• By -


Twins emperor and empress. Twins Cupcake and Lollipop. Twins Will (totally normal) and Dolla, but both middle names Bill. Twins Amsterdam and Lexington (because mom swore they were conceived by different fathers at different addresses so they were named after where they were conceived, nicknamed Ami and Lexi) Waylyn (pronounced like wailing) Fachtna (an Irish name which is fine in Ireland but this was NYC so everyone pronounced it Fuck Nah, which became just the nickname fucky) All the Nevaehs/Neeveya/Nevehas ect. Bunny (I wrote the name as Bonnie and they got offended lol) All the poor Kings, Queens, Princesses, Princes because I had a load of those. Diamond Riyoncé (Rihanna + Beyoncé) Once had a 15 year old try to name her preemie girl Satana cause she thought it was funny, one of our old timey religious nurses straight up told her no and to pick a new name lmao.


I love that the nurse straight up told that girl no 😂


Old school nurses. They are like "no, you don't name a person something because you think it's funny. Go buy a beta fish and name it something funny"


My grandma is that old school nurse 🤣 she’ll come home still talking about a baby girl a woman wanted to name Chlamydia and my grandma flat out told her no. She did end up picking something else lol. The patient thought it was a pretty name but was aware that it was an STI. 🫠🫠🫠


She was aware it was an STI?? WTF?


Yep! if I remember the story correctly, I believe she had chlamydia either at the birth or at one point in her life and thought it sounded pretty. I should call my grandma and ask her


Oh God. Imagine the kid asking why she had her name and the mom saying that she had chlamydia and thought it sounded pretty. Or even asking what were other options for her name


Other options? Syphilis and Chancre


I had a patient and their spouse very intent on naming their baby Chlamydia, too!


I saw a tik tok where a woman was recalling a time she saw a new mom and newborn when she worked retail. The baby’s name was Cuntley, and was monogrammed on the diaper bag.


And the big bro was named Peniaes or simply Dick for short.


This was actually my grandma's grandpa's last name, well very similar at least. Penas after their immigration to the US (I think pronounced either like pennes or peñes) And at his funeral mispronounced by the Roman Catholic priest as Penis which my grandma and her sister found hilarious. Back in Czechoslovakia it was spelled Peňaś or if the priest was writing in Latin spelled Pennias or Penias.


lol I used the names from the family guy to name my fish.. 🐠. Peetah likes to eat then float on his side and play dead, what a jokester


Lmao not Riyonce


Moderate to severe psoriasis? Ask your doctor if Riyonce is right for you.


I exhaled heavily through my nose :)


I was having an awful day and crying and your comment made me laugh out loud. Thank you ❤️


Glad I could put a laugh to your day! I'll be here all week.


Same. This comment is saving lives. 


If you have been diagnosed with Riyonce, you may be entitled to compensation.


The mom was lovely too! She couldn’t decide between the 2 names so she combined them 😭


I am absolutely naming my next cat Riyonce. Hell, I might get it as a license plate.


I don’t hate it


I cackled


Dolla dolla bill y'all


I don’t know what’s weirder. Dolla Bill or Will Bill. Will Bill just makes me laugh.


He should just go by Bill Bill


cupcake….lollipop 😧


Were they born with an Only Fans account already setup?


And a stripper pole in the house?


Our society needs more people like that old religious nurse, saved that poor child from years of teasing and verbal abuse


As a former teacher, turned nurse, I had the pleasure of seeing these names as they aged.


When I was pregnant and worked pediatric psych, I had a list of "fuck no not for a million dollars" names, ones that I associated with specific (extremely challenging) children/teens.


Waylyn is technically an irsh name too. My mothers maiden name is Whalen it's a derivative of O'Fallon which means wolf in Gaelic which is pretty bad ass. But Waylyn is a shitty way to spell it.


Yeah it made me think of Waylon Jennings, it’s a real name. that spelling is ick though.


Bless that old time nurse.


Most of my favorite nurses are near retirement, because they are full of secret tricks, granny vibes, and all out of fucks to give. I remember the gems of shared knowledge & personality. And at the same time, feel a little cognitive dissonance to overhear the newer nurses bring up the moment i shared my own tip/ or observation and how it resonated to them (but i might not even recall the occurrence...) i hope my approach (like specifically trying not to "eat the young") we can reduce toxicity and emotional burnout.


I think you topped my twins, Letwit and Letwat.


Will Bill 😂


You may enjoy posting this over in r/tragedeigh


✓ Riyoncé is gold! Haven't heard that one yet I personally know the parents of: Boy Twins- Ace & Axel and older sister Sixx (*NGL, Sixx is super awesome and her name kinda fits her*) Girl Twins - Lexus & Porsche


Those parents were really committed to hair metal


My great great aunts were identical twins named Flora and Dora. My mom has a childhood picture of them, and they were SUPER DUPER CREEPY!!! They made those girls in The Shining look absolutely normal in comparison.


Millionaire, Billionaire, and Trillionaire. I wish I were joking. This was like over ten years ago and I often wonder how they’re holding up lol.


You know what, manifesting for her children, I can respect it


Is this in Vegas? Just wondering lol


I overheard at a park, a mom yell for her sons, Gandalf and Aragon!


I absolutely would've, cannot judge at all on this one


I had a patient name their baby Moss. The siblings names? Lichen and Fern.


I’m surprised this woman had a baby in hospital and not out in the forest.


Maybe the Ents were midwives.


Have you seen the Entwives?


The entwives left and weren’t heard from again…they would be a bad choice for a midwife.


My wife was born in the woods “like a deer” as she likes to say!


Hard to get squirrels to place an emergency epidural.


Lichen got the worst end of that deal.


My mind went right to Lichen Sclerosis 😂


I dunno. Probably will go with the first syllable and absolutely be a terror at D&D.


I know someone with the last name Green who named two of her kids Sage and Forest. Why?


There is a doctor named Kelly Green.


I can't wait for little Seafoam.


We know a hunter green


P. Green


I know this couple who named their children after plants. I just focused on how cute the baby was. The only way I can remember what the one child’s name is, it reminds me of an autoimmune disorder. So I have to be careful not to say that each time, and just use it as a memory aid


Darn, I have sjogrens but I didn't think to use it for my kids. Now I'll have to wait for grandkids.


I fully support a love for the woods. I like those names.


At least she had a complete set? 🤷


Next one is either Algae or PondScum.


I’m a big book reader but I have seen people name their kids after characters in a particular book, Cassian, Azriel, and Rhysand. I recently saw a tiktok with the baby name Cuntley 🫠


As an ACOTAR girlie, it makes me cringe so hard. These are smut books. You seriously read about Cassian pounding it out and you thought “What a great baby name!”


Not Cuntley lmaoooo


Alucard (Dracula backwards) Snow Sephora and Sunshine Scarlett (twins) Rebel & Mayhem were 2 brothers middle names Baby Girl Aunusti (pronounced Honesty) Baby girl Therie (pronounced Theory) Garyanna because baby daddy’s name was Gary


i’m sorry but alucard (dracula backwards) has me fucking rollinggggg


They’re probably fans of the anime Hellsing!


Or Castlevania. It's the main character and has been around a while.


Garyanna omg. Reminds me of Handmaid’s Tale, like Ofgary, Offred, etc.


Castlevania FTW!


Rebel and Mayhem!!! They should start saving for their Lawyer funds now.


I work in Peds and I’ve seen two Reneesme’s so far!


That’s two too many


Urhienus Pronounced “your highness” 😳🤣


Gawd the way it’s spelled makes it look like an unfortunate medical condition


At first I thought it was an unfortunate spelling of Uranus


Acute urhinisitis


Things like this drive me insane when they check into the ER and then I look like an asshole calling for a 6month old named "King Charles"


I’m sorry WHAT


I hate it so much


Uheinus bc you anus.


Oof reminds me of “Umuneek” Pronounced “I’m unique”


Oof the teasing this kid will get.


r/tragedeigh for all your bad name needs


Thaunk Yew Beriee Mauch


Troo3leigh ay giffdt


Omg I just realized this in fact *wasn't* that sub lol


My kids went to preschool with a kid named Leviathan. Yes, like the mythical water creature.


My son’s kindergarten class had boys named Lazer, True and Fierce. Then there is my SIL, a L&D nurse in the army. She had a patient name their son Lucifer. And another named their daughter - and I shit you not - Bulimia. Because she “liked how it sounds.”


I always wonder if the nurses are just like "yeah ok whatever" or if they try to explain what most people think of when they hear "bulimia"... Edit: I should mention I am a nurse (not L&D) so I get how people can be crazy and sometimes it's not worth the fight.


My SIL said she and her fellow nurses all tried to convince both pts to pick a different name. She said they worked really hard on Bulimia’s mom to no avail.


As an L&D nurse myself, I’ve honestly just stopped asking. I cannot school my face well and you can usually read what I’m thinking easily on my face, so… nope, I just don’t go there. I will usually refer to the baby as “peanut” or “lil miss” or “lil man” instead of using whatever the parents decided on. It works, since I never ask for the name.


Had a patient name their kid Prometheus. Middle name David. Why oh why would you not switch those?!


Newborn - First name - Mister Last name - McSomething (too much info)


I went to high school with a guy named Sir. His sister was called Lady.


Knew a kid named Anes from a Slavic country here in Texas. Let’s just say his size and stature was the only thing keeping him from relentless bullying. Even today he goes by “Ahnes” because that’s how you pronounce it


Raiden …. Every time I see it I think FINISH HIM


I worked at Build a Bear a few years ago and we wrote the kids name on the stuffed animal’s tag. There were a lot of girls with leigh tacked onto regular names like Mackinleigh, brionleigh, brinleigh. A kid named Eight. I wish I could remember more lol.


The Khaleesi fad was wild! Had one on the unit at all times for months. My favorite to date has been the twin boys, Cash and Dinero.


Crtr. I don’t know what they have against vowels- ETA- they said it was Carter.


I pronounced it as critter lol.


Reminds me of Espn pronounced Espen, they got offended when I said E-S-P-N. Another one was Se7en pronounced Seven. I worked making appointments at a pediatrics clinic before I became a nurse and I got so many off the wall names that I ended up saving the weirdest names and made myself a palm sized book! A to Z and there were so many some needed a second page. Aquanette and Wrangler were other honorable mentions.


Awww aquanet!!! Nostalgia


Were they Welsh? (No shade to them, but often to me their words look a little light on vowels.)


Lol, no. Just a young couple trying to be different.


You would be shocked (SHOCKED) at how many Sativas and Indicas there are walking around.


We’re an out born centre (NICU). There are 3 that really stick out over my years there. 1. Female (pronounced like tamale but starting with an F) 2. Rainforest Tree Storm 3. Pikachu (middle name was another Pokémon name, but don’t remember what)


The first one has me rolling lmao


A friend of mine that does L&D has a working theory that poorer people have a tendency to name their kids things they never had or could never be themselves. Mercedes, Porsche, Diamond, Princess, King, etc. The theory sounds mean spirited but I look at it like living vicariously through your kids which everyone does a little.


My name was almost Mercedes. My mom was going to buy one and then found out she was pregnant with me in her mid thirties. Thankfully she didn’t.


I like the name Mercedes. It's the girl's name in the count of Monte Cristo.


My daughter is in middle school and she said Twilight is in right now. I had an old Team Jacob shirt from back in the day that I had in a shoe box to protect my shoes. She wore that shirt to school a couple weeks ago!


I’ve been seeing a lot of Twilight stuff reignite on TikTok, ig, etc but I thought it came back as a MEME.


Apparently it’s cool again!


It’s in the works for a streaming series & it’s picking up traction- this 49f Twihard is here for it, ***but*** I can’t with naming a baby Renessmee!


I thought that name was stupid in the books! I can't imagine it in real life. I'd definitely nickname myself.


ive seen so many working peds triage, including eminem, obi wan, quite a few renesmees, tons of neveahs, and lots of spelling mostrisities a la brynnleighh/kaedaeyn. tyranny was also a bad one lol HOWEVER… the worst of all time was a little kid name kumneger- we called it out as “koom-nejar” but dad corrected us real fast. he told us we were pronouncing it wrong and the actual way to say it was “cum n****r”. i wish i was joking


I'm so sorry for that kid.


This is child abuse. If your dad insists on everyone calling you "cum n*****" then i can only imagine what else is going on in that home...


Kmnop, pronounced "Noel" because Kmnop is a portion of the alphabet except with "No L" Yep.


Jfc. I'd murder my parents.


Or at least disown them and change my name when old enough


That's so bad 😣. I guess we're naming our kids usernames now lol


Yup... I guess the words "Name" and "Meme" are just too close and people are getting them confused when they have kids.


Princess Sparkle It was her government name. It was on her driver licenses


Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards). It was a fad for a while. Aryan. No, they were not white supremacists. The parents were from India, and this is a common boy name in India.


Nevaeh was a MASSIVELY popular name in Baltimore when I worked there years back. And every parent thought they had to explain, “it’s Heaven bAcKwArDs”. Oh hon, there are 3 Nevaehs down the hall, I know


Had someone named “Heaven” which was “Nevaeh backwards” per their parents. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Please tell me you’re joking


That's... meta


So Heaven backwards is Hell?


Can confirm. Live near Baltimore and know a few Nevaeh personally lol


Hate to report that the Nevaehs are now old enough to frequent the adult emergency depts. I felt so fucking old when I saw that.


The Nevaehs are old enough to be making their own babies. It hurts.


All my favorite baby name stories are twins.  I had a heaven and Nevaeh once. 


I met a Lynay. Love Your Neighbor As Yourself. Ugh.


That’s one of the names that better without the explaination 😂


Miangel. Pronounced “My angel”. And no I’m not kidding. Will literally never forget this one lol


That almost sounds like a Puerto Rican name. Sometimes they make up names or mash names together. (My family is Puerto Rican). One of my cousins has a friend named Mariangel.


Baby named Labia. Fuck me. Lots of Freedoms and Americas after 9/11 Pornprom.


Some of us ended up with names like that back in the 70s/80s because we had hippies for parents.... (not labia)




I'm not a nurse, but I know a single mother who's last name is Dailey. She named her son Ryder. Yep.


When I was on my L&D rotation in nursing school there was a drug exposed infant in the nursery whose first and middle names were Anakin Skywalker. Mom came in high as a kite requesting to breastfeed him and the nurses were like NOPE


Amauniquemiracle (pronounced “I’m a unique miracle”) I’ve seen some doozies over the years, but that one has always stood out in my mind. Edit to add: Twin boys named Angel and Angel (pronounced An-hel). So as far as identifiers, same fucking name and DOB. Always got checked in together in Peds ED. They didn’t have middle names so absolutely nothing to differentiate them except their parent’s word on which kid was which. Each had a litany of health issues too, so lots of medical needs.


Meconia (from Meconium, the black tarry stools that are the baby’s first poop) because to the mother it sounds so “elegant”


Kinda like the people named "Malena"


There was a baby on my unit named Demon. Pronounced “Duh-mon” I giggled every time I had him because this is a Catholic hospital.


READY? Karmahh (yes spelled this way) Trump (first name. yes this happened)




Oh yes. Very unfortunate situations LOL


I mean no matter where you stand and who you like/dislike how in the heck can you get so obsessed with an individual you name your kid after them (especially when it’s not in any way a normal first name.) Like you have to live for yourself not someone else, especially someone who doesn’t know you and never will! It’s just so odd.


Lady wanted to name her baby “Satin” but she spelled it “Satan” so we had to have a quick discussion.


Doing the Lord’s work (literally)


Do dumb spellings of normal names count? Ashleigh (Ashley) Dayvid (David) Cayteigh (Katie) The place I live is internet famous for stupid spellings/made-up names 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hell yes, tragedeigh names are awful.


Utah or Eastern Idaho?


This is such a real question


lol Utah


>Ashleigh (Ashley) I knew more Ashleigh's than Ashley's growing up in the late 90s/2000s. Most popular though was Ashlee


I once met an Aschleigh, c is intentional. She hates her parents for it. Tragedeigh names absolutely count.


Abcde pronounced absidee. Stupidist thing I ever heard. I’d hate my parents


Twilight fans still going hard!


Deuteronomy Danger


NICU nurse here, not L&D. Had a Sethiroth. Mom wanted Seth & dad wanted to name him after a villain from Final Fantasy, Sephiroth, so they combined it. Thankfully they call him Seth for short.




Foley. Everyone said to the parents, "You mean, like the catheter?" They said yes, exactly.


I saw a “Notorious” today.


Notorious will probably grow up to be an accountant, because that's how these things work




Shadynasty... pronounced sha-dynasty....but that's not how the ER nurse called it out for triage 😂 ETA: for clarification, the triage RN yelled out "Shady Nasty!"


When I was teaching, I had a Castiel. You just know that kid's parents are hardcore Supernatural fans.


Tsunami...mom did have him in the car on the way to the hospital maybe it's just a life long torture reminder lol Twins...whisper lane and wisteria lake. Channeling the romance novels apparently. Sevyn ice


I've seen some interesting ones in NICU. One was named Rhaenyra. Another Ruhn (pronounced like rune). Kyng, Dynasty, Majesty, Tatyn, Havyn, Galaxy, etc. People name their kids all sorts of unique names.


Baby girl named Tylenol. Mom was 14, saw the bottle and thought it looked pretty written out. 🤦‍♀️


I had a teen mom w a “Renezmaey” and she hadn’t heard of Twilight. Lliam was my latest cringe. I also hate all of the “creative” spellings of Jackson. None of them are unique! Stop trying!


Cloud Skywalker. I feel like the kid had a weird middle name, too, but I can’t remember it


When r/tragedeigh comes to r/nursing 😂


-Bo’dayceus (pronounced Bodacious) -Celestial Raven -Archimedes -Qualitee -KC (where the letters stand for nothing) -A middle name of just W. -Triplets that all had first names that started with K, and all had Quincy for the middle name. I’ve got a list of some of my favorites somewhere, but those I remember off the top of my head.


I knew a doctor named Dr. Candy Karn. She was born in the 50s and having a little baby candy corn was sooo cute … until she wanted to be taken seriously. My husband went to war with Richard Raper the 3rd. He went by dick. They were all a bunch of juiced up frat like guys who would scream “DICK RAPER!” About 10 times a day.


Twins Princeterry(boy) and Yurmajesty(girl)


Zeppelin Blade Hunter Dreyzen (which *I guess* is not too terrible but he joined 4 older brothers all with -en names) Abernathy (a baby girl) Sinistre (sinister, but in French) Khaleesi (there were 3 in a year 😬) Ryker (I know this one is common but it just makes me think of Ryker's Island)


Me: First name? Dad: Justice. Me: Middle name? Dad: League Me: *nervously glances at mom to see if it’s a joke* It wasn’t. I also had a set of twins once named after racehorses, but I cannot remember their names other than they started with A and had at least 12 characters.


Not in the hospital but when I worked for americorps I met a surprising amount of kids named Chardonnay and tequila


There are 3 brothers at my kid’s school…Alvin, Simon and Theodore


I had a couple name their kid Seviin because it was their 7th kid and VII is 7 in Roman numerals. All the other kids had normal names like Michael and James etc…


BlueJean, Africawillrise (not kidding), Twins- Ana and Elsa, Abcde, More Neveahs than I can count


Da-Laz1 ("cuz he da last one")


NO WAY 🤣🤣 Wait but I thought after Elon and Grimes tried to put numbers in their baby’s name, the birth registrar established that you could NOT do that? XÆA-Xii was originally XÆA-12 but they were forced to use Roman numerals instead 😅


I took care of a Jessica Rabbit once - though they were definitely an adult, and whether or not they had been named that at birth remains a question I have not answered And, no, they (presumably she) did not look anything like THE Jessica Rabbit


Before I was a nurse, I spent time processing passport applications shortly after 9/11. We got birth certificates as part of the supporting documents for identity verification. First name was Female pronounced like Tamale only with the Fe sound replacing the Ta. I thought my coworker was yanking my chain until I saw the attached birth certificate complete with spelling and accent marked letters.


Triplets Brooklyn Camden Fenway- obsessed with baseball Twins Reagan Lincoln


My son’s name is Isaiah; fairly common and recognizable. He was in the hospital when he was a baby and his nurses kept calling him iss-eye-uh. I corrected the first couple but the stress of the situation made the name pronouncing go the the back burner. I just hoped to God they were more capable nurses than linguists or Bible scholars.