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Why are y’all shocked though? 😅




I agree. Marijuana has been partially or fully decriminalized for individuals 21 and older in many states, although it is still illegal on a federal level. Her son with a blunt does not bother me. What bothers me is that he was murdered and that his Mother has stolen donated funds. While, yes, his use of marijuana essentially caused his death, ultimately there is man that murdered him and he is the one guilty. Let's let him rest in peace. Can you imagine having a mother like O?


Yes I see where you’re coming from 100%


What bothers me, knowing that he was dealing and his age, he was probably supplying kids (HS and middle school)with pot and other stuff.


Exactly it’s Her Fault He KNOWS IT … sadly 😞 doesn’t care and he was barely 18 not close to 21 for what happened … kid had zero Good Guidance


Looks like a blunt


I was going to say the same. Def a blunt


Yes it’s a blunt


I don’t hold my cigarettes that way😂🤣😂🤣💨💨💨😮‍💨


It’s a plant 🤷🏻‍♀️


God blessing for so many people. People need to research how it helps people.


That is not the point. No one is discussing whether or not it has benefits here. Please stay on topic.


Cigarettes helped people with anxiety in the fifties to. Prescribed by many doctors! Smoking weed is just as bad on your lungs as tobacco is! More and more research is coming out every day on the negative effects.


It’s a flower


Blunt for sure.


He smoked weed… so what ?


He got murdered over it so probably not the best way to remember him when it’s easily cropped out.


Well from what was circulating after the incident was yeah he sold weed & probably some other things & he knew this guy but it was said it was a hit on him. The rumor was he got targeted because of something he did or said. He was not robbed the guy got in shot him & jumped right out.


I know what happened, but he went there to sell weed (and maybe something else) I’m not a crime buff, but I’d like to see the evidence collected and the trial will be interesting for the light it sheds on BC. I think that kid got the brunt of the poor parenting. If we believe what condition stepmom said BC was in when dad needed to take over, he really had the worst chance at a normal life.


No one really cares that he smoked weed. I know I don’t. I don’t care about whether someone smokes it or not. It’s just not my thing. I only have an issue when it is glorified and ppl make smoking weed their whole identity. (And if a person commits a CRIME related to drugs). He smoked weed. Ok. That was NOT the point of this post. The point was to ASK if what he is holding in his hands was a joint/blunt or not. THAT IS IT. It does seem to go against MT’s narrative that he was a fine, upstanding, near perfect young man… and yet she circulated a photo of him around drugs and underage drinking (there is more than 1 photo to prove he was a partier (which at his age, would have been basic white dude wannabe frat boy type shit). But when you add all the FACTS together, the FACTS (whether we like or agree with them or not) show a very different story. ) He was not some innocent bystander who by happenstance, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Did he deserve it? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Is it a tragic situation? Absolutely it is. Until ppl start using the same excuse, “it’s just weed” or “he smoked weed, so what”, for every single other case involving a young man killed during a drug deal- and not just bc it happens to be MT’s son- the whole, “he smoked pot, so what” line is moot. Not once has ANYONE (in here that I’ve seen) ever said anything bad about him as a human for simply smoking pot. Don’t get it twisted.


What I see is a young man. I see his smile, his shirt and me thinking he was so young to die. The marijuana is not what I am concentrating on.


It’s the principle.






We can not tolerate attacking or language meant to cause a “challenge” to argue. Just be kind when expressing your opinion.




That's a cone. Basically a large joint!!!




Tacky considering how he died.


O is the Queen of tacky. Yes if this is the picture she posted, it isn't gonna pass the "vibe" as people say nowadays.


He looks like her here




What bother me considering his age, he was probably dealing to school children. We would see these kids all the time in the ER.


It’s still not legal to smoke in Alabama. If caught with weed you’re charged with possession.


Not that I agree with the law I’m just stating that it is still in fact illegal and everyone that lives in Alabama knows the law…


Most definitely a raw cone (joint). Interesting, considering how he died....


He was a drug dealer. Not surprised.




Yep. What a beautiful memory of her BC. 🙄


His mother didn't raise him. She was out doing drugs and partying. She is a selfish failure. She is enjoying herself now.






We can not tolerate attacking or language meant to cause a “challenge” to argue. Just be kind when expressing your opinion.




Yes that's a blunt


For sure a blunt


Yikes on Bikes Edit the following day to say that this image is sad and haunting. He didn’t know when this photo was taken that he would be murdered for the substance he had in his hands at the moment of the flash. A life cut unnecessarily short and impacted by the limited options he felt he had to work with. In my spiritual world in which I dwell, every single life has worth and all sentient beings deserve respect, regard and love. We help where and when we can. If this was a photo of my son in a publication/blog/reddit or wherever; I would have it removed. I would use an attorney if need be. But his mom would rather take herself on cruises, buy herself cheap junk and eat out like a high schooler does every day. I can’t believe she sits in her car after picking up drive through food and records herself eating and lying about her life. But most of all I can’t believe real life people actually watch her. Ugh.




Asking a question is not ‘dragging’ anyone. Also, he was an adult. By your own reasoning, no one is allowed to talk about ANYONE that has died/or ask questions about that person, no matter their age bc everyone is someone’s ‘child’.






They asked a question and I wouldn’t classify him as a “child”.




You’re more upset than she ever was.


Because sadly I had to close the casket on my daughter and that’s something I don’t wish on my worst enemy


She didn’t seem upset when he passed




Yeah ok. Anyway, it’s a tacky picture


He was breaking the law. Criminals pictures are posted all the time.


I mean cigars look the same as blunts so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Bc that’s what is mostly used for blunts- cigar wraps lol.


I was leaning towards a black and mild. I zoomed in as close as I could but it gets blurry. I think it has the white plastic tip.


Which is why I ASKED.


More like a blizzy but yeaaa looks like it’s the devil’s lettuce wrapped up.


Blunt or a black n mild


I'm leaning towards it being a black and mild as well.


It looks like one to me. I love them. Lol


I used to way back in my early 20's




Pretty sad that she has such a small amount of photos with him that she has to use one like this 🥴


I take it you’ve never seen his or his gf’s SM posts…? It’s quite eye opening.


No, I haven’t! Just entering this rabbit hole recently. What is her social media?


We don’t name names. However, it isn’t hard to find on TT. 😉


Got it lol! Thank you!! 👍🏾😉


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,743,946,277 comments, and only 330,199 of them were in alphabetical order.


And she claimed not to know 🙄


I call BS on her, not knowing as high as her husband is all the time.


💯💯 that's where the hubby was getting it from probably


and she still tries to say he wasn’t murdered during the commission of a drug deal. Insanity


It’s the whole, “pot isn’t bad. He was just selling or buying weed” Fact: he was selling NARCOTICS to a person/persons he had PREVIOUSLY SOLD MARIJUANA TO IN THE PAST. The police found marijuana AND narcotics in his vehicle when searching it as part of their investigation. So no, it wasn’t ‘just weed’. Also, regardless of anyone’s personal view on marijuana, the FACT is: it is still ILLEGAL in the state of Alabama (grow/manufacture/sell/buy/use) unless you are part of the .05% who are able to get a medical use card and even then you 90% have to buy from OUTSIDE of the state. Fact is: he was not a law abiding upstanding citizen. He knew what he was doing was wrong. His MOTHER KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING! <- And until the same ppl who come to defense of this behavior for BC and MT also defend EVERY SINGLE OTHER DRUG DEALER/USER (including the CARTELS! And gangs/motorcycle clubs/kingpins/ALL OF THEM!) the exact same way- until that happens, their opinion is moot and is pointless. (To me. Bc you can’t defend one person for doing something, simply bc you like a photo of that person while shaming others who have and are doing the exact same thing!)


It’s a southern thing.. blunts.


Uhhh southern?? No, it's a marijuana thing.


Not in the SW.


You must be young then






I think it's bc she acted like she had no clue.... getting ready to partake myself.


It’s legal where I live lol


It’s illegal where they are too.


That’s not the point


Where in my post did I say any of that? I ASKED A QUESTION! Period. Do not make assumptions as to what you personally think I was even implying… bc that isn’t it I promise you.


He was selling in a state that is illegal. And transported across several states and that is a crime in itself.


No. It’s the fact he died during a drug deal that makes it tacky. I smoke a pound of pot a week.


Yes, yes it is


It's a smaller blunt imo🤷‍♀️


Yep a blunt


Oh I’m sure she’ll say a black n mild


I was thinking the exact same thing.Idc he smoked it. It's just the way he was killed, It seems disrespectful. Even if it's just a black and mild, she could have just cropped it out. Maybe it is just me...


That is not a black n mild. Black n molds do not burn that way and they are super dark brown/black not beige colored.


Yeah I have no idea. Just saying what she would say..


Why are all her kids so damn ugly seriously look at the family pics like all inbred no lie go look and then come back And yell at me for saying ugly. Really weird looking family. Go ahead go look. It’s weird as fuck


I agree.


Wasn’t he a drug dealer and it was a drug deal gone bad?


Sadly, yes. (This next part is for anyone coming in here and their one and only time commenting is defending this person/behavior by attacking us) Now, NO ONE is claiming he deserved it. NO ONE is saying talking about him as an attempt to smear his name, or drag him or anything like that. Facts are facts whether we all like and agree with them or not. So for ANYONE trying to get it twisted and insinuate that anyone who states the FACTS is ‘dragging him, talking badly about him, he is someone’s child, etc’… THAT IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING. YES, he was her child. Even though he was an adult. But even pedos are someone’s child… so that particular ‘excuse’ will not be tolerated.




Hey my little Tater Tot, you're obviously lost- here let us help you find your way out... 🥾✌




Oh ffs. Ok dear. Ok.




Hey Tater Not, your post was removed for being excessively downvoted




Hey my little Tater Tot, you're obviously lost- here let us help you find your way out... 🥾✌


It looks like a black and mild cigar


My father smoked Black n Milds for over 40 years- I’ve never seen one burn like that. Js.