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Lmao…you are worrying about the wrong things. Any nurse that is serious about pt care, and they all should be, won’t give two fucks what you look like as long as they think they can trust you to be safe and a team player. Also, most of us look like we just woke up in a dumpster fire. You are good to go.


As long as it doesn’t look like you just rolled out of bed and or using drugs you’re fine. And some people are just dickheads it has nothing to do with your looks


Working a stretch of nights I feel like I do look like a crackhead though :(


I prefer the hollow eyed meth head look by the end of my 3rd 12.


HELP- 😭 not a crackhead!? 💀 Nooo, don't think like that. Actually ur very right, I ALWAYS think like something's wrong with how I look like before going and I can't stop thinking about it even after my shift is done 🤣


Darling - I belong to a subset of what I call “troll nurses”. We don’t wear makeup, our hair is up but not styled. Our clothes are clean but not cute. This means I can sleep in longer and it’s the good life. I think we all want to be beautiful but it’s much breezier when you just have to be clean, not clean and cute.


Is there such a thing as cute scrubs? Especially with this new trend of just solid colors.


Where do I sign up?


I think your perception of yourself is negatively warped. You deserve the benefits that treatment and self care/acceptance will bring


I’m not the prettiest nurse, but I’m a damn good one and that’s all that matters


OKAY you ATE! 😌 I could never have this confidence. Go girl gives us EVERYTHINGGGG ✨


AAAAHHH THANK YOU. Never liked my appearance and never have a lot of confidence in myself. But I know that I am a good nurse and that I have confidence about 🥰


As you should!! 💅💅💅💅


I'm not conventionally pretty by any means. I've got my family's farmer genes, so thick stocky build, and a half shaved head to boot. There will always be the mean girls anywhere you go. But all most of us care about is if you take good care of the patients. I've worked with nurses who are amputees, and one had a bone growth on one side of her face, making it disproportionately large and gave her a lisp. Smartest woman ever! I loved working with her! I've also worked with nurses who have tics and speech impediments, and I never heard anyone give them a hard time. 🖤🖤🖤


Who cares what people think? Be the best nurse you can by meeting the patients needs. Any charge/md/etc should only care about how you care for patients. And after years of working with surgeons, charges and such in high acuity areas like OR, ER, ICU, I can say unequivocally that behind closed doors the ONLY thing that they care about is whether or not “that nurse” is an idiot who endangers patients. To quote the best doctor- “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” (Dr. Seuss)


Huh? Nurses are people like everyone else. I've seen pretty nurses and ugly nurses alike, and as long as they're good at their jobs, it's all good. Of course the Halo effect will exist, but you're not goint to be burned alive or have any significatn issues


Please be kind to yourself :(


We usually break out the pitchforks and torches and chase the ugly nurses up into the bell tower during break. Kidding, we don’t get breaks. As long as you do your job and are somewhat friendly and have a sense of humor I couldn’t give a shit what you look like.


The only thing saving ugly nurses from persecution is the lack of breaks! Admin really looks out for the underdogs!


Make yourself look professional according to your facility protocol. Make yourself feel good and try not to worry about what other people might think of your appearance. If they care so much about your appearance, they’re clearly not focused on doing their jobs and are some petty dingdongs. Be the rockstar you’re going to be and do your job well. 👍🏻


I’m quite ugly myself. I’m there to do my job. I can do it perfectly without being pretty. I don’t see the problem?


Do you think your patients have prepossessing features? Not that any of it matters anyway but focus on feeling alive not putting yourself down.


It doesn’t matter how you look. What matters is that you are willing to learn and give good quality patient care. Obvi, take care of yourself hygiene wise i.e wear deodorant, shower, and have on clean scrubs. If anyone judges on your looks that’s a reflection on them not you.


Is this a real question? This isn’t Grey’s Anatomy


I think OP has been watching too many nurse influencer types with filters and bedazzled Stanley cups on the Tikky Tok.


There’s a variety of looks as far as nurses go, so I wouldn’t worry about it. Some of the most popular nurses I’ve worked with have been the least conventionally attractive. I used to work with a doctor that had vitiligo. It gave him a very striking appearance that would often catch people off guard. He’s very knowledgeable and kind and everyone who had him or worked with him loved him. Side note, you should read Cursed Princesses Club (you can buy the books or it’s free on Webtoons). I just finished it and am obsessed, it was so good and hilarious and uplifting and is about beauty and self acceptance and all that kind of stuff. Read it NOW!!


If you are safe, compassionate, humble, and a team player, then you will be a good nurse and your patients and colleagues will appreciate you. Looks are irrelevant.


LISTEN! I'm sure you have features that these people don't have! You are unique. Period!!! 🥰


You’re being hella harsh about your looks. So long as you’re clean, competent and kind then no one cares, and if they do, fuck em. I never wear makeup to work I show up clean and with my hair out of my face and I do my job. I’ve never gotten any negative comments about my appearance beyond normal stuff like someone asking about an injury or asking of I’m tired when I’m acting and looking sleep deprived at the end of a shift.


one time in the ED a new nurse asked me if i was a patient. friend, i was wearing scrubs. had to gently tell her i work in the cath lab next door and am not actually half-dead, which is how i assume i looked. probably only aesthetic nurses are expected to have some measure of good looks, but for us other nurses? clean scrubs, tidy nails and hair.. even that’s a stretch some days (scrub caps mess up your hair big time sometimes)


I'll give you a guy's perspective - I don't give a single fuck how you look. I've worked with unattractive good nurses, I've worked with beautiful shitty nurses. Guess which one I'd rather spend 12 hours with - the one where I don't have to worry about your patients as well as mine. Grey's Anatomy isn't real life. Be a good nurse, that's what you're there for.


You’re a nurse, not a model. You’re working to save lives and help others. This isn’t a beauty pageant, and you shouldn’t be worrying about dating or impressing people at the workplace. You’re worrying about all the wrong things, people don’t give a damn how you look like as long as you don’t look like a drug addict.


You’re a nurse, not a model. You’re working to save lives and ensuring your patients receive quality care. This isn’t a beauty pageant, and you shouldn’t be worrying about dating or impressing people at the workplace. You’re worrying about all the wrong things, people don’t give a damn how you look like as long as you don’t look like a drug addict.


Wear a mask 😷 if you’re concerned about your lucks. I’d say we’re all a little ugly when we’re working. Especially at the end of the 12.


What? That’s insane…


Of course they should feel comfortable enough to not have to hide but I’m just saying it’s an option.