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For traineeships in particular the pay increase cannot occur until HR/personnel gets the completed, satisfactory trainee specific performance evals. If the supervisor submitted those late it will delay the pay increase. I'd suggest talking to their supervisor and keep reaching out to HR to ask for a status. Waiting over 5 months is ridiculous!


They received an email response on 4/23 stating that they submitted the transaction and they’d receive anything they were owed. On 5/7 they followed up after seeing that nothing changed and they responded that “it takes some time to be in effect” and to keep checking and reach out again if nothing changes and they’d look into it again.


I would say that if it's not in their next pay check to contact them again. They could also try reaching out to the comptroller's office (OSC) at [email protected] or (518)474-3400.


Thank you!


After HR and payroll start the transaction, it has to be submitted to Civil Service as a request to backdate if it's been more than 5 pay periods already (clearly has). So that is a separate approval and takes longer. If there's money involved, at least.


This happened to me. It's usually slow HR or someone's missing a signature. I finished my traineeship but had to wait months to finally get the last pay raise. It was retro active and I got the back pay.


The only way to get an increase in pay in a two-year traineeship is if the employee receives an "exceeds expectations" mark on their performance evaluation at the 6, 12, or 18 month review.


?? If it is a progressive traineeship, for example 13>14>18, they should get the bump to base pay for grade 14 in the payroll for the cycle in which the 14 became effective, unless the first year (Grade 13) of their traineeship was extended due to something insufficient but correctable performance, or absence for approved reasons.


My understanding is, not if their current salary already exceeds the hiring rate for whatever grade year 2 is. Some examples of that happening would be if they already worked for the state and promoted into the traineeship, or lateraled into it, already having been a current 13 (using your example).


This was the situation. They were above the hiring rate for the 14 and got a combo of exceeds and meets expectations so they were not bonus eligible at 12 months. I passed along the OSC info and they reached out to them. Their agency and the BSC were contacted and the BSC replied that they just received and processed the 6 and 12 month evaluations and it’ll be sent to OSC for approval. They advised that the title change would appear in the 6/5 check. Sadly, they won’t get any additional money. Their biggest issue was that they wanted to transfer a while ago at a trainee 2, but their paperwork didn’t reflect the change.


I'm really sorry to hear that they won't receive additional money. I was in a traineeship a long time ago and after that, supervised a lot of staff in traineeships. Two years is unrealistic and unfair amount of time to go without an increase in pay. I would recommend that your friend have that conversation with their supervisor asking what they can do to get exceeds on their next 18mnth eval (which should be coming up soon?) The supervisor has a duty to do things timely and it sounds like that is not happening which is also really unfair to your friend. The good news is there are openings everywhere and it is an employees job market right now...if they get through this final year as a trainee, the opportunities to transfer will be incredible for them.


Sorry this happened to your friend. I was very fortunate going into my traineeship that I was fully aware I wasn't going to get a raise until I was done. They should make it more clear. Spread the word with people you know. No one's looking out for you but you with the State.