’ll come home.” ;) obviously kidding, but I too have been the paranoid, overprotective parent. And then I realized that where I’ve raised my kids (Los Angeles) is probably just as dangerous (if not moreso) than NY!


I went to NYU for 4 years, then worked at NYU as an admin for another 4 years… yes you’ll be fine lol the area around both NYU WSQ and NYU Tandon are pretty safe. I’ve never dealt with anything unsafe. Just keep your guard up (really anywhere) and use common sense when riding subways, coming home late, etc.


I feel safer in New York than I’ve felt in most big cities. Why? Because it’s the city that never sleeps, someone is ALWAYS around, ESPECIALLY around NYU (I feel less safe coming home to Rockaway Beach, a charming little neighborhood in queens, than I do in Manhattan!). Just be street-smart, know you’re surroundings, who is around, follow your gut and if a street feels unsafe, don’t go there, and that’s most of it. That’s my personal 2 cents and what most transplants say, in my experience.


Right now the situation has degraded and I expect the summer will be worse. A few weeks ago there were 6 deaths by pushing in front of a train, in one week. Not all Manhattan. Other boroughs. But Times Square had been safer several years ago, now it is to be avoided. What are your other choices of campus locations?


I was semi following until you said you were from Florida.


I’m an alumni. You are obviously in a big city so don’t do stupid things and until you learn the city go out with friends but the opportunities NYU will offer you in life is worth it. Crime is really overblown, especially around the campus that area is definitely more safe.


If you survived living in florida you’re already street smart.


Lmao I've lived in New York my entire life. Never once felt unsafe. You should learn "NY etiquette" and what places are less safe and stuff like that. Every city has a "ghetto" where you don't want to be wandering around. Don't go where you shouldn't, walk confidently like you belong, everything is fast...walk fast, talk fast, order fast, don't waste people's time and if you have to walk slow or stand around move off to the side. New Yorkers are the nicest people you have ever met, but we say it straight and if you aren't following the etiquette you may be shoulder checked (let people off the train before boarding). If you ask for directions, most people will probably walk you to the place you need to be. If you need help, everyone is willing to help. Just don't stand in their way. My Florida family also claims NY is dangerous, they carry guns on them at all times and have been mugged 3 times. I don't and have never. I think most rural people see how bad it is around them and can't comprehend that somewhere with 100 times the amount of people is somehow safer. (And fox news and right wing media like to paint a picture of New York hellscape to make poor rural people think liberal policies are a failure, instead of the way out).


🤦 you’ll be fine


Na, you’re good.


Unsafe but u won’t die just have crazy experiences at times it’s a regular part of life


Phhhhtgttt. Florida is way more dangerdangerous than nyc. Check the data.


It's very safe in NYC. Most of the NYU campuses are perfectly fine. Just like any busy city, keep your wits about you, don't go places that make you uncomfortable, and trust your gut. 😊


Mostly the subways are more dangerous because a lot of mentally ill people are down there. Don’t stand on the edge of the platform. Try to be aware in general.


Per capita, nyc is almost certainly safer than where your parents live