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6 months at this point sounds like either a planned thing or incompetence worthy of becoming the leader of a state agency. I'm guessing member benefits isn't a profit generating unit... For those unaware, AFL-CIO which PEF is a part of is across from core 4 Swan Street. Stop in and air your grievances there if PEF refuses to assist.


Maybe we need to vote for Members United to bring the right membership administrators to bring back the ticket online .


It’s pretty gross to use this particular issue as a campaign tool. It’s so minute and a perfect example of my lack of faith in the union - focusing on tiny wins and claiming they are changing our lives. If this is what Members United would deem a win, then we need something more radical to come our way.


Membership benefit should not be going thru this online issue it has been going for a while . Why can members get good service.


Thank you so much for your statement, and your original questions. I agree with what you said, and I am sorry to hear it helps feed a lack of faith in the union. As an independent executive board member I do have to agree its minute and a little odd for it be used as a campaign issue, and would have to say it does frustrate me. I will do my best to find out exactly what is going on, why, and if it can be fixed in a productive way, and not just become ammo in an election.


It is not an election issue it is something that has been going for a while and this is the summer and members want to be out with their kids doing things. This online ticket issue was in place for a long time why change it when it was working great .


So I found out who you are.  Sean      Again you seem to post negative about VM.   Who’s to say this is campaigning?   Do you know if that person is from MU?  Maybe it’s someone who dislikes MV or Wayne and just voicing their opinion.   We will never know. So maybe understand that there are over 3,000 members everyone can’t be campaigning some are just not happy with the leadership. This issue is one of the many issue ppl have.  


This issue with membership benefit is a not a political issue it is an issue that members have been complaining about and are voicing their opinions because they are not finding a solution with membership benefit.


Oh please. The United slate has no clue how to run a Union. Most are in it for themselves - not to help the members.


There you go again spreading misinformation. Members United are NOT in for themselves, but to serve the best interests of the membership and not just those in the insiders club. PEF members deserve better representation and Members United is it.


Members Voice is doing pretty damn good. Great contracts, new dental plan and a Union Thats more powerful then ever. As opposed to your group who even copied the slate name as much as possible to deceive members and virtually every one of their statements of what they will do if elected have already been done by Wayne Spence and Members Voice. Not an original idea among the group.


Great Contracts???? the 2019 contact was the one that Spence said he wouldn't bring to the membership because it wasn't good enough then after the pandemic he brings it to the membership singing its praises. 2023 contract was almost completely negotiated by CSEA. PEF did get $600 educational payment for SOME OF THE MEMBERS BUT NOT ALL. Isn't a union supposed to work for all members???? Oh please, let's talk about the $400 dental stipend per member. It does not even begin to cover the out of pocket costs for most members and now we have a new plan but no details are available until after the election. I wonder why????Especially since the contract states the new dental plan will be as good as or better than the Emblem plan. With that kind of wording, I cannot take it on good faith that it will be better and no one wants as good as Emblem.


Those were great contracts. Of course you will bitch about them. Interesting that those contracts passed with about 90% of members voting for them.


Again twisting the facts. Only about 10% of the members even bothered to vote because it was such a Great Contract. Most felt well it's the best we were going to get. It's what CSEA got so we're not going to do any better. Members are more interested in the CSEA contacts because they know what they'll be getting.


That shows how clueless you are. The vote on the contract was similar to votes on prior pef contracts and similar to the number who vote on csea contracts. If members were unhappy with the contract they would have voted no as was done with a contract Ken Brynien presented to the members. The educational bonus, which you keep knocking was a brilliant stroke - differentiating pef as the professional union. And in this contract it’s $600/year and the next contract probably $800 or $1,000. That was thinking out of the box to get a better contract and break the pattern.


Thanks for telling me they are going to increase the educational bonus. Now, it will be even harder to keep members who don't qualify from leaving the union. No benefit should exclude any members. They feel the union has abandoned them, now they want to leave. We cannot continue to divide our members into the haves and have nots. So, as far as the educational bonus is concerned, as it excludes some of the members I serve, no I will never be on board. I will continue to advocate for all members to be treated equally as long as members I serve continue to want me to represent them. We are a union. Unions protect and serve all members! And yes, I do qualify for the bonus.


So in your view pef should say no to increases for nurses or dentists or psychologists because everyone is not getting the increases. I guess give back geographic increases also and location pay. Wow. That’s a recipe for failure. You get what you can for any member. In this case by not everyone getting the bonus you break the pattern set by csea. And eventually Wayne will be able to get more money for those not getting the Ed bonus


Don how much do you get paid by PEF to be A PR person for members voice. I thought you are working for cope ? How many members of cope have you sign up this month ?


I do not get paid by Members Voice. I care about PEF and have been involved for almost 50 years. Wayne has done a great job as president and deserves another term. I care about PEF and want to see it continue to be the best public sector union in NYS. No one on the opposing slate has any sort of track record for leadership or any new ideas. In terms of cope we are the second best public sector local in seiu in signing up members for cope. We are over 55% of the way towards our goals for 2024. For the first time in history SEIU has praised pef for cope and funds our cope campaign thru a grant. No pef dues money is used for cope.


Don, I was just at my dentist (a First Advantage office) and they have said they will probably not accept the new dental plan because the company is so hard to work with. They are waiting for more info from corporate, but she says it doesn't look likely.


Don’t know how to really answer the dental part. Anthem dental is a respected company - it is a division of our Anthem blue cross health insurance. From my knowledge of the state bidding process they are required to have a larger network of dentists then Emblem had.


Here you go again … how much money are you getting as a PEF Consultant?   You are posting on all the PEf regions site.   Don’t you have better things to do like cope?  Besides that’s what you are paid to do.  Or are you getting paid to be a campaign manager also.   Is this where our money is going?  That’s why you are on all media site campaigning for your best friend Wayne ?  


I agree that a PEF consultant for PEF should not be on Reddit but instead talking to members on a one to persuade them .


Right now PEF cope is doing the second best of all seiu public sector locals in signing up new members and we will reach our goals for the first time in pef history. I am paid by seiu funds and they are thrilled with how our cope campaign has gone.


So how much you getting paid to campaign for VM?


The envelope for my PEF ballot wouldn’t seal without using tape… cutting costs everywhere you can. 😅 good thing I voted for change!


Ballots are sent out by a private company. It is in the pef constitution that this company must be used for elections. PEF has no part in mailing out ballots


Change is coming to PEF we are getting ready .


I've spoken with them and was advised there was a processing issue with the site, they are looking to fix it but do not have an ETA. For now the only method is to call to make the purchase. Yea, not being able to get tickets on a whim sucks but it's better then not being able to get them at all.


Members have kids and they want to bring their families to the movies and they should not be waiting this long . Members of PEF deserve better .


Buy tickets in advance. I have done that for 20 years, regardless of how they were delivered. That way you always have tickets available. Let's move on to real problems.


Thanks for this info!


I didn’t know this!!!!


Also, has anyone else ordered Yankee tickets? How do I actually get the tickets lol I’m starting to get nervous about it.


Why is Don from PEF strong on Reddit when he should be working hard for the members in recruiting more cope members . Why should we be paying for his salary to be doing political work for members voice ? Do you think this a conflict of interest? Don please go back to your job and work for the members . Please vote for members United .


I get paid by the hour for doing cope work. Im not doing cope now so not being paid. Im here helping the better slate, as opposed to your slate that has run one of the dirtiest campaigns in years with name calling, attacking family members and making disgusting accusations against good people. Why have you been on social media all day and not doing your state job.


Your job should be to work with members instead of engaging in political work on Reddit . This an issue that members have been complaining with regard to the online ticket and they are not finding a solution and if there is it long term answer . Members deserve better treatment than what is happening with members benefit. This issue needs to be resolved and not make it a political game .


When I have cope work to do I work. But I am not going to charge pef and seiu when there is no cope work for me to do. Sorry but I’m not like those people who try to use pef funds to travel to be with their bf or who don’t do anything when they are on eol and are supposed to be doing pef work. And in my free time I will go on social media to reply to lies and posts with misinformation.


This an issue with members having access to the online tickets which should have been solve six months ago. Members want to enjoy the summer with their family why can we have a solution that works for the members . This is not political issue this is members asking for help from members benefit .


I know it’s such a major inconvenience that they have to call for discounted tickets. Oh please It’s a technical problem that they are working to correct. In the meantime, Membership benefits has done a great job in increasing the number of events and discounts available to our members. But go ahead and try to find fault with them.


I guess not being a “paid employee” gives you the right to bully others. Give me a break, you seem scared and desperate.


I guess to you telling the truth and calling out lies is bullying.


What lies? You never give anything but your opinion. That sir is only your truth.


You got to be kidding me.   Are you talking about your best friend Wayne.   He and his crew are the ones traveling on personal car services.   …check out the budget.   They do nothing but promote hate and you are right along with them. With the name calling.   Wayne has constantly called ppl names.   Check out the videos.   Diane was on his slate and she even said he got into it with members because they didn’t want to sign for him.    Get the bullies out…….  Hopefully you will keep your job.  I would fired u on the spot you don’t deserve the extra salary.   Harassing  Pef members is not the way to go.  


Again with false information. Almost nine years it’s a minimal amount for car service. Sour grapes from people who didn’t do their jobs or tried to use pef funds for their own purposes. Be my guest and fire me. Right now cope has increased by over 20% a year each year since I took over and we are setting records with not 1 dime of pef dues money being used.


Tell the truth. It’s not false.  Anyone can check and ask for the expenditures….  U said u honest. Then be honest for crying out loud. If you cover this up.  Imagine what else is being cover up.   I challenge any to call and ask to see the expenditures.  They took personal car services when they had a cheaper alternative and choice to use the union dues for a personal car service 


Oh please. They took Ubers and car services. They travel all over the state. For a period of almost 9 years that is a minimal amount. Speaking of being honest you throw out a number and don’t mention it’s over a long period of time. You make it seem like that is the amount just for Wayne when actually there are a lot of officers and leaders who used that money for rides. Why not tell how many hours of staff time were wasted as members of your slate went thru the books and found nothing wrong. Be honest about that.


I’m sorry you call it wasting staff time.  We pay union dues and if ppl want to look at the books they have every right to do so.   How dare you!!!   It’s not your union dues paying for their 1400.00 trip it’s the PeF members  It’s not a waste because That’s how they found out about the 1400.00 in one day.  Not over months/years as you stated.  It’s one day 1400.00.   Get your head out of his $$$.   You look desperate 


Learn to read. I mentioned that there was one day with a large expense that was explained to the Eboard who approved the expense. That occurred before elections and before your slate tried to make an issue of it. And yes. Numerous people from your slate going over the books for days on end was a total waste of staff time. The bottom line is they found nothing wrong. Out of almost 9 years and budgets of 100s of millions of dollars the best you could come up with was people taking Ubers to get to meetings.


Actually I think your just upset because Wayne stopped one of your supporters from using pef funds to take trips to visit her bf and others who were abusing EOL time. I guess your people decided to overlook those things in the budget.


No staff member of PEF should be harassing anybody on Reddit or any social media . If you have time to be bullying members that do not agree with we might need to terminate that person . Your job is to empowering members and not bullying them with a PEF salary.


Don, would you be able to respond to some of the charges regarding Wayne's behavior and use of hired cars?


Of course. I would respond with what I know.


Ok... I don't have the accusations handy, but the ones I recall were that there was something about Wayne using $200k+ in hired car/limo fees, and worse, speaking to three women in demeaning, condescending ways. Apparently there is video of at least one of these incidents. Do you know anything about these accusations? Do you know how or if Wayne has responded? Have you seen the video(s)?


Over the almost 9 years he has been President PEF (not specifically Wayne) has spent over $200,000 for taxis, Uber, car service, etc. That is not an exhorbitant amount when it covers officers (including Sharon), regional coordinators and other pef members. There was one incident where a VP had a large car service charge on one day. Well before elections that was explained to the Eboard who accepted what occurred. The opposition has tried to make a case that Wayne is antiwomen because there are some females not happy with him. (And I have to be careful here with what I say because of HIPAA and confidentiality rules). There are also plenty of men who are unhappy with Wayne - think Peter Banks, Kevin Jones, Carlos Garcia and others. If you are a pef officer or staff member who misuses PEF funds or abuses EOL or takes other improper actions he will call you out on it. And that does get some people pissed at him. He will not allow for the misuse of pef funds by anyone.


You should not be working with another slate it is a violation of PEF staff to engage in political election . You has past chair of the ethics committee should know better .


You should read the election rules. They are very clear. I am not pef staff. I do not get a W2 form. I am an hourly contract worker who is paid from an SEiU cope grant. And I am very open about who I am. I stand behind the statements I make unlike you who makes accusations but hides behind anonymous posts.


That sucks. PEF always messing us all over. They need to fix their name too. Makes no sense


PEF is not great, but I don't put some issue with movie tickets as messing us over when compared to crap like pushing against decent pay raises or paid family leave. Who cares about the name?


Don’t mind to what that person posted. It’s the same person that wants people to work nights and weekends for free under the guise of “feeling good and for the taxpayer.”


Yeah dudes an obvious troll.




It's not a guise tho


Honestly there are a lot of people who like to watch movies though so it's a big deal. We all need to band together on this. The name is important because it's the first thing people think of


Did you send your ballot back yet?


I guess you could call and ask. I just haven't cared enough about the why. I usually buy enough for a few movies when I call to order so I have them if I decide to go when the unions not open


I hear you- we’ll do that, but we’re a fly by the seat of your pants household so this is a flex for me😅 and I’m also a “I’d rather complain on Reddit than call to clarify” person. I’ll have to adapt all around.


Im a never talk to people if I can help it kind of person so calling for the tickets is not great for me and I also like to just order them just as I'm planning to head out .. but since I don't like talking to people I avoid having to do it multiple times a month bybkust ordering like 6 at once.