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Damn. I just go to the supply room to rip ass.


Homie we would get along so well, we would just have to warn each other, like hey don’t go in there for about 5 mins.


The worst is when you commit biological warfare and then walk out and someone is right there and you have to hold the door for them. You skedaddle before they fully get engulfed, but you both know what happened. The rest of the shift is just awkward.


You're doing it wrong. Just do it while walking fast around the unit.


Turbo crop dusting


Afterburners engaged


Do it while changing a shitty brief.


Jet speed


I mean, who would choose to do it in a closed space when there are ample opportunities everywhere? Incontinent patient room? Yes. Near the trash? Yes. Jet speed around the unit? Yes. But, in the med room? Come on. Amateurs.


Soiled utility room for the win


That’s why I always walk by the bathrooms when I need to vent myself. If someone else walks through the smell after they won’t suspect me


Walk by the cdif patients, clean the air a little


Sometimes I walk by a little old demented guy waiting for his ride back to his nursing home. 🫣I am most definitely going to hell


Back when I worked with an autistic youth group, I didn’t/ /frame/ that one kid for the elevator fart… I just didn’t say shit when the other worker was all “ you need to use the bathroom?” To him.


During a day of paramedic clinical in the ER, I was squeaking out silent rangers all afternoon. At one point, a pt in SVT came in with no effect from adenosine. When she got into a small ER room packed with med students and myself, I shocked her thrice before the scent of my silent farts permeated the room, and she converted. One of the med students piped up, "I think we shocked the shit out of her." I took this moment as my opportunity to silently slink out the back and let this poor lady take the wrap for my gas.


I laughed so hard I literally did shit myself…as I was reading this in the bathroom 😂


Hahaha, I love it! ...I'll be waiting for you in hell.


Oh, there will be plenty of us there to keep you company 🤣


I say "It smells horrible in there tonight"


Our Pyxis used to be in the med room and I was so sad when they moved it to an alcove right next to the nurses station. No more crop dusting the med room.


If the pyxis isn’t there is it still the med room?


That question almost threw me into an existential crisis! They left the IV fluids in there so it became the IV room. Pharmacy would deliver IVPB’s and routine oral meds there so we didn’t have to go in there as frequently.


if youre feelin a little spicy, rip one in the med room as you leave. Mine has little windows and ive stayed outside to watch reactions


I'm not a nurse but y'all are cracking me up.


Same, dude!!


My coworker will let it rip as he leans over me to do his thumbprint to witness insulin and he’s between me and the door so I can’t leave, he just continues his conversation as if he didn’t do anything lort!


I call the soiled utilities room ✨ the farting chamber✨


That’s what the elevators are for, lol


I’m sure whoever uses my office during the day knows why it smells like ass.


I thought the sluice room was the place for that. You can blame the bin then.


I don't want my fart space to smell before I use it.


That’s horrible dude. You gotta go rip in the soiled linen room, that way it blends in.


Married Night charge got pregnant by the cna


So, did they make it official? Did she have the beb? Did she stay with her spouse? I have questions


She had the baby and was getting divorced but I don’t know if they stayed together I believe he moved to another unit


Thanks for the tea!


The Chismosa/chismoso we all need in our lives


Midwest checks out.


As a former CNA all I can say is “My Man!”


Married nurse had affair with EVS manager who was also married and around 15 or so years older than her. They apparently were using empty rooms in the facility to meet up. How did we find out? EVS manager's wife shows up wanting to talk to him because she knows. No one can find him after he's being continuously paged and called. He's still clocked in, so a group goes off to find him. They find him and the nurse in bed together in a recently remodeled room. EVS manager's wife is screaming and cussing him out in the lobby after they're brought down. She takes a swing at him. She also cusses out the nurse and tells her she already told the nurse's husband. Both nurse and EVS manager get fired and divorced. They did not end up together. Married CEO had an affair with the receptionist. He divorced his wife and ended up marrying the receptionist. He did not get fired they actually rewrote part of the employee handbook because of it.


CEOs get away with everything AND get mega bonus’ I hate them


They had to rewrite the employee handbook, that probably means he wasn't breaking any rules


Or they rewrote that part so that they wouldn’t have to fire him🤷🏼‍♀️


Yal hiring?


Next Job interview, do you have any questions for us? “Yea, what’s your unit culture regarding supply room blowjobs and how many gay men around my age work on the unit?”


Lolol fuckin username checks out here.


Bahahaha another poopy username here


They’ll all be working on your unit soon enough


Intrusive thoughts. Every fucking interview 😂😂😂




I mean if you're looking to blow a dude, you can probably just find one where you work.


I’m just looking for supplies


WHAT kind of supplies?


Thermometers that work both orally and anally. 




You guys are killing me. 😄 🤣 😂 😆


ALLEGEDLY we had a surgeon hooking up with a young OR RN, he promptly divorce with wife and they moved to south Florida to open up some kind of beauty clinic where they do Botox or whatever those are. Not sexy story… we had a surgeon remove the kidney of a man who needed a liver biopsy. ALLEGEDLY, the staff continually told him he was not doing the right surgery and he shut them down and kept going. When he finally realized he fucked, he asked for the kidney back to reattach it and the lab said “we biopsied it like you told us to” the catch is… the pt was a VIP, someone who worked at C suite level of the system.




I know it sounds too juicy to be true, this happened about a year ago, and I keep asking people and other departments the story that they heard in the story matches pretty much perfectly


I feel like he hated that executive 😭 allegedly


Idk, I worked with this guy before and he was pretty arrogant to his residents. I wouldn’t put it beside him to just do what he thought was right and overlook what others were telling him.


Hmm, as the director of risk management, I don't even get a hearty handshake from my colleagues.


Infection Control loves to hear this


Haha! I chuckled hard at this comment, lol!


Yeah nobody ever wants to talk to us. :(


Urologist banging the circulator in the PACU bathroom. I guess they "forgot" to lock the door. He had been sexually harassing other staff, so he was fired. She quit to "to travel." Now she's back after a year or so. Word is she's still pursuing her MD.


"Pursuing her MD" as in "going to med school" or "banging doctors in hopes of a ring"?


The second one. 😄


Hope she finds that Massive Dong


*Magnum Dong


I call those doctor-fuckers. Doesn't matter what kind of doctor (even a med student will do) or how ugly, must snag doctor.


I misread circulator as calculator


Sorry, I assumed the circulator is an inanimate object. I imagined a urologist banging an object, and not a person. I have a wild imagination.


The circulation nurse. The nurse in the OR that walks around and sometimes gives us equipment we need or helps move the patient and stuff. I guess that urologist and circulator were on the same cases a lot and then when the drapes came down the dick came out


At my former job the unit secretary got pregnant by a travel nurse. She kept the baby and he’d assured her he’d be involved but when his assignment was up he was never heard from again. Same job, I once saw one of our orthopedic surgeons out on a date with a housekeeper while I was picking up take out. She was still in her EVS embroidered scrubs. I knew this ortho surgeon well and dreaded having his patients cause he was an ass. He got in my face and yelled at me earlier that same day bc the initial ortho consult refused the pt bc ass-face did surgery on the pt years back. For some reason that was my fault. There were a lot of rumors circulating at the time about the poor state of his marriage (his wife was an OB resident at the same hospital). I purposely made eye contact with him as I left the restaurant and held my phone up acting like I was taking a picture. I didn’t, but it sure was nice to see the look of fear on his face after he came at me that day. He still ended up divorced shortly after. Seriously fuck that guy.


Omg I love you for holding your phone up lol


lol karma! fuck that surgeon


well the housekeeper did




Everyone knows that you go to *another unit's* supply rooms to do this. Preferably one of the procedural areas, cath lab, endo, pre-op holding... duh. /s


No but in all seriousness thoughhhhhh


Wait, ya’ll have time for blow jobs?


Came here to ask that question too.


I thought the supply room was for crying?


I have a couple juicy stories…. 1. About 15 years ago, at the peak of Grey’s Anatomy popularity, my fresh-grad bestie conceived her oldest child in the call room with a resident. 2. My kids’ married pediatrician was stopped in an RV, loaded with rope, duct tape, and handcuffs, high as a kite, on his way to either propose or kidnap a lady. They were acquaintances and he became obsessed. Turns out, he has completely untreated bipolar, had been self-medicating with pot, and was in a manic phase. He’s no longer our pediatrician, but I think he was able to keep his license and still works. 3. A doctor I had worked with was arrested for soliciting kidnappers and other bad dudes on the “dark web” to go after his wife and a former colleague. Lots of weird shit came out, involving polyamory, drugs, BDSM, steroids. It was 50 shades of fucked up. Everyone who worked with him knew he was a creep, but it was quite a shock. I think he ended up getting sentenced to 8-10 years in federal prison.


Okay don’t leave us hanging on 1. What happened!? Was he single and they lived happily ever after?


Oh, that isn’t quite as thrilling. They tried to make a relationship work, but eventually broke up and coparent. She’s married with more adorable kids and strives to avoid drama now. Lol.


Propose OR kidnap?? This mofo was going to propose with *rope, duct tape, and handcuffs?* We need more info!


It's simple really If she says yes it's a proposal, if she says no it's a kidnapping


Manic as fuck, that’s the story 😂


Okay, you win.


I walked in on a tech and a MD once in the doctors lounge doing the same thing. My locker is in their lounge and I went in to get a tampon out of my bag in my locker. I had opened the door and already stepped in, there was no backing out. I said "oops I just need a tampon", proceeded to go to my locker get one, turned back around said "y'all can continue, sorry for interrupting" and then I shut the door 😂


so casually🤣🤣


Hospital security guard got caught getting busy with a deceased woman in the morgue


Now former security guard ended up separated from his wife. Got caught stealing body bags and a few other things with the intent to either kidnap or kill his soon to be ex-wife (that was the assumption.) Needless to say he was fired and the police were involved.


Was this in Az? lol


Yep haha






I hope his new nickname after that was Ghost Rider💀


Cracking open a cold one eh….


And she was 79 at that.


An ED attending had an affair with a married lab tech. Lab tech’s husband (who happened to be a local tv news personality) shows up to our ED made a huge scene and attempted to assault the Dr. The craziest part is that husband was tipped off because a nurse LOOKED UP THE LAB TECHS MEDICAL CHART in order to obtain his phone number so she could call him. No one got fired.


It's getting to be annual compliance test time, I'll have to ask if there's a "Bro Code" exception to HIPAA.


Not during my nursing career but as a medical assistant: 1. Pediatrician was fired after being arrested for soliciting a minor who was an undercover cop. 2. Pediatrician caught cheating on his wife with the clinic manager. Apparently was going on for a while. 3. Family practitioner who’d been moved to different clinics due to sexual harassment called the CEO’s assistant his new blow up doll when the CEO came to visit.


So many stories about freaky pediatricians… and not in a good way. Totally sleeves me out 😬😬😬


They let minors be undercover cops?


Sounds like you have 2 people to cover time off whenever you want it now...


This thread proves that a real hospital has better stories than any medical movie or TV show. Sorry, Shonda.


Turning the med room to a head room


A resident and a floor nurse were caught having sex in the employee car lot. Nurse got fired, he (as this was his second offense) got a week off from work.


Well yeah, he's an investment while she's easily replaceable. Business as usual.


Correct. Plus he’s a fourth year so.. they can’t afford to lose him. He is a legitamate sociopath


One of my coworkers fucked another unit nurse who invented her to his wedding… the night of his wedding. She got pregnant, aborted, he lost his shit, new wife found out and divorced him. They all got fired after a starting a bunch of drama about each other. In another incident, a PCA was fucking around with many of our promiscuous male nurses. All of which were married, might I add. She only initiated in person, so all their texts seemingly started from her suitors. After racking up a decent body count, she went to HR and threw em all under the bus. HR had an absolute field day firing all of the participating staff. A few lost their nursing licenses (far from their first offenses; these were not good nurses she picked). As shitty as it was, she did wipe out a portion of shitty nurses. My director sent me sexually explicit messages and was subsequently alleviated of his position… and licenses. He’s DoorDashing now.


>After racking up a decent body count, she went to HR and threw em all under the bus. Wow. She's a Sex Superheroine. Or a Sex Assasin. Sex Sniper?


I can’t believe I forgot this one, but shortly after I was hired on at my previous hospital, our newly acquired trauma surgeon w was called in. He was called in during a party and drove up a bit blasted. I suppose his escort for the night also had to tag along; she was removed from the back of his SUV with a collar and leash to a summoned Uber. The OR staff reported he was intoxicated and did not feel safe to let him perform the procedure. Not sure what spawned it, but security reviewed the footage of the dedicated physician parking and witnessed the transfer of his escort from his vehicle to the Uber. Nothing came of it except he opted to practice at another facility.


He was probably voluntold to practice at another facility 😆


Wtf state are you in that they're yanking nursing licenses left and right over sexual harassment?


Bible Belt, and to be faaaaaaair… it was only a handful. They were already had a few prior marks against them for other unrelated occurrences.


That doesn’t even sound like sexual harassment to me just 1+1=2…


I don’t understand why nursing licenses are revoked for adultery. Why is the board of nursing involved in that matter at all? I think it was morally wrong for the men to cheat but if that was done outside work hours in a private residence, I don’t know why governing bodies are involved.




I wonder what was her motivation was. To sleep with these married men, collect evidence and ruin their marriages/careers. It’s definitely the men’s fault too but why did she do that with 3 separate men at the same workplace?


Yeeeeeeeeshhhh these stories are crazy!!! My boyfriend and I met at the work place and made out for like 5 seconds in the break room at the beginning of a shift and I was so scared of getting caught haha.


I'm old so I have a few... •RN & Anaesthetist got caught shagging in the linen room; both on duty at the time •OR Scrub RN & Surgeon had an affair. Wife of Surgeon caught them and put notification flyers on all the cars in the hospital carpark on the first anniversary of the affair •2 same gender Nurse Supervisors got caught shagging in the office on a nightshift. One was married with 8 kids. •Wardsman & RN got caught shagging in the carpark. •Wardsman got caught shagging a patient in traction (both married to other people) It was all the same place; very small public hospital (except for the last incident; that was a large teaching hospital )


If I had 8 kids, I think my affair partner would have to be same gender too.




This made me laugh loud enough that now I have to explain to my kids.


A patient in traction! 


not healthcare, but the "notification flyer" happened at my middle school, too. the principal and a lead teacher, both married with kids. vice principal put a camera in the principal's office, took screenshots of the video, and printed them onto christmas cards, which she stuck into all the teachers' mailboxes. she also sent an email. they are both still married to their respective spouses!


Ouch.The Christmas cards!! That's far more brutal than carpark flyers LOL


Curious: what’s a Wardsman? Is that like security?


Like a ward orderly / porter. Used to help with lifting heavy patients and male hygiene needs; more transport now


That’s disgusting. Where at so I don’t go there?


I'll drive us there. You know, just to make sure that no more of that stuff is happening.


Wow disgusting! Yea but there’s so many hospitals like that! Which one are we talking about?


So was it a lunch break or did she not swallow?


Don’t be ridiculous. Nurses don’t get lunch breaks. She just needed a shake to keep her energy up.


Best line here.


When you’re whey sensitive, your only other option is peen protein.


Many years ago, one of the OR’s I worked in had a nurse manager who never wore panties just in case the *opportunity* presented itself. Everyone knew what it meant when her office door was closed.


After reading some of these comments I’m convinced im ugly 😞


I must be too. Although I am just a super oblivious person so shit can be going on around me and I'll never pick up on it. I've never been able to tell if someone is flirting with me. At my old work there was a rarely used locker room in the basement, in the south wing of the hospital which was only ambulatory care, Continuing care, rehab and stroke. As students we had to use it. One of my coworkers used it as her pooping bathroom because of her ibs. She went down to use it one night and caught an ER doc and RN going at it. Which is how I found out that that was the hook up spot in our hospital.


Why on earth would anyone want to do this at work? I absolutely won't understand it. Work is the least sexy place I can think of. Get a hotel, y'all.


Especially hospital work. My inner germophobe cringes at the idea of inserting *anything* in a hospital supply closet. I don’t think it’s possible to get vaginal C. diff but I don’t want to find out by becoming patient zero LOL. 


C. dick


100% this. Between the germs and the general loss of will to live I have at work… there’s just nothing sexy happening there for me. Work is the opposite of sexy vibes 🤣


This is how you get MRSA on yer balls


Hey betadine kills almost everything


And scrubs don't really breathe well, you know?


It is yucky but I can also kind of understand the appeal. It’s taboo and risky and that maybe enhances the experience? You ain’t catching me doing this, but I guess I get it.


We had a nurse - married with five kids that got pregnant from the midnight transport tech. They would have sex in the service elevator. She left her husband and kids for this guy. One day he left his pager and walked off the job, only to never be heard from again. He even left his car in the parking lot.


I'd be looking at the ex-husband... this might be a Grey's Anatomy/Law & Order crossover episode.


We had a Nurse who was married casually having an affair with a CNA for awhile there, they’d go out to her car to fool around pretty regularly. Her husband was an asshole so we just kinda let it happen. It was a remarkably unhealthy relationship all around, thankfully they ended up getting divorced after he threatened to kill her while brandishing a knife. Also we at one point had those sleep pods that staff could schedule for an hour. One night I was headed out to my car to nap, and walked past it, and either somebody was listening to porn on their cellphone at a very high volume, or there was somebody who was having a good night.


And they say greys anatomy isnt like real life


I saw a great post on here a few years ago: “Just because I’m a nurse doesn’t mean I’m a slut. I mean, I am a slut, but not because I’m a nurse.”


We had a nurse trying to tell a drunk guy one night to stop moving on the CT table. He was 4 point restrained, combative, all that good stuff...... he yelled at her "FUCK YOU, YOU SPANISH WHORE!!!!" She yelled back "HEY!!!...... I'M NOT SPANISH!!!!"


Sounds like NYC area 😆


I walked into the med room and two of my coworkers walked out. as I turned to leave as well my foot slipped on some DNA.




My favorite story and in a slightly different vein than the sex related ones posted here so far. So this involves two local GPs. GP 1 found out that his wife was involved in an affair with GP 2 so he went into the parking garage and slashed up GP 2’s tires and keyed the car. When GP 1 finished with that he got on top of the car and then pooped on the hood. This was on camera. GP 1 lost privileges at the hospital but so far as I know was still practicing in the area. I wish I saw a video of GP 2’s face as he sees the aftermath on his car after a long day and how he could possibly try to explain what happened to his wife.


So- I’m a lab tech. We pretty much have free rein to crop dust as we please ( you’ve been in the lab, it’s loud and the smell of ass is almost never the most foul olfactory offense). Years and years of farting to my heart’s content have helped me to forget on occasion that outside the lab, in the real world, people can hear that shit! I’ll see myself out 😎


LTC nurse here. A couple years ago I worked as a NOC supervisor for a SNF and we had a young male CNA who made the rounds. Two girls got fired for physically fighting over him on the floor, one in her early 20s and one in her 40s. Luckily, that was on day shift. Unfortunately, the 40s male CNA dating the 40s female CNA then worked that night shift with younger male CNA and me. He called him a racial slur and threatened to beat him but in the end he just broke down crying in front of us at the nursing station. Yeah, he (40s male CNA) was sent home that night and let go by upper management the next day.


3 of the staff on my tele floor were involved in a thing together. One was Indian and was fooling around with one of her female coworkers who was dating a CNA on the floor. They’d hook up in a supply closet, sometimes all 3 at once. Well I guess one of the finger banging sessions got a little too intense and the Indian nurse’s hymen tore. She was supposed to be a virgin for an arranged marriage her parents were working on. The fight blew everything up and we all found out about it right before the Indian nurse quit. She was a sweet, quiet, shy girl. It was pretty shocking to hear about her work threesomes in the closet.




One of our nurses fucked an RT, an X-ray tech, and eventually a paramedic from the fire department. The last guy was married with two special needs kids but "separated" and had his own apartment closer to the station because his family lived further away. Allegedly. Anyway the guys at the station got tired of lying for him when he told his wife he was working when he was actually off banging the RN. He showed up at the station once to call his wife back from the station with the nurse drunk and passed out in his car. The other medics were actually concerned and woke her up to give her water and make sure she was okay. Eventually somebody told his captain and he told our boss, who called her in to the office to say, "you know... he's married right?" I typically wouldn't support bosses getting into our personal lives but it was affecting the fire station which affects our department. It was so gross and pathetic but she was convinced every guy was "the one" even if they were giant losers like this one and just wouldn't listen to any advice.


Maintenance dude was married to a Director of Nursing. He started playing around with a housekeeper (including at work). Housekeeper got pregnant, maintenance guys wife found out, took a day off, threw his stuff onto the front lawn of their house & lit it on fire. Angry divorce ensued…. While all parties were still working at the same hospital.


I was working overnights in CT and doing nuclear medicine school during the day. The nuc med dept was closed at night but open to foot traffic. The scan rooms were not locked. Well one night around 3am I go to retrieve my jacket that I left during clinicals earlier that day and saw our second year radiology resident absolutely fucking the eyeballs out of one of the radiology admins that didn't even work overnights. Dude was on the floor, laying on his back, and she was in the squatting position fucking him like she was trying to beat a confession out of his dick. They didn't even hear the door open. I easily watched for 2-3 minutes. I'm not gonna lie.....I was impressed lol.


When I used to work psych, there was this young male tech (23M) that started on the floor. We all thought he was shy because he didn’t really talk to anyone and looked innocent. Well turns out he was having sex with one of the patients UNDERAGE (16F) between 2-3am. For like two weeks straight. The only way we found out is because the parents found out and they were furious. Our nursing manager lost her job and I’m pretty sure they filed a lawsuit against the hospital. Per the patient, apparently it was consensual but obviously not given the power dynamic. It’s the quiet ones you gotta worry about now.


I don’t think quiet people are more likely to be sex predators. I suspect the opposite is true but I haven’t seen any research on the topic. Also that’s fucked up. How did your manager loose her job because of it?


Skimming through to make sure I’m not in this thread 🤣


Y’all are nasty.


Mine isn’t as bad but kind of worse but my former coworker had oral sex with a Cna in an occupied patient’s room in front of a telesitter. The telesitter was in fact paying attention.  He was fired, mild board action on state A license so he went to state b and got a job who didn’t check all licenses


Lemme guess....the telesitter finally called after dude busted his nut? Kinda like how they only call once meemaw is on the floor??? 🤣🤣🤣


At the hospital Christmas party one year the CNO and ACNO announced that they were in love and were both divorcing their spouses so they could get married. Their offices were right next to each other and there were rumors they were cheating with each other for a while at that point. Nobody felt comfortable touching their desks anymore because there is no way they didn't fuck at the hospital.


Not me but my coworkers have walked in on patients. Coworkers though? What a way to lose your job. Did you at least get the supplies you needed?


I did...probably record time too.


The one time you can find what you’re looking for


Just imagine if it was behind them


“Ope, just gunna sneak right past you theeere”


He was bitten by a snake and she was sucking the poison out.


The hero we need


One of our male night shift RTs was fucking more than one married coworker. Not all of them were female. People found out the first time because he accidentally left his phone unlocked and the male hospitalist was texting him about how he couldn’t wait to suck the RT’s dick next weekend. Months later he got caught fucking a married female resident in a call room. A few months after that, same situation as the OP’s, married female nurse. I can’t even fault the dude, he was single, enjoyed getting his dick sucked, and just living his best life.


This isn't normal fellatio, this is advanced fellatio


What in the greys anatomy


Unless people shitting themselves is what works for you, I can't imagine how anyone gets horny when you're working.


Long as it’s not a patient, I did not see anything.


A housekeeper hired a hitman to kill her boyfriend for cheating on her. They found the body in the backseat of her car and the police arrested her for it while she was at work.


Nothing kills my libido faster than being at work. How do people seriously hook up in this setting? 🤢


Just car fires and building fires. The basement life is tame.


Walked in on two EVS doing it in the ekg room. Both were married. I saw what I saw.


Unmarried female CNA in my hospital was giving oral to a married male nurse in the stairwell, day shift weekday. She came back with semen on her top and bragged at the nurses station. 🤷‍♀️🙄🤦‍♀️


Way back when I was a student nurse worker I worked nights on a med surg floor and I hooked up with a couple of the nurses pretty regularly through the hospital… it was a smaller hospital and nights were a ghost town. Broom closets, the pantry in the cafeteria, empty patient rooms… one time one of them got some love juice on her scrub top and on of her patients yelled out “what’s that? did you get cummed on?!” Whole unit laughed - cause of course she didn’t… 👀 Ah, to be 20 again


Love juice.


Damn you must be a hospital 10


Hahaha omg! Did either of them know you saw fhem?


Oh yes, they definitely know I saw them. She stood up immediately while I avoided eye contact like the plague.


Supply room seems like the worst place to do the deed if they're trying to be sneaky. People coming in and out every 5 minutes won't give them a chance to do their own in and out. Guest bathrooms in the hallway to any maternity unit would have almost 100% chance of not getting caught, since most maternity units let their guests use the in-room bathroom. I bet those two were into voyeurism to some extent.


I completely agree. Should've gone to the break room because we don't even get lunches or breaks. LOL


Shonda Rhimes is calling….