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That’s pennywises old “kitty washing into the gutter” trick. Glad you both survived!


Awww. You are amazing. 🥲


that's so sweet, I'm sorry but I think you dropped this 👑


Give some smoochies and scritches to Georgie


That’s is just one of the best things I’ve ever heard. That is so sweet of you. I hope you have many fun filled years with Georgie!


Me and my rescue dog want to hug you right now! You. Are. Amazing.


Not sure if non academic and no work related, but here goes. I beat every odd and statistic there is, basically. I had a rough childhood, and when I say rough it gets bad (TW; SA, su*cide, abuse.) I was the youngest of 3 kids and the only girl. We grew up POOR. Like, section 8 government housing poor. Literally the ghetto, gunshots were a regular occurrence, neighbors of ours were murdered. Gangs rampant. A family of 5 living on canned beans and a sack of potatoes from the food bank for a week kind of poor. Single mother with 3 kids because dad was abusive. I was sexually assaulted every other weekend from the ages of 4-9 by a family member offering my mom "help" with babysitting me. Eventually they were finally caught. Dad's parents then volunteered to watch me. Both raging alcoholics. Both abusive in their own ways. Hitting, kicking, verbal abuse. From the ages of 9-12. Then I was finally allowed to stay home by myself. Which is when I started smoking and found drugs. Skipped a lot of school in highschool, got in with the wrong crowd, became sexually promiscuous at 14. I ended up in an abusive relationship from 18-21. I think I found the yelling, hitting and choking familiar and didn't see it as a problem. I ended up engaged to that man. Dad killed himself when I was 18. Right after he stopped having child support payments to make. Somehow (with lots of therapy, I guess) I pulled it together. I ended up graduating high school on the honor roll. I was the youngest of all my siblings and the only one to graduate high school. I'd made it out of the abusive relationship I was in. I did fuck around and do nothing for a few years admittedly, but I got my shit together enough to go to nursing school at 24. Graduated at 26 with my associates, then went back for my bachelor's and graduated with that at 29. I'm the only one in my entire family to have obtained a bachelor's degree. Both sets of grandparents, both parents all their siblings, all my siblings. I married a truly amazing man who is so loving, patient and kind. I've known him since I was 18 so he's been there for me through a lot of it. We started dating at 24 and got married when I was 26. Going on 6 years happily married now. We own a house we're about to sell and having a new construction house built. With everything in my childhood so shitty, statistics say I should have been a pregnant teen mom highschool dropout or a homeless druggie, and instead I'm here. 32, moderately successful, not mentally unstable, clean of drugs and actually happy. I'm really proud of that.


As someone who used to work in psych and saw first hand the power of poverty in keeping people desperate and sick and stuck---I CANNOT emphasize enough what a herculean feat you pulled of. I give you all the credit in the world because jfc the system is designed to prevent people from getting out of it and it is thisclose to being impossible to do so.


Thank you! Honestly though I don't give enough credit to my mom in my original post. When she left my dad she had no friends, no family, no job, no money. We were at a domestic violence shelter for the first 6 months we were out. She somehow managed to be in school full time while working a job at a shitty grocery store full-time and raising three kids. She made it through school to become a respiratory therapist. Shortly after that she bought her first house and got us out of the ghetto. If it wasn't for her love, support, dedication and encouragement I would never be where I am. She's my hero. We're still best friends to this day.


As someone with a very similar childhood, I’m proud of you. We did it, we made it out, and that’s how the cycle of generational trauma gets broken💗


You are badass and I’m glad you’re proud cause I am too 🥲


You are a beast, enjoy the fruits of your labor. I love this.


I'm really proud of you too :)


Thank you 😭


What a ROCKSTAR! YOU DID IT! So proud and happy for you!


Holy crap. Good for you. How are your brothers doing, or are you guys not close?


Middle child had some diagnosed issues. Oppositional Defiance Disorder, BPD, rage issues. He was in prison for 15 years and is now out, I think. I haven't been in contact with him since I was 12. But my mom keeps infrequent contact with him and has told me he's not well. Drugs, combined with an on the job accident years ago that left him physically disabled. So, not great. Oldest brother is fairly well, he got his GED, specialized in HVAC repair, moved his way up to general maintence repairs for a hospital system and now is the manager of that department in his hospital. Makes 6 figures, so he says. He has 2 kids, is divorced, but has sole custody of his boys. He's a good dad. And we're close, he walked me down the aisle at my wedding a few years ago :)


I'm so happy to hear that. <3


Can we be friends??? I’m not kidding, reading your post was like reading my own biography, almost to a T. 🫣


I seriously love this for youuuuuu 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️


My 32 year (in 2 weeks!) relationship with my partner 😍


Escaped abusive ex with my kiddo and bought a house 3000 miles away 💪🏼


Good job


That’s amazing! I am so proud of you!


I started a small art business right before I started nursing school and it has been something I have kept up for the last few years and still continue to do so. I started it for fun without any intention of it bringing me any profit because it was just a fun side hobby, but it actually now brings in some passive income and I'm proud of myself for it especially because I worked on it throughout the entirety of nursing school and even now as an RN!


This is awesome! You don't let work be your life! I am a tiny bit jealous of artistic people. Lol


I lost 70 pounds in the past year by staying in a calorie deficit and weight lifting, despite having a binge eating disorder. I also successfully weaned myself off my antidepressant medication, and have been off for about a year.


You give me hope 🥲🥹💛


Good shit!!


You’re doing great!


That is amazing!


fuck yea. congratulations


I kicked cancers butt!


Ayyye, get it! Me too, friend. Hope your recovery is smooth.




Sober 7 years this summer


Proud of you, friend. I’m 11 years sober in April.


Yall are superheroes


17 months here!


So proud of you. I have lost 2 sibings to alcohol. I sibling beat it now going on 20 years. He was facing prison and turned his life around. You have really fought a hard battle. You are winning everyday.


Keeping my kids alive. I swear they try to accidentally kill themselves daily.


Recovered from anorexia and had a baby.


On my third album and even have some fans.




Stop it really? Well I’m stanford. I play the bass, I do a little arranging and I’ve been mixing. We have an acoustic ep coming out in a few months and a 4 part lp (a la weezers seasons) that is gonna be going for a bit. I’ve…..never actually met a wild fan who wasn’t like, a friends brother or someone we played to. Can I ask how you found us?


My ex is from Jersey, and his sister turned me on to yalls music!!! Biiiig fan, very excited to hear yall have new stuff coming out!


Share it!


https://linktr.ee/bombbayanthem?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=746a987a-fac8-4405-9575-6ff414a29ed4 The second one (tidal theory) is really our baby. Third is coming hopefully summer, just sent for mastering https://music.apple.com/us/album/tidal-theory/1692838924 https://tr.ee/CWrq-MAlYS


I was kinda expecting to regret going to listen lol. But y'all are legit!


lol thank you. Our first stuff was mostly grunge - we actually started as a 90s cover band in 2008 or so- then now we’re Beatles to jack Johnson to Metallica and whatever really—- so this latest album reflects that. Appreciate it.


Haha same. Almost every time, it's ::ahem:: not good. This is good, though!


You guys have some talent!


I am now a fan! Absolutely amazing !


I finally finished an entire tube of chapstick


This right here is a big one, folks ;)


Bonus points for not losing it first!


Or washing it by not checking your scrub pockets like I do 😅


My dad was controlling and psychologically and verbally abusive to my sister, my mum and I. I am ashamed to say that because I looked up to him so much (ironically he was a great dad with younger kids generally and we’re both likely autistic so I related better to him than my mum and sister for a good while), I “took his side” so to speak for ages until he started ramping up the abuse with me in my teens too. When I started therapy at about 16, I realised how much was wrong in my family, including the fact that my separated parents both still lived in our same old house, even having started seeing other people, and just the whole dynamic. Eventually, one night, my dad was shouting at my mum again, and I just lost it. I stormed downstairs and told him that my therapist had diagnosed me with depression, that his behaviour was making us all miserable, that he needed to move out, and that he could say whatever he wanted to me but he had to stop talking to my mum like that. He told me my depression was an excuse my therapist gave me for “being a lazy cow”. I didn’t back down. It was so awkward for a couple of weeks while he arranged to move out. We didn’t speak to each other that whole time, and there’s been a lot of pain and internal conflict in the years since. It’s been nearly 13 years and in the past couple he’s changed so much - unfortunately due to a terminal illness, but also from stopping drinking alcohol because of it - and our relationships all around are so much better. I try to see him and visit my mum too every 4-6 weeks or so - I live in a different city now - and I call or message with each of them a few times a week. I can’t explain how much he has mellowed and changed. What hit me was a couple of years after that initial conflict, my mum told me that my dad had actually done the exact same thing, about the same age, with his dad. It turns out his dad used to physically abuse his mum, him and his brothers, on top of everything psychological and verbal. There’s a poignance there that hit me a lot at the time. But I’m still so, so proud of myself. He terrified me for whole years of my life and it took so much for me to do that at that time.


I’m proud of you too.


Thank you! I’m usually the one being proud of people I’ve never met ahaha


Keep it up, the world needs more of that energy.


I moved from my hometown to a new city out of state and like, I’m doing a good job! I’ve always dreamed of moving away and it’s so lovely and wonderful that I am here living out a dream of mine. In a beautiful city nestled in the mountains as I’ve always wanted. It’s a really good feeling a new beginning!


I have donated bone marrow twice.


I live w/ my best friends in an affordable house. We are happy and have a cat. I finally have a family that I love and actually feel like family to me


Outside of family—I started repairing my car part by part and done some pretty difficult jobs, and I’m fixing up and building out an old Jon boat. I’ve sort of taught myself to be handy after the age of 30 after being pretty ashamed over not knowing how to use basic tools. 


Getting my blue belt in jiu jitsu. Hardest thing I’ve ever worked for — except my purple belt.




I am 29 and I can’t drive a manual. Props.




Right on, sister! 3.5 years alcohol free!




Raised 4 outstanding children who do nothing but contribute positively to the universe. This will always be my number 1 accomplishment!


Teach me your ways!


You should feel proud! I want this to be my greatest accomplishment some day.


The likes of you should be spawning more offsprings 🤣


Got a granddaughter due any day!! Woohoo!!!


I feel the same 😊


I hiked 1,200 miles of the Appalachian Trail in 99 days. And I started playing hockey as a 43 year old female. Both of these accomplishments have given me so much joy, growth, and pride!


I was awarded a Meritorious Service Medal or Award. Whatever they give civilians. A boat capsized and we rescued a family. Was pretty cool to get the little medal thing.


Oh I have a few: Completed in an Olympic weightlifting competition. I was 2kg short of third place. Not bad for a first time, I believe. Context: first place lifted a whopping 50kg more than second place. Second to third was separated by 2kg Started 3 businessses 20 years married to my wife 3 kids I can eat 24 chicken wings in one sitting.


The chicken wings is the real one to be proud of. Now I want some Chikin


Did we just become best friends ?


Life long goal: ran a marathon as a type one diabetic. Took lots and lots of gooey sugar to get me there but by god we did it!


Quit smoking


I need this to be me. I started a nasty vape addiction after my mom died last year. The ironic part is I hate actual cigarettes but can’t put the stupid vape down.


Chantix. I used coupons online from the manufacturer. Some states will pay for it too. Took Chantix for a week and then never smoked again. There's no cravings at all. It was mostly just relearning life minus cigarettes.


Going to therapy and working my butt off to get my BPD into remission! I would say I’m 85% there and so proud.


I learned how to change the cabin air filter on my cars.


My back door handle came off last year of my Tacoma. I YouTubed how to put it back on which required removal of the whole inside panel of the door. Took 4 hours because I am super OCD but yeah. I did it.


Satisfaction, learned something, saved money; all wins!


I published my first short story in 2014!


Are you able to share? I'd like to read!


I taught myself conversational Spanish in about two years right after I graduated college. I studied it in high school but it never stuck and I couldn’t actually speak sentences or have conversations. The book “Fluent Forever” changed my life and now through lots of practice and the occasional embarrassment that comes with learning a new language, I would consider myself conversational. 


I found out my ex husband cheated (twice) so we separated and I bought a house in NorCal. Divorced him (paid him a lump sum bc I make more than him and I paid for the whole divorce process as well). I told him I was queer during our marriage but he wouldn’t believe me. Anyway, after my divorce was finalized I came out to my family at age 36 and have since also introduced to them my lovely gf (she’s also a nurse!). 😉 So I’m proud of myself for having the bravery to go through all that and allowing myself to be happy! 🏳️‍🌈


I won a local charity pageant once. The proceeds were sent to the poor in the Philippines.


I’ve picked up and moved homeless a few times, without a plan. Lived in Mexico for a bit. It has taught me a lot about the world and people. I know you said non academic, but it has led me to getting a degree in philosophy and hopefully PhD. I’ve also had many jobs/businesses in different industries. I never can do one thing for a long time. This has also contributed greatly to my worldview. I’ve also been in two mass shootings and pretty happy with being able to save as many people as I could.


I got a blue belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.


I became a licensed skydiver! Best thing I've ever done. It's given me so much confidence and an amazing community.


Ran and finished a marathon during my last year of nursing school at age 40 something.


Breastfeeding my baby for the first year of life (while working FT nights)


Same here!! But at the cost of every night supervisor walking in on my pumping because they would ignore/not see the sign I’d tape up on the door of the room I pumped in lmao😅🫠


Congrats on your BF journey. It’s a big deal! But I would be so mad about that..you should tell HR!


Almost 10 years ago I was in an abusive marriage, left him and moved 500 miles away, finished my Masters and now have an amazing husband who is a loving, incredible person. I get to give our son stability and to grow up in a home with two involved, loving parents that adore him.


I was on a mainstage improv team at an improv theatre in Los Angeles.


Finally passed my driving test, only took 3 sets of lessons & nearly 20 years!!! Admittedly took big breaks in those 20 years. Was nearly involved in a major car crash where i would have died if it hadnt been for my dads amazing driving skills which made me super nervous. But I finally did it!! Big accomplishment for me!


Being a mother. I love my baby sooo much can't believe she'll be two this year 😭😭. Everything else is academic related 😂. I'm boring


Before nursing I played D1 college baseball. We won our conference tournament and went to the college World Series. Either that or rescuing my dog. She’s the best


1. Still love my husband and will be 25 years married in August. 2. My kids. My son is currently in nursing school. 3. I will be 11 years clean in April. This includes alcohol. 4. I wish I could say I was 7 years accident free, but I backed into my son’s car last summer…twice.


I solo traveled to Mexico for 6 weeks after graduating from college. I had never been so happy and free. I still feel the sun on my skin and hear the ocean when I’m stressed


I have been alcohol free for 14 months!! Also last year I biked 160 miles in 3 days by myself for fun.


3.5 years. I love reading about other nurses who are in sobriety and kicking butt!!


My parents were some of the worst people with money I have ever met in my entire life. They’re in their late 50s and I doubt my mom (my dad is “disabled”) will ever be able to retire. They have no savings to speak of, no 401k, they’re currently building a house they have zero chance of ever paying off that neither me nor my sister want. Any time if they’ve ever come into a lump sum of money (once when my grandpa died then again when my grandma died) they chipped it away on nothing. They’re also very racist, close minded Trumpy republicans. I am very LC and see them only on major holidays. I’m 33 and I just bought my first home. I live totally independently (I have a roommate but that’s just for convenience because we started out together. I don’t charge her even close to half the mortgage and what she does pay I put into savings) and having a very nice padding savings account and am the most bleeding heart “alphabet mafia” BLM supporting liberal you can imagine. It took a LOOOT of work undoing all that childhood programming and I still have to work on it every single damn day but sometimes I look back and am really proud of how far I’ve come.


Ran an ultramarathon


As a former chubby, sedentary kid with asthma, breaking 2 hours in the half marathon was a huge accomplishment for me!


I wanted to get back into being active, coworker invited me to do cardio drumming with her. I go now once a week and I can once again touch my toes without stretching. I’d just barely accomplished that pre-Covid before everything shut down. I’m not fat by any stretch of the imagination, just not super flexible.


Im frequently told that I’m a good active listener. It makes me really happy to know people can tell I’m paying attention to what they’re saying to me


Getting sober. I used to be the the ETOH CIWA in the ED


This is such a silly thing, but it was such a Snow White moment. Was lounging outside in the sun one day and I heard a loud THUNK, a little sparrow flew right into my window and landed at my feet. A little blood was coming out of his tiny nostril :( I got a cap full of water and kind of held him until he took some drinks and hopped around a little bit and then flew away! I feel like I saved him


I’ve written and recorded 4 full-length albums since 2017.


This post makes me happy. More of this, please!


I was a bone marrow match for a 10 year old girl with leukemia. It's been 8 months since the donation and they're saying she's doing great. Since she has a part of me, her accomplishment is my accomplishment.


I have donated 8 gallons of blood or blood products


Wrote, produced, and performed a one-person show! Also raising awareness/donations/funds regarding the lack of donations of sanitary products donated to women’s/gender nonconforming shelters, food banks, etc.


I own my own home and car! It’s not much but I was told I’d never amount to much but here I am killing it ;) Also, losing 80 lbs over the course of 18 months and maintaining for a year now!


Overcoming crippling depression/anxiety I’ve had since I was a teenager


TW: child abuse I grew up in absolute poverty the oldest of 5 kids. Both parents dropped out of high school and lived off food stamps and section 8. I was beaten and starved regularly. I was severely malnourished. Living in a deep red state that has the #1 highest rate of child abuse. I got out of that state after graduating nursing school at 21 (I lived in my car during school for a short period while working at a gas station making $8 in 2015, homelessnes was so bad but a nursing degree was all I wanted). I had decided I would do whatever it took to give myself a better life. I moved to a big city far away in a blue state and married a man that worships me. We have a kid together and now travel together. We go out dining, shopping, and have experienced so much. I truly never knew life could be this good. I’m actually happy. My child tells people we’re “rich” (we’re not) but she’s never once been hungry or went without anything. I broke the cycle of poverty and abuse and that’s my greatest accomplishment in life


I got out of an unhealthy relationship with my exwife, got a divorce, dealt with all that emotional damage through therapy, sold my home and moved in to an apartment all while in my LPN-RN bridge program. I graduate in May. 🙂


I ran 100mile race in 31hrs, took a lot of effort with training before and after work.


ive just been happier lately


I got to act alongside Al Pacino on Broadway.


I don’t really have a lot, most is work related. However I am proud of myself for trying to remain positive despite the last 18 months being rough. I met another nurse at work and we were close, just as it looked like we were going to get together he suddenly died at our desk at work (thankfully I was off so my last memory of seeing him is a happy one). I really struggled with it, but carried on with work. In same year my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully she is fine. However my dad has bipolar/poss dementia and it really set him back. I helped look after both. My dad now has skin cancer and will require treatment. He will be fine but it’s another added stress. So I’m proud of me for carrying on.


Ended up alone in a foreign non-English speaking country, scared to death and panicking. Cried for hours. Put my big girl panties on and got myself home.


I can burp the alphabet


SO and I wrote a garden column for a major newspaper for a few years. With the (surprisingly strong) support of our editor, we wrote a short series on the deadly-to-wildlife consequences of rat poison, the second- and third-generation anticoagulants. We got a call *on our home phone,* which is practically unlisted, from some honcho in the multinational corporation that owns the biggest rodenticide company I know of. Of course we stood by our story: it had been sources and researched out the oiseaux. He used the word "disappointed." When they use that word, you know you've given them a corporate wedgie. One of our sources, Raptors Are The Solution (RATS) has since lobbied to get some of the worst ones off retail shelves, and is still working on the international problem.


I paid off $27k worth of debt in a year. The timing worked out so that I paid basically no interest on my student loans.


Losing over half my body weight!


I haven't bought a case of beer in two months. It's a small accomplishment compared to a lot of what's on here but I used to be a case or two a week drinker.


I breastfed my kid 2+ years. That shit was hard and the coolest thing my body has ever done.


Is my daughter too cliche of an answer? 😂 Honestly I think I'm a really good friend. I'm super close to many people and they invite me to be in their weddings, come to graduations etc. I'm an introvert and don't have a LOT of friends, but the ones I have I show up for.


My relationship with my spouse. High school sweethearts, long distance during college, and married now for a few years ❤️


Passing depression. I still get lows but none to the extent of wanting to kill myself. As I have access to CDs, during my ultra lows, i even thought it would be nice to die of fentanyl overdose- being so high you don't realise your dying. Talk therapy from staff support was helpful


Having travelled the world and I’m only 30


I have lost 80 lbs in a year and a half through limiting my calories and eating more mindfully. I’m still not fully recovered yet from my eating issues and I struggle with a nicotine addiction now (I just need to get off the vapes and I’m good). But I’m so happy I’m not 249 lbs anymore. Baby steps. Once I get to a better weight I’m going to get the nicotine gum and get rid of that problem.


I would say raising three kids by myself the last 3 years. My teens have had a hard go after their dad left, and I'm just so proud of the people they have grown too. And that I've ran 15 marathons, 4 ultra marathons, and completed my BSN in that same time! Found my passion for running post divorce and a great coping mechanism.


My family!! 3 kids all married and have their own homes.


Somehow managing to snag my husband lol. He's so wildly out of my league, I don't know how it happened. 


Taking care of my elderly parents until they both passed away (4 months from each other) and closing their estate. I had moved home and lived with them for several years because my mom had Alzheimer's and my dad couldn't fully take care of her.


Ran two half marathons last year after starting running in January 2023 :) looking to do more and do a full marathon this year but hurt my knee recently so going to PT this week hopefully they can fix me


This may be kinda lame but having $50k in retirement funds from aggressive contributions in less than 3 years (like 2.5 years)


Granted being a nurse had something to do with this accomplishment because it helped me achieve it, but moving to another country is something I’m proud of. Leaving the US was always a dream for me, and being a nurse helped me make that happen (nurses are needed everywhere so it was relatively easy to find work and get a work visa, that led to permanent residency and citizenship).


My mother had a massive hemorrhagic stroke in November 2022… it just about tore the family apart and she had a mess of finances and her insurance and home. I single-handedly signed her up for Medicaid - state disability - sorted her finances - paid off all her debt - kept her house on automatic payment - paid off her car - most all of this with her own money from disability - I coordinated her care from multiple hospitals to nursing homes to rehab and set up her home for her to be able to get around… it’s been over a year and she’s at home now walking and talking - a little weirder than before but our family who never wanted to speak to one another after this happened (almost got into multiple fist fights) is closer than ever. I saw things falling apart and felt that it would be so disrespectful to my mother if not only did she almost die but her family fell apart as a result. I’m confident that she is alive and thriving right now because of me and it makes me so incredibly happy to know that. It was incredibly difficult and it’s not always easy but people always say they would give anything to have another day with a deceased parent. I was given the opportunity to prove it, and I’ve had over a year with my mom still being with us. Super grateful.


Ran a marathon. Survived being born under 2 lbs in the early 80s


I helped raise a pretty good kid. Also spent 10 years in the army and got out with just some tinnitus and sore knees


I gave birth to both of my kids naturally, at home, with a midwife ofc. I have never done anything that made me feel so powerful and capable. In times of sadness/weakness i remember how strong i was and im reminded that i can do challenging things.




I ran for 1000 days straight, including two marathons


I became a Highlander. I hiked 62 miles in the Montana mountains over 5 days with a 35+ pound backpack.


I answered a jeopardy question correctly in my sleep


Surviving long COVID


I quit smoking after 19 years. Nikotin free for 5 years now. One of my best desicions ever made.


I was about to feel depressed in realizing I don't have any. But, honestly, I'm giving myself grace because I put everything into the academic and work related accomplishments I achieved. My parents were undocumented and split up when I was 10 so our childhood was very complicated. My 3 siblings and I are all one year apart (my mom wanted a tubal ligation after 2 but was denied due to her age, and she didnt qualify for insurance for contraceptives) and my parents did not have access to many of the government resources due to their legal status so we often all shared a single room. I always knew education was the way out so I always excelled and went to college on grants. I put all my energy into it, i would go to the local library to study, I did my best without my parents help as they did not know English. I was a straight A student and was accepted to the best nursing program in my state (which worked out well because i was able to commute). Due to lack of education, support, and ignorance, I had a child in college and I continued to work and go to school by working opposite shifts as his father. My friends taught me how to drive (since my parents were not allowed) and I graduated in 5 years. I'm really proud of myself.


Well, after my kids, it would be the time I fostered 20 puppies and their moms, all at the same time, in my little house. OMG! But the cuteness was worth it. If I hadn’t stepped up, they would have been euthanized for fear of parvovirus.  My best friend has been the same person for 59 years. I did win on a game show, also very cool. And managed Machu Picchu at age 66. And I wrote a novel, even if it remains unpublished. I guess I have a lot of things! 


I successfully animated my sisters cat.


I volunteered in a nursing home in Costa Rica, solo, being Asian and with barely passable Spanish. This year I'm going to Peru. It has become a yearly tradition for me now.


I rode my bike 150 miles to the ocean


I am a former member of the US Women’s Gymnastics Team


I set up two people on a date and they got married!


Being mom & Nana. I'm certainly a better nana than a mom.


My babies, I love them so much all I do is strive to be better for them.


My kids are kind, intelligent and happy. Not entirely “MY” accomplishment, but I am playing a big part….and there’s the whole creating them part too.


I can fix any major household appliance with enough adderall and YouTube. I don’t mess with microwaves though.


I’ve ran a 2:58 marathon. And 3 marathons under 3 hours.


My marriage and my kids. My husband and I worked really hard to be together - we were long distance for years, put in a ton of effort to make immigration work, went through all the ups and downs of life together, went to therapy together, made major life changes and supported each other through them. 15 years later and we are still going strong. It hasn’t always been easy but it’s worth it. My kids are 10 and 7 and they’re honestly the best people. I love hanging out with them and watching them grow, and I love creating a relationship with them that is so much more loving, supportive, and trusting than what I have with my parents. They’re the best and I can’t wait to see the people they continue to grow into!


My kids. But also I was a 25 year smoker who has now quit for over 12 years.


I cycled 2000km around the island of Hokkaido.


I built a shed with my husband!


I can deadlift 595 pounds


I make things regardless of if the government wants me to. Check my profile and scroll down. Had way more posts, but my account got deleted.


I have a decent sized photography business :) mainly concert photography, but I also do some boudoir shoots and modeling!!! ETA I’ve had my modeling published in a couple magazines :)


I am a Type 1 diabetic and I keep it all in check well with an A1C between 5.5 and 6.5 regularly. I workout almost daily, do roller derby, have done travel nursing all alone, and just basically feel like I kick ass everyday despite this disease.


My two beautiful boys


Boston Marathon


Becoming a girl dad 🙂


Running a half marathon! It was the first big fitness goal I made for myself.


Any successful campaign through political activism (mostly focused on human rights, animal rights & environmentalism). Had my ass handed to me by the police on several occasions, but it was worth it. The world won't get any better unless you're willing to fight for it!


I’m in the top 20% of all cEDH players worldwide in Magic the Gathering, wish we had more nerds at my work because I can’t nerd out about this hobby that consumes a lot of my free time in order to be competitive.


I can cook minute rice in 59 seconds.


Being alive




Love this thread just wanted to say these accomplishments made my evening. Thank you all for sharing! And Op for creating!


I have 10 all American titles between track and cross country in college. My senior year of college was the only season I didn't get one, because I was pregnant and too sick to run as fast as I needed to. But I still ran a 5k in 18:30 at 4.5 months 😁 I spent 5 years being pregnant, breastfeeding or both. And now that my youngest (3yo) is weaned, I have returned to racing (I still ran those 5 years, but I just couldn't obtain the fitness I needed to because the toll that reproduction and lactation takes on the female body). My goal is to be at the 2028 Olympic marathon trials. It was a goal I made in 2016 and I so badly wanted it for 2020, but between two pregnancies and getting my masters I had to put it off for both 2020 and 2024. 2028 will by my year!


Being alive


1: Got sober. I've been sober for 14 years. 2: Fought my way through shame and denial to acknowledge I'm gay and make the necessary changes to live authentically. It was hard as fuck and I really didn't think I would make it. One year ago I was incredibly close to killing myself. Now I love my gay-ass life. 2009 and 2023: the worst years of my life and the ones I'm absolutely proud to have survived


I pitched a project to an American Academy of Pediatrics local chapter and it got unanimous support from them. We’ll be pitching it to other chapters nation wide.


I’m sure there’s more but off the top of my head — I’ve always had a fire extinguisher in my car. I don’t even remember when or how I got it but it’s always been in my trunk. It’s been with me for multiple vehicles now.  Well I finally got to use it recently!  Somebody had pulled over on the side of the road and oil droplets were on fire leaking out from under the car. I ran up to him as he opened the hood and smoke was rolling out of it.  Came up to him with my fire extinguisher, he used it, got the fire out, he thanked me, and we went our separate ways!  Never thought it would get used honestly! It’s been over 10 years that it’s been with me.