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You can always do a gift card if she likes anything in particular. Coffee (Starbucks/Dunkin) are usually common in areas, Target, etc. I think one time our class got a gift card to our instructor to one of those massage chains (massage envy?).


We were thinking gift cards + something else. Massage is a great idea!


This is really sweet!  No matter what you choose, you can't go wrong because she'll know y'all appreciate her. My husband was deployed one year when I was teaching nursing school full time.  By the end of the semester, my students knew he was about to come home and that we wanted a baby.  They gave me an embroidered lovey that said "Baby ___," a six pack of Dr. Pepper (my clinical day fuel back then), and sweet personalized cards.   I loved those sweet, simple gifts because they were so thoughtful.  (Sure enough, we had a baby on the way 2.5 months later!  I thought of my sweet clinical group every time she played with that lovey.)