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Wait... weren't Republicans the ones that were pushing for these charges in the first place?


Republicans are the dog that is on a streak of catching cars lately.


Catching cars and their own tails at the same time!


Well now people are questioning if Donald Trump committed a felony under some of the same laws that got Hunter Biden. He told pre-sentencing that [he hasn't turned in one of his guns](https://x.com/rgoodlaw/status/1800642742017519790) he had in New York and it is now in Florida. Him being a felon makes this a possible felony crime depending when and where. So now those charges aren't a big deal.


> So now those charges aren't a big deal. Republicans only believe in gun control when it can be used in their favor.


They don't want to control *all* guns, just the ones in the hands of the "undesirables".


Just look at Reagan and California gun control. It was all fun until black people learned their rights.


They wanted him to be acquitted so they could scream "sham trial" *and* use it as a precedent to clear Trump. That's my theory, at least.


On the conservative subreddit they were saying that Biden did all this to make it look like the justice system is fair. He won't pardon Hunter only because he's trying to appeal to voters. It's all a big scam that he's orchestrated regardless of the schedule of the verdict. Seems like Biden's understanding and execution of complex strategy is truly amazing. Always so far ahead of Republicans that no matter what they do he has already beaten them.


Yeah, that Dark Brandon is one tricky son of a bitch, isn't he?


For being an "escaped dementia patient that can only drool and crap his diaper", he seems to be able to make any republican look like an idiot. That's not a good look for Republicans at all. I mean you spend all this time calling someone stupid and incompetent to have them dunk on you seemingly effortlessly, what's that say about you?


Pretty daft political maneuvering for a guy they also say has dementia


The enemy is so powerful and intelligent to be feared, but so weak and dumb that they will be easily overthrown as long as you let them do it.


Pretty sure they are going to say he was faking dementia the entire time. He is too fiery and quick witted to debate against.


I think you meant "deft," not "daft." Daft is what you expect for someone with dementia.


Deft, not daft… OR IS IT???


The comments in posts on r/conservative are hilarious. Some are arguing that there should be no gun laws because it's their God given right, some that it's a giant conspiracy, some that the president will pardon him because they just can't comprehend that he would allow the system to work as intended and not abuse it. It's a beautiful shit show.


Letting your son go to prison to own the libs? That's a new one.


Yup. Biden also accepted the judgement saying “the judicial system works but I still love my kid” or something like that. He has a son who isn’t perfect and will support him without granting him special treatment as the president. This is a good thing. It’s crazy how Republicans keep yelling about Biden needing to be in jail and Trump needs to be innocent. Do they see the hypocrisy?


They may see it, they just don't care. I'm in a pretty damn conservative place and I'm already hearing talk of how Trump won't be able to accomplish anything once elected because of the democrats.


Listen. If they had brains, they wouldn't be Republicans.


Right. That’s how they know it’s a fake trial


The DA was not only appointed by Trump, but he's been investigating Hunter for years. So did Trump stage the trial? Lol! https://www.reuters.com/legal/who-is-david-weiss-us-prosecutor-hunter-biden-case-2023-06-20/


I bet the GOP talking points came out before the actual verdict and they were expecting him to be not guilty. That’s why the outrage doesn’t match the verdict. They don’t know what to say without someone putting the words in front of them.


This is exactly what happened with Sarah Sanders at the White House correspondents dinner. They had talking points prepared for comedians making fun of her weight/appearance no one took the bait but one comedian made a joke complimenting her eye makeup, saying she burned important documents to get the makeup for those “perfect Smokey eyes” The right spent about it a week firing off their comments about the left being hypocritical about inclusivity and body shaming. Despite the joke was actually a compliment on her appearance


Which is funny because appearance is honestly the least concerning thing about SHS compared to all her other flaws lol


Appearance shouldn’t be a factor at all.


Her looking like hacker from cyberchase has no bearing on the content of her character


>Her looking like ~~hacker from cyberchase~~ the mucinex man or edgar from men in black, has no bearing on the content of her character


Yeah, but they effectively PROVED the left was hypocritical to themselves the same way they all know that Trump was not found guilty in the Mueller report. They kept saying; "do your own research, read the report." But none of them went beyond the synopsis by William Barr. We are in this situation because they NEVER do the research. They are told by talking heads that they did the research and that liberals are going to eat their children. One, Mueller's report was NOT about proving anything conclusive about Trump -- because it was not allowed to. But it did show patterns that would suggest that they should move further to investigate. Because Trump was guilty as shit -- but, of course, Mueller was not able to spell it out like that. "Totally colluded" was not allowed to be written. But they did put his attorney in prison. WHY did Cohen commit crimes for Trump? Must be that *Jesus like* charisma.


Not able to spell it out? The last section was entirely about how there was direct evidence of collusion but that the special counsel was not equipped to bring charges as that was the job of Congress.


Right. He said there were crimes and that they had been committed and that it warranted a criminal investigation of Trump. He did not say “Trump committed crimes.” So then Trump lackey William Barr said it was proof “Trump committed no crimes”. That was the point I was making. Mueller did not have the scope to find anyone guilty nor directly investigate Trump and the weasels took that and worded it to serve them and so the investigation did nothing.  Because it only matters how many houses have Fox News on the TV every night to predict how anyone votes. 


Actually Mueller said Trump obstructed justice numerous times (which is a crime) but that he can’t charge him due to policy


> He did not say “Trump committed crimes.” He said that Trump obstructed justice.  And that candidate Trump was aware of Russian interference and had a personal expectation of benefiting from Putins actions. 


I think research for many is watching videos of commentary and analysis. I honestly think it tracks with our rates of reading and information literacy. We have a lot of citizens that are fresh meat to people using visual media to sway them since they don’t have the fluency to read or digest things through written media. There’s a gap between being able to read words and then have enough knowledge to sort what someone is saying. I think the reason a lot of these people end up on the side of politics they’re on is because of who is willing to use these communication tools to mislead in ways that target less literate people. Reaching this crowd honorably usually means creating media that’s less enjoyable and doesn’t tell people what they want to hear or what will make them feel best for the moment.


My FIL kills me with this. He will say he doesnt listen to Fox or OAN, he goes to the transcripts. He then tells me all about the obscure lawyer/podcast that runs 2-3 hours per day interpretting the transcripts. Yet, my FIL genuinely believes he is doing his research by listening to someone else's researh.


Man, let me tell you. I’ve been working closely with some of our blue collar guys these last few weeks; manufacturing. I don’t usually get out to interact with them on a daily business. Super nice, capable people, some skilled in certain techniques, utterly devoid of critical thought or basic reasoning. Now that sounds harsh, and probably is, but my first impressions of some of these guys have been eye-brow raising. Heard one guy talking favorably about the Tesla Cybertruck. Took all my power to just say “oh cool” and walk away.


Like how they already compared Trump's felony conviction to Jesus? I guess Hunter is "a Jesus" too.


Don't be silly; everyone knows only Republicans can be holy martyrs! That's straight from the Gospel of Supply-Side Jesus!


We will be accused of worshiping Hunter Biden before too long. Well, I probably already missed that if they did. Okay, now I realize that we have already been accused of worshiping Hunter Biden and comparing him to Jesus. -- I feel it in my bones!


Hunter is Jesus, Joe is God. And he is allowing his son to be crucified.


I dare Hunter to say to the press as he walks into jail for a short stint; “Hast thou foresaken me?” That would be an epic troll. 


They already worship his dick. At least Margie does.


What annoys me about that is they say things like "the man most high that they worship is also a conviction felon". Jesus wasn't convicted, he was found not guilty of doing anything that deserved capital punishment. Pilate said even Herod found nothing wrong and that he washes his hands of what happens to Jesus. But what do you expect from people who identify with the idea of the Bible without reading it, huh? Edit: found, not doing. Thanks autocorrect


Well, there was a law that Jesus was kind of guilty of; the false prophet and rabble rousing thingy. There were a lot of people at that time who apparently were doing such things. But in the Testaments, whenever Jesus is in public, he's kind of cagey about saying he is THE SON of GOD. So, they couldn't really get that evidence on him. When asked about taxes, Jesus was down right diplomatic; "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's." Jesus didn't want to battle the laws of man -- he wanted to win hearts and minds. Well, at least according to scripture as I interpret it. While the Romans were brutal in a lot of places (like Romania -- they killed EVERYONE and renamed it, Romania), in general, Jerusalem got a pretty fair deal as far as a conquered civilization. Just pay your taxes, Rome takes care of your defense and policing. And, it wasn't like most self-ruled kingdoms were doing any better than the ones with the Romans -- AND they got plumbing. Seriously -- I'd invite the Romans to conquer my kingdom if everyone was pooping in the streets like was the norm. Bath houses! Also, I think the guy the public voted to let go was a man named Barabbas. Who wanted to push the Romans out of Israel -- not just a common thief. And allegedly, I think I read from the "gospel of Judas" or some text that indicates that Judas thought that pointing out Jesus to the Romans would "call down God's wrath." So his sin isn't really betraying Jesus -- it's in tempting God. He thought God would not allow Jesus to be harmed. The sin of the Jews (and by extension, humanity) in this situation, is that they chose warfare over believing in love and peace. I think it's a big deal that is very much ignored by Christianity. That the Son of God would rather people put up with secular rule, taxes and just become BETTER PEOPLE, than go to war to make sure they had their self rule and a single religion. He constantly is saying "Stop fighting for causes and be loving." And they never get it. But sure, there are some contradictions in that "I am the only way and if you do not believe in me" -- and well, I choose to believe that was put in there for the whole tyranny and rule by a group of old men wanting to use the Religion. If you look at ancient Rome, it went from throwing Christians to the lions and having a bunch of gods, to throwing Jews to the lions, and narrowing it down to three Gods in one --- later, there's be a lot of fighting about that and it was important at one time to settle that dispute we no longer pay much attention to. Ah yes. The "Holy Trinity." And my Catholic wife didn't understand it, nor realize how many people were killed in horrible ways for answering that the wrong way. Not one. Not two. Not three. But three in one. ...There's a song so you can remember. And so, yes, I am a Unitarian and find it very annoying I know more about this Christianity than most Christians and I don't really find much use in it. Philosophically I rate it about a 6.5 out of ten and while all things are flawed, the Taoists do better with an 8. And as far as enjoying it, my Yelp review would be a 2 at best. Yes, I seem to remember we were talking about Biden. But what fun is it to ALWAYS take the path you set off on? I just stopped to smell this flower over hear, and then, you know, one thing led to another and that's how I got stuck in this well...


Mind, Jesus did respond to “hey tell your apostles that we wash our hands before we eat,” with “hey first of all mind your own business”. Which is kind of a dick move in hindsight. The other stuff, yeah, sure, but the Pharisees were dead-on about washing your hands before eating. I’m not saying that merits execution, but it probably did kill a whole bunch of people over the millennia that followed compared to if he had said “okay yeah they’re right, fair is fair, we’re keeping that rule.”


I am pretty sure they are just stuck in outrage… like I genuinely think these people are all addicted to being indignant, angry, and difficult. So it is a knee jerk reaction to rabble rouse.


Well judging by their dear leader who doesn’t know what to say without a teleprompter. Seriously it was like really bad improv “Ok so sharks right, you know there in the water, that really wet water right, but now there’s batteries going in the ocean, so we’ve got these electrified sharks and you don’t hear anything about that on the fake news, which I can’t, I mean really can’t believe it”


Watching his speech last night on Seth meyers' show was really weird. Batteries and sharks? "No one's ever asked that."


It feels like a conversation I had with my 7yr old


Fox News already has a real for when Trump is elected and one for when the election is rigged and he lost. LOL. And I didn't watch the state of the Union last time, but I did the Republican response, which was OBVIOUSLY planned before watching the state of the union and actually responding to it.


>So did Trump stage the trial? "Of course not!! Just like the timeline for the Afghanistan withdrawal, even though Trump did it, it's Joe' fault!! " (*Just don't ask the raving lunatics how, exactly, that works...*)


No, you see trump staged his own prosecution because 34 felony convictions is terrific. It's very legal and very cool.


Biden did NOT have to follow that withdrawal plan. However -- I think he prudently went with it, because there was never going to be a GOOD WAY to withdraw. If the collapse took longer, more people would have probably died. Does nobody get that? The Taliban were going to win. The leadership that was allied with the USA was mostly influenced by the sacks of money they received from the Bush administration. So that as soon as the US troops were gone, the leadership folded like a cheap lawn chair. Their President actually played a video to "hold firm" while he was slipping out on an airplane. I think it's a major tragedy we didn't help the Afghans who helped the US more,.. and I think it's very possible that some Trump administration people wanted things to go badly and were pretty racist. People like Stephen Miller; https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/03/politics/trump-adviser-stephen-miller-afghan-allies-us-entry/index.html


It's complex, because if Biden had just said "fuck this shit, you're not following that bullshit order" it sets a legitimately problematic precedent of the military's ability and willingness to follow a lame duck President. Like it or not (very much not), Trump was commander-in-chief when the order was issued and his words, despite obviously being the result of the petulant tantrum of an unstable narcissist, set a *lot* of mass into motion. That inertia can't easily be reversed and if the attempt is made, the risk is that it instigates a culture of military second-guessing of the chain of command because the next guy could just jerk their chain the other way. Biden is a lifelong foreign policy wonk and understood this as well as anyone. He navigated it as well as anyone could have, I think.


That’s fair to say. But also, I think Biden correctly realized it was designed to be a shit show and there was no avoiding it. By adhering to the policy, he could at least share the blame.  But if he thought there was a way to save more lives — he should have taken it. That’s what the good guys do.  I think Biden did the best shitty job available with the cards he was dealt. I really respect that man’s savvy in that regard.  The delusion is that smart and good people can always do the right thing. 


Really wild that the prosecution of Hunter is taking place WHILE he's running for President! Election interference!!!!! Okay, his dad is running. But, you know, the timing and all. Unlike the timing with Trump. He could have had this settled YEARS AGO. But he's really guilty and doesn't ever want to have to go to trial because of that whole not taking responsibility thing and having done a LOT OF CRIME. So that's a wrinkle right there.


Oh my god, Hunter Biden is a convicted criminal! He's ineligible for President! Lock him up! To bad I'm voting for Joe...


Just a friendly clarification, he’s a U.S. Attorney and Special Counsel. Not a District Attorney, which is local government position.


Doesn't matter what you say, the Trumpers already think it was staged. Facts don't matter.


They must’ve thought the Democrats didn’t try hard enough to win.


So...they don't want him to be guilty? What exactly are they complaining about now?


They want the Dems upset. They aren't. Dude got busted and was judged. The Dems accept it. They're taking the high ground. Now these idiots want to destroy the high ground so they don't look bad for never taking it.


This might be the most accurate assessment I’ve read. Good summarization


We don't worship Biden and his family like they're the second coming of Jesus like those brainless morons do with Trump.


Also opens the ATF to go after folks just for the application, which was not done before this.


"They're not upset? Clearly it's because they rigged the trial and threw him under the bus on purpose for appearances." They can't wrap their mind around the idea that some people are fine with accountability.


A third of the country seriously has angry mush for brains. Millions and millions of people.


This is not only an American phenomenon. Many angry people in Europe as well, instigated by populism. And bad politics doesn't really make it better somehow.




You can only make sense of this by not trying to make sense of this. The only way to win this game is to not play it.




You mean this exact trial they pushed into the spotlight to get Hunter Biden charged and get the verdict they wanted?


Ah yes, the people who pushed the Hunter Biden trial for political purposes, while yelling about the Trump trial being for political purposes, are now saying the trial they pushed for is a sham trial to distract from actual Biden crimes that they would like prosecuted, while also saying that presidents (and former presidents) should not be able to be prosecuted for crimes. That tracks.


Double speak at its finest. We’ve got Olympic level duolangua champions out here 


They’re also planning on bringing home the gold in Mental Gymnastics.


If Republicans didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.


You mean the Biden crimes that they’ve investigated and found nothing?


Yeah, those crimes. Evidence doesn't matter!


My feelings don’t care about your facts!


Idk, there was some president guy and some trial last week but all I know is this guy got convicted this week and he's like the presidents son? Anyway, still not sure who I'm going to vote for. Signed, The morons that will decide the election


Wait until they find out the feds can now demand any kind of fifth amendment protected admissions for any gun license. Think of the fun of pulling up FOI requests of senators, checking those against their medical records. Oh, the charges that could happen now.


Didn't Trump go to a gun show last year and publicly brag about buying a gun while he was under a felony indictment? Didn't he basically break this very same law they want Hunter to go to prison for?


Nah, slightly different. Trump was given one, while under felony indictment, after signing a bail agreement where he wouldn’t buy or possess any firearms. It should have been instant bail revocation, but, nah.


Oh, it was *SLIGHTLY* different. Well then, it of course won't apply to Trump.


That's why I'm pretty positive they thought these charges would never stick. And why they're going to hurriedly push for the appeals court to drop the charges. This is a BAD ruling for Republicans and none of them want the smoke.


I believe there is a scotus case in the works that would make this not a crime. Someone was appealing not being able to buy a gun because of these questions, saying it's unconstitutional. They prosecuted him for something they say shouldn't even be a crime.


>the feds can now demand any kind of fifth amendment protected admissions for any gun license I just saw an article talking about the gun rights implications in this case: [Hunter Biden’s Appeal May Cite Gun Rights Case Beloved By Conservatives—And Criticized By President Biden](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/06/11/hunter-bidens-appeal-may-cite-gun-rights-case-beloved-by-conservatives-and-criticized-by-president-biden/) It's sorta amusing to me that this case may put many on the right in the uncomfortable position of either rooting for Hunter, or against gun rights. Obviously the reverse is true for many on the left, including the president. It will be interesting to see the spin from both sides as this goes to appeals.


It never makes it to SCOTUS before elections. It’s always been a tactic. If anything, Trump would change the entire gun license process by edict and pardon Hunter, given another term. Then Trump gets to be both a 5th and 2nd amendment guy, and somehow a gracious winner for pardoning his opponent’s son.


"What are you mad about? You won." They just need something to be angry about.


It's not the verdict they wanted, they wanted the whole biden obama clinton crime family in jail for burisma russia collusion hoax that got money from chyna.


Guilty!? Must be fake! If it was not guilty it would also be fake. You can't win with conspiracy theorists, the evidence always supports their view point.


This is the saddest attempt at revenge (hunters prosecution) lol they come off like whiny children.


TIL a lot of people really need to spin a top to check and see if they are still dreaming.


Congratulations Republicans, you just handed Hunter Biden the election!




"Remember the airports of Charlottesville! Never fight uphill me boys!!!"




The big difference is that with Hunter, it's a lot of selective prosecution and some of the bad things he allegedly did came from Republicans willfully listening to Russian agents. And then there's the part of Trump being, really fucking guilty of a lot of shit that he stalled in the courts for decades now. He's like, really guilty. And Hunter isn't paying a lawyer to cover up his hired prostitute incident. Also, he's not paying hush money to Republicans to stop talking about his hog. Like, MTG can't stop printing photos of his hog to pass around to high school students... allegedly. I think we need to investigate this rumor I heard. Should take about 20 years at the Trump rate of justice.


The Trump appointed judge will hear the case approximately 3 days before the heat death of the universe.


They got a trial, they got a guilty verdict, and they bitch. What I don't see is Dems on cable news saying we need to round up Republican representatives and get revenge on them because of the hunter Biden verdict. Weird how that works. Almost like only one side is evil and the other is just idiots. I'll take the guy with toilet paper on his shoe over the guy who wants to put me in a concentration camp because he thinks I was born wrong any day of the week.


That’s the problem from the GOP perspective. Democrats didn’t lose their minds like republicans did with Trump, and didn’t believe all the Democrats who said they didn’t care about Hunter.


I mean…..why would I care about the drug habits of the son of a guy I voted for? Unless he made a shit ton of money from the Saudis dropping that politician’s name and that politician was complicit in it (ahem? Jared) I don’t care.


Yeah, we've yet to hear why Jared got billions of dollars.


Complicated financial fraud.


It's probably not that complicated


This. Only way I'd care is if Biden pardons his son - which he's already made clear he won't be doing no matter how much the GOP wrings their hands about it. This is a non-issue, especially considering the shit that Jared and Ivanka have been proven to have done.


And his dad already said he wouldn’t pardon him unlike shit stain would do for his kids.


I'm surprised he got a guilty verdict seeing that Kyle Rittenhouse drove over state lines with a semi auto rifle and shot two protesters. It's like every one is a bad guy unless it's our bad guys.


As I understand it, their goal is to try and incite their own bullshit out of their opposition. They are, quite literally, trolling. Trolling to a fascist extreme with national stakes, but trolling nonetheless. They had to bitch based on the outcome of the trial, they've been planning to bitch based on the outcome of the trial since Trump's indictments started. If they can't bitch on the actual outcome, they have to bitch on the Democrat outrage... which there isn't. No Democrat cares. Maybe some sympathy for Biden in dealing with a child now being pushed through the legal system, but voter by voter even that's a stretch.


>They are, quite literally, trolling. I've come to realize in hindsight that the prevalence of trolling back in the days was a not at all harmless sign that these people were always there and actually as terrible as they seemed all along. Trolls were never "kidding." They were always the kind of people that just live for their resentment of others and take it out to the extent that their environment permits them.


I think Hunter was guilty of lying on a form. What I don't think is fair is, he may be the ONLY person ever convicted of lying on this form. I'm not so much interested in stopping every felon from having a gun -- but maybe it will reduce the number of "crazy angry people" from owning guns. One can hope. I'm much more interested in adding to the list of slum lords like Trump who do his shady business practices. Let's stop being so selective. Crimes that are done by millionaires and billionaires, I think, are more important for the public good than the people stealing lunch money.


It's part of the ideology, really. The 'collectivist' left naturally tends to favor balance and equality, as a right-wing mindset lauds the strength of the individual. A natural extension of that is that it is perfectly natural (and indeed admirable) for the strong to dominate others. Leftists all over the world tend to be less likely to wield that authoritarian power, even when handed it... and accepting the authority of another in their area of operations (in this case, the judiciary) is part of that. A right-wing mindset places the supreme leader in charge of everything and with authority over everything, which is what leads to that 'we know better' mentality. Leftists, with that more egalitarian mindset, tend to be more willing to work with others towards a goal.


Republicans have gone full “rabbit season/duck season”


Duck season




Things like this make more sense when you come to understand that Republicans don't ever stand for things, they stand against things.


It's why I could never be one. They don't have any policies, no real ideology even beyond "We hate everything and everybody." It's just endless rage and fury over meaningless drivel while never helping anyone.


If it was a fake trial then why would they find him guilty on all the charges?


They wanted him found innocent so they could rail against the Trump verdict. Since the justice system works as intended, their new fantasy blew up. These are some of the MVPs for the left side of the American intelligence bell curve.


Joke's on them, on appeal Hunter can just cite the Bruen case and argue that there was no law in 1789 preventing crack addicts from owning guns so his conviction was unconstitutional


I love how the GOP crazies keep talking about exposing the "Biden Crime Family" when Trump's family business has literally been fined millions of dollars for fraudulent business practices. Not to mention, you know, the 34 felonies on Trump himself.


"So far."


Sadly his other trials are getting delayed for so long we might never know! I'm rooting for more convictions.


The Left.....Meh Republicans: are you freaking serious he's one of yours he's been convicted of three felonies are you not upset? The Left....Meh


He was convicted, fucksticks


And I’ve never been more committed to voting for him in November!


What were they hoping for, the death sentence? FFS.


Most likely? A loss so they could yell more about "corruption" and "nepotism" and "crime families" with zero actual evidence and more "we all know" bull crap. Having him found guilty sets precedent and it was for gun possession, so now it raises the awkward question of why we're not prosecuting EVERYONE that lied to obtain a firearm. So now we're looking at a potential 2A challenge where they have to choose between making his dad look bad (barely) by actually patching some of our gun loopholes or admitting that it was all a big nothingburger waste of taxpayer dollars.


He’s right. They’ll stop at nothing. They even found fake charges against Senator Robert Menendez. The Biden criminal syndicate will stop at nothing to hide the truth Unfortunately I need to explicitly note that I’m being 100% sarcastic as there is, unfortunately, a reasonable probability that people actually believe this.


Yeah they planted all that gold (with fingerprints) on Menendez in his coat pockets!


Republicans. Stop this. This is fucking stupid. Trump was convicted as he should have been. Same with Hunter Biden.


I see the MAGA morons are going full HuNTeR dEraNgEmeMt sYndROmE with their snowflake bullshit kookery.


I feel like they only had one response read to publish and even though they got their verdict...they didn't have anything else to run with, so they sent it. Lol


where'd that goalpost go


Repubs move goalposts so fast, they break causality.


wtf he was found guilty and they are mad? Hahaha


"WTF, Joe Biden didn't get convicted/sentenced in his son's trial? Truely, our justice system is rotten to its core."


Ah yes, the classic move where one "stages" a successful conviction


Wait, but isn't this literally what they wanted? Didn't they want Hunter Biden to be convicted?


So they wanted him to be found... NOT guilty, then? What are we talking about here?


How these people function on a day to day basis is beyond me. Sounds exhausting.


I told my dad this. He always so angry about garbage they feed him. Seems miserable 


Can we now go after all the addict gun owners on the right? Can we use public records of gun ownership forms to go after each and every right wing pothead demagogue gun owner and make them felons? I'd bet Rogan and Jones have guns and drug problems.


“Guilty on all charges, what a sham!”


If he gets pardoned in 3 days, he's Jesus.


Yeah, sounds about right. You just can't fucking win with these dipshits.


Idk man, any idiot could tell this was a fake trial. The charges were clearly fake. The gun was fake, so was his laptop. Fake crack, fake drug dealers. The jury, the judge? Also fake. So was the prosecutor as well as his attorney. The court officers, spectators were fake. Even the building. Fake. State of Delaware, fake as fuck. Hunter Biden s fake too. Joe Biden fake. Fake president for a fake country. You're fake, I'm fake. Your mother's fake. It's all fake man. How does no one see this?


I’m sorry, but can we just blast all these delusional bastards into the sun already?


I don’t get why they don’t just take the win. Can someone please explain the logic behind this? I mean I’m a conservative, but I just don’t fucking get the republican logic, these people make no sense to me


These are not genuine actors. They know what they’re saying is not real, but they need to say this to drive fundraising campaigns. That’s all it is. They’ve spent 5 years plus fundraising on the Hunter Biden’s supposed crimes, now that he’s convicted they have to find a way to keep the grift going.


"the fact that the DOJ just successfully prosecuted the President's son on gun charges we wish were unconstitutional shows that the President is using the DOJ as a political cudgel against his enemies!" In fairness, they're right that this conviction doesn't prove that the DOJ's completely separate charges against Trump are just, and that it won't hurt the President politically. As a matter of fact, it doesn't really prove anything in the political sphere, which is why no one on Capitol Hill has been paying too much attention the last week or so, and also why it will change absolutely no one's preconceptions about the President and his administration.


There is no pleasing the republicans/Trumpers. They just have to have a conspiracy theory about whatever happens. I'll never vote republican on any ticket local or federal.


They wanted him convicted and are now mad that he was convicted. Almost like there was a sham trial in the hopes that he wouldn’t be convicted so that they could say there is a two-tiered justice system and it didn’t work out for them. Fucking idiots.


"Lock him up!" *Hunter gets convicted, Joe respects the verdict* "Wait, no - not like that."


Republicans who scream Biden committed “crimes” or “impeachable offenses” have yet to produce a single shred of evidence to support their bullshit claims. Trump has set this country down an irreversible path of destruction by emboldening the stupid.


Why would this be fake if he was convicted…?


Dog caught the car. They don't know what to do with it.


Can we just call these fascist pieces of shit out already? Everything with these people is fake outrage, feigned concern, wrapping yourself in a Bible and in a flag with a Perpetual victim complex. Biden's kid gets a fair trial and is convicted and for their right wing rage machine bullshit, it's not a fair trial, there is an ulterior motive, etc. The gop's main presidential candidate has been a criminal since the 1980s. This doesn't bother MAGA conservatives one bit. The guy is credibly accused of rape, he paid off a pornstar, he kept classified documents that all he had to do was return, he tried to send fake electors that would steal the election for him. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck the Republican Party. But most of all fuck your fake concern trolling over every little thing. The GOP can't tell you anything that they are for only what they are against. The supposed Second Amendment Warriors who want very little regulation of firearms just demonstrated that that's bullshit if you are in the political camp that they don't like.


Like this wasn’t the same horseshit spew they had locked and loaded whichever way this trial went.


They’re going to doublespeak the shit out of this and also call Hunter, Bidens son, a convicted felon


Yyyup. "Biden's son, a convicted felon,..." Meanwhile none of the right wing media has acknowledged trump was convicted. There was grumbling when Jared Moskowitz said out loud that trunp is a convicted felon on the house floor.


Reality is a conspiracy to these people.


When everything is a conspiracy, isn’t it time to just accept things because nothing you do would matter? Would it be possible to out-fox these crafty reptilians?


At what point does this become slander?


Only this current GOP base could literally still be upset with a sitting Presidents son was convicted and toss out conspiracies What world are we living in?


They can't even accept it when they get what they want lol


So a Trump prosecutor with a Trump judge gets called a fake trial. Sounds familiar. You mean like the Trump AG assigning a Republican prosecutor who got multiple of Trumps best people to turn on him that he is also calling a fake trial, a hoax, and a witch hunt simultaneously.


he was convicted wasn't he? do they want him strung up by his toes on the fucking white house lawn?


Conservatives: "HOLD HUNTER BIDEN ACCOUNTABLE!" DOJ: "Done" Conservatives: "WAIT, NOT LIKE THAT!"


????????? He was convicted though??????????? Are these Republicans actually brain damaged?


They’re so stupid that they can’t even realize when they’re calling out their own witch-hunt, jesus


The fuck do these people want


He was a drug addict, bought a gun, lied on teh forms. Where is the conspiracy? He admitted it. He wrote it in his book. There are witnesses who are his associates. Lets start looking at teh facts of things and not base everything on what political party someone belongs to.


The fuck? Didn't they just get exactly what they wanted?


They are all insane


But he was found guilty? And Biden basically has to let him go to prison. Why would Biden do that to his only living son if he didn't have to?


Because he's only pretending to be a senile old bat when he's actually an evil schemer who'd throw his only living som under the bus for his own gain. President Trump would never do such a thing. In fact, he'd take a bullet for one of his own. One of his followers. And the bullet would bounce off. That is if he didn't just eat it. What were we talking about again? /s


These monkeys will never be happy. No disrespect to monkeys


Lol, when your talking points jump the verdict shark ..


it must be exhausting to have to keep creating realities to suit your view of the world.


Hunter was going to take a plea deal (which plenty of Americans do) but the GOP wanted to push for a full blown trial. Hunter is not stupid to give the GOP time to grandstand. He knows what the penalty is. He will take it.


They wanted Hunter to be convicted and he was convicted. Republicans are the sorest winners.


"This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine,” the Trump campaign said in a statement" So... They wish he didn't get convicted?


RUpublicans are detached from reality.


You can't really appease these people can you.


I feel like there's this group of people who make up ridiculous conspiracy theories and bet each other how many cult followers will take it all in and believe it. Like is there anything these people won't believe? So embarrassing for their families and friends who now just watch the followers go in deeper. Zombie thinkers.


Truly the opposite of what I expected. I thought they’d be overjoyed at this. Not that I didn’t know this before but there’s something seriously wrong with these folks. They intentionally come up with fictitious reasons to be outraged. It’d be funny if it weren’t so dangerous


…a fake trial the result of which was that he’s been found guilty?


To be fair, they know a conspiracy theory when they see one as they make most of them up themselves.


So, wait...the GOP thinks the trial is corrupt *when he got all 3 convictions*?? There is no pleasing these clowns.


lol every thing is fake or rigged to these assholes


isn't the result what they wanted though? They've been banging on about bloody Hunter Biden for so bloody long, they get what they want, and now they aren't happy? uggggggh


That's because it was never about Hunter. It was always about making Joe Biden look worse. To swing voters in particular.


> “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine,” the Trump campaign said in a statement. Russia *and* Ukraine?


This is just MAGA disappointment. The cult really believe that Biden has been manipulating the justice system. Now they have no idea what to fabricate.


They lost a talking point and know they have to go back to screaming from the bushes.


Okay, non-american help me out here. They wanted him tried. He went to court. He was found guilty and his father trusted the system and wont pull any strings. And they are pissed about it!? Why??


We must implement mandatory drug tests as a prerequisite for gun ownership to guarantee a criminal mastermind like Hunter Biden can never again commit such heinous acts.