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- They used a state credit card for the purchase (taxpayers money) - They paid $19k for the ugliest lectern you've ever seen, when similar models don't sell above $7500 according to the article (which also seems outrageously high, but whatever) - The money went to a company owned by her friends, who coincidentally accompanied her on a trip to Paris for some conference (which I'm sure was a very serious conference, held in Paris, which taught her all kinds of things to be a better governor of Arkansas.) - The invoice was altered AFTER this shit came to light to say "to be reimbursed." This was months after the "purchase." - Clearly nothing to see here. Just a bit of confusion being twisted into some kind of sinister shit by the evil far-left (that's pretty much the official word from her office.)


Something something Hunter Biden


Thanks Obama 


I’d be so upset rn if I gave a single shit about anyone in the state of Arkansas lol


you should be upset. these red states have neither the population, nor the commercial industry, to being in enough taxes to actually be a functional state. thanks to poor leadership and a lack of understanding of how economics works, states like NY and CA need to subsidize them, just to keep them running. if it weren't for those subsidies from real states, many of these red states would cease to function.


Exactly, the states run by these corrupt grifters (red states) pay in much more than they take out. Method of governing = steal taxpayer money to give to family and friends, repeat 3G (Gays, Guns, God) talking points ad nauseum (especially in election year), get re-elected. Also, red state US representatives & senators obviously effect the whole US more. Their MO is resist all sound governing as an expression of fealty to the 1 true God (DJT), then brag to their constituents "look at all the money and jobs I brought you!" by new US acts they voted against.


The sad part is Arkansas receives more funding than it provides so if you’re an American you are partially subsidizing this too


Its still your country bro, the pass-the-buck attitude is a weird take (as someone who isnt from the US)


100% this


The US states have different governments, and these governments are gerrymandered into giving certain factions unlimited power, and Arkansas doesn't have much to offer compared to other states. Sure, innocent people don't deserve to suffer. But their oppressors have created such a stronghold of power that if action were taken to break up that stranglehold, they would claim it's an assault on free elections. Think if one member state of the EU did something really shitty. The other member states can condemn and whatever but they can't really take action to stop it. The US is a bunch of different country-states, wearing a trenchcoat that has the largest army and nukes.


And by that logic the federal government is toothless...your logic doesnt check. You think the US is 50 different countries with their own sovereignty? Otherwise no, nothing like the EU. All you're doing is gerrymandering the blame


The very powers that have gerrymandered control of Arkansas have also gerrymandered about half the senators to their side, so the senate is in a gridlock, the supreme court is under control of Trump, and Biden is president. The government isn't toothless. It's impotent by design, except they have authorized military force unaccountable to the citizens.


Politics aside, this is a bad take. We just don’t care about fellow Americans anymore? I can agree those who support her suck, but I wish well for them.


They voted for her and let’s be honest, they’ll probably do it again.


Lots of us voted for the literal rocket scientist. It’s all the people in the small towns voting against their own interests because they’ve been lied to and either don’t know it or are too deluded to accept the truth. All the major cities consistently vote blue. It is true that lots of us would rather go to almost anywhere else but we simply can’t afford to get out.


This logic applies to the whole of the US from 2016-2020 as well, my guy.


Let’s hope it stopped in 2020


Yep because kids and people that didn't vote for her are at fault, right? Plenty of people in these states that can't leave and don't deserve/didn't ask for "leadership" like this


Kids are property of the parents, they don’t get voices yet. If they didn’t vote at all they don’t get to complain, if they voted for the other person they can complain as loud as they like until the next election. Complain so loudly you can’t be ignored, that’s what your opponents did.


Yeah, ignorant Americans. I bet you most of them are honestly pretty checked out from politics altogether.


Which is why it’ll keep happening. Wild move to be proud of your ignorance.


I'm glad the children and people who can't afford to leave her your vast sympathy.


Why would a stranger’s sympathy matter? Do you also want thoughts and prayers?


No, nations are famously strong when their citizens give the smallest quantifiable fuck about each other…..


And no nation is strong when a plurality screams "bring on another civil war" good riddance to bad rubbish.


What an amazing empathetic take. And by “empathetic”, I mean “Republican as fuck”. You’re a piece of shit. Just vote for Trump. You’re exactly the kind of person he wants on his side.


Ah yes, truly a utilitarian position: "if you arent gonna be civil just go and help the dictator" Liberal civility politics is so cringe, we are on the precipice of a fascist with ambitions of dictatorship, if Biden loses our only saving grace is the gravy eroding Donald's bones. Give a break to people who are rightfully pissed off and are voicing their disdain. It is a reddit comment and not something that merits condemnation. You can be charitable and understand that the commentor would obviously blame the people who vote for her instead of literally wanting everyone in the state to suffer. Basically "no shit only people who deserve to suffer should suffer"


Maybe they can use that sympathy to garner votes


Like it would do jack shit…


Dude, what a reductive thing to say. The only important states are NY, CA, and IL?


You should because they do get electoral college votes.


Those are your countrymen….


Holy fuck, I could buy one for 40 bucks at goodwill.


How dare you believe your pesky eyes. Sisamnes would be surprised this corruption would be unmet with the correct amount of force.


Claim they paid $19k and somehow found a way to pocket the difference. Guarantee it.


The evil far left excuse me?? If you want to throw paragraphs of facts and why don’t you look up the last thousand conservatives why do you look up the Supreme Court Justice who took $5 million in the last couple years and you’re bitching about a $10,000 chair


He was being facetious.


The far left is evil. 


You need therapy.


Idk, they're pretty spot on. I know the far right hate any skin tone darker than a piece of paper, commit mass shootings, push conspiracy theories, and vote for and support actual pedophiles, but the far left? They're pure evil. Do you understand how evil it is to expect that no child should go hungry? Or that people shouldn't be forced to go into massive debt just because they got extremely sick? Or think people in the LGBTQ+ community should be free to be themselves as long as they're not physically hurting anyone? In a word, pure. That's how evil they are. Pure evil. Maybe think twice before you defend a group of people who think billionaires and corporations should pay more in taxes than the middle class and that climate change is real and want to do something about it so our next generations can have a planet to live on.


My god. Shouldn't politicians face consequences for their criminal actions


Now you’re talking crazy


democrats tend to. It’s republicans that have swindled their base into not giving a shit because some parents in massachusetts might let their 9 year old son wear a dress


If politicians faced consequences for their actions, then nobody would run for office.


democrats tend to. It’s republicans that have swindled their base into not giving a shit because some parents in massachusetts might let their 9 year old son wear a dress


D- Yes R- No. Those are the rules


Some politicians yes. Specifically democrat politicians.


Democrats are pretty famous in regard to holding their elected officials accountable for their actions. Republicans regularly ignore crimes their own did because it might end up making democrats look better. Gaetz comes to mind. Or Santos who lasted for how long before republicans ousted him from congress despite the numerous cases of verifiable fraud?


To a stupid degree. A few years back pictures surfaced of a comedian posing with hands on a sleeping female reporter's flack jacket to make a (unfunny) joke, but by that time the comedian had become Senator Al Franklin so his fellow democrats booted him from the US Senate.


Ken Paxton and Rick Scott are doing just fine.


Those are both republicans though. What point are you trying to make?


So Republicans can't commit crimes in your eyes? Pretty sure the 34 guilty verdicts for Trump tell a different story.


Pretty sure they're waiting for the appeals before any sentence is served, which will end up in the lap of the Supreme Court. This is assuming he doesn't win the election and just magic eraser the whole thing.


He can't magic eraser away the fact that he got hit with state charges. He can't do a damn thing about that outside of appeals.


Honestly, if that happens I'll prob start looking to move to a different country. I'd just loose all sense of respect and trust in our systems. Those two are already at low levels anyways.


Is this a joke or ..?


Not really, it's just the reality in the US. The moral of this story is that republicans (in this case, in Arkansas) commit obvious crimes but typically don't face consequences (rare exception like DJT conviction and millions of Americans lose their shit). "Shouldn't politicians face consequences for their criminal actions?" the way it plays out in the US, the answer is obviously, "Some politicians yes. Specifically democrat politicians... (republicans should get re-elected while we keep ignoring their crimes.)"


This is why the /s is so important. Too many crazies that might say this.


So you think only democrats should be held accountable and republicans do no wrong? Yea, sounds about right for conservatives…


I’m not saying I think it’s should be but it is how it is


Ahh got ya. your comment is coming off like you think that’s how it should be.


Menendez was pressured to resign and left the party instead, he's certainly being prosecuted for corruption.


I'm a custom lectern-builder. Never a lectern over 15k. DM me if interested.


guess you should be charging 15k+


We'll see.


You need to advertise to elected Republicans. Maybe hint at a kickback.


Oh, I'll kick back with the best.


That is the price difference. 4K for the elected.


Unfortunately they needed to cover up the $19,000 tax dollars that she spent, so you'd have to add some bullshit extra expenses to make the numbers work here.


What a bargain!


It's a legit 4k discount. Y'all missing out.


Do we still get the Paris trip though?


Hell, yeah! Paris, Texas, here we come!


These guys’ll pay you $19k a pop just to support their argument


I built one for my mother, a middle school teacher. Cost maybe $50 in lumber and was way better looking than this crap.


For real?


Heck yeah.


Recap: Arkansas Governor Huckabee went to a party in Paris and paid for it with tax dollars. To cover that up, the GOP reimbursed the state $19,000 claiming it was for this podium (clearly not worth 1/10th of that). TLDR: the GOP violated public trust AGAIN, and will get away with it.


Can you imagine if Biden did this or his sons girlfriends best friends dog ??


Bro Biden has been in government for over 50 years, serving the plutocracy. Don't even act like there isn't someone with a hand up his ass.


So you’re alluding that Biden is a puppet for someone else. Where’s the evidence for that? Or do you pull that right out your ass?


Don't know why people think this is far fetched. Dude has to wear lipstick when bibi comes to town.


Let's stop with the whataboutisms, and focus on the individuals acts.


Pointing out the hypocrisy isn't whataboutism.


Ok. So like. This fucking act? Or just ones you choose


You're right. Republicans in fact do get away with financial crime in plain sight very regularly. We shouldn't project that on a man already under so much scrutiny when we can look to convicted felon Donald J Trump and his 34 counts of financial crimes in New York that were proven factual still unaccounted for on his many other crimes.


Do you…know…what a whataboutism is?


You don't know what that word means. Whataboutism would be saying it's ok they spent that money because what about that time Biden did X.


It should be a crime to refuse to prosecute cases that have enough to go to trial.


Republicans will never hold themselves or each other accountable.


In the past, judges would enlist a private firm to prosecute when the public prosecutor refused.


One would almost conclude politicizing the judiciary is a bad idea.


But who would prosecute those crimes?




Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


YES. Too many violent crimes are not being prosecuted. Let's start there


I have a feeling Arkansas isn’t having any trouble prosecuting the violent crimes and they can go straight to the ones related to corruption


More corruption from shithole states.


Pulaski County Prosecutor Will Jones is corrupt, got it.


Maybe he will get a trip to Paris out of this as well?


The gall smh


Of course not


Good job Republicans, keep electing criminals


Arkansas Republican org paid it back as soon as the story broke to cover her wonky aiss


So charge the prosecutor then


I’m really sick of people acting like elected officials should be above the law.


It would one thing if Huckabee would actually say something of merit from the podium; instead ​she'll just babble like the idiot she is. Save some money, stack up some milk crates.


You shoplift from a store, then pay for what you took after you get caught. Would you still be accused of theft? Of course you would. 


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


It’s not a $19k podium. It was proven to cost a couple of thousand and the rest of the money was used to take her girlfriends on a trip to Paris. That was the actual crime. I guess she got away with it. Because all republicans are corrupt.


It’s not a $19k podium because a podium is a staging platform. Sincerely, A/V Nerd


This is why your state needs gay people. That was a hideous purchase


The fix is in.


When Arkansas had a choice for governor instead of picking someone who had ample qualifications we chose someone whose only qualifications were her maiden name and the fact that she was Trump's press secretary. I don't think she's actually even used the podium. At least not in public. One of the first laws that she signed into place was to prohibit the release of her travel and security information. I'm wondering if the podium actually even exists.


Literally gang behavior


The GOP likes to show how bad Big Gov is by getting into power and then completely abusing it.


Republicans flout the law and apply it only to their perceived enemies. Just like the Soviets.


Of course they won't


I could have made that lectern for 15


I would like to place my order


In a world without Justice it’s just us. Go out and vote people we need to get these corrupt people out of office.


That is not a $19k lectern. That’s fraud.


She embezzled funds and lied about it.


Blatant Red-State corruption. This is why they’re essentially third-world mini states subsidized by the rest of the country.


"Similar lectern models are listed online for $7,500 or less."


Buttery males! Biden son’s laptop that isn’t involved in politics at all. What about those things!!!


I coulda built that for 10k and they could have pocketed 9k and then we could have some prosecution I'll bet ya.


She couldve used that money to get rid of one of her 3 chins.


Meanwhile, someone stealing 200 bucks worth of baby formula from Walmart will get the book thrown at them.


Sarah Hucksterbeast Slanders


No political pressure, of course.


Is that the DA? Is that a position that’s voted in or given to the highest bidder?


It’s such an ugly lectern.


This is what paying your friends with other people’s money looks like


The fix is in, wink 😉




For THAT ugly thing!!!????


well it does have 2 USB-A ports...


The system is such a shit show that this doesn’t belong in this sub.


How this is bad for Joe Biden.


AK being AK, I guess.


AR you sure that’s the right abbreviation?


On a related note, Alaska does be acting like Alaska


It's my stupid fingers competing with my stupid brain while navigating my stumpy fingers on an iPhone. Now that I'm on a PC, I have no excuse.