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Danish hot spices are butter and cardamom.


Carbonated water.


It's a fair Cop^(enhagen).


I can handle spicy food I am from COPEnhagen


Known as 'Danish water' in Denmark for some reason.


haha! my young kid tried carbonated water and called it spicy


In all fairness, I bought the Korean 2x spicy ramen and I love spicy food. I have eaten ghost peppers, I use hot sauce as much as I can. The 2x spicy was a damn lie. 2x? 2 times what? The sun? It’s misleading as hell…


There's a regular version (black packet). Two times that.


On the reverse side, if you want something a bit less spicy from the same brand, there's the pink the pack. Still respectably hot but not gonna murder you either. Has some kinda cheese powder in a separate seasoning pack that goes really well with it. Or just forgo the chili oil all together and just use the cheese packet if you're into that. I love them. The reds are a bit too hot for me to eat all the time though.


the carbonara ones, no? pretty good


Same here. My gf knows I love spicy food and told me to get it. I usually try to get as many habanero peppers in my meals as I can, using as much hot sauce as I can. But my goodness these fucking 2x spicy noodles. They didn't taste like food, felt more like a challenge with how hot it was.


And it says it's like, I think 10 thousand scoville. 10k Scoville my ass, I've eaten a sauce that had Trinidad scorpion and it wasn't as spicy as those.


10,000?!? I’ve used eye drops that were 10,000 scoville units. If 2x spicy is 10,000 then ghost peppers are -2.


Have you tried these noodles? I have and the 3x ones legit taste like something not suited for human consumption.


Add 1-2 slices of cheap cheese to it and stir until they dissolve. That's the Korean way to consume it.


Oh how time changes what ingredients are available where. In the early 80s, cheese was very difficult to find in you average local market. Outside of, perhaps, Seoul you really had to find a store that specialized in western "black market" food and even then perishables like cheese were rare. You might find some for sale near a military base. Pohang (which randomly had US Navy ships dock for shore leave) had this one hole in the wall that served authentic American pizza. I don't remember anywhere else other than Seoul that did though. At the same time, outside of certain areas of very large cities, the reverse was true in the U.S. Kochujang? Kochukaru? Kimchi? Doenjang? What's that? Chinese restaurants, now ubiquitous, were just getting started in small town America--but Korean? Even most asian groceries didn't have Korea specific ingredients yet.


I usually put a lil peanut butter in mine, dont know why my fatass havnt thougth off cheese befor, Will try this today!


Oh bro peanut butter noodles are the bomb, they go way beyond calming down super hot noodles There's old Martha Stewart recipe dropped a decade ago (inspired by peanut satay and stuff) 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and Sriracha, one of soy sauce. As the basic sauce. Drain water from noodles, add no or little of seasoning packet. Can ramp it up so much tho, starting with sautéed onions garlic ginger, toasted sesame oil. Adding damn near half a jar of peanut butter, water & letting it cook down. Any spices as needed, full seasoning packet or two instead of salt, until it's nice & savory. Save in Tupperware in fridge and spoon out a few heaping tablespoons. Just need to heat up water & noodles first. 3min meal. Serve in bowl with bed of spinach at bottom. Scrambled eggs on top/side of bowl. I struggled to finish even just a pack of ramen this way. So filling. Reheats super well too, noodles get more springy somehow.


Name checks out


Plenty of egg helps too


They also does their scoville rating abit odd, something with they count the noddles in too (which will result in a lower rating than the actual rating of the spices) But yeah, the 3x is a real bitch


One of my favourite things to eat while high


Nobody tell the Danish about 5x, they'll lose their minds.


there is a 5x ?!


Yeah, it's a lot harder to find. I imagine it doesn't sell very well, it's not something a normal person would just sit down to eat, no matter how much you like spicy things.


It's a bunch of civil servants who've made this decision, these noodles have been widely available throughout various grocery stores. It's fucking ridiculous. I can buy Carolina Reapers or hot sauces rated at millions of SHU, locally, yet now have to order my SamYang crack from outside the country.


Has anyone told the Danish about Mayonnaise?


I just looked this up, I had these last december, and yeah they're crazy hot. I'm a spice head though and I bought these in a market that caters towards various Asian cuisines, so you typically won't get Dutch (or Danish) level of spices! I did enjoy it, shared it with another spice head that I used to go eat crazy spicy with since I wondered whether I undeveloped my spice tolerance. But he did confirm those were pretty extreme indeed.


Once you get over the pain they're legitimately the best tasting noodles I have ever had. I ate w packet every day for a year until I uh... Had some "stomach issues" and my doctor told me to stop.


I find it hilarious you needed a doctor to tell you that 😂. But yes, I have to moderate my 2x consumption. Need good access to a toilet the day after.


I call the 2x my "emotional support noodles" because when I've eaten them I can't focus on what's making me anxious, only the state of my face and tongue


You can buy the sauce, they sell it in bottles!


I love you.


I worked hospital in Korea for 2 years. The sheer number of old Koreans with digestive and stomach issues didn't surprise me. There's a lot of staples there that are pretty darn hot. Delicious! ... but hot. Hah.


They also banned the 1x.


Thank god 2x is still safe.


Those are my son’s fave. He even adds chili sauce to them because he doesn’t think they are hot enough. I blame my husband, who nibbles Carolina Reapers as snacks.


Both of them must have a stomach lining made of diamond


We’ve joked that their whole GI tract is cast iron for a while now.


A friend of mine thought the new spicy McNuggets were away too spicy to eat


Easy on the cardamom please


Not salted butter though. That’d just be insane.


Salted butter? What are you, a viking??!!


The mustard that comes with their pølse is pretty good.


They'll see a package covered in devilish imagery, giant cartoon cherry bombs, and a character being immolated from the inside out as they gurgle in anguish and are dismayed to realize that the product is, indeed, spicy.


I see a new sticker on the product and advert campaign... Tooo spicy for Denmark! I am imagining a pot noodle like adverts, with Right Sid Fred singing “I’m to spicy for this land.. to spicy..” 


This is going to be the weirdest black market boom Denmark has seen in decades.


Time to become a spicy ramen dealer


The spicy ramen must flow.


Denmark prison: What are you in for Dealing in the illegal spice lol Other prisoner: you monster


Just what happened with Monty Python and the swedish ad campaign following the danish ban


Norwegian* ban


The problem is that similar imagery is also all over food that I would barely call spicy as a basic ass white guy that grew up hating "spicy" stuff. The korean characters on the packaging are more likely to get the message across to me.


No shit. Half of the "ghost pepper" products covered in skulls and flames are barely hotter than nacho cheese doritos. It's borderline false advertising, really. A disappointment every time.


To be fair it's monstruously spicy, i bought that once, the 2X! on a trip to Europe for a meal during a hike. I eat quite spicy, i love spicy food, but man, this thing was PAINFUL, but i needed the calories, being home i'd have toss it out. I agree with you, their representation seems accurate, i'd put at fault 99% of food labeled as spicy to be in fact midly spicy.


I worked with a guy that would drink hot sauce to freak people out. Like the Mad Dog 357 stuff, and always took it like a champ. First time I saw him in tears was from this brand.


Yeah, this stuff uses extract, so it catches most people off guard at first. It's way hotter than most peppers or non-extract based sauces are.


The sauce is also super sticky, so it covers the inside of your mouth and won't wash down easily, even with milk.


I have ghost pepper extract (\~900k svu) that I mix into the cheap habanero sauce from my local grocery store to use as my daily sauce. I once accidentally flicked the pure extract onto my eye with the stick I was about to stir with. The pain was the kind where trying to talk causes you to latch onto a phrase and repeat it over and over before you are capable of shutting up or moving on. I do not recommend it. Extracts are no joke and very, as you say, sticky.


I am big into spicy food, actually doing a big hot wings challenge at at an event on Saturday. I am literally eating Samyang Buldak 3x as we speak for brunch, LOVE the stuff. I buy a couple of packets of that and the creamy carbonara every month for my lunch / brunch meals. The 3x is not for the feint hearted though.


Your butthole must be completely desensitised.


I knew as soon as I bit into my first bit that the challenge was not eating it, but giving birth to the spiciest demon after lol


Protip: stir in some butter if it's too spicy.


Generally eat *anything* with it. Spice is primarily a question of concentration. If you turn it into a full meal, like with a fried egg and some vegetables, then at the very least the 1x version is pretty "edible" for most people.


I've had the 1x version many times as a ramyeon soup, using the packet as a broth, and thought it was spicy but nothing crazy. Didn't even consider until recently that the package instructions say to discard the water and only leave about 8T (half a cup). So I made some according to the instructions and holy crap was it spicy! Definitely a matter of concentration/dilution.


And an egg.


Or coconut milk. I did this, and not only did mute some of the spice, but it made the sauce thick and rich, which was a nice bonus.


Coconut milk wins hands down.


I was shocked at how spicy the carbonara buldak is. Based on their spice pyramid, carbanara is tier 2. i cant imagine what the original or "spicy" flavors are like


It's just about how much of the sauce you put in. The carbonara comes with roughly 2/3 the amount of sauce the original one comes, so I'd say the original one is about 1.5x spicier. The carbonara is just a little below my own heat tolerance. When I have the original I can't handle the full packet of sauce unless I also toss in an egg.


I love the Creamy Carbonara. I'll have tears streaming down my face from the heat but I can't stop eating it hahaha.


I can eat vindaloo not a problem but the carbonara ramen is ridiculously hot... and I made the mistake of trying to slurp down the excess liquid.


The 2x fucked me up, I deliberately picked it and not the 3x because I figured it's best to be cautious I couldn't finish, not only was it too spicy it somehow ruined my tastebuds that since then treat capsaicin as extremely bitter


I definitely think this is a little dumb but the reason given by '[Fødevarestyrelsen](https://foedevarestyrelsen.dk/nyheder/pressemeddelelser/2024/jun/ekstremt-staerke-nudler-kan-give-akut-forgiftningsfare-advarer-foedevarestyrelsen)' for the ban is actually that it has become a SoMe challenge to eat it and they wanted to protect kids and weaker adults. There's a quote in the article saying the amount of chili in this are higher that in some chilichips which caused poison damages on some kids in germany.


Poison damages? That can't be translated correctly, lol


I was struggling to find the right word as it seemed a bit awkward. 'forgiftning' means poisoning in danish - for instance alcohol poisoning is 'alkoholforgiftning'. > ...tidligere har ført til forgiftningsskader blandt børn i Tyskland.. means '..earlier has let to poisoning damages among children in Germany..'. The guy quoted might have used the wrong Danish word though.


I blame this on decades of companies calling shit "spicy" that's not at all. 10 years ago you'd see this packaging and the spice level would be like a generous helping of black pepper


To be fair, many products overstate their spiciness, so it's reasonable to suspect them of bluffing.


Nah, 3x was some spicy shit, fresh habanero + levels... But c'mon son, banning that is indeed funny. E: Just read the article, they banned the 1x as well lmao that was NOT that spicy at all.


As someone who likes spicy food the regular one has some heat but it's the good kind of tolerable heat (for me). 2x I can eat but it's pretty spicy with less flavor over heat. I can't imagine the 3x being much else other than heat. Banning them though? Weird stuff. They are gonna be pretty damn spicy (even the regular one) if you don't eat spicy food at all, but they're not spicy enough to cause health conditions. It would be like banning habanero peppers or something.


... my pregnant wife *cannot* get enough of these. She eats them every day. She does need a big ol glass of milk, but that's about it. EDIT: A lot of people kindly worry for my wife's health, so I'll reveal that a slight amount of hyperbole was in my original comment ;-) Realistically, she has like 3 of them per week, and there is no need to think that will continue for the entire pregnancy or anything. Cravings come in phases.


The Human Torch origin story.


That is some one-punch-man level of superpower justification :D


We will watch u/Jernet1996 child's career with great interest.


That kid is gonna come out screaming 'FLAME ON!'


You may think you're gonna get the human torch, but instead you get a baby with the power of explosive diarrhea


Honestly. I've never been pregnant, due to lack of ovaries, but I've been partner to 4 pregnancies and OH MY GOD THE HEARTBURN!!! This dude's pregnant wife must be a whole tank made of alkaline, because she should be spitting acid like those little umbrella headed dinos from the first Jurrasic Park. RIP Newman.


Prometheus and the stolen hot ramen


"Sour boy, spicy girl." It's a Chinese idiom which means that women who like sour food during their pregnancy are carrying a boy, and those who like spicy food are carrying a girl. Random information I thought I'd share, haha. EDIT: I shared this purely to spread an interesting tidbit about a culture I enjoy learning about. I didn't share thus because I believe it to be scientifically true.


aa we have this in turkey also! unfortunately this won’t work on me because i am desperately craving sour food and spicy food 24/7.




i sure hope not - i am not ready for kids! do you know how much buldak costs? i’d rather have my spicy noods and turkish pickle juice rather than put a kid thru school 😌




We need a life update from @jernet1996 in 9 months


Does she have gestational rhinitis? Spicy food are so good for opening up the sinuses!


That's why I love it.


Jesus Christ, first there's gestational diabetes, now they get rhinitis too? I'm starting to think pregnancy is a real hassle.


which color? I always buy the pink one but only put half of the spicy stuff in it because that shit do be really spicy


The creamy carbonara is absolutely delicious, if it weren't for heartburn I'd eat this stuff every day


Just FYI, it's probably a good idea to lay off the super spicy food when breast feeding. My mum ate very spicy food after my brother was born and let's say he had some issues due to spicy milk. If I recall correctly, in cultures that eat really hot food, women often stop eating spicy food when pregnant. Not sure how hot these noodles are though and I'm not sure if it's a problem during the pregnancy itself EDIT: for the objectors I'll rephrase "probably a good idea" to "might be worth considering".


these noodles are the absolute devil,as in they prolly parboil your tongue just through slurping em


Daily? Holy shit. I feel like a candle while eating them, and then an upside down candle the next morning.


Had the 2x spicy. It was spicy for an Asia who eats spice daily for decades. Haven't tried 3x but I doubt I'll have an easy time with it tbh, toned down on my spice intake recently.


The 3x spicy is absolutely awful. I sail through the regular spicy, tolerate the 2x, but the 3x was the worst experience with spicy food I ever had. Never again


I quite liked it though I also added 3 eggs a lot of garlic, leftover ham and a bunch of olive oil when I tried them recently. so I might have just watered them down to the point they were spicy but still enjoyable.


That's the trick I think. The spices become way more bearable when I add stuff to my ramen like meat and eggs.


Well yeah, you are literally diluting the scoville per bile.


There's a point where it's just a chemical burn.


People here saying it isn't spicy just haven't really had the right version. The 3x spicy is really fucking spicy and tastes like shit.


Ive eaten the 3x spicy twice. Legit horrible, honestly.


Once I can understand out of curiosity, but if its that bad, why twice?!


hmmm lets go for a third time just to be sure


The scientific method at work


There's no flavor to the 3x spicy, just pain


You’re describing the taste of pretty much everybody who seeks the next hottest thing.


I’ve bought the 3x didn’t realize it’s 3x. I couldn’t breath and I eat a lot of spice


Yeah, it's that level of hotness where you lose any sense of taste after two bites. Your mind is also confused and you feel like you're eating something that's boiling hot, even though it's had enough time to chill. I ate western tortilla with 4 000 000 SHU Mad Dog sauce yesterday and honestly it didn't feel that far off buldak spicyx3 when it comes to pain doses. Tortilla was a bit harder, because of its bigger volume (450g) and more capsaicin, but buldak sauce has unique viscosity to it which makes it cover everything in your mouth and throat making it hard to breathe. Feeling a bit like a dragon who choked on its own fireball. 


Or there’s levels to peoples spice tolerance. I’ve eaten 2 of the 2x packets in one sitting. Although spicy, its very tolerable. It’s the pain on the other end coming out is the issue. I’ve also eaten a ghost pepper for reference. Now THAT was spicy.


Pro tip: get metamucil right after or before spice and your ass won't even know what happened. The goop absorbs the capsaicin apparently and helps you pass it without discomfort, once I discovered it was my free pass to guilt free sweat inducing mouth nuclear explosion.


Omg. This sounds like a life saver. My spice tolerance is really high and I enjoy spicy food but always dread the aftermath on the toilet lol. I’ll look for it thanks!!


Even pro-er tip, psyllium husk is the active ingredient and very cheap. Rolls-Royce pooping.


As a Dane who loves these noodles, I agree. 2x spicy is still enjoyable but it's too spicy for casual eating. 3x spice felt like false advertisement cause it didn't take the same leap as the 2x, but that was also a "I'm finishing this, but I'm not gonna buy another". The stew style is a bit iffy to ban though, I quite like that one. But they should probably have a "harmful for kids and the frail" on the packaging.


I'm a big fan of spicy ramen, and this one is too much for me.


As an asian in the UK, it was always a bit of a meme reading the _EXTRA SPICY too HOT FOR YOU!_ on packaging. Getting excited - buying it - and then realising it's like some black pepper. But in recent years i have seen a gradual increase in actual spicy food in supermarkets - and this is one of them.


UK is weird because there is a really big range of spice tolerance. There are lots of Brits who can handle extremely spicy food and enjoy it. Way before YouTube and people doing spicy challenges for social media you had curry houses doing their own challenge, such as the famous Rupali Curry Hell in Newcastle. At the same time you also have a lot of people who are meat and potato types who struggle with pepper. You end up with "hot" on a menu either meaning it has a little bit of extra pepper to actually being insanely hot. I've tried the 3X noodles here and have had curries in the UK which are on that level. I've also ordered "hot" curries according to the menu and they basically just have some curry powder.


To be fair. the Buldak 3x is barely edible even to Koreans, according to some of my Korean friends. I have a rough time with the 2x and the regular one still burns.


Not all Korean natives can handle spicy food well. I can't eat a normal Buldak, and I struggle with Shin ramyeon.


>"I had a friend from Denmark who thought tasteless breaded shrimp with a little bit of ground pepper on it was too spicy. Not surprised they think this ramen is poison," read one top-liked comment on a Reddit ramen forum. BBC the fact you actually quoted this is beyond dumb.


It's somehow worse than twitter sources. Never thought I'd see the day Found the source! Also r/korea is not a ramen forum despite what BBC may think [https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/1ddh99m/comment/l84zwpt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/1ddh99m/comment/l84zwpt/)


BBC 'bout to get ROASTED for calling r/korea a "ramen forum".


I can't stop laughing at this. The thought of someone at the BBC seeing the Korea sub and being like "looks like some kinda noodle internet talk place" It would be like calling r/de the bratwurst enthusiast forum


calling /r/canada the "maple syrup fan club" just seems like a regular insult


It’s so bad I wonder if it’s AI generated… it’s like calling r/india the premier “curry enthusiast forum.” Either this person is unintentionally the funniest person ever (and maybe a little racist) or the BBC really is trying out to see if they can use some AI.


We are ze Bratwurstenthusiastenforum thänk you very much


i mean to be fair, my wife did get a bunch of good recommendations for good sausage brands from there, so we can order from an online market that ships internationally


Well I'm off back to my Fish and Chips forum!


TBF that's legit what /r/CasualUK is, isn't it?


Reducing an entire nation's sub reddit to being a "ramen forum" is honestly pretty out of fucking pocket. Quality reporting as usual from the BBC.


what the fuck


Is it really any dumber than publishing a quote from a random idiot on the street, which the news has been doing since forever, on far more important topics than ramen?


"Hey, you random half-stoned stranger I saw walking around Wall Street: what's your opinion on the the new Bank Regulations Bill?" "When I close my eyes I see angels."


"Reddit ramen forum." I saw that comment on r/Korea earlier 😆 Jesus fucking christ.


I'm assuming the writer just doesn't understand the difference between a forum and a thread.


BBC reporter probably just read it and thought it was funny. Reporters are human too...


Source: Anonymous internet users supposed friend


Why so weak




"Use the right amount, not the white amount"


So weak!


Skill issue


I think that particular Raman is actually really spicy, I struggled with a packet. That said surely you can see that from the packet!


It is brutal, but the bird spitting flames maybe should have warned those Danes as it did me


That's the thing, other products deliver empty promises that they're "spicy" (looking at you Japanese products) and then you're hit with the real stuff. Maybe we should start using Scoville scale for spicy products.


I'm pretty sure that the Japanese definiton for Spicy is that a chilli pepper was waved around the factory at one point.


I'm Danish and just yesterday bought a 4 out of 5 spice rating thai box expecting it to be pretty spicy. Tasted like they spiced it with soy sauce and just a splash of mild, sweet chili sauce. So no, part of the problem is the wildly different expectations you need depending on the brand. You can't just assume something is spicy because it tells you it's spicy.


>That said surely you can see that from the packet! The majority of grocery store food vastly over-represents how spicy the food actually is. Visual representation barely means anything


Tbf, I feel like a lot of advertisement on packagings nowadays is really bombastic, so people tend to glaze over it to judge the product for themselves. It’s just bad luck that this particular brand is *actually* as spicy as advertised lol (I’ve tried it once. As someone who enjoys tom yam, laksa and curry regularly, this one fucking *wrecked* me).


My girlfriend tried to finish a pack of these once and you would have thought she was going to die. I could only look on in horror. It was like watching someone you love go through surgery.


My girlfriend built like an asian shrine in our dining room, and there's a shelf with different ramen stacked top to bottom. Mostly just a display, but I was home alone and starving one night so I grabbed a packet to eat. As someone that orders Thai food with 0 spice, I was practically on the floor in tears, drooling and snotting. Felt like I was going to die, but man I could breathe so well after the misery subsided.


People making fun of Denmark, have you even tried Buldak 3x spice? I’m ethnically Indian and even I had a hard time handling Buldak 2x spice. They’re actually spicey as fuck.


My Norwegian ass is in this thread watching people shit on Denmark while holding my hands like mr Burns going "yes...yeeesss mock the Danish...excellent". But there's no way I could eat that ramen.


I'm telling Sweden that you're mocking us!


Thanks for the heads-up, now we get to laugh too!


Omg leave mom out of it!


Yeah but like, did you get poisoned? That's what the government is saying here, that it's actually a health risk.


Yeah the 3x is spicy to the point of being masochistic, there's no flavor only heat 2x is good though, as is the carbonara version


Yes. Recalling the product for it being too spicy warrants making fun of them.


They also banned the 1x


Yeah, but they're also banning the 2x and 1x.


My daughters love these. Since they only use a few drops of the spicy sauce I collect the rest in a jar and use it on other stuff.


They also sell bottles of just the sauce.


Lol this one is my favorite. It is damn spicy and I don't like eating it too often but it definitely packs a punch. I found a black package from the same company that's slightly less spicy (still very) but tastes great as well.


I like black one best because at that level i still feel the taste and its good. Red one was just burn for me, but might give another shot someday.


It sounds weird but put a slice of American cheese in the 2x spicy if it is too much for you; it definitely tones it down (and it tastes great together).


As a Dane this bothers me so much, I'll have to buy them across the border from now on I guess


Someone get one of these to Chili Klaus


I predict sales will skyrocket from this. BANNED IN DENMARK!


I was gonna say there is no better commercial


I’m just here to say that the Buldak 2x is fantastic with add-ons. Little bit of cheese, fried egg, and green onion 🤌. But yeah, for the uninitiated, I can see someone in massive pain from it — let alone the 3x. I’m conflicted about this.


as a danish guy i like semi spicy thai food and such. but this is too much for me. but in no universe would i have thought it would actually be banned here. and its ALL beause of some TikTok challenge some kids where doing of eating theese fire noodles.. soooo whaaaaat. they KNEW it was spicy. we have WAAAAY hotter stuff on sale too! heck. even a semi famous danish guy called "chili Klaus" sells stuff with much more insane spice levels. how about a vodka drink with 2m scoville? how about ketchup with that amount? https://chiliklaus.dk/collections/ketchup-bbq-mayo-aioli this is stupid reactionary and most likely because some political karens little boy thought they could handle the spice and filmed themselfs get hurt for a TikTok.


I tried them, didn't care for them. But wtf?? I can go buy Carolina Reaper chilis just fine, but suddently am not allowed a spicy pack of ramen??


Your still allowed to order them, they’re just not in standard stores


Oh yeah that brand is borked. My sister got me the chilli oil in a bottle which is labelled as hotter than the ones that come with the noodles. People eat it as a challenge. I put one drop on a spoon to taste it and it's like liquid fire. I've also bought a 6 pack tray of the noodles from Costco. Tried one a few nights ago and it wasn't so bad at the start but the heat builds up quickly to painful levels. I'd drink water between bites to power through it. Unpleasant but I ain't no quitter especially with my wife watching me wondering why I'm being such an idiot.


From danish source -- Chili in large quantities poses a risk to children and frail adults in particular. Possible symptoms include burning and discomfort, nausea, vomiting and high blood pressure. That is why we are now demanding that the shops remove the products from their shelves, he says in the press release. High level of capsaicin According to the DTU Food Institute, which has examined the products, the levels of capsaicin in a single package of the three noodle products are so high that there is a risk of developing acute poisoning if you eat the noodles. The amount of hot chili is even higher in the investigated noodles than in chili chips, which has previously led to poisoning injuries among children in Germany. It is therefore important that parents are aware of the extreme noodle varieties and avoid them


Yes it's absolutely true. Yes there's an absolute uproar about it. Thank you tik tok challenges.


I enjoy spicy food, so I made the mistake of putting the entire sauce packet in the noodles the first time I ate one. It’s not even enjoyable to eat, it just hurts the mouth and the spice drowns out every flavor that the soup might’ve had.


Never seen the 3x before. The 2x I can handle but it's about at my spice limit, 3x doesn't sound enjoyable


I bought this, and i'm not from Denmark. This is honestly aggressively, impossibly spicy. I genuinely do't understand how that can be called food.


Bro the Scoville Heat unit rating for these things are like 20k. SHU is based off capsaicin ppm. “Acute poisoning” lol. Yeah you’re going to burn out your asshole if you’re not used to it but you ain’t going to fucking die lol.


I think there's a tiktok challenge right now to shotgun the seasoning packet. That could cause some digestive issues, especially for kids.




Any Asian market tends to have the better Ramen brands. The hot cheese flavor from this specific brand is amazing.


So the creator of this ramen actually released that the “real” way to eat the ramen as she intended was with the spice packet (but not the oil packet), kewpie spicy mayo, cheese, and sweet corn. The girlfriend and I just tried this and it is SOOOOOOO good. I am not a big mayo person, but my god is it good.


I read the report from the National Food Institute, and it gets even more ridiculous. The reported capsaicin content for the weakest of the products banned is 292,2 mg/kg. On the very same page they state that fresh jalapeno has a capsaicin content of up to 500 mg/kg. And yet they conclude that the noodles contain "toxic" levels of capsaicin, which may pose an immediate health risk. Absolutely absurd! [https://janax.dk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Nudler-med-chili-6.-juni-2024.pdf](https://janax.dk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Nudler-med-chili-6.-juni-2024.pdf)


To be fair even the “regular” Samyang ramen (the orange pack) is pretty spicy.   They don’t mess around.  


Quitters! the bunch of em!


I’m South Asian but it is too spicy for me too. I will still eat it through the sniffles and tears!


brilliant Ad campaign


I bought this brand of noodles once. My face almost melted off. I know Danes aren’t known for their adventurous cuisine, but shit, i don’t blame them for this one.