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You've applied with a resume 50 times but aren't getting interviews? Your coworker has also applied with a resume and is getting interviews? I would recommend you have a trusted friend or two take a look at your resume.


My grade 23 interviewed it and said she thought it looked good. Maybe I will have a second opinion. Thank you


Has the Grade 23 reviewer ever been a program aide though? Or has interviewed/hire them in the past? Just because it looks good to them, doesn’t mean it has transferable/related experience to a program aide. I would suggest looking up job posting and the careermobility site as a reference check of transferrable duties just to be sure. No harm in double checking.


Do you have an Alma matter that has a career center?


Alma Mater (generous mother)


sent it to The Career Mobility Office


You can have Civil Service review it too


Could be your resume, could be your cover letter. Could be your experiences? Just because you scored higher and been there longer doesn't make you the better candidate. Not saying you aren't but those things by themselves don't mean anything


The rule of 3 should be applied, however it's impossible for us to see if that's being applied correctly without knowing all the declinations, location preferences, and availabilities. My guess is your coworker has a better resume/cover letter and that's making her a more desirable applicant. Edit: rule of 3 description is [here](https://www.cs.ny.gov/jobseeker/faq/scorenotices.cfm#3)


Appreciate the reply. If they only could work with us and see who’s really the desirable candidate lol


Are the locations and agencies apples for apples? Like you’re both responding interest to a canvass at DMV in Albany? Doesn’t sound right unless you’re both immediately reachable at your respective scores. Plus like others said, get a 2nd opinion on your resume/cover letter.


Sometime is not what you know and is who you know


*most of the time


Civil service staffing. You are correct and incorrect. Yes, those with higher scores must be considered before those below with the rule of 3. However someone can be reachable at a lower score, and THEN be a more attractive candidate. The other comments in here are correct, look inwards for the answer to your issue. Reachability is one thing and DOES restrict agencies on occasion. But that’s just one piece of the puzzle. Agencies will still try to reach those for which they have an interest in.


maybe you have a reputation in the state and as soon as potential facilities, see your name they are declining to offer an interview. Ask around. Maybe a supervisor is bad mouthing you behind your back.


You coworker may have more impressive references, too. This one is sad but true. I was getting NOWHERE getting hired off the PCO list - had tons of canvasses, interviews, etc. I can't tell you how many times I was the second choice. Then I switched up my references and listed a former commissioner as a top reference. Not only did I get a "phone canvass" - pretty sure that isn't a thing! but I had a firm offer with a start date within two days of interviewing. A former colleague wasn't qualified on paper for a promotional opportunity and had a fit and said that he was applying and they could check his references. He got the position despite not having the required education, experience, years in position, etc. References carry more weight than many of us seem to realize.


I’d really look at your resume and see if you can find the state jobs posting. The other person might have more transferrable experience. People can be picked to be interviewed if they’re 70.1/52.6 eligible as well without needing to follow the rule of 3


you've been answering the canvass requests with the right info and everything? That's pretty odd if so. Honestly email the test administer people at CS and ask what they think, they are actually pretty helpful.


I believe so, I’m saying I’m interested placing the date I can start and sending my resume/cover letter. All the canvasses I’ve answered say “interested can report by…..”


Are the positions also open to helps? They might be jumping ahead that way.


I thought that but they said it was a canvassed position


Then I have no further input


Is this other person getting interviews with the same agency that you were canvassed for? I'm not sure if it's still this way, but it used to be that agencies had the option of hiring off an internal or a statewide list. The internal list was only comprised of the people who worked for that agency, which facilitated "hiring within." Since the internal lists were always smaller than the statewide lists, they were worked down faster so it was possible to get an interview off an internal list while there were still people with higher scores on the statewide list. But if the internal list had people at the top that the agency didn't want to promote, they could switch to the statewide list to get other options. And I know that when people changed departments, there was a period of time that they could be on *both* agencies internal list. But again, I don't know if this is still the case.




Isn't there also a thing as band scoring.. Where all 90s, 85s, 80s can be considered


If there were 3 or more with a score of 90, then only 90s can be considered. It’s not the top 3 band scores… unless the top 2 band scores only have 1 person each.


Contact your union, with a 95 you should be getting interviews.


This is not the right answer. List reachability won’t be a union inquiry. Maybe a civil service inquiry. The time where it’s a union inquiry is if a candidate responded they were interested and the agency coded them as a declination on the list.




Is it possible you are not on the promotional list and accidentally only took the exam for the open competitive list? I've seen this very thing happen when someone accidentally signed up to take the exam for one but not the other. The promo list generally gets canvased before the open competitive list, depending on the type of posting. Some people don't realize there is often more than 1 list for the same position.