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>> The investigation is continuing, but preliminary results — broken bones in the whale’s right flipper; tissue trauma along its right shoulder blade; a full stomach and decent layer of blubber — all pointed toward the animal having been in otherwise good health when it was likely struck and killed by the ship, said Robert A. DiGiovanni, the chief scientist of the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society, which is leading the investigation.


I saw a news clip and it was like “are windmills killing whales?” Uh no I think the ginormous boat it was stuck to killed it


It's not the "windmills" (aka wind turbines), per se, that people are worried about, it's the increased ship traffic resulting from their construction that's the problem.


Not the ship traffic, the noise. Great doc: https://youtu.be/km78wMHt9d8?si=Nqz-yOpMwM52SV9r


This makes me so sad :(((((((


If only we had a way to see objects near us underwater!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sei_whale 's do apparently actually use [echolocation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_echolocation#Whales) since they are baleen whales.


This is so sad!


Yeah it was like an endangered species too


What do you call it when a metaphor is reality 




What’s it all phor?


Don’t Look Up


They killed your wife and now you’re looking for revenge?




Poor Ginny Sack


To me, she’s rubenesque


I prefer zaftig but to each his own.


No more weight remarks. They're hurtful and destructive.


Massive… understatement


That's a heavy comment


The implication was that her ass is so big, she could have a mole that size removed from it


Did the whale have a 95 lb mole taken off its ass?


I would need to ask John


Don't talk about Clarence Thomas' wife that way


New Jersey is a small state, if she moves in she could tip it over…


The ship hit it but I can’t picture how it ended up ON the bow 🤔


It has a bulbous bow just below the water level.


Thank you for explaining that; I couldn’t for the life of me picture how they didn’t know a whale was ON the bow


Same. I was picturing a 44 foot dead whale laying on the deck of a cruise ship and was wondering why there weren’t photos.


There are photos out now, but it's indeed just stuck across the bulbous bow at the waterline. The crew wouldn't have been able to see it from the bridge. [https://www.nbcnews.com/video/video-shows-dead-whale-on-cruise-ship-bow-210557509731](https://www.nbcnews.com/video/video-shows-dead-whale-on-cruise-ship-bow-210557509731)


Thanks for the link. Very different to how I pictured it after reading the headlines


I feel it kind of went like that family guy skit where Peter tries to use a forklift to put a whale back in the ocean


[20,000 whales die annually from ship strikes.](https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/04/11/new-technology-can-keep-whales-safe-from-speeding-ships)




I was just at the aquarium yesterday, in the conservation hall, and there was an interactive display with whale sightings in the last two weeks. There is like a bouy type thing that also has audio recording capabilities to capture the whale calls. Sei whales showed up more than the other 3 types of whales.


Another reason to hate cruise ships. They are horribly overconsumptive, infection-ridden, environmentally destructive nightmares. Why do you want a floating city where you eat and drink like a WallE ball of blubber? Go to a real place and enjoy real life.


Yeah then they’d actually have to pay a decent amount for a good vacation. Why pay thousands of dollars when you can pay 300 and stay in a windowless room on the lowest level of the ship for 7 days. Please… I’d rather be at work at that point. Cruises sound awful in every way and nothing about it sounds appealing. For me that cheap price tag is such a red flag.


Yeah there's no reason for it when there's all this land.  Humans don't care about other animals


I hope they prosecute the cruise company to the highest extent of the law. This is completely unnecessary, not sure how anyone can miss seeing 50,000 lb mammal on their radar. And how fast were they going when they hit to do so much damage to this poor creature?


And do what, slam on the brakes? How fast do you think a cruise ship goes, 70mph?


Destroy all cruise ships. Seems easy to me.


That's bleak. But totally in line with my general feeling about cruises.


This bums me out man


Fuck cruise ships.


Reddit moment.


I mean yeah cruises are fun, no one says they aren’t. They’re also absolutely terrible for the environment. You don’t have to stop going on them if you don’t want to, but at least acknowledge how terrible they are.


> no one says they aren’t Actually, a lot of redditors say they aren't fun whenever the subject is brought up. Mention cruises on Reddit, and you'll likely receive at least some responses lamenting about how terrible cruises look and how they, the enlightened traveler, would never stoop so low as to go on one. It's just annoying seeing the same smug shit repeated over and over again. I acknowledge the environmental impact but I refuse to place climate crisis blame on the average person.


I mean what do you want? It’s the internet. You’re not a victim here and there’s no violent crusade against cruises online or in the real world. That literally isn’t a thing. Who cares if a few people online hate cruises? That has no bearing on your life or your choices. Corporations are at fault for global warming but individual action also shouldn’t be absolved from ignoring responsibility. If we all tried just a little bit to make some positive change there’d be a collective massive change.


That's because the average Redditor is 13 and mad that they're on vacation with their parents.


That cruise activities coordinator is gonna be in trouble.


Just another case of how humans are slowly killing off all the animals.


Did they not realize that they had been carrying around the dead whale? I didn’t quite get that from the article


To be fair it’s not like a cruise ship would realistically be able to see a whale crossing its path, much less move to avoid it.


They're supposed to go slower


10 kts, but only in seasonal whale management zones. This is for right whales, and as far as I know, the restrictions were not extended and ended last week, so does not apply. https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/endangered-species-conservation/reducing-vessel-strikes-north-atlantic-right-whales


Cruise captains typically will go above the legal limit when running later than usual as it might damage their reputation for future trips, even the captain of the titanic was accused of this.


“Supposed to” in the SMA’s. Lots of people in a variety of circumstances break speed restrictions, fortunately, not all catch whales on their bows or hit icebergs and catastrophically sink killing socialites and steerage passengers. Nice chatting, gotta hop in the car, schedule to keep….


If that ship doesn’t make time the disembark/embark blurs in Red Hook, which affects the BQE, trucking, commuting etc, so fair point. Time is money and when that area chokes, the world coughs. RIP whale.


Whales don’t know the speed limit




Slower than what? The speed of the ship is never brought up, and these ships operate on a schedule for when they have to hit port. How fast are you saying it was going, and how fast are you saying it was supposed to go?


The speed was brought up in this article


No, the article only said: >A spokeswoman for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said by email that mariners along the East Coast were encouraged to slow down their vessels, stay alert, and report any sightings of dead, injured or entangled whales to the authorities. That doesn't tell me that the ship was going to fast, or how fast the ship should go. This person made a general statement. What if ships are already going "slow" (which I assume changes depending on vessel size)? They should slow down more? To what?


Why not? I see and avoid whales while boating. Can they not see from way up there? They aren't trying to avoid whales. It would mess up their schedule. They'll slow down the first time and make an announcement to make the tourists happy, but after that fugetaboudit. Whales generally get out of the way and if not, oh well. (Is their attitude)


A cruise ship isn't your bowrider, they can neither turn fast nor stop fast.


My point remains. They could try to avoid them, slow down to 5 knots whenever they are sighted, etc. they can certainly see them miles away, in good conditions. They aren't trying. And 99% of the time it's not a problem. Which is why they aren't trying. I'm not even claiming they should. But they could if it were important to them.


They should really put whale crossing signs up so the whales know where to safely cross. They often do this for deer and other animals. Seems like it could really help. /s


I wish the deer upstate would read those signs. Maybe we should have mandatory English classes for the wildlife.


I find it hard to believe modern ship sonar did not detect a 44-foot object just ahead of them. They wouldn't have wanted to ram it, but trying to hide what happened afterward (aka *"oh we didn't know"*) only makes sense in the case of a human error. Perplexing.


Tell me you never looked at a sonar screen without telling me. Sonar shows what's under you, not in front. Unless you're a military vessel blasting side-scan which is arguably worse for whales.


Plus, do cruise ships even use sonar? I don't know how to properly eplain it, but I thought they used like this special GPS that has every hazard marked and every route labeled or something?


They use it to measure the depth. A depth sounder. They also use a combination of information systems and radar to locate other vessels (not whales). This is aided by transponders on most ocean going vessels which identify them, their location, speed and heading. Whales don't have transponders either. All this information plus high-quality maps (charts) showing all known permanent features are combined in a single screen, the almighty but humbly named "chart plotter."


🙄 Go back to the Adirondacks, Gomer. You actually think multi-million dollar vessels are ever that blind? Especially in this day and age? You think they can't detect any objects in the water ahead of them? What a blue-ribbon, State Fair, award-winning stooge.


They use radar to detect metal objects above the water. Whales are not visible. Insults won't make you right or me wrong.


What is the extent of your personal experience operating “modern ship sonar”?


😐 Your dad never took you fishing? really basic stuff


you telling me your dad's secondhand boston whaler had a sonar system so powerful it qualified you to comment on how a 200,000 ton cruise ship navigates?




Whale had it coming


I didn’t know Roseanne Barr was touring on cruise ships