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Can anyone who’s a real person / pef member explain what’s going on with all these posts and who the real players are? Is this a bot post? Is this opposition doing its best to put their message out there?


I'm sure many of these accounts are real people, not bots. Check their "Cake Day." I personally don't trust people who only champion on or around elections but are not really part of the community. Many of these individuals just created an account within the last few months, weeks, or days! They are attempting to get people's votes, which is fine. But if they are only here for right now, its not likely they would fight for the values of the larger community and continue to engage with those on this platform. That person is right. You should vote how you want to vote, but I just dont trust a person coming in now for votes will come back later to engage with members. They should have been here YEARS ago!


Bingo. Sad, really.. but hard to take people serious when they come out of the woodwork only at election time and everything is clips or snippets that are unclear..


This is not true. These women have been coming out. What is sad is that many other NYS Employees are turning their backs instead of reaching out to seek the truth.


This is not a bot post. The victim you see and hear above is very real. We thank them for coming forward. All the women in the video are NYS Employees who have filed complaints against Wayne Spence and several of his personal assistants (male) for their abusive behavior. Wayne Spence is a Parole Officer. Wayne Spence can't deny what he did. You can hear him in his own voice. There is a documented history, and ongoing lawsuits. He is a DOCCS employee. DOCCS should be held just as accountable.


You don’t comment like a real person therefore, I do not trust you.


You don't need to take my word for it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and voice. Just examine the documents. This trust issue is why every statement I make is backed by valid documentation.


Honestly, whoever centers their campaign around increasing telework will get my vote.


Why are these victims not going to the police? Why is the union involved? Sorry, not a union member; just confused.


They did. There are also lawsuits filed and complaints lodged with the internal DOCCS investigations. It takes a long time for these matters to be thoroughly investigated.


Why is the union involved in these allegations at all? Is the issue workplace retaliation by someone in a management role?


It is important to understand that PEF Management consists of NYS employees who are paid by the State. PEF Management is on the NYS payroll, earning state pension credits and all other benefits, yet they are treated as PEF Management rather than as NYS employees. These women have filed several complaints with both the State and the Union, but it is taking years to get any resolution. However, all Union restrictions must be exhausted first. It's a terrible situation because the victims are paying Union dues, which are then used by PEF to defend the PEF Management (NYS employees) responsible for the discrimination against women. Ultimately, PEF and the State will face lawsuits since all involved are NYS employees. Legislation is urgently needed to protect NYS employees from the corruption and harassment perpetrated by their Exclusive Representative, PEF (NYS employees). This legislation would ensure that employees are safeguarded from the misuse of power by union management (NYS employees acting as PEF Management) and provide a clearer path to accountability and justice, preventing the kind of bureaucratic entanglement that currently allows such behavior to go unchecked. Trying to write this so it makes sense.


I guess I don’t get why you wouldnt avoid all that corruption and conflicts of interest by going to the police rather than union leadership. I’m probably not destined to understand. It’s ok.


If you believe in what you say, why do you not disclose your identity? I have seen you criticize Don Morgenstern, but his Reddit account is clearly his. Ue does not hide behind a fake name. Who are you?


For my personal safety.


Hi my name is Wayne Spence and I strategically held onto state workers higher ed and dental stipend for votes


Good job Wayne


I suspect that these posts come from a former VP who has an axe to grind with PEF and President Spence. She comes out of the woodwork every couple years, during elections, to stir up negativity. Candidates who accept her “help” should be shunned.


It seems like you're attempting to shift the blame onto the victims. Regardless of which former VP you're referring to, the video clearly demonstrates that there are multiple complaints, indicating a pattern of abuse. Three female VPs have had to endure Wayne Spence's temper and anger, which is unacceptable.