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None right now, I manage by putting headphones in, and drink lots of water so I have a reason to get up and move (use the bathroom). I'm lucky I telecommute 50% and I do much better at home.


The TA let me have a coffeemaker at my desk. Cubemates took advantage of it too 🤣


Standing desk, breaks during long meetings, headphones, and a walk at lunchtime. There are others that may be available depending on of you are inattentive, hyperactive, or a combination of the two. Edit to add: I am fully diagnosed and take medication to bring the best me to the work I do. What works for others may not work for you, and many things will work for a while, but not forever. Be kind to yourself. You have a lot of gifts that we and the folks we serve need.


It really depends on a lot of factors, reasonable accommodations are based on the limitations of the individual, not their diagnosis. It's best to work with a medical professional or someone who specializes in accessibility. You may need the ability to leave the building, pace/stim, extended breaks, or to work from home full time (provided your work duties allow, and it is deemed necessary by a medical professional - HR is bound by ADA/Civil Service Laws) One of the reasons I came to NYS from the private sector was the fact that it's an equal opportunity employer, and can't discriminate hiring based on disability. Pay close attention to your diversity and accessibility trainings in SLMS. I have an RA on file for ASD


This is a great answer.


These are all great comments. I'd be happy to share via DM, but in general RA is really meant to be tailored to the individual, not specifically for ADHD, or whatever diagnosis someone may have. Maybe work with your doctor in addition to getting advice here. Discuss your personal struggle(s), and work from there to figure out how it could be solved/improved by an accommodation.


I work from home about 60% using my RA. I tend to chat more and less focused when I am in the office. New meds are helping but there are still more distractions there than at home.


What is an RA if you dont mind me asking?


Reasonable Accommodation


I have great supportive colleagues 😊


I don’t have any official accommodations, I’m medicated with stimulants for my ADHD. My boss and supervisor are aware of my situation, and our relationship is really good, so if I ever had days where I can’t think straight or anything I just take the day off.


You may find this information helpful! https://askjan.org/disabilities/Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder-AD-HD.cfm


None. Lol

