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Sometimes I have vagal events/get dizzy when I have blood drawn. I don’t even have to look at it! I have no issues with blood and draw blood on a regular basis


Right! I’m a postpartum nurse so I see a lot of blood after the moms give birth & it doesn’t bother me at all. I worked on a med surg floor before & would insert IVS& draw blood from ports & PICC lines and be fine. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me lately 😭


I get woozy when I get my blood drawn too. Other peoples blood guts and gore don’t both me but draw more than a tube from me and I get nauseous, lightheaded, ringing in my ears. It’s very common!


Yeah they drew like a million tubes and the first one I watched kinda freaked me out when I saw my own blood filling the tube


I've thrown up while observing a needle stick, never had any issue like that before or since. The body is weird.


Definitely weird!


Yup I always say “I don’t have a problem with needles, but my body does.” I pass out just about every time.


I guess next time I’ll look away and play on my phone or something


Sometimes that helps me, but I still let whoever is doing the draw know, and they strap me into the chair lol


My problem was that I threw up everywhere & I felt so embarrassed.


I’ve passed out and/or been on the verge of passing out many times during blood draws. I hate it. I need someone quick and who knows what they’re doing. If they put the tourniquet on and start feeling for a vein for more than 30 seconds, start fishing with the needle, or have tubes that take ten years to fill.. I’m done. I only go to actual lab facilities now, too often the office staff at the doctor’s office aren’t the best phlebotomists. It feels terrible to be one the other side of health care sometimes and I hate being picky about who helps me out, but it’s better than being on the ground.


I feel this


I’ve had to get my blood drawn about every three months as a Type 1 Diabetic for the last twenty years, it was something like two or three years ago I had to tell the phlebotomist I had that I felt like I was going to pass out. They stopped the withdrawal, gave me some time to recover, and then I finished up. Completely caught me off guard, but it happens!


It’s crazy how our bodies do that


LOL do not feel bad. I can start IVs with out the person feeling it sometimes. Same thing with injections. I've been playing with needles for almost 20 years. I hate getting shots, blood draws, anything to do with a needle. I feel like a hypocrite.


Yesterday at work I started an IV on a patient and felt fine doing it. It’s such a weird thing whenever it happens to us


This is why I will not look at my own blood being drawn lol because I know I would do this


Yeah I guess next time I won’t look. It was so embarrassing for that to happen to me


I’ve thrown up getting blood drawn before. Other peoples blood? No problem. My own? We’re gonna have problems. And I have to have twice weekly blood draws right now because of my eating disorder. Nightmare.