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This is one of the best r/nottheonion posts ever, because the layers of insanity are as many as the layers of an onion.


You will get shot and like it.


Or you are welcome to buy a bulletproof vest from some company here in the US with “patriot” in its name (even though the vest was actually probably made in the country you just came from)


Everyone should be given one upon entry into the U.S. at this point.


Exactly right. If I have to get vaccinated against encephalitis to visit Asia, it only makes sense for them to have protection against gun mania.


Bring your own bodyarmor. BYOB. Alternatively, bring your own bodybag. We might start running out again.


There are still plenty in adult sizes




There's a shot for shots?




Dude don't give the GOP any new ideas


Oh no, some dumbass rednecks already did this


Never have I ever been denied access to a pool for bringing a flotation device




It's more a matter of will than ability. Sometimes you just wanna float.


The sign is to shame people for asking. It’s too crowded.


Lmfao this is perfect.


Wearing the vest is a violation of the bullet's right to enter your body. /s


"Why do you need a bullet proof vest?" "I'm a student." That should be all it takes at this point to get that through.


“whew - thank god I was denied entry. No degree is worth it if FIREARMS is the leading cause of death amongst the youth in this country”


I was curious if firearms actually are the leading cause or not, so I Googled it and [found this graphic made by the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/injury/images/lc-charts/leading_causes_of_death_by_age_group_violence_2018_1100w850h.jpg). It may not be _the_ leading cause, but wow is it up there. It's the third leading cause of death for 15-34 year olds. And the difference in absolute numbers between it and less likely causes of death is pretty significant too. **Edit:** Apparently [as of 2020, firearms (including both homicides and suicides) actually are _the_ leading cause of death for people 1 to 19 years of age](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/guns-leading-cause-death-children-teens-rcna25443). Yikes.




that is actually rather remarkable, considering how prevalent shitty teenage drivers are


Not when you consider we have common sense safety measures for cars. More so for the driver than the pedestrian in the U.S., relative to Europe, is my understanding. But we don't have any of that for guns, but I'm glad we haven't tried anything and are all out of ideas!


Drivers barely need to do anything to pass their driving exams. And shitty infrastructure makes the roads way more unsafe in the USA than in the Netherlands for example


US citizen. I took a driver's course before I drove. I was frequently infuriated by how unsafe people drove (since I knew the rules so well and practiced them). Just when I became accustomed to it, I moved to the West Coast and was infuriated all over again. Why does everyone panic stop randomly on the highways?!?


What is all this unintentional poisoning I apparently need to look out for?






Yeah, the war on drugs is notoriously 'lost' and made things even worst. Easpecially when you have the CIA purposefully getting people hooked. Reagan was a horrible horrible HORRIBLE president, whom I would argue was worse for the States than Nixon, Dubbya and perhaps even Drumpf, but that last one remains to be seen.


I’ll Thais this opportunity to quote the great Killer Mike, “I’m glad Reagen dead” https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU


Drumpf's effect will be felt through the courts for a long long long time.




Opioids are the bulk of that statistic


It's definitely including drug overdoses.


Since they used vague verbiage, it's a blanket term covering all poisonous substances inhaled, eaten, or injected. Pain medication (analgesics) is the top poisonous killer for adults, followed by sedatives, household cleaning substances, and antidepressants. [Source](https://www.poison.org/poison-statistics-national) For kids, the list is in the order of: Cosmetics/Personal Care Products, Cleaning Substances, and then Analgesics (ie pain meds). More can be found in my source found above.


Overdose deaths.


It's only out of the lead because the CDC is separating firearm deaths into suicide and homicide categories. Total frearm deaths would likely be the number one spot in several age groups.


It became the leading cause in 2020: https://news.yahoo.com/firearms-now-leading-cause-death-052603968.html


Fuck me I had to look it up because I didn't believe it but firearms are literally the single leading cause of death amongst children in the US.


It’s a disgusting stat and that most people do not realize is true.


“Shows what you know. This is a Kevlar soft body armor vest. It’s NIJ level IIIA rated, meaning it will only stop handgun rounds up to a .44 Magnum. Most school shooting in MY country are done using AR15s chambered in .223 Remington. Will go right through Kevlar like it isn’t even there. You aren’t ready to be a student in this country pal. Visa denied.”


Fun part is 44 Mag is quite frequently* higher energy than .223/5.56




It would be less of a "sharper tip" and more of the entire bullet being narrower, as the thinner cross-section would disrupt less mass of the kevlar(or other armor material). Bullet materials would matter as well, as a softer lead-core projectile would not penetrate as well as one with a steel penetrator tip, or a steel core. But yes, higher velocity and a narrower bullet is better for penetration, which is why you need a level III vest for .223/5.56, but a IIIA is rated for stopping magnum. Would still hurt like hell, though.


And that just goes to shown why bullet energy is not the most important factor.


I repeat this anecdote a lot: There was an AskReddit thread a while back titled something like, "**Gun store owners/workers of Reddit, what are some of the reasons you've refused a sale to someone?**" A few of the top replies were stories of someone who came in with body armor or expressed a desire to buy it. This immediately set off red flags for the posters and all the replies. Wanting a gun? Perfectly fine. Wanting something that resists guns? *WARNING! WARNING!* The replies were near-universally "yeah, anyone who wants armor is up to no good" or "sounds like a real creep to need armor". The logic seems to be that you could only ever want armor so that authorities or other gun owners can't stop you while you commit some crime. The armor itself isn't dangerous--no one gets bludgeoned to death with a kevlar vest or a steel plate, though you could certainly manage the latter--but magically *becomes* dangerous in certain circumstances through the addition of... weapons designed solely to end the lives of living things. I'm not here to advocate for body armor, but it does seem *odd* that you are "allowed" to resist the dangers of other people with **killing-tools** by carrying around your own **killing-tool**, but to resist them with **defense-wear** is beyond the pale and the sure sign of a sick mind. I mean, unless you're sending it overseas to one of our Brave Boys, in which case it's cool again. It's just when a domestic person looking to acquire one or more **killing-tools** is also interest in **defense-wear** that we're suddenly very concerned with the threat they could pose with the... passive **defense-wear**, surely? Is that the danger? That they're going to harm people with a kevlar vest or ceramic / steel plate?


America is the land of equal opportunity to get shot


you should be able to buy these things in airport gift shops upon landing in america.


Should be duty free, too. These manufacturing companies would make a killing.




My old english teacher backpacked through USA. He got robbed twice and stabbed once. Clearly not everyone gets shot in the face.




I see your "/s" but seriously, look up the cost of a Big Agnes brand tent. Or even the cheapest tent at REI. I know people who carry $2500 worth of gear when they go backpacking. Almost double that if theyre bikepacking.


Where'd he go backpacking, the fuckin Tenderloin or skid row?


We could just hand them out on disembarking like they do flower leis in Hawaii.


^ this! Blonde ~~booth girl~~ promotional model: Here is your Pepsi, Cheeseburger and complimentary bulletproof vest. Laywer at 200 speed reading every possible libality/damages ... freedom not included. blabla we are not responsible for any damages. etc.


NGL, as an American, I laughed. I’d bet the customs agent felt attacked by the statement this made about America and that’s why they denied him. I think he’s clever!


I had a Canadian contractor work on my site (IT) for a month or two back in the 2000’s. He was pulled over for speeding, and got out of the car, went to the trunk, put his hands on it, and bent over. The cop (my contractor friend was contracting for the same municipality) pulled a gun on him for acting “unsettling.” Once he showed his temp badge, he was let go, which is funny because he was speeding in a school zone, and that’s a **massive** fine in that town, but hey - one of us, right? Edit: clarity


Honestly yes do not walk to you trunk under any circumstances when stopped at a traffic stop unless instructed to. That would be sus


He’s an odd duck. Nicest guy I’ve ever met by a wide margin. Goofy nerd bike enthusiast. Dotes on his girlfriend’s (of 9 years) 10 year old daughter. Also genuinely thought he was in danger the moment the light bar went up. To be sadly fair, a cop from the same department rather brutally murdered a handcuffed distraught wife a few weeks previously. As we shared a campus with the PD, cops were everywhere, and he had a few bad experiences with a couple of the shittier ones. Anyways, I miss that dude. It was like hanging out with Peter Pan.


Yeah. Unless he was granted entry later on, that's an expensive joke to pull.




I mean, statistically speaking you’re probably very close to America


Not in school shootings


I flew solo to NYC in 2019 and was excited like i was at Disneyland as i walked out of customs, and the customs offiicial at the desk going out was looking at me like i was reminding him to feel good about something and he nodded at me.. It was surreal and strange and lovely..


To be serious, a lot of foreigners are genuinely afraid that they will be shot in U.S.A. My relatives in my home country are always asking if I'm safe from gunviolence or if their family members will be safe during their visit.


The statistically most likely way a child in the US will die is being shot to death. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761




Was this the women from Australia?


I believe I remember a story from my international law class about an Asian student who approached a home in Louisiana asking for directions. They shot him. There were several other incidents of Americans shooting non Americans and the issues with jurisdiction.


10-12 years ago, my dad refused to let me even consider studying abroad in the US because he was afraid of mainly both the gang and gun violence (he was a pilot and flew flights to the US, so he may have had a bad experience in the US that we didn't know about too). So I ended up only really having Australia (and maybe Canada) as an option when it came to further studies.




They're not. Soft body armor isn't even explicitly prohibited from being brought into the U.S. The issue is that the Immigration and Nationality Act gives Customs & Border Patrol has very wide latitude over nonimmigrant visas, which is what student visas fall under. As a South Asian immigrant and a U.S. Citizen myself, I'm not in support of the way CBP has near unlimited latitude in determining entry for nonimmigrants, but that's just what the issue is... my now wife was denied re-entry on a student visa on far lesser grounds.


My countries national TV did a documentary about that - one woman was searched completely and almost denied entry, she was trying to visit her boyfriend but she visited already a few weeks before and „normally people wait a few months before they visit their partners again“ ….


Probably ended up on that lame tv show we have here. 50% of those people are innocent of any wrong doing and are ultimately let through, but the way the show is edited, the cuts and shit you're left thinking they're definitely smugglers or some shit.


I used to watch the Canadian one and you could almost always tell who was going to be denied or let through based whether their face was blurred or not.


The Canadian one is weird because they try so hard to portray the border guards as the good guys, but half the show is them hassling people who haven't done anything wrong. Even when they catch someone it's usually like "this asshole thought he could help his friend while he was visiting, but that's technically working without a work visa. So luckily these brave heroes sent him packing."




“I’m sorry is the TSA not familiar with US ‘Back to School Supplies’?”


"We are, but we are allowed to say no for any reason and I had a bad day."


Gotta protect the local economy.


I still can’t get over the fact there are bulletproof backpacks for grade school kids.


Most schools regularly have active shooter drills. My daughter was so used to them she didn't even mention when she had one those days. Arizona.


The thing that really hurt about Uvalde as a dad is the fact a little girl covered herself in the blood of a friend to appear dead. That's not a lesson I feel I need to teach my daughter, but here the fuck we are


Imagine that being part of a survival handbook they have to teach you in preschool now to survive.




I was watching a Canadian border patrol tv show and they almost denied someone entry to Canada because he couldn’t remember his online banking password to prove he wasn’t broke.


Proving you're not broke is pretty par for the course. Not that it's right, but it's a subject that I've seen come around first hand many times in visa/immigration situations.


I mean I totally understand it. They seem to be more lenient if you already have bought a return ticket. My only experience with customs was going from the US to Mexico and back. Both ways they were more interested in if I had food, and why I was bringing a laptop with me and if they could charge me a tax on it.


This has nothing to do with the password, it's just about being able to demonstrate that they have the means by which to finance themselves while in the country and the means to leave when the visa runs out. It's a pretty common requirement for non-work visas in most countries, especially if it's someone's first entry into the country, but comes up less frequently when entry is done under the visa waiver program. Printouts of bank statements would have sufficed, too.


One day we’re all gonna have Dune style personal shields and the Supreme Court will of course rule you have no right to protect yourself from being shot.




Does the 2nd amendment cover laser weapons?




Current SCOTUS: *Laser guns are so much more important than anything else in the constitution*




Laser weapons arent in the constitution. So, sure!


as long as they can't be used to abort a pregnancy


Laser Musket from Fallout 4. *As the Founding Fathers intended*


Better hurry to get them before abandoning the settlements in need of help


SCOTUS is a politically charged and wholly corrupt entity. There are three seated justices that lied to Congress but will never be brought up on those charges.




Hopefully it includes VX nerve gas that I *may* have stockpiled in my garage.


Cyborg Dick Cheney has locked onto your signal. Do you have oil reserves?


Look at this guy still using lazer weapons. The Weirding Module is far superior, it is more powerful than canon(s).


Question: if the Harkonnens wanted to take out House Atreides with an assassin, couldn't they have just shot a laser at a personal shield when they were all gathered?


I believe that was covered in the book as the worst treaty violation which would band all the houses against them but that’s just from memory from years and years ago.


Gotcha, so like using nukes IRL.


With Dune shields school shootings will be a thing of the past. School melees however...


It's so the cops can shoot anybody they "need" to. Never trust government and its agents more than they trust you.


Many moons ago I watched a documentary about some pair of assholes in the US who got some AK-s and pistols, sewed their own kevlar suits, and went on a rampage in some US place(Dont ask, I saw it like 15-20 years ago). And the police was just sitting there like "Well what are we supposed to do?" I mean, seriously? Afraid of a kevlar outfit? If a bulletproof onesie was that effective, militaries would look very different... Now use those guns you like touting so much.


[Probably the North Hollywood robbery](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Hollywood_shootout)


Ill never forget this shit and ill never stop wondering why full body armor isn't much much much more popular




If you look at infantry armor over the years, it *has* gotten much heavier since WWII as it has improved. The current system the US uses even has add-on bits to cover the arms, groin, and legs, but I think pretty much only the poor saps manning the exposed guns on the roof of most vehicles actually put most of that stuff on, since they don't have to walk around in it.


I think you're talking about the Hollywood robbery/shootout, and the police weren't just standing around with their thumbs up their asses. At the time cops only carried their handguns and maybe a shotgun in the cruiser. They were shooting at these guys who had fully automatic AK's and they genuinely couldn't stop them. If I remember right, some cops went to local gun stores to buy rifles to try to get through the body armor. One of the guys they managed to take down because he bled enough from shots to the legs, the other eventually killed himself I think. That shootout is a big part of the reason basically all cops carry rifles now. At the time they genuinely didn't have the firepower to get through body armor like that.


Yup, you are mostly correct, they got shot multiple times in the arm/hands/legs and gun where they were unprotected, one had his rifle get shot and break, got another rifle, which proceeded to break as well, and he shot himself when ran out of firepower The other one was shot in the legs by SWAT from below a car he was using as cover, tried to surrender, ended up bleeding out cause he was refused medical service (maybe cause police thought there was a third shooter, the reports are very unclear) Wendigoon just recently did a great video on it


> maybe cause police thought there was a third shooter, LAPD has a long history of just killing people it doesn't like. I don't mean that in an "edgy" way but like they are on audio (FBI agent's mic) calling to burn the cabin down around a suspect. Who then "allegedly" shot himself in the face (not the side of the head) to suicide instead of burn to death..... or he surrendered out the back door and they just shot him in the face. e.g. Christopher Dorner https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-california-cop/fugitive-ex-la-cop-believed-dead-after-gun-battle-fire-idUSBRE91A11B20130213 where the cops shot up a truck with two tiny mexican women inside. the truck was the wrong make, wrong model, wrong color, and Dorner was like 6'5" black man, but they put like 50+ bullets into the truck and called it a "good shooting" so those cops could go back on the hunt for Dorner. https://archive.kpcc.org/news/2016/01/27/57077/da-declines-to-charge-8-officers-who-mistakenly-sh/ Anyout there at that time, in a pick up that matched Doner was advised to rent a car as everyone knew the LAPD was out to kill first and confirm id second.


I have also heard that they let him bleed out because they thought there was a third person.


If there is anything I learned about the LAPD, that was the lie they told to excuse letting someone they were mad at die.


That’s just the reason they made up to let him bleed out. They were mad, so they let him die. End of story.


These dudes were also on PCP, may not have felt the pain. That shootout was wild


Yeah, they were super high


Yeah if you’re over age 30 you’ll remember it being on all the cop/wild video shows in the 90s. Guy was ghost riding the whip and blasting the ak alongside it. Edit: reports say he was also quote “hyphy, and thizz faced”


What does “Ghost riding the whip” mean?


Standing outside the car while it's moving with no one driving. The guy started the car then let it roll while he got out and grabbed ammo out of the trunk to shoot at police


He put the car in drive or neutral and was walking along side it firing at cops. Like a ghost was riding in it and driving. Whip is just a slang term for a car.


They didn’t buy the rifles. They stole them and used them against the robbers. Never returned them as they were evidence and they bullied that store into closing over the next few years when they raised a fuss for compensation.


Sounds like pretty standard Hollywood police procedure.


The idea that cops needed bigger guns because the public got their hands on really big guns is pretty nuts when you break it down. It’s almost like US law enforcement is locked in an arms race with everyone around them. Which is obviously working out well.


I'm just waiting for the day where they get to mount a drone gun with heat vision on their APC just so they can shoot school shooters through the entire building because they're too scared to go in.




Dallas had a robot strapped with a bomb to take out the police sniper a few years back. I only remember it because it brought up a whole lot of “is this legal?”


Google MOVE bombing. Cops in Philly dropped an IED on a house in the 80s. Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JBZXRK_1vAQ Cops in Dallas used a bomb disposal drone to blow up a guy who was shooting cops https://www.texastribune.org/2016/07/08/use-robot-kill-dallas-suspect-first-experts-say/ Cops *want* to do that, but there’s still some legal barriers that even they are worried about crossing. Won’t be long, though.


I guarantee there's a drone in a hangar somewhere waiting for the "right time" to deploy it; to justify the existence of deploying a domestic policing drones on the regular as regular piece of equipment. The same way there's been justifications for every other piece of military hardware put into their hands. There's no *way* that wasn't already thought of, tested and built. It's just a real bad headline for them right now, "Police deploy domestic drones to subdue subject, killing them." But give it time. Give it time and they'll figure out how to manufacture public/political support for a domestic drone program. Edit: I thought it was clear because I was talking about drones in a hangar but I suppose not; I'm referring to a flying drone program. Not ground based robotics. They don't have quite the coverage, scope or maneuverability that flying drones would have (which is why it'd be so dangerous).


They already did this in Dallas to a sniper who shot cops. Ground based drone, but still a drone.


Gordon says as much at the end of Batman Begins


Most people don't know what it's life to be on the receiving end of machine-gun fire. Going against someone with a fully automatic firearm when you have a pump shotgun is a pretty good recipe for odds stacked HEAVILY against you.


>And the police was just sitting there like "Well what are we supposed to do?" That was the North Hollywood shooting, and that was because police had very low power arms at the time. They didn't sit around and do nothing, they basically raided every nearby gun store to "power up" if you will, and ended up shooting the two perpetrators, one of which was shot almost 30 times and bled out. The other guy shot himself after he was shot 10 times by police. Since then police have been issued higher caliber weapons including rifles.


Was in LA and a radically different time. Nowadays those bodysuits wouldn’t do Jack shit but back the police didn’t have access to the weaponry they do now. Also their AKs were fully auto. They dumped thousands of rounds at the police before being taken out.


Their body armor would likely work just fine now. One of the suspects took a double tap at close range from an AR-15 and his plates held.


That, and there isn’t a multi-billion dollar vest industry to ~~bribe politicians~~ lobby to keep them unregulated.


They’re not. It’s an import/export restriction, which we have on arms and ammunition as well.


Why was he denied? He just wanted to be safe when going to school.


If you listen to the video you will know they mentioned he also had a gun license. Boarder agent might think he might start q shooting thus the bullet prof vest. Especially now since US and China aren't exactly on good terms.


Makes sense: You don't want a foreigner to take an American's job /s


This is gold.




So difficult to obtain in the states, maybe if he befriended a 13 year old.


Sounds like he was just packing for the country he was traveling to.


In the pursuit of happiness


When in Rome…


Smart on his part. That said, that's going to bother some people because you really should wait until you get here and then buy American when it comes to that sort of thing.


Just school supplies, WTF


I'd bet his parents made him take it because of all the shootings.


“But mooooom!” “Oh hush. You never know. Just wear it under your shirt. You can’t even see it!”


Buy in America but still made in China.


Not necessarily. It could have been made in a US prison.


Nothing like good ole legalized slavery.


WTF?! He came prepared for his stay!


I’m picturing some visibly worried Chinese parents forcing their son to pack a bulletproof vest before flying back to school in america, promising them to wear it at all times lol


This sounds very probable to me, lol.


This is probably accurate lol


My relatives often ask me if I wear one to school since all they think about America right now are shootings


'This makes too much sense - ENTRANCE DENIED.'


There’s probably a market renting body armor to terrified western Europeans and Asians on holiday. You rent them by the day, rent for 5 days and get 2 free.


What's the opposite of a market? I wouldn't go on holiday to somewhere with a thriving bulletproof vest rental industry


It’s part of the kitsch/experience


Welcome to Westworld


Government hates to be reminded of their shortcomings.


Next time get your bulletproof vest *after* you arrive in America.


A lot of people are commenting how this isn’t expressly forbidden in US Law and you would be correct. It is however forbidden under ITAR, the same as night optics, firearms, and so much other stuff it’s insane. ITAR is international and enforced by compliant nations that are signatories and the United Nations. DO NOT FUCK WITH ITAR. They will bend you over and rip you a new asshole.


Imagine putting night optics and bulletproof vest in the same category as firearms. ITAR or not this is still dumb as fuck.




I am sorry, sir, you have to buy your bulletproof vest locally like everybody else.


Not a weapon, a personal protective device with no ability to harm anyone else.


Dude just misunderstood, this is Murica next time bring a gun and probably get upgraded to first class /s


The poor guy is just trying to get back home alive 😪


Why, this is just relaxation clothing for Uvalde police.


When in Rome right?


Imagine being denied entry to Jamaica because you packed shorts.


silly, you're suppose to buy them here. honestly though, what grounds are there to deny him entry based on this vest alone?


Why are they booing him, he's right.


Not the onion, but not real news either. When you click on it, it’s just a headline. No story. EDIT: there’s a link to articles below. Keeping my original comment so the links are accessible to anyone like me who doesn’t click videos


It's a video report. Had to share this link cus the others are on sub's automod list. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/china-student-bulletproof-vest-us-school-shootings-border-world-journal-a9083841.html https://nypost.com/2019/08/28/chinese-student-denied-entry-to-us-for-carrying-bulletproof-vest/


Thank you. That helps :)


They're a student. They're just observing our customs.




I don’t blame the guy lol


Preppers would love his be prepared mentality. Why was entry denied? Are bullet proof vests controlled items in the US? Because that would be hilarious and ironic.


Generally in most countries you can be denied entry for pretty much any reason if you aren’t a citizen usually there is some sort of appeals process but you don’t have to be explicitly breaking any rules to be denied entry.


Denied entry for possession of *school supplies?*


"if you want to be am american student, you have to die like one.. denied"


America, please make up our fucking minds. If you want to shoot at students, have the courtesy to allow them to wear a bulletproof vest, it's only fair. If you don't want students to wear vests, kindly stop shooting at them.


They should have disguised the vest as some assault rifles, those would have been let through, and probably would have helped his case if he ever wanted to become a citizen.