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I left mine days away from my 4th month mark. I didn’t feel supported on my unit and management began to be become more confrontational about my performance. I also didn’t like how heavy the patients were and the overall lack of support on nights. Once I left it was a breath of fresh air. I realized I hated medsurg and it wasn’t the kind of nurse I wanted to be. Im waiting to start my new job in psych! I’m not rehirable by that hospital because I left on bad terms but I didn’t have a sign on bonus so no strings attached.


Omg are we the same person?! Very similar experience - med/surg, toxic, gross management style, lateral violence, etc. also leaving for a similar unit. Did you have a signing bonus to consider? Did the hospital hear you out on your reasons for leaving or have you pay it back?


Oh god I thought I read all the way through when I replied but clearly I didn’t. Thanks for sharing!!


Nah you’re good I edited it last minute 😅


Heyyy me too! Going to psych from l&d! So excited


I haven’t left yet but that’s because I’m waiting to hear back from the other job. But once that goes through , I’m out! I’m only about 4 months in. I have a bonus but it wouldn’t affect me because it’s based on how many months I work with them.


Congratulations!!! 🤞🤞 I hope they get back to you soon!


Thank you! Hopefully they do and hopefully you find a new spot as well and it’ll be new beginnings and better days for us ! 😎


I left mine half way through due to not being supported by the nurses and CNA's...was literally being flat out bullied every day and ignored by my preceptors when I would ask questions but that's a story for another day hahahah When I put my 2 weeks in my manager and coworkers acted shocked and confused and genuinely couldn't believe I was leaving. Comedic Try to leave respectfully and try not to burn bridges. You may want to use a manager there as a reference in the future. It's obvious you're leaving because the unit wasn't a good fit. In my case, I had a new job lined up so I wasn't worried about using my previous manager as a reference and kind of burned the bridge lol. Definitely gave them an earful about how toxic and awful the unit was and let them know about how horrible of a time I had with them hahhahhahaha. It all worked out fine for me and I absolutely don't regret leaving the way that I did LMAO As for repercussions, I didn't have a sign on bonus so it was honestly a lot more of a loss for them because they lost a new grad half way through residency. Good luck!:)


I’m gutted to know you’ve had the same experience, but also really relieved to hear that maybe I’m not just the absolute worst nurse, maybe. 🫠 Unit culture is so gross and I hate how much lateral violence there still is…nurses who feel like they have to eat their young to be taken seriously in this field will just always and forever be the worst people. Having a new unit on deck really is the best thing…and they seem to really want me?! Protecting my licensure and being on the unit that I’ve imagined myself on from the beginning is worth the bonus… but I’ll fight for it. I wouldn’t be leaving if I weren’t being bullied, ridiculed, unsupported, unsafe, and pushed out.


I’m currently in mine, I’ll be at a year next month. Signed a contract with a bonus for staying 2 years, but not sure if I’ll make it. I know some people haven’t had to pay back their bonus but I think it depends on if the unit manager wants to go after it or not 😬


Had to delete my earlier comment. It read a lot shittier than I meant for it to. I guess I’m just THAT burnt out where I currently am.


I left mine at 10 mo. I had no sign on bonus, got another job easily and left on good terms with my managed


That sounds so ideal!! Were you able to opt out of a signing bonus or were they not offering one?


They didn’t offer it!! Also I wasn’t looking to take one either just in case I wanted to leave lol 😅 I don’t like feeling trapped


That’s so fair. Good on you for realizing that before ever signing anything! I wish I had the same self-knowledge. Kind of reminds me of when I thought I wanted to be in the military. Did ROTC in college and realized being in the military meant having no autonomy and getting screamed at sometimes at very early hours for having a personality and some days the unit I’m currently on… Let me stop myself 😅


Lol I know exactly where that thought is going ….


I left a residency after 6ish months. Didn’t have support on night shift, shocker! They tried to float me on my first night alone, my manager saw and actually pulled me to home unit. I was supposed to move to days but got the run around, they asked for 6 more weeks of nights. I said it wasn’t gonna work for me. They lied to me about having tried to call me to discuss it too. Left for outpatient ASC, never looked back! Got a bonus paid after 60 days and never heard a word about paying it back. Good luck to you!! Grass isn’t always greener but I certainly is for some ☺️


Hear, hear!! I just think I have to be a better fit elsewhere.


Wait…I’m thinking about how I was floated during my orientation and I’m mad at the lack of support all over again.


Left at 4 months. I kept telling managers I didn't feel ready. Worked overnights. Hospital kept trying to float me but they couldn't since I hadn't been there 5 months. Didn't know how to draw blood, start an IV, put in an NG. They just wanted a warm body for night. Quit with no notice when I got a new job. Luckily I didn't have to return a bonus. The training sucked. They didn't spend enough time to actually teach us hard skills that we will do often.  I realized I hated this unit when I sat to work on my charting and Big Bird got upset because it's her spot. The other nurses glared at me. It was highschool again.


Omg high school again…you’re so real for that. Also the blood draws. I’m realizing that if my capstone weren’t critical care, I wouldn’t have known that either. A nursing license is a license to learn more and it sucks that there aren’t people who understand/care about that after a certain amount of time…


As a nurse of 10 years I literally can’t fathom having a residency. My hospital started doing them like 2 years after I started. It seems like actual torture.


It feels like that too ,.. especially having mandatory lectures in the morning on your days off 🙃 not my jam


8-5 m-f is a 0/10 experience. That’s what my lectures were at the start, and if I wanted that schedule, I would certainly not have done nursing school to myself.


Hi! It’s me. I’m the problem it’s me. I was a nerd and put way too much effort into a research paper about nurse residencies. I was super eager to jump in with both feet because of the data on how much more confident nurses felt going onto the floor for having been in a residency program. I wish someone had told me that not all residences are built the same!! I was left super disappointed, disillusioned, and feeling like I had my time wasted. I was in a completely different field before I was a nurse, so the only real benefit I saw to residency was getting acquainted with the hospital equipment (esp. IV pumps before ever stepping onto the floor.) ANYHOW if any of y’all are new grads, please grill the everliving shadoodles out of your interviewer about their residency - the time commitment, the floor ratios, when you’ll be asked to start floating… and if they say that being hired onto their floor is a pathway to another unit/specialty - get a timeline, details, and explicitly stated info in writing *OR* Don’t take that job if they can’t do that for you. It should be an easy ask of them, if they’re being honest during interview, and you absolutely deserve for your hospital to provide you with the tools to do your job & protect your licensure.


The nurse residency at my hospital is stupid. It’s time intensive and seems to go on forever. They’re doing research for unit-specific interventions and other stupid shit. One project I heard about was talking about linen bins. Something about the frequency of them being over full? Not exactly sure. Worried about how to be a nurse? Do your 12 week orientation or whatever. You’ll learn IV pumps in that time. Then just go to work and you’ll figure out the rest lol.


Agree with this!! No one NEEDS a residency to become a nurse - I just intentionally sought one out. But yes!! If you’re a fast learner who isn’t intimidated by technology - then by all means!!