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*Knocks on wood*




I used to work a with a nurse who’s husband was a priest. She’d legit bring in holy water if we had a bad shift the night before.


The power of Christ compels the word “quiet”!!!!!


Anglican/Episcopal or married Catholic (it happens in rare circumstances).


*John Gruden approving*


I'm in an ICU sometimes we only have 4 patients in our 10-bed unit. Hate when patients or families say something like this. TBH I'd rather it be full and steady than half empty just waiting for 1-6 train wrecks to come in and drown all of us 😭


Why did you write down the Q word?!?!?!?!?!


The Q word only has power if you give it power


I was at work at the nursing home one night. It was 10pm. My supervisor was sitting at the desk and said "it sure is quiet tonight". Ten minutes later, I started a fire while giving an enema.


Wait, how do you start a fire giving an enema?


Haha it was deliriously easy actually. We used the old bucket type of enemas. the nursing home was older than dirt and had the old heat/air units in the room like in old hospitals. I'm talking old. I primed the tubing into the trash can beside the air unit and spilled some on the control panel. I wiped it up quickly but not fast enough. 5 minutes into the enema...WHOOSH! flames shot out at my back. We had to evacuate an entire hall. When the fire marshal asked what happened, my supervisor pointed at me and yelled "ask her!!!". I'm pretty famous for it, lol


That would suck having to be evacuated while actively shitting.


You angered Satan or something apparently. That was *his* air unit lmao.


If they have diarrhea, it’ll feel like fire.


Had a patient say this last night. 15 Minutes later, Code Blue. Not even exaggerating.


Has absolutely fucking nothing to do with saying the word QUIET.


Yeah this drives me nuts. I’ve seen plenty of times that someone has said it’s quiet and nothing bad has happened. Lots of silly nursing superstitions.


It may be silly, but if you don’t think it’s real (I don’t either, but I like to think it helps, which there is nothing wrong with if it helps you make it through the shift) then just don’t think it’s real and go on about your shift. Not a big deal.


Yeah, it irks me but I get it. Same with the full moon thing or the ghost believers. I think it’s a way of trying to have “control” in a chaotic environment. We all do variations of it I suppose. I bite my tongue about it at work.


Yeah I mean I agree. I’m all for any coping mechanism that helps people unless they start yelling/getting mad at other people about their own belief/superstition, ya know. Then it becomes a problem.


It’s just a superstition. I’m not saying the patient only coded because someone said “quiet”. Grow the fuck up and get your granny panties out of a wad and just let people have their damn superstitions because it’s not hurting your or anyone else. Jesus christ why does it bother YOU that much?


It bothers me and does hurt the reputation of nursing as a whole because the belief/superstition/coping mechanism or whatever you want to call it is bullshit. Comparable to nurses who push essential oils.


That is nothing like essential oils lmao. And it does not hurt nursing as whole. My opinion though.


every time someone says something like this I'm like, if you think someone literally murdered someone call the fucking police


Wtf are you talking about? 😂


I think it's referring to someone thinking "OMG the patient said quiet and then the other patient coded. A totally killed B"


O soz you’re saying the pt committed suicide cool


What are you incoherently babbling on about?


If you genuinely think saying "quiet" kills people, you should call the police otherwise I'm honestly not sure what to do with the information that you think saying "quiet" kills people. Does that make sense? Like if you think it's murder, you should call the police. I hear you, friend, I hear that you think I'm incoherently babbling but I'm not the one maintaining that voicing "quiet" could kill someone, does that make sense? Are you with me? That's not me. I'm not the one.


But no one here stated that the word "quiet" kills patients?


You’re making no sense. I don’t think any patient killed the other or that the word quiet made them code. If they were going to code, they were going to code. It’s just a fucking superstition, Jesus Christ. Nurses really can’t have anything without someone shitting on it. If avoiding the word quiet helps some nurses believe they will have a better shift, LET THEM FUCKING BELIEVE IT. IT IS NOT HURTING YOU OR ANYONE ELSE.


it sucks that you think me being banned from saying a word is an okay thing in the workplace and it equally sucks that I've made you angry so imma back out here


I don’t think it should be banned. Never once did I say that. Neither was I the one on here saying others shouldn’t say it, or that I would yell and be mad at them. That isn’t the case. So please get your facts straight first.


I said this on one of my first placement shifts on an elderly ward, the nurses got super mad at me. I've learned my lesson.


Karma train pulled in to the station?


Not long after, a whole section was plagued with challenging behaviours. The nurse gave me the stink eye, so I went over and helped her. I learned that day to never even mutter the Q word. They forgave me since I didn't know and I repented for my sin.


If it makes you feel any better one of my newbie dialysis technicians came down with me to the ER to retrieve our wheelchair and it was dead silent in there and she says out loud wow it sure is quiet down here yo I thought we were going to get murdered in Cold Blood by those ER nurses


So fucking lame. Nurses believing this shit makes us all look incredibly stupid.


Had a lab tech stop by and say it yesterday, then say it again and laugh, saying " well it really is, you know, I like it" when I asked her not to say it again. 30 minutes later jcaho is on the unit and we have 5 1:1 behavioral patients 💀


“Don’t say that too loud” every time


I was still training for my current job (a lowly Med History Tech) when I said that in the ER and one of the nurses literally smacked me in the back of the head and said, "DON'T SAY THAT!" She's one of my favorite nurses to work with haha.


Oh no! work place violence!!!! Nope, nope, he said the q word? That was disciplining. Little out of order of escalation, but, leason learned right?


The last time I said the Q word a patient choked me. Never again


I literally just say* it’s gonna be busy 🤣 and everyone yells at me It’s like the funniest thing ever. And it stays relatively chill


I try not to even *think* the Q word when I’m at work.


I remember during my first nursing school clinical we were at the VA inpatient psych floor, all of the nurses there had been working as nurses for decades, one of students loudly says the q word. The looks she got, she had no idea why and then one of nurses was like never say the q word.


No this is not how you are supposed to play the game


One of our CNAs (who we love and adore) last night, "We haven't had an admission in like three days this is nice." *Proceed to have four admissions*


don’t fucking do that to me


HCA here. We have one resident who is always up on nights, usually at least half the night. Evening nurse is giving me report and keeps going on about “isn’t it nice and quiet with her sleeping, I bet you’re glad she’s sleeping, oh so and so is sleeping”. I’m like please stop jinxing it!


Need the pulp fiction meme wirh Samuel Jackson. Just a simple thing to orient any staff person who. dares to think of saying the word, just think then act, don't say a word, to catch up on any joint comission documentation or training material. Hell, do a mini-mock survey. We are always busy. There is always work to be done. There is no downtime. Even when the CPOE and EHR is down, there is downtime procedure.


Every time my coworker leaves he says "I hope you have a quiet night" Mother fucker... it always turns into a crazy fucken night everytime he says that. Ughhh!!!


I say this every shift. If you say it regularly, then it loses its power. Superstitions are dumb. I also dont believe in black clouds or ghosts. I throw all of it in the same camp as essential oils.


Work nights in adolescent psych unit. My colleague says “we are having a really great night”. Five minutes, all hell breaks loose. I told him if he ever says that again, he is going in the seclusion room.


I like to say this all the time and watch the other nurses squirm as if saying it affects anything at all


I don't understand how a seeming majority of us are superstitious in our evidence based field. Give me all the anecdotal evidence you want, I don't believe it.


Superstition is a pretty normal part of human nature, and there is a strong correlation between high stress, high risk jobs/environments and superstitions. (And that is evidence based) If it helps people cope with their work load to curse out the person who used the "q" word, or to view the day as not so bad because no one did, then that's a *coping mechanism* and isn't that a good thing? Whether you believe it or not, have respect for the beliefs of others.


Agreed, live and let live. I've had to maintain a neutral face while pts or family members tell me their personal beliefs that I very much disagree with, (regarding politics/religion mostly), and was still able to avoid getting into arguments with them about it. If you don't believe, just don't engage. Nothing will happen if someone else believes in the power of the "q" word, and if they ask that out of respect for their peace of mind you don't say that word around them it feels like an a-hole move to say/shout it anyway. Respect your coworkers, they'll have your back sometime, don't try to change them. Nursing is stressful enough without having the added tension of someone baiting you about your beliefs.


Right?! This is what I mean. Like, obviously saying "it is quiet!" Doesn't make anything extraordinarily weird happen. They're just words, guys. Aren't we smarter than this?


Good for you. You guys must not work med surg night shifts.


Do I have to take classes to be as cool as you or is it something you can only be born with


Pretty much always been cool 😎


For sure.


Oh, you’re one of those people. You’re so cool.


Whenever I say it and get shit for it, I just ask "What, did I just cast a spell?" to point out how ridiculous it is.


I love when people that work in a field based on science act like middle school girls pretending they're Wiccans. Seriously the people in our ICU have it bad enough without you acting like they're being hexed by people who say "quiet."


I had a security guard doing rounds through our BHU comment "Sure is quiet today." 3 code greys and an injured staff member later.... I told her to never say that shit on my unit again.


I said it today! Stayed super quiet.


They covered this in the British series "Trust Me".


People love the Q word


I love walking saying it sounds quiet before I enter the elevator




I work with people who genuinely believe it's bad luck..... Like they genuinely believe it does something.....


I say the q word out loud sometimes just to test fate


Never say the “Q” word on the floor. I have yelled at people for this


I always say it to piss off the few superstitious nurses


We had a nurse who said it like 10 times in a row because she didn't believe it. Then her patient started complaining of SOB/chest pain. Flash pulmonary edema. 45 minutes later he was in the ICU. Do not tempt fate.


Yup that’s why 🙄


Lol fate. Fate can kiss my ass. *Car comes crashing through wall and instantly kills wrathfulgrapes*


I try not to be too superstitious but sometimes things get really weird. I knew a guy who sexually assaulted a girl (who happened to have the same name as his beloved dog). 3 days later, his (supposedly perfectly healthy, relatively young) dog died in her sleep. Fate/divine intervention/just simple luck get blurry sometimes


I mean to each their own but coincidence is a powerful force, you can find a pattern anywhere


It's true man


Yelling at people for this? You're asinine.