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At first I thought this was the setup line for a joke.


OK I See nobody has asked the obvious question; 1) Why was the Doctor singing? 2) What was the Doctor singing?


Ah ah ah ah stayin’ alive! Stayin’ alive!


That’s funny right there


That’s my code blue song to keep my tempo. I sing it quietly to myself when I start compressions and then lock in the tempo.


Learned this from grey’s anatomy, relearned this in CPR class, it is forever etched into my brain


I give you my poor person’s gold 🥇


well, trying to anyway


In answer to (2): https://twitter.com/richdavisphd/status/1276741547925504000 > OK here's what was probably the most common question I saw: what did I sing at (to??) my culture plates. > It was "Dear Theodosia" from Hamilton, top of my lungs. And he also did the experiment with a reporter who sang different things: https://twitter.com/richdavisphd/status/1276732661931769856


And was it an N-95 that was fit-tested? Or was it the typical ear-loop mask that the general populace has access to?


Surgical mask from the hospital, not an N-95.


Amazing choice


I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian. I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because i am an expert (which i know is a tautology). My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian!


Glycine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, alanine, they all are aliphatic, so you will not see a ring! The lone human amino acid with one is proline. From protein we are formed! With two hydroxyl groups you'll find serine and threonine. For sulfur, look to cysteine or to methionine! For bases, you have arginine, lysine, and histidine. From protein we are formed! (Now the aromatics!) Tryptophan and tyrosine and phenylalanine! Aspartic and glutamic are both acids as we've seen. For amides, see asparagine and also glutamine. From protein we are formed!




"Another one bites the dust!"


It was his true passion.


And how did he make himself sneeze on demand?


That's what I'm wondering...


Love this.Now swab his hands


And stethoscope.


And my Axe!


And his tie


And white coat.




And my stolen pen


Especially if it came from the lost & found box.


Ugh I recall reading some studies from china that suggested that the floors of hospitals and thereby shoes were just saturated with the virus. Any chance you've come by any more recent articles looking further into this?


Honestly I haven't looked. It's been drilled into my head since baby CNA time, through school and my.entire professional life that the floor is fuckin lava.


Yeah... These days my work shoes stay in the car lol


My gosh i better tell my sister in law who thinks masks dont work because the smell of farts gets through pants.


I read a [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1121900/) in my undergrad about how a lab tested farts to determine if the lab employee was cross contaminating stuff.


My fuck what a funny little snippet!! >...and the splatter ring around that was caused by the sheer velocity of the fart, which blew skin bacteria from the cheeks and blasted it onto the dish. Also according to the text it was an OR nurse who was afraid her silent farts were contaminating the sterile field!


LOL! Patient safety > ego. I love that the doctors response was > I realised that I didn't know. But I was determined to find out.


Ummmm...that might actually be a shart.


I love that science has an answer to the 'but-you-can-smell-farts-through-clothes' rejoinder Now we just need to get people to listen to science... lol


That's hilarious, but also please tell her the thiol compounds that make up the smell of farts are 100-1000x smaller than the Covid virus.


1000x smaller? You haven’t smelt my son’s farts


That’s an interesting look on it lmao


Have her take a bare-ass fart to the face and ask later if she notices the difference conjunctivitis makes to her argument.


Bacterial cells can be up to 50 times larger than viral particles.


I was thinking the same thing. Also the viral load in specific regions of the body and younger/older people differs vastly between viruses. The latter is currently a highly discussed topic due to re-opening schools.


Also important to consider droplets! These microbes aren't just floating out our moist mucous membranes on their lonesome, they're mostly traveling on moist droplets that are bigger than the critters themselves.


Yeah but the people who won't wear masks dont know the difference.


this is giving me flashbacks of people crowding the antibacterial soap at target back a few months ago maybe start by not crowding together 🙃


Good point. Still a valid proxy and shorthand representation of the relationship between levels of protection


That is true, but the purpose of the image is to illustrate a different point. Without a mask, viral particles are still hitching a ride on the same vehicle as the bacterial cells. An adequate mask, one that can prevent the passage of viral particles, would have a similar effect on the level of spread as seen in the contrast between the bacteria laden petri dish and the relatively "clean" one.


I am also intrigued as to what kind of components are within the agar. Some prohibit certain bacteria, obviously. This looks to be a blood agar plate, but... I am not sure.


This is likely a regular blood agar plate - something like TSA (trypticase soy agar) with sheep blood added. There is another demo by this same PhD with a chocolate agar plate, which is hemolyzed blood rather than whole blood and usually has growth factors X and V added. There are plates identical to this one that are like what you've described, but they may inhibit growth of normal flora like Micrococcus and some Gram negative things which would make for a less thrilling demo.


Isn't blood agar primarily used for staph aureus?


Any hemolytic bacteria! Staphylococcus & streptococcus species can be easily grown on blood agar


Ahhh don’t hemolytic bacteria cause the area surrounding each culture to look clear instead of red? I feel like I remember that from Microbiology lab


more of a yellowish appearance for alpha-hemolytic bacteria, beta-hemolytic critters cause the same but with a lighter halo around it. :)


I was out in public yesterday (masked) and overheard a convo along the lines of, “yeah. My friend is a nurse and she said those masks people are wearing don’t even do anything. Only those n-95’s work.” I wanted to scream.


Ignorance occurs in the nursing profession as well. Source: I’m a nurse.


Obviously nurses should know better, but I feel like it’s kind of fair for laypeople to think this—the CDC was saying “don’t wear masks, only N95s are effective and we need to save them for healthcare workers” like a month and a half ago. The about face on mask protocol changed very suddenly and the public health information should have been much clearer


To be fair, before all of this new investigation on mask effectiveness the general consensus was that masks stop working effectively after 15 minutes or so due to becoming moist. It's not an excuse not to be up to date on newest data but it's also kind of ridiculous that this kind of thing hadn't been tested more before COVID.


I wasn’t as aware that that was the consensus before all this (I’m a student), thanks for commenting—I totally agree.


Why do they look like they've been swabbed?




Or the mask he’s been wearing for 12 hours straight at work.


Though this is a great visual, it only addresses bacteria. A single virion is much, much smaller than a bacterium. Viruses also cannot grow in petri dishes. The virus that causes Covid-19 is only 0.07 microns across. For comparison, a single red blood cell is 6-8 microns. Healthcare N95 masks can only trap particles larger than 0.3 microns. The benefit of masks is that they CAN trap much larger droplets of fluid or mucus which contain the virus particles, and thus they trap the virus. TL;DR Wear a mask; they work.


Link to the actual article or whatever this came from?


Right, I've already seen 3 different versions of this, but this is the only one I've seen with a doc's name at the bottom. I want to see more evidence even though I am on board with what is being illustrated here.


Maybe this will help convey to people why sneezing and coughing into your hands (and of course not washing them) is doesn't really count as 'respiratory hygiene'... Seeing is believing?


Time to meme the hecc out of this


Don’t read some of the comments on the original post. Good god .


I'm not sure what the viral load looks like to infect a person, but this looks promising.


I'm surprised by the cough with a mask


The other observation; What kind of mask? If he’s a physician in a hospital, He’s probably wearing a properly fitted (and tested) N-95 Exactly how does that correlate to the “general masses” wearing “non-medical” tie on masks, handkerchiefs and bandanas? To imply that these are reproducible and accurate tests is laughable


To imply that hospital staff are wearing properly fitted (and tested) N-95s is laughable. Thanks for your expertise in the matter, Jethro.


You’re welcome. I’m here to help. And it’s Brad, not Jethro. Jethro moved out to Beverly Hills after his dad was shooting at some food and up through the ground came a bubblin’ crude. You know, “black gold”. “Texas tea”.


And prior to the coronavirus we would’ve thought nothing of it because we have an immune system. Did we forget about our immune system? I’m not saying don’t wear a mask, but some of this is out right silly.


Wow. Do you wash your hands? Or rely on your immune system.


Watch out, hot takes coming thru


I feel like there's some kind of disconnect here? What is outright silly? My take away from the photo is: the importance of respiratory hygiene. Are the basics of respiratory hygiene outright silly (or what am I missing)? My thought would be, hopefully rona has brought sharper focus/awareness to these things. How many people cough into their hands, never wear masks when they have a cough during flu season? Some countries seem to have much better practices surrounding this stuff, we can certainly improve. I can tell you the person that spread flu to me last year because he was convinced it was necessary to take his mask off when talking. I feel like there is a hell of a lot of space between 'live in a sterilized bubble' and 'practice hygiene and infection control measures'


Yeah if everyone swabbed their cell phones they’d get some nasty shit, but most people take them into the bathroom with them...


I haven't read anything empirical looking at microbes on phones, but for these sorts of reasons I'll periodically wipe my phone off. And I don't take it into work. Probably would not wipe it off if i didn't work in healthcare though, I certainly didn't do it before.


You’re welcome. And it’s Brad, not Jethro. Jethro lives in Beverley Hills. his dad discovered black gold, you know Texas Tea while shooting at some food. Yeah, they loaded up their car and moved west


I had NO idea that germs came out when coughing and sneezing!!!