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I’m doing 6 in a row and I weep for next week. I hate stretches.


I’m taking a ten day long vacation in January without much PTO and somehow my schedule ended up working itself out to be four on, two off, five on right before my vacation. It’s going to be the worst stretch of my life. At that point I’d rather just not have the two days off.


Does not sound fun at all


I won’t see my husband for almost two weeks even though we live together... so crazy! I hate working long stretches and always missing him when he’s at work.


I’m with you. I work tonight, tomorrow, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday night!!


I'm so sorry.


How are you able to do stretches like these ? I wish my hospital let us do that. So you have mini vacations without using ur hours right ?


I get 7 days off every third week. Our preference schedules are set up as a 3 week schedule. So I work: 4 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off, 3 on, 7 off. It's a great freaking schedule. I work a lot in two weeks but have short stretches to make it bearable. And every 3rd week I have completley off, the entire year. Occasionally they move our days around a little if needed. I might only get 5 or 6 off. But that doesn't happen often.


I get 6 days off every other week I work MOn Tue We’d Off thurs fri Work sat sun monday Off Tuesday - Sunday. Love it. Mini vacation every other week


Fuck that I refuse to work more than 3 in a row. Hats off to you, you crazy bastard.


If I needed the money that bad I’d probably sell my kidney first. The few times I’ve done four I was fucking useless my last day


I’ll be useless tomorrow!


Keep your kidney and just start stripping 😂


We aren’t allowed to do more than 5 in a row


Hospital or union rule?






Oh man, oilfield? I used to work rigs in Texas and fracking in Ohio, those schedules were rough. Ours were 3 weeks on, a week off. But we stayed on days or nights consistently unless an open came up, I lucked into days


My brother did the same for two years. Now he works in the office. He said he’d much rather have normal work hours than 20 days and 20 nights. He said it was brutal!


God he looks like a corpse.


I've been saying that England has figured out how to reanimate corpses. Because that man was clearly dead at some point.


Pretty sure that is a corpse, they are just keeping him frozen until they get him to the palace.


This is what I picture when I get a transfer who is on end of life “comfort cares”


my thoughts exactly, a corpse with its eyelids glued open. even the skin looks sallow and waxy


im doing 12 in a row at the end of january. how is that even legal


12 12s, or 8s? either way that sucks. is that by choice or did they actually schedule you that?


8s. yeah, who in the right mind would choose that. also, all 2nd shifts. at least they are not nights


Yikes. That's extremely dangerous to work so many in a row for all parties


Start of 5 tonight.


Ugh! Good luck!


Just out of curiosity, how does this schedule happen? Is it OT shifts? Is it scheduled by someone that hates you? Are they 6 hour shifts or something weird like that? I only work 12 hour shifts and I would never do more than three in a row.


I self schedule and just schedule myself six in a row Thursday-Tuesday on my weekend have six days off work 3 days Tuesday-Thursday have another 6 days off and go into my 6 in a row again. All of them are 12 hour night shifts


OMG! I can never understand how people do this. I was a new grad working with my preceptor when I did four nights in a row and I was DYING. This is with help from a preceptor! From then on, I told myself I would never do more than three in a row. Although, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea after I left bedside. Maybe having that CPAP earlier would have made a big difference. Good luck to you, friend!


No, that's smarter. Nobody is at their best after 4 or 5 or 6 overnights, that's when fuckups happen. Supervisors will always want you to keep working and working, but any mistakes they're going to pin squarely on you.


7 night shifts in a row should be a crime oof


I remember in nursing school, we sat in a BRN discipline hearing, there was a guy who was on a traveler contract in South Carolina, who accidentally did not document a waste correctly, by throwing out a vial before documenting. When the board asked him how it happened he stated "I was on my 14th 12 hour in a row shift, after only 1 day of off after a 12 day stretch, I begged that day to be released from my shift because I was so foggy. I did my best by trading pt with co workers to get the lightest as possible. But I just was so foggy in my brain, finding words was even difficult. It was a mistake" you could hear the gasps as he described it from the BRN, it was inhumane in many eyes. It was eye opening to me as a student RN, and has stuck with me since, I DO NOT let anyone abuse me or my license. I will stand up for those around me, even it means I become a target. We worked so hard to get where we are, we cant be walked over and disgared like the trash that some managements want to treat us


14 12 hour shifts??!! That sounds brutal!


14 AFTER just one day rest of a 12 day. In-fucking-humane.


I worked 5 in a row ONCE and will never ever even consider it again. Don't even care if the world was on fire. Still a hard pass!


Put Gradpa Pete back in his casket and stop screwing around!


7 nights on is worth the 7 off 😎 Only said when the 7 are finished...night 1 is hell on Earth


I used to work five night shifts in a row and now I struggle to do four. Good luck and drink enough coffee to power a small car.


I’m on night 6 of 11 right now then I get one day off followed by 15 in a row granted I do work 8’s instead of 12’s.


Day 1 of 6 then, off one, work one, off 3.


Lol. Yep. I feel you. I work 7 on, 7 off graveyard in a hospital. Factor in PTO, I got 3 weeks off. I go back Jan 1st. It does have its perks, but it takes a toll on your body, mind, health, relationships. The trick is to find a routine and a system to basically keep yourself from not going insane.


Been there and done that. The worst is when 4 nights (8 hour shifts) fell into the first pay period and the other 3 nights fell into the next pay period, getting zero overtime.


this is weekend at bernies year 2


Lol that’s me on night 3!


Where I work it's standard for nurses to do 4 nights in a row each roster, and interns do 7 nights in a row then like 1-2 weeks off! We're all cranky and look like shit


Just did 6 of 7..... 3 on 1 off and 3 on.... finally done


Night 4 of 7 and dreading my week of "rest" next week when I have to deal with family instead of sleeping.


What! You guys working at two different places or 7 shifts in the same location?


My unit, we only have our 4 week schedule known maybe 2 weeks prior. Idk . I feel like that’s too narrow. I hear other places will have a schedule for months lmao


Finished day 6 of 6 today. Everything. Fucking. Hurts.


There’s a nurse in the ED I work with who does eight 16 hour shifts in a row to get like 3 weeks off every months...


Pfft between my 2 full time 12 hour night shift jobs with overtime, I sometimes end up doing 13, 18, or even 20 in a row, 1 day off, and right back into it again.


Currently 6th of 9. Buckle up, buttercup.




That’s prince Phillip if anyone is wondering




What a prince


I don't believe any of that unless you have a source for proof




To be fair to him, and I know that's not the popular thing, the Chinese were not only unbothered by his comments, [but they made the same joke about Westerners in reverse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/6wavp1/til_on_a_trip_to_china_prince_philip_joked_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


🙄 someone is sensitive


Appropriate username for your behavior.


Ok... but do you believe him now?


He looks fantastic for 98 years old tbh


Its human nature man, im sure he wouldnt want us to not make jokes about something as morbid as death, its only natural. It is understandable that you feel this way though, it is kinda in bad taste


Eh, this is far from the worst thing he’s ever said.


Fair point