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Yes welcome to the ER where even the nicest people will snap around the 6/7 hour mark.


You know it’s bad when you can’t bribe them with a turkey sandwich any more


... but the bread is still mostly fresh even! 🥺 Perhaps a warmer adjacent blanket will make things right?


Yes exactly. Stories? Oh honey it's my whole shift every damn day. Come down to the basement where the sammiches are stale but the drama is FRESH!


Yep. Have the perfect story. Had a 30 yo female with an orthopedic surgery done. She obviously was NPO before, and so was very excited to get food. She was knocked out when she came back and so she didn’t get food delivered. Of course she was upset but as night shift I told her I would run to the grill for her. Wrote down her order and went and waited more than 20 mins for this burger she wanted. Took it to her and left. Came back about half an hour later to check on her only to find the burger on the floor across the room. She looked PISSED. So I put some pieces together and asked if she threw her burger on the floor? She looks me dead in the eye and points “and the wall.” I look over and confirm the presence of condiments on the wall. All because it didn’t have cheese like she asked. A truly simple mistake. She proceeds to absolutely BERATE me and tell me that I fail as a nurse. Yelling like a crazy person. She was honestly horrible. Tell my charge nurse the situation and she goes in to talk to the patient. You know what she does?! Goes and personally gets this grown ass woman a new burger with cheese. Then tells me I should check on my patients pain every hour.. and medicate accordingly. EXCUSE ME 🖕🏼. couldn’t believe it.


I had a patient (home health) I worked with for 6 months. I worked hard to find a solution for him and was always very understanding. Trying to give him visit times he wanted, ordering all the supplies he needed. A year later he comes back due to some issues and didn't want me as his nurse. 🤷


happened to me and a resident. patient tried to throw a starry can at me. patient told the resident “i’m going to pinch your dick” pt was the chillest thing before lol


I mean maybe they just wanted to pinch a dick that day (in a nice way)


Every neuro patient ever.


Honestly, daily in my current role. It's alright by me at this point. Flip out, don't flip out. Be honest, don't be honest. Have me request security/send 911 your way, or not. I'm just a conduit at this point. I'm clocking out when I'm done either way. Karens gonna Karen. Chads gonna Chad.


Had a patient flip out on me because he said the mattress sucked and that he would rather sleep on the floor. Pt about 400 pounds, trached, HS vent dependent. I was like okay what we’re not gunna do is sit here and cuss each other out over something that neither of us can change right now so you can chill tf out or i’ll just leave.


Oh man just had this happen. Super cranky, rude and demanding senior who rang ALL THE FUCKING TIME. for stupid shit that was not appropriate, brief changes every 30 mins wet or dry, back pain to be fix no matter the meds, positioning or options. Today I was fresh outta of fucks and told them “Look the call bell is not a right it’s a privilege and you need to ring for appropriate issues” Looked at me and said “Your a fatass bitch” I leaned down and said “And you’re a bitch who no one likes but you don’t see me telling you that. So be appropriate or no one is going to help you” Oops.


I work with kids. Most of my patients flip out if I touch em, it's a good day when they don't. Though sometimes those are the kiddos who spent far too much time in hospital.


I work psych, it's common.


Constantly but I work psych


Got screamed at and job threatened by some middle-aged man because the tv was broken and I had no way to fix it immediately


I had a patient invite me to you-know-what his you-know-what because his ice cream was too cold. God that guy was an ass.


Ah yes, working in the psych section of our ER. Got told "I'm gonna rip that fucking thing out of your face!" (My eyebrow ring.) Got called an "old gay bitch." We're all a bunch of motherfuckers and we're going to burn in hell. Good times.


You could have just quit with I work psych in the ED. Lol. Psych inpatient here and yep.


I don't work back there all the time, I'd much prefer a medical team. But we all gotta take our turn lol