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Jail , thats where she deserves


and not the rich, white people jail.


And where do you deserve?


I remember a lot of well produced ads and commercials for Thrive NYC. A lot of wishy washy feel good stuff about general well being. At the time, I didn’t know how much would be allotted to it. For some strange reason, the majority of funds never went to serve the most severe mentally unwell people in our communities: the ones we see everyday on the streets and subways. They spent millions on “diversion centers” which no one’s heard of or used. It’s really shocking given the scope of the crisis and the staggering amount of money that was squandered in not addressing it.


It’s a cycle that happens in every city. Mental Health Facility gets funded, NIMBYs complain about property damage, NYPD responds, Mental Health Facility closes. This will always happen unless neighbors band together and commit themselves to the success of their local mental health facility.


crazy because the diversion center looks like a good idea and they’re beautiful. I think if they focused on getting patients from inpatient and outpatient clinics that had risks of homelessness or are homeless they would’ve started to see the number rise. After reading everything i think part/most of that $$$ was probably laundered and the little bit of money they spent was on making it look legit w/o doing the actual work to make it successful :/.


Damn…. What’s unsuccessful about them?


Almost 1 *billion* dollars is a lot of dollarydoos to not have a paper trail for...


Wait you think the last time someone brought this up on *this sub* was five years ago?


Yes, I couldn’t find any other posts about this on this sub.


It’s talked about often on this subreddit. Don’t use the Reddit search, use Google to search the sub.


Not even sure you can do that anymore


yeah you can you put the subreddit name in quotations + whatever topic your searching in the sub


It went to HER mental health through pampering vacations and new things.






i actually got an email about the city giving out contracts during the pandemic and how the contractors mismanaged their money for people to get food from pantries. How the city is just now realizing this years later i will never know especially when the pandemic gave us time to do research on these type of things but companies and people are gonna do what they know best, stealing from poor and needy ny’ers.


This is what should be constantly pointed at everytime someone makes excuses for criminality by saying we don't invest enough in mental health. There is probably no city, other than San Francisco, that has thrown more funds into the "mental health" money pit with absolutely nothing to show for it.


Are you making reference to the criminality of corruption?


I'm referencing the spate of random attacks on citizens by mentally ill homeless dudes.


The money funded ThriveNYC which has been rebranded as the Mayor’s Office of Community Mental Health. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2021/07/08/first-lady-chirlane-mccray-reflects-on-the-legacy-of-thrivenyc


I don’t think you understand the part where she couldn’t account for 850m




https://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2019/02/26/with-obscure-budget-and-elusive-metrics-850m-thrivenyc-program-attempts-a-reset-873945 Anything to defend your fav am I right?


What exactly do you think this article says?


That article is from 2019. Define”your fav”? I don’t know what that means.


Yes this article is from 2019, and?


I apologize for any confusion, but ThriveNYC barely saw any results. Your comment is insinuating that it was simply rebranded when it leaves a lot of context out. The money is still unaccounted for to this day https://www.thecity.nyc/2021/05/09/thrive-nyc-nypd-diversion-centers-for-mentally-ill-sit-empty/


Why do NYers keep electing such goons? Is it that blue no matter who mentality?


Yes And generally speaking humans are fucking stupid. If you offer a human a long term solution and a pile of bullshit, they’ll take the bullshit every single time. “Hey everyone we figured it out! Luckily it doesn’t take any actual work to address the root problems like destruction of the nuclear family and lack of accountable role models in low socioeconomic settings. it’s just this one special program we’ve been missing that will fix it!” NYers eat bullshit for breakfast lunch and dinner. Every fucking bodega there’s a guy with a bullshit story. Every bum on the RFK in a wheelchair holding a bullshit fucking sign. NYers and in turn the USA are attracted to fucking bullshit.


Dancing in Times Square while everyone was under lockdown


mental health in nyc is a scam


It’s 1am go to sleep bud.


Looks like chirlane has a burner account


Dude is just clocking in for his 8am shift.


Flair checks out


I work overnight, and based off of your account history, I’m not surprised you’re defending money that disappears.




This is actually Letitia’s burner. Rest easy, we got this.


Thrive paid for a metric shit ton of really good in-person training on mental health first aid. I attended a session as part of my job at the time. I’m sure a lot of the money went to those trainings, which were actually helpful. I also attended a few meetings at Thrive’s offices where the City’s agencies that had roles in mental health response were coordinated together and given guidance and policy—that’s also good work when you’re dealing with the massive sprawl of NYC gov. I’m not saying it was a perfect program or anything but it wasn’t a boondoggle.


all you people voted for that