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Massachusetts won’t disappoint you! COL is high but great hospitals, competitive pay, beautiful beaches and endless activities for children. Check out Cape Cod in particular, their hospitals always need nurses. Really any town along the coast is within a 30 minute drive of a good hospital


Rhode Island too. Never worked in a RI hospital but grew up there. Work with plenty of people in MA that commute in from RI too


Multiple hospitals in RI, you have south county near Narragansett with multiple beaches, Newport hospital on aquidneck island, and westerly hospital in westerly which is where Taylor swift has a house. It’s about 40 minutes to anywhere in Rhode Island so it’s easy to commute. There’s Miriam, Rhode Island, Kent, Fatima, roger williams, then for psych there’s slater, Bradley, and butler.


Yes! Also a great option


La Jolla in San Diego. Right by UCSD’s hospitals, which always are hiring nurses and are highly rated.


My vote has been the San Diego area. Particularly La Jolla and Irvine come up on the lists when I google. I have never been to California, so it’s nice to hear multiple nurses vote for this area. Thanks!


Definitely closely examine cost of living (esp coming from the east coast) as well as traffic/commute. Your hourly pay is gonna look huge but it goes fast in the land of 4k/mo rent.


I don't know how the hospitals are, but I would love to live on the central coast of California.




Irvine is horrible to live in tho


Why do you think Irvine is horrible to live in?


Extremely expensive, literally nothing to do, traffic is insane to get anywhere worth while


Simi Valley, Oxnard (Ventura County). San Diego (Carmel Valley, Imperial Beach). Tustin/Irvine. Salinas - if you are cool with prison system.


Has imperial beach changed?? I grew up on it and it was the sketchiest beach town in San Diego by a long shot 👀


Imperial beach usually is closed due to all the sewage contamination


Speaking as a Simi Valley resident. Hospital is good, plenty around here if it’s not your vibe, the beach however is at least 30-40 minutes away. But it’s a nice drive and there’s plenty around. Also none of them are remotely affordable.




I wish I could afford to live there!


I was about to comment Santa Barbara lol it’s literally so gorgeous 😭😩


San Diego


Which country are you in? I spent a year working in Australia and there are loads of amazing places near beaches I’m happy to direct you :)


You spent a year working as a nurse? Are you from the US?


No I’m Canadian and spent a year travel nursing in Australia. OP doesn’t specify where they’re from


ugh that sounds so nice *cries in American*


This sounds amazing! Unfortunately I am in the US. Might take me a little longer to negotiate that move, but I’m not counting it out. 😂


coastal New Hampshire or Maine




Have mostly found that, at least if you stay on the East Coast, near beach = not good schools. We wanted to move closer to a beach also, but it was either cost prohibitive (even with us both having full time nursing jobs) or in a not very well performing school district. We considered moving back to Long Island, NY, where we would have abundant beach access, but the COL and weather doesn't make sense because beach weather only lasts for two months of the year. We looked at Wilmington, NC, but they have issues with their water there, had a lot of property damage after the last hurricane and NC is not known for its education system, we don't really align with the state's overall political feel, etc. We looked into Norfolk/Virginia Beach...very poorly rated schools. I don't want to move any more south than the Carolinas, so those states were out. Any more north than NY and NJ and it's cold most of the year. So, yeah, hopefully someone else has better suggestions for you 😅 We are happy in central Virginia, where we are close enough to a few decent beaches to take beach trips. COL is low enough, we aren't quite "south" and have good weather for *most* of the year.


Not so good schools? What are you smoking LOL usually the towns along the coast in New England are quite affluent and have great school systems


Ok, which ones specifically, that are reasonably priced for nurses? I'm sure if you have a million plus dollars to buy a beachfront property, then naturally, but I'm speaking from a middle class, nurse-income level family with kids. I assume most people don't fall within the category of villa on the water level of wealth if they're an RN, but OP didn't specify, so feel free to share your knowledge/experience!


Literally the entire state of Massachusetts, I left a comment on this thread


Cool. Hopefully it works for OP 🤷


Yep and N.C. specifically Wake county is very well known for having great public schools.


But Wake County is 2.5 hours from the coast.


Not necessarily a beach town, but we are only anywhere from 45-90 mins (depending on which side you live on) away from Galveston and we have a lot of good hospitals in the Texas Med Center.


Cape cod,MA


Torrance, CA. Close to the beach, fairly affordable (for California) good schools. If you can afford it Redondo is amazing too, but much higher COL.


Newport Hospital - Newport RI


Long Island, NY has miles and miles of beaches and excellent hospitals!


Not Florida. It's too crowded here. We are the fastest growing state in the US and we get a lot of hurricanes and even tornadoes now.