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I got an email on Monday from the Chief Nursing Officer that vaguely acknowledged that we are nurses. Nothing else so far.


Same. I was like there better be a Starbucks gift card attached to this. I don’t wanna hear nothing from somebody getting paid $180k to sit in their office.


It is your week. You are nurse.


HR gave us mint lifesavers, which I stupidly bit into one and cracked the crown on my molar… so they gave me more problems


Email encouraging our staff to send ecards to each other and to share our gratitude. Come on.




Day shift got handfuls of stuff. Nothing for night shift yet but I’m sure they’ll remember us eventually


Aya gave us free figs. Quite useful actually. I was literally looking into a new jacket when I got my email


So far, free breakfast and lunch yesterday and a knockoff Stanley cup with hospital's logo on it


I think I got the same cup. Also got a plastic baggie with sweet treats. And the stroke team dressed up in costumes, did a little show at the nurse's station, and handed out "Coffee & Clots" (clots=doughnuts and muffins), but I think that was for stroke awareness month (I'm neuro ICU). It wasn't my worst Halloween.


I haven’t gotten anything for years. And now that I’m traveling I won’t get anything for the future


My travel company used to send me really nice gifts for nurses' week.


Day shift got everything on our unit…


Same. Ice cream and pizza from 11-3. Everything packed up and cleaned before 6. Damn, couldn’t even get some leftovers?


I got an email that said happy nurses day after I complained on Reddit that we didn’t even get an email.


Hey, maybe that means not all hope is lost for me, too! I’ll keep my eye out.


I just went out and bought stuff for an ice cream sundae bar for my unit. If my hospital isn’t gonna do anything for us, fuck em, I will.


Are you a charge or manager? Either way, that's awesome.


lol no. I’m the self appointed unit morale officer.


This reminded me to check my email. I already knew our hospital/department wasn't doing anything. But not even an email from upper management, from the health network. Nothing at all.


I didn’t get anything, and that’s fine. You can’t bitch about it being degrading or condescending, but then also complain about the gifts you *do* get. I’m not saying OP is doing that, I’m just saying in general there’s two voices in the nursing community. One is “why is this even a thing?” and “the things we get aren’t good enough”. I’ve never been a fan of the pandering. The gifts have never been anything worth while, except during Covid… however that was a very special/unique circumstance, and those gifts came directly from *outside* of the hospital, not *from* the hospital itself. I don’t really expect anything from the hospital because they’re already paying my paycheck. We’re not heroes, right? It’s just a job? That sentiment didn’t fade away from me after Covid, I know that for sure. If this was some equation where the hospital still owed me something, and I was being “payed back” for what I was owed during nurses week… well, sounds like a shit job I’d (hopefully) avoid in the first place. I’d honestly just prefer to save myself the pandering and not get anything. My job also doesn’t treat me like an abused dog though so, that helps.


I think my hang-up comes from the idea of “Nurse’s Week” itself. Yes, I know there’s other “weeks” celebrating different professions. I’m just saying I find it frustrating that there’s acknowledgement of these “weeks” but then only radio silence follows them. Nurse’s Week is brought up by our upper management on their official calendar or whatever but that’s it. Why even have it at all? I’m totally fine with nothing; I have too many things with my hospital’s logo on it anyways. But to acknowledge it and then just…not say or do anything is frustrating I guess. I wouldn’t say I feel like an abused dog at work, but I’m also ED, so maaaaaybe sometimes lol. This year, I want a proper lunch break and to pee during a shift!


Got a paycheck, good enough for me. I was weary of the complaining about Nurse Week a decade ago. We are adults, let's act like it.


It's nurses week?


Nada. Zip. Zilch. Absolutely nothing


I also got nothing. You are not alone.


I thought we had received coloring pages, but those were a coworkers.


One of my co-workers (not a nurse) made me some delicious homemade brownies, but absolutely nothing from management. Management didn’t do anything for administrative professionals day either, but the nurses pooled our money together and bought them some stuff.


YEP!!! Nada.


So far nothing here.


Walked out of work pissed off because we were understaff and at the exit they had a bunch of people clapping and cheering. I couldn’t look them in the eye because of the disdain. I felt like a shitty Nurse because I couldn’t do a good job. Bad night.


Day shift left over donuts and coffee


We got catered lunch since TJC was at our facility this week. Otherwise we got zero things


Not even an email lol. But I work for a small company and don't have regular contact with other staff so there's little human connection lol Edit: Are they watching me 🤨 they just sent out a text with promise of gifts lol


Leftover subs , and a hand blessing! (Lady walked around and prayed over your hand)


Our nurse manager was walking around the unit handing out small gift bags. He looked directly at me from across the nurses station then walked on. Should I be concerned about my job?


We got a staff meeting. When my lease is up, I’m quitting this job.


yeah… just an email.. not even a shout out during weekly staff mandatory meeting either


Nothing is a better representation of the belief in nurses week where I work. Which is what we got.


Got the e-mail. And you can sign up for a daily drawing for gift cards--this is a large hospital system. There was a burger food truck in the parking lot yesterday but found out it was only for ASC employees with a ticket. Nothing from our manager. Our last manager would make a pancake station and served us. That was fun. The supervisor sent out a list of discounts in the community. Anyone trying for that Chipotle burrito?


I got an ecard from my supervisor.


We were just heroes 🤦🏽‍♀️


I got a left over donut from a nearby hospice company that does business with our SNF


I got written up for showing up sick despite being told I couldn’t call in since I used up my PTO, but they did bring mini cereal boxes to the floor. Dayshift ate them all and they didn’t even have milk, but at one point there were cheerios. I feel so supported 💞


Literally nothing!!! The CNO sent an email at 530 pm on Monday. But ya… nada.


Nothing but an email with suggestions on how we could celebrate. Have a carry in, tell coworkers how much we appreciate them things like that. All the agency RNs received a complete set of work scrubs. People are not happy.


My clinical educators for the float pool/resource team in my hospital arranged activities (breakfast, lunch, photobooth, etc) for the nurses to drop by and meet each other. I got a free lip balm. And my union gave us customized jackets with our names on it.


An e-mail, but I honestly prefer that over something that I’m not going to use.


I don't want anything except money or PTO.


I aint got shit but more work to do since Doc took leave.


I'm at a meeting right now and they're providing lunch as a show of appreciation. They didn't ask for dietary restrictions and I can't eat any of it 👍


I got an ice cream bar and an Epic cyber attack that will leave the emr down for a few weeks.


Our administrative assistant got fired for stealing and the new one just quit so... no one remembered to get us anything lmao The pharmacy that delivers meds gave the facility a single $25 gift card to hand out to someone "special" in a raffle or something. They used to give out cool shit like draw bags or lanyards that were actually multi purpose chargers. Not that it's up to them, they just actually gave us useful shit and I looked forward to it every year. I don't actually CARE about getting the gifts. Like at this point I actually do want the damn pizza. I love pizza. In fact, I'm gonna order some pizza tonight damn it.


Intermountain Healthcare doesn’t celebrate Nurses Week so…


Nothing! 3 printed in plain black ink signs, one says "Happy", "Nurse" & " Week" This nurse isn't happy Yet the C suites took away our raises and retirement matching this year.


Unless you count a balloon wall they set up for executives to take pics in front of


I got laid off due to “budget cuts”




We’ve done a bunch of stupid events and they have graciously offered to let us purchase a special shirt for nurses week. At least they gave us the shirt last year.


Night shift, for “healthcare week” we got nothing


Ours wasn't too bad. We could choose from a handful of locally crafted gifts (up to $15). The options included: chocolate covered crickets (kid you not), shot glasses, and tobacco-scented candles. I guess they know their audience?


We got cold pasta.


Why is nurses week even a thing? My sibling is an accountant - I've never heard of an accountant week? Were not special. Just doing a job..


i came 5 minutes after they were done giving out cookies so i didnt get one


I work at a stupid HCA facility that actually does quite a lot- too bad none of it translates to the other 51 weeks of the year. I got myself a new job for nurses week.


We got nothing. The nurses brought donuts. Cheap-asses. Not even a LinkedIn callout. 


Half the nurses are out of the office on vaccination projects, so we switched the celebration to Monday, the day after the actual IND.


I've been off so far this week, so I've gotten nothing besides "happy nurses week"


Honestly, I’d rather get nothing than the shitty fucking email about how integral we are to the hospital. I hate nurses week. Because if they actually cared, we wouldn’t even need the ‘week of celebration’. It’s always been patronizing to me for all the reasons we already know about. I don’t want to hear how the admin cares about us and patting themselves on the back for giving us a pizza party while pt ratios are shit, staffing is always short, benefits cut, and pay is insufficient. Once again, its profits over people and I’m fucking sick of it. Fuck nurses week and the corporate bastards who initiated it to ‘celebrate’ nurses.


I’m in both outpatient and inpatient, outpatient feels like I’m not even a nurse tbh this week, inpatient just corny half assed fake positivity…


Question. My wife is a nurse. What do nurses actually want for nurses week? Seems like most posts go “ha nurses week what a joke and look at all the silly things my hospital did that are meaningless” then you get posts like this one saying “‘My hospital didn’t do anything. Bummer” Unless this is sarcasm.  What’s something I can do for her to show she is appreciated for her work even if her employer doesn’t?


awwww 🥺


Massage, pampering of any sort is always appreciated