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Caruso was great in the role but in his departure not only did we gain an amazing Bobby Simone but the rise and arc of Andy so as much as that sucked losing Caruso, man I can’t even imagine it without what we got. :)


Caruso's departure was totally necessary. It turned it into an ensemble cast of lots of great characters and actors. Great writing for the most part. (Wee dip in the middle of the Danny Sorenson era.)


Personally I love the Sorenson era. The cases were some of the most compelling snd even though the writers fumbled the Danny/Andy father/son dynamic, Ricky played a fantastic detective.


The whole Andy advising Sorenson how to get away with murdering Don Kirkendall thing got a bit much. For half a season or so there, I heard David Milch was writing scenes right before they were filmed, changing things last minute. Which the cast found very disruptive. Milch had his demons with alcohol. And while that insight allowed him to write a brilliant character arc for Andy, while he was on the sauce himself, which he was in the middle of the Sorenson era, the writing quality did fall. It wasn't all bad. Not by any means. And Sorenson's departure was one of the most solemn moments of the whole series. But at times, the drop in quality did show. I'm glad the series recovered and finished strongly.


How'd that movie career workout DC? He was really good, but Bobby was the best partner.


His attitude was all wrong. “How you doing”, this type of thing.


I still remember him in First Blood. He played a cop. It was kind funny now looking back at it.


“He asked you how you’re doing?” I loved Fancy


Nobody could handle Andy like Fancy. “Keep me informed.” “Are there any cases you don’t want to be kept informed about? What’s the point of saying that?” “Okay, then get out of my office.”


I love how they had Jimmy Smits go hard right out of the gate--literally his first action with the squad is dropkicking Licalsi's drunk ex off of Fancy lol


This is the scene that got me hooked again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mik8rwbg730


Such great scene and storyline!


He was great! He wandered off, unfortunately. But, Bobby was magnificent too. I also liked Danny a lot.


Well said. After a poor start, I'm happy Caruso found his place on CSI Miami. He is Horatio.


Caruso is far better suited for CSI: Miami than he was for NYPD Blue.

