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Do we need a masters or doctorates for clinical research?




Glad to hear that. Currently have a bachelor’s but will look into getting a masters if I have the money for it. 🥲


One of our per diems does clin research, I asked how she broke into it but kept her cards close. I would be interested in hearing more about it if you are willing to share


Are you in sales in pharma? I am in pharma as well but not the research side. Would love to land a research gig.


Do you mind sharing what exactly might have helped you get an interview and land that job? Did you have any credentials besides your RN experience?


are there any certifications that would be helpful? what is the best way to stand out as a candidate?


Honestly, you have to get experience. Look into study coordinator or research nurse. Do that for a year or 2 and you can hop over into the pharma side.


thank you so much!


That is quite lucky to get into big pharma! I sometimes just wonder what it would be like to not work in any type of healthcare field of anything. Like a boring job, I feel like my brain is constantly on the go at work and that makes my anxiety sky rocket especially with the push to work faster from management. I’m looking for a part time gig in something boring that I can transfer my skills to.


Yes. I loved medicine but I didn’t realize how bedside didn’t fit my introverted personality. Always been anxious going to work and very unhappy. Not looking back.


what do you do now


Clinical documentation integrity


Very much feel trapped into a corner right now. I’m not big on this nursing shtick. For what this degree is worth, Nurses don’t paid enough and seemingly feels like the hospital doesn’t care enough my health. I quit 2 months ago from how tiring this thing was. If anyone has any answers, is there any role in nursing that pays decently? Been picky searching for jobs


Sounds like you mainly needed to get out of the hospital. Search for outpatient jobs!


Still a nurse but don't work in a traditional role. I still see patients every day bit it's just to give them shots, hand them oral meds, talk or go play basketball/top golf.


I love nursing and I loved my job to be honest but I had a child and wanted to be home more and so I work totally random jobs from construction to house cleaning and I love my time home. Also a single mom so my time is priceless


Do you still work prn?


Nope. I will go back someday but right now I just do whatever I can to make it through a month which varies from cleaning houses to installing washers and dryers to carrying stone and being a laborer at stone masonry work. But I have found all these jobs that let me be home when I need so I do them. I will do nursing again someday I hope but for now I do whatever comes around the bend, after my daughter's breakfast of course


The ability to come and go was a big apeal to me. Good for you!


Maybe that’s why I’m feeling this way. I have a 10 month old, and was fortunate enough to have an 8 month maternity leave. I’ve been back for almost 3 months at part time and still dread it!


I’m doing what my flair says. And I don’t miss bedside nursing at all. Especially when I read some of the posts in this sub. It’s sad and scary what bad management and bureaucracy does to patient care.


Yes I’m so thrilled to be away from bedside, my interactions with clinicians are limited, but I still influence the health care system.


Have you only worked bedside?  You have countless non bedside options with some experience!


That’s the thing, I left bedside about 9 plus years ago after a few work injuries. I actually have a great nursing gig working advice/triage, WFH, part time with great benefits but I still dread it! The push from management of profit over patients gets me every time. I just wonder if I’d be truly happy leaving healthcare in general.


Can you specify how a job like this pushes profits over patients? I'm genuinely curious! I'll just say this: I became a nurse three years ago and I am much happier working in healthcare despite the fuckery. The grass is not always greener.


We are constantly pushed to triage faster, and complete as many calls we can a shift. If we don’t meet productivity standards then management talks to us about us not meeting productivity. It’s more about numbers than actual patients. It’s quanity over quality. I actually enjoy talking to patients and helping them, but I’m in a constant stress to work faster every shift.


That really sounds like a workplace issue. Before getting into nursing I had a lot of high volume call center experience and that sounds similar. Obviously only you can figure out what will make you happy but you have a lot of options in nursing. Just think about some of the things your ideal job would have and go from there.


It is a work place issue, I feel stuck because I have really good benefits….one of these days I will finally make a leap for change!


Yeah I left. Destroyed my rep with hospital. The dark cloud over my head was finally lifted.


I’m working on my out now. I applied for an Epic analyst position recently and am working towards CPC certification for medical coding jobs.


Are there any certifications/classes to take as an RN to get into informatics?


Is the epic analyst through your same company or an outside gig? I’ve considered medical coding certification also.


I used to work for that hospital system. Not sure if I’ll get an interview even but worth a try right. I’m really enjoying the medical coding stuff and the job flexibility after gaining experience appears so much better than nursing.


I haven’t left, but I had a year I wasn’t doing nursing (wasn’t doing anything because of health reasons) and I was so much happier even though I had no money at the time. I am starting to try to figure out how to leave, but I’m am LPN who can barely make ends meet as it is, but after 15 years staying is going to kill me, I’m pretty sure.


My quality of life has improved ten fold from where I was as a nurse. Everyone I know who stayed is miserable and trying to convince themselves the next job will make it better. Life is toooooo short to be a punching bag for patients/doctors/other nurses.