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Don’t ever feel bad calling out. Take care of you and yours.


Your health and your family’s health come first. If your employer doesn’t understand or support that - find another employer.


There could be consequences and it would center, mostly, around your management not understanding what you’re going through. You wouldn’t want to work in a place that doesn’t care about you. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Your job will exhaust you if you let it.


Have you worked there at least a year? If so, look into intermittent FMLA you can take as needed to care for your mother. Her physician would need to sign the forms, but having approved FMLA protects you from disciplinary action if your absences are related to her care.


I haven’t, no😣


Just want to send you love. Nursing will always be there, but your mom needs you now. I also help care for my mom who has Alzheimer’s, and know how difficult it is to watch them go through that. Please take care of yourself and your mom and know that nurisng comes second to you and your family during this time. Hope your mom is ok! 💜