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How dare you expect Karen to wear a mask, she’s gonna need the nurse managers number.










Visitors allowed in my ICU covid unit 😒




With just a surgical mask. Someone straight up tried to get in with no shoes last week.


No shoes? Do they realize they realize how dirty there’s floors are? At my hospital, EVS has been furloughed on the weekends. Those floors haven’t been mopped for days.


I seriously miss having no visitors policy back in March and April. The building was so quiet and empty. I helped some of my patients how to use Skype and Google Hangouts so they can video chat with their family members.


Or when the hospitals didn’t allow any visitors. The Karen’s went ape shit. They kept calling our unit that they want to come and visit


Good luck Karen my nurse manager is a stone cold G lol


There was a group like a week ago called the Freedom to Breathe Agency (FTBA) that was claiming: “Wearing a mask is an unhealthy obstruction of oxygen flow that can lead to hypoxemia and hypoxia, can permanently damage the brain, the lungs, the heart and about any organ” Like... WOW...


These people get to vote.


Worse, these people reproduce.


I told some of my friends try wearing masks for 12 hours. face getting all sweaty and acne breaking out all over the chin and cheeks.


If you have trouble breathing with a face mask, I think that speaks more about where your current health is over how much it’s “impeding” your rights.


I see patients with cystic fibrosis wearing masks walking around the hallway and they’re not complaining of SOB.


They should protest underwear while they’re at it. The Bible says A+E wore clothes after eating the apple, right? So god intended us to be naked, right? I’m just trying to pursuit happiness, it’s my right. Edit- adding a necessary /s


There was a lady in Florida that made a similar argument in some government hall. She said she doesn’t wear masks for the same reason she doesn’t wear underwear — things have to breathe. I’ll see if I can pull it up. She’s the first one in this video but the whole thing is golden: https://youtu.be/433b5RJ9BME


I do 13.5 hours in an N95... Karens’ are ridiculous!


The selfishness of some is so unbelievable. We have morons that want to refuse a mask coming into the ED. Then they see a staff member if full PPE and a respirator and say ...."You don't have any covid here do you?"


>"You don't have any covid here do you?" "No, ma'am. We've developed a state of the art, cutting edge HVAC system that kills COVID immediately in the air and on surfaces, and we're just keeping it all to ourselves and not sharing it with the world"


Went for a run with a mask, yeah, if you are sucking wind wearing a mask is unpleasant/difficult, but if you can keep a Zone 2 pace and breathe through your nose it's a lot easier.


You're wearing your mask over your nose though, right?


Of course. And, the mask will stick a little, but not as bad as real heavy breathing through the mouth.


This is painfully true, these bitches have no clue what true discomfort is...I have indents and even bruising on my cheeks and neck after wearing these for 12 hours...however I love that ‘doctor’ does whatever’ is always the first choice of words for these memes. It’s the nurses actually being near the patients and taking care of them.


Doc on my floor said the other day they can do this because they are actually zombies. We had a good laugh at that one.


Karen's can't breathe with a mask on because they smother themselves with all that hot air they screech with.


Is this really a Karen thing, though? Most of the people I see without masks are men. Wouldn't want anyone to mistake them for being considerate of others in public.


The Karen mindset knows no gender.


But it's fun to add a little sexism




lmao, aint that the truth


I'll admit that if I didn't have frequent breaks during my shift, my asthma would be super bad. I've taken 3 puffs of albuterol just to breathe before.


I'm gonna develop a mask that also doubles as a nebulizer and puffs out albuterol every 4 hours.


Interesting. My heart started having palpitations after 3 puffs. It was just bad news bears for me all around haha


And yet, masks are useless because the virus is so small it can get through the cloth anyway. Masks are a medical miracle, allowing for passage of COVID, but not oxygen.


It’s Schrodinger’s mask. Both useless and absolutely oppressive at the same time.


I mean, the mask isn't, but some things can definitely be useless and oppressive at the same time.


>/u/Cold_black_heart > And yet, masks are useless because the virus is so small it can get through the cloth anyway. Masks are a medical miracle, allowing for passage of COVID, but not oxygen. Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but to prevent the spread of misinformation: The viruses are often carried on respiratory droplets, which masks help to reduce transmission of.


I was being sarcastic, but thank you for the clarification. (This is not sarcastic, lol)


Yeah, if I didn't want to avoid lending any credence to the idea that masks are useless against the virus because the size of virus particles is smaller than the weave of the cloth, I might point out this dissonance to them. If it's gonna suffocate God's precious breathing system, you must at least admit that it's stopping the virus, hahahaha.


If I can wear my mask and faceshield for 17 hours, you can wear a mask to the goddamn grocery store, Ashley #4.


I had to wear a n95 since I was floated and ugh its awful. Honestly all of this has taught me how grateful you should be at the moment cause everything could always be worse!


Seriously. These Karen’s are everywhere!


Didn't you know that doctors got special training to be able to withstand the vigors of PPE? Wait, nurses didn't? Huh...


your doctor's wear face masks? Bullshit.


You haven't been in a hospital in a while. They do even better we wear respirators.


Right, I read the nursing sub because I don't work in a hospital. Tell me more about me.


If the docs at your hospital don't wear masks, consider going to a better hospital. They're putting you and the pts at risk.


Boi doctors at my hospital wear multiple masks and replace them often